HardSPL - Just can´t do it in G4... :( - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 ROM Development

Hi to everyone,
I've read dozens of pages on how to do a HardSPL in Prophet G4, but i simply can't have success...
I've tried 4 or 5 methods that I found here, but none of them had been suceded...
I get a white screen, i get the 3 color screen, the connection fails...
I din't know what to do more... Can somebody help me, pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
I use Win XP Pro, and my Prophet gives me this info when I do Soft Reset:
IPL 2.10.0001
SPL 2.20.0001
GSM 02.47.21
OS 2.20.734
I was already able to change ROM once, because I had it in portuguese and now is in english, and with other logos.
But what I would like was to install WM6.1 or 6.5...
The HardSPL *.bat file gives me this information, now:
"One or more CON code pages invalid for givem keyboard code"
"cerun:failed to execute program"
Can somebody give me some idea?
Thank you so much in advance!

I was in the same situation as you. You have to find the rom:
Search in the forum for the rom. After extracting the rom, run the file: ROMUpdateUtility_No_VenderID.exe.
It will survive your device. then you can install a wm6x rom from this site.
Don't forget to do hard spl your device next time.
Edit: It seems the rom is here:
http ://xvx45-spf.4shared.com/account/file/12240109/ca99469a/RUU_Prophet_220734_2207114_024721_NVID.html
Also there is a "readme.doc" in the rom dir. Read the section 8. It is written for you.

keenblade said:
I was in the same situation as you. You have to find the rom:
Search in the forum for the rom. After extracting the rom, run the file: ROMUpdateUtility_No_VenderID.exe.
It will survive your device. then you can install a wm6x rom from this site.
Don't forget to do hard spl your device next time.
Edit: It seems the rom is here:
http ://xvx45-spf.4shared.com/account/file/12240109/ca99469a/RUU_Prophet_220734_2207114_024721_NVID.html
Also there is a "readme.doc" in the rom dir. Read the section 8. It is written for you.
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Hi keenblade,
I was able to do that. My PPC went with the 3 color screen, and then I user a rom with No vendor. I disabled USB connection in ActiveSync, and then I could do that. I brought my PPC back.
My problem is just the HardSPL... I just can't do it... I've tried so many tomes and with so many files that I think i need some straight orientation, or i don't know what was wrong...
In this moment i have the PPC with WM5, but what i really would like to do is make a HardSPL to install WM6...

Did you try "Prophet Upgrade" tool? Before running the tool, you have to connect with activesync.

keenblade said:
Did you try "Prophet Upgrade" tool? Before running the tool, you have to connect with activesync.
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Yes, i've used Prophet Tools already...
I guess i'm doing something wrong... I've tried again now, and went again with the 3 color screen. I'm injecting a NoVendor Rom again.
When doing HardSPL, when the screen turns white, i must disconnect and reconnect device and just wait that software finishes, right? There is a moment that nothing happensm but then ActiveSync recognizes again the PPC.
I'm i right? I must do that again. It must be somtging that i'm doing wrong...

pt_satelite said:
When doing HardSPL, when the screen turns white, i must disconnect and reconnect device and just wait that software finishes, right?
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When the screen turns white, I do nothing. Just wait. I don't disconnect and reconnect device. Maybe this is the problem. Do not touch the device when screen turns white. It will continue eventually. Also use the latest Prophet Upgrade tool v2.6.
Let's see what will happen.

keenblade said:
When the screen turns white, I do nothing. Just wait. I don't disconnect and reconnect device. Maybe this is the problem. Do not touch the device when screen turns white. It will continue eventually. Also use the latest Prophet Upgrade tool v2.6.
Let's see what will happen.
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I got it! I've followed this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=349900&page=9
And now I have a brand new WM 6.5 in my old Prophet!!!!!
Thank you very much!

Nice to see you get your prophet back to life. I still use wm6.1. Because it is said wpa2 does not work with wm6.5. I haven't try wpa2, yet.
Best wishes.

keenblade said:
Nice to see you get your prophet back to life. I still use wm6.1. Because it is said wpa2 does not work with wm6.5. I haven't try wpa2, yet.
Best wishes.
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That's a good question... as i live in a non populated wifi area, i use just WPA, and it's fine. I must try WPA2, to check that.
and btw, 6.5 rom from babak00000 is just great. Love it.


G4 WM6 BRICKED! please help ASAP!!!!

I was flashing my brothers phone for him, and I was using the CID Workaround, and it completed, and then after a hard reset the device wouldnt go past the first splash screen.. pllease help
If your able to get into bootloader mode then you should be able to flash another rom such as wizard love or your providers rom.
If you read the thread on unlocking G4 cid locked using shell tool you will see what i mean. I personally was stuck in a very similar situation and received help, so the info you need might be in that thread.
nstefanelli said:
I was flashing my brothers phone for him, and I was using the CID Workaround, and it completed, and then after a hard reset the device wouldnt go past the first splash screen.. pllease help
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Check your PM's
bwesty said:
If your able to get into bootloader mode then you should be able to flash another rom such as wizard love or your providers rom.
If you read the thread on unlocking G4 cid locked using shell tool you will see what i mean. I personally was stuck in a very similar situation and received help, so the info you need might be in that thread.
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i used the shell tool, but i just got stuck on the first splash after i did that.... here are device specs
Its a Cingular 8125, obivously g4
IPL 2.25.0001
SPL 2.25.0001
It doesnt get past bootloader, and I would really like to put WM6 on it.
At this point, I've tried various other ROMs and nothing is working. Any thoughts or ideas at all would be appreciated. Thanks.
Just follow this steps u will be out of it.
Press and hold the camera button and reset the phone, hold the camera button until you see the tri color screen (bootloader), when u are on tri color screen connect the USB with your phone(dont see for active sync it wont recognise but it will be connected), and then flash your phone with the rom your provider has given you i.e, the original rom and DONT flash it with shell tool use the exe file of the rom.
When you are at the original rom then try to flash the WM6 with shell tool and follow the instruction properly.
samy.3660 said:
Just follow this steps u will be out of it.
Press and hold the camera button and reset the phone, hold the camera button until you see the tri color screen (bootloader), when u are on tri color screen connect the USB with your phone(dont see for active sync it wont recognise but it will be connected), and then flash your phone with the rom your provider has given you i.e, the original rom and DONT flash it with shell tool use the exe file of the rom.
When you are at the original rom then try to flash the WM6 with shell tool and follow the instruction properly.
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I cannot do that because the Carrier ROMs that I have aren't for G4, so they arent working. I have three different carrier ROMs for my phone.. and none of them work.
nstefanelli said:
i used the shell tool, but i just got stuck on the first splash after i did that.... here are device specs
Its a Cingular 8125, obivously g4
IPL 2.25.0001
SPL 2.25.0001
It doesnt get past bootloader, and I would really like to put WM6 on it.
At this point, I've tried various other ROMs and nothing is working. Any thoughts or ideas at all would be appreciated. Thanks.
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Check your email, I downloaded and zip works fine here.
i'm facing this problem right now , i will solve it with the original rom .
the problem started when i used shelltool to upgrade my G4 CID Locked to windows mobile 6 crossbow underground edition .
i will give it another try when i get my device alive again ,
any suggestions for the WM6 underground to make it work using shelltool on my wiza 200 ??
--------------------- Edit -----------------------
Finally i solved the problem and installed Crossbow WM6 underground edition .
all i did is to install the original rom from provider and then used shelltool to install WM6 .
i want to mention that my wiza200 is G4 and its CID Locked .
Huge thanx to mUn , you are da man
I've tried underground wm6, but flashing till 96%, then error 302. I've searching for love rom few hours at night, then finally found, it is using the same flashing frontend (but in italian? language), flashed ok, phone's running. I've tried some few other wm6 roms, but always errors like "too old, get new one" or once it was probably fake, because it loaded exactly the same ROM as love one is. So, now I've probably stuck on WM5 at all
lobiik said:
I've tried underground wm6, but flashing till 96%, then error 302. I've searching for love rom few hours at night, then finally found, it is using the same flashing frontend (but in italian? language), flashed ok, phone's running. I've tried some few other wm6 roms, but always errors like "too old, get new one" or once it was probably fake, because it loaded exactly the same ROM as love one is. So, now I've probably stuck on WM5 at all
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whats your device and is it G3 or G4 ?
try to do as i did and it worked for me , install the provider flash , then try shelltool to flash WM6 underground .
a-h-t1 said:
whats your device and is it G3 or G4 ?
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Mine is G4, dunno if cid is locked or not. I've flashed it as I said with wizard love rom and working without problems. I've tried that again this morning, to flash from love rom, but the same. At 96% it hangs, error 302 Communication error, then starts recovery process, phone goes to bootloader mode. Then is possible to flash it with love rom again with no problem
i have a g4 wizard using the shell tool i have chaged my rom on my phone sometimes 3 times a week just to test them out
the shell tool works if you cant download from the forum here is the link for it
yes, but when I run shelltool, and press get rom info, all fields states N/A
info from phone is:
ROM Version: WWE
Radio: 2.25.11
IPL/SPL: 2.17.0001
And anyway, dunno exactly which rom for WM6 I can put in (I've just 5.underground_edition_Crossbow_ROM.exe which stucks at 96% with 302 error)
well, I'm dumb, mislooked one stupid thing. Everything passed without errors, Windows Mobile 6 is up and running
happy to know that , the problem was installing rapi ha ??
No, not really, rapi and that second cab was in device, it was restarted, but I did a mistake - i didn't copied that desired rom into updater directory - that was why were all fields N/A... did that, flashed on first try, without problem
I had the same problem, orginal rom from the provider, and I can reflash it again.....
THX for the info......
ROM verion and link location
Hi lobiik,
which ROM did you use for your device, as you comments above:
"i didn't copied that desired rom into updater directory "
can you please point me to location where i can get the ROM, also proper steps to install the same.
I tried flash my G3 with shelltools the program said it worked well i did hard reset then i turned it on it is stuck on 1st front screen bootloader mode is stuck i dont know what is is my device bricked
im a newbie

Black Screen - need help, please...

Before upgrading WM6 WWE to WM6 Rus and my stupid manipulation with AthenaUnlocker my device don't turned on... Only black screen...
Please, help me...
realex said:
Before upgrading WM6 WWE to WM6 Rus and my stupid manipulation with AthenaUnlocker my device don't turned on... Only black screen...
Please, help me...
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Please read the Unlocker thread through.
It's long, I admit, but if you did you would not be posting this now! However, knowing how anxious you must be by now, follow the steps below (which have been posted before in the unlocker thread).
Get one of the ROMs in this link and extract it
Get your device into bootloader (the three-colour screen; BTW it is Camera+Volume+Reset)
Connect it to PC (the SERIAL on the screen will change to USB)
Hit the ROM Upgrade Utility and upgrade your device.
When you finish, configure your device.
Then continue with the Unlocker, to the end.
(Always check first what you might need to do in case it goes wrong).
Good Luck!
Something tells me we might be seeing a lot more posts like these
I hope I'm wrong! (Shakes his head, sadly)
realex said:
Before upgrading WM6 WWE to WM6 Rus and my stupid manipulation with AthenaUnlocker my device don't turned on... Only black screen...
Please, help me...
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I had the same problem
you have to put the 7500 in Bootloader mode ( Reset+Camera button).
And then Flash a Rom

Am I just stupid?

Okay, didn't want to post, but wasted all day so far...
I started with a WIzard, then an Artemis, then an Elfin, then a Kaiser. I've managed to USPL them all and get 6.12 on them...
Got my Niki this morning, and I'm stumped.
I've run the SSPL, then tried the hard uspls by putting the nbh in the folder instead of the existing nbh - the bar goes to 100% almost instantly, so I'm guessing this is where I'm going wrong?
Tom - I've used your work on other devices before - but TOM_Niki-Project_WM6.1_WWE_16keys_signed_Ship.exe doesn't even see the device. I've also tried Neon_WM6_1_RV1 but that drops out at 1%, so as I said, I'm doing something wrong/stupid trying to get the SPL sorted...
the hspl flashed so fast for me also
also, v1 installer doesnt see the device, but flashing different roms all work...
First Start SSPL ... you will see the Bootloader with the Letter 1.16jump <- SSPL
now you flash USPL or HardSPL!
after that, go in bootloader again to check, is the spl flashed or not! if you see only 1.16.0000 it means ... it havent work! if you see 1.16hard or 1.15mfg all is right!
do you have a HTC Niki or a HTC Neon? if you want to flash a Niki SPL on a Neon ... this doesnt work!
OK.. I'm now at the stage where the bootloader is 1.16hard... so if I try to flash the neon it gives me invalid device, and the V1 installer doesn't work, so I guess I need to hunt for another ROM? Recommendations?
did you try extracting the rom .exe and running the customruu
TangerineTractor said:
OK.. I'm now at the stage where the bootloader is 1.16hard... so if I try to flash the neon it gives me invalid device, and the V1 installer doesn't work, so I guess I need to hunt for another ROM? Recommendations?
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what rom you use? a edit rom publish from me? possible i have make a error in the CID?
Sorted now, thanks for all your assistance...
Got Mary 0.33 running no problems.
Now all I have to do is get the thing recognised in Vista! MDC installed, but doesn't see it. Device drivers installed ok... any clues?
try a different cable
kerrance76 said:
try a different cable
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Tried three dirrerent ones already. Damned Vista... XP is a doddle...
its a funny thing, i use 3 vista machines daily and have never had a problem but some others just cant get it to connect
Sorted too... connected up and waited a while, then deleted HTC drivers and mobile device from device manager... unplugged, rebooted, reconnected and waited to reinstall drivers (all in non-enhanced usb mode)
Now all I need to do is get a "reverse bluetooth PAN" so I can use my home broadband connection around the house (I get no mobile signal)

Failed after Hard-SPL

Hi All
Been dying to upgrade my Advantage 7501 and try out some of the new ROMS and the new radio on here. Went to the sticky and spent a day browsing the forums to see what I could pick up, even went to how not to brick your device thread. However I am still having issues
First thing I did was remove the SIM and SD cards, I had just reset the device yesterday so I did not reset again. I got a hold of the AthenaWrapper program and it worked as advertised. Getting into bootloader I have:
However, this is where I run into issues. A soft reset does nothing but give me a black screen. I can get into the hard reset screen okay but when I cancel out I get back to the black screen.
Device also does not sync up with Activesync or WMDC?
Not sure what to try next or how to get back on track
Have tried on both Vista and XP.
Anyone have any suggestions
Try to flash a ROM now, starting in bootloader mode. Hold the volume slider to down and then press into the reset hole.
Chooose one (SPL 1.2) from the sticky topic in the athena WM6 section
Thanks for the reply
Went back and remembered I had to flash the radio first. So I got the 1.57 update and that went as planned. One bullet dodged. Then I went ahead and grabbed some of the ROMs from the located you mentioned and that went thru as well. So it looks like I am back in business. Appreciate it.
PS I see references to SPL 1.2 and 3.5. I also read somewhere that the AP4 upgrader containts 3.5 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=2825883). Is this just a new version of the same thing?
Just an FYI. I got things to work but not after a few more moments.... I initially tried to update to MichyPrimas 6.1 ROM and it got to 93% complete before bombing with a comm error. That was bad! Went thru the recovery wizard but it basically toasted my model id. Nothing would work. Found a copy of mtty and that did the trick. Just so other know, you need a mac address to run in the mac1.exe program. Some people report having this on the inside of their battery cover. No luck here. I did find it at the router from a connection before I started flashing. A spot of luck there. All went well and I got my model ID back and was able to resume normallly. I flashed the Black Touch PK3 ROM with WM6 for now till I have a bit more time to go to 6.1.
Anyone else have issues with MichyPrima's 6.1 ROM like I did. Looks cool and I want to try it but not if it bombs out on me and I have to mtty my way back all the time.
jhenel said:
Just an FYI. I got things to work but not after a few more moments.... I initially tried to update to MichyPrimas 6.1 ROM and it got to 93% complete before bombing with a comm error. That was bad! Went thru the recovery wizard but it basically toasted my model id. Nothing would work. Found a copy of mtty and that did the trick. Just so other know, you need a mac address to run in the mac1.exe program. Some people report having this on the inside of their battery cover. No luck here. I did find it at the router from a connection before I started flashing. A spot of luck there. All went well and I got my model ID back and was able to resume normallly. I flashed the Black Touch PK3 ROM with WM6 for now till I have a bit more time to go to 6.1.
Anyone else have issues with MichyPrima's 6.1 ROM like I did. Looks cool and I want to try it but not if it bombs out on me and I have to mtty my way back all the time.
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Check the SPL version before flashing a new rom!
MIchyPrisma 6.1 Crash / Lost Unit ID / NO MTTY Upload
just read this thread after the same happens to me... ;(
jhenel wrote :
´Just an FYI. I got things to work but not after a few more moments.... I initially tried to update to MichyPrimas 6.1 ROM and it got to 93% complete before bombing with a comm error. That was bad! Went thru the recovery wizard but it basically toasted my model id. Nothing would work. Found a copy of mtty and that did the trick. Just so other know, you need a mac address to run in the mac1.exe program. Some people report having this on the inside of their battery cover. No luck here. I did find it at the router from a connection before I started flashing. A spot of luck there. All went well and I got my model ID back and was able to resume normallly. ...´
The same hits me.. break after 93%
No kind of rom can be installed, error from the romupdate utility from ´wrong unit id´ to ´can´t use this update tool , you need a newer one´ everything, but no rom will install. all hangs after 1% , stock-roms also.
i tried mtty, everything fine until task 32,level =0
then i want to upload the produced file (mac file generated through mac1.exe,spl1.x)
it starts uploading and ends with ´Fail to synchronize with the host (1)´
any ideas `?
nothing works, only bootloader.
i can connect with mtty, but not upload files.
no rom update works..
doktor wahnsinn
you should read this first
Make an effort to search for an answer before asking a question
jhenel said:
Just an FYI. I got things to work but not after a few more moments.... I initially tried to update to MichyPrimas 6.1 ROM and it got to 93% complete before bombing with a comm error. That was bad! Went thru the recovery wizard but it basically toasted my model id. Nothing would work. Found a copy of mtty and that did the trick. Just so other know, you need a mac address to run in the mac1.exe program. Some people report having this on the inside of their battery cover. No luck here. I did find it at the router from a connection before I started flashing. A spot of luck there. All went well and I got my model ID back and was able to resume normallly. I flashed the Black Touch PK3 ROM with WM6 for now till I have a bit more time to go to 6.1.
Anyone else have issues with MichyPrima's 6.1 ROM like I did. Looks cool and I want to try it but not if it bombs out on me and I have to mtty my way back all the time.
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please people, READ!!!! someone above your post just told you to flash 1.2 rom, in BIG RED LETTERS.
the AP4 is what upgrades you to SPL 3.5, then you won't have a problem with 3.5 roms
(btw good thing this reminds me to release a separate 3.5 SPL upgrader)
doktor.wahnsinn said:
i tried mtty, everything fine until task 32,level =0
then i want to upload the produced file (mac file generated through mac1.exe,spl1.x)
it starts uploading and ends with ´Fail to synchronize with the host (1)´
any ideas `?
nothing works, only bootloader.
i can connect with mtty, but not upload files.
no rom update works..
doktor wahnsinn
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please read my really detailed instructions a bit more carefully. I could bet you skipped the part about trying to copy all the files and mtty to C:\ or the step saying click OK for the small popup in mtty. or the warning that you need to type full filename includign the .bin file extension.
also i hope you use the version of mtty i posted
if that's not it, you can also try a different PC

PLEASE HELP! My Athena is dead after Olipro Unlocker

Help please!
I have an T-Mobile Ameo (also known Athena X7500) and i tried the Olipro Unlocker, but the installation didnt finish, at 59% stopped. After that i turn off the device, then turn on, but my device still have a 4 colour screen,red, green, blue and white, it doesnt boot the Windows Mobile, just have the installation screen...
please help
Use olipro's tool again and then flash your final ROM
i tried it many times, but since than my Athena X7500 was dead, the Olipros unlocker doesnt work. The program said: "The Update Utility cannot connect your PDA phone"
In bootloader (coloured screen), does it say anything? if so what? when you try to flash a rom or use unlocker do you get a code? is your memory card out of the slot?
I took a photo my bootloader (coloured) screen:
http://kepfeltoltes.pirateclub.hu/pics/20090106317.jpg My device doesnt say anything.
When i used the unlocker, i didnt got any code. And my memory card was in the slot.
I also took a photo what the Olipro's said now, if i try to continous the flashing:
Have you tried flashing your carrier's original Rom?
i will try it, but i dont know where can i find my original rom...
and my second biggest trouble: in this mode, i cant charge my batteries. If i dont find an solution this problem soon, i think, my device will be a BIG trouble. Grrr, i hate olipros program...
Thanks a lot, my athena is live again, i flash my original rom!!!
But the Olipros Unlockert isnt working, the installation go to 100%, the program said that the flashing is succesfull, but my SPL is still 1.1, and i cant flash any roms..
I can understand why. Any ideas?
The other thread was closed, you shouldn't double post.
Read the links I mentioned.
as in olis first post
"Please note: you must have .net Framework 2.0 installed with the services packs, if you don't it then it probably won't run till you download it.
SPECIAL INFO ABOUT STEP 2: When you run this step, first your device will be flashed; this is NOT the end of Step 2, you must then configure your device and set it up fully so you can access the menus etc (there will be a prompt to ask you to do this after the flash anyway). then you will be able to continue. please make sure to read ALL dialogs fully"
leave out the sim and sd card.
Some others have reported better luck with the shipped WM6 rom if they had trouble unlocking.
I installed the NET Framework 2.0 SP2 in my device and i put out my sim and sd card. And when i flashing the Olipros Unlocker, it went to 100%, but my SPL is still 1.1
I dont understand.
VorosAdam said:
I installed the NET Framework 2.0 SP2 in my device and i put out my sim and sd card. And when i flashing the Olipros Unlocker, it went to 100%, but my SPL is still 1.1
I dont understand.
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the net framework should be on your computer.
what OS is on your computer ?
May be better if you use winXP
did you install an oficial wm6 rom ?
Read the later pages in the unlocker thread
My computer also have the NET Framework 2.0 SP2. And when the flashing didn't work, i also installed the NET Framework 3.5 SP1, but, when i flashing a ROM in my decive, it also went to 100%, but the SPL is still 1.1.
I use a 32-bit Windows XP in my computer.
My T-Mobile Ameo (Athena) is a second hand device, it was used when i bought. But the first user said me, that the original OS was the Windows Mobile 5 in my Athena, but he update from Windows Mobile 5 to Windows Mobile 6.0. He said that he update with an official T-Mobile way.
Ok all good so far
Did you use the unlocker from this thread?
The other thought i had was that you should try a different computer and usb cable
oh, thank you so mutch, i tried an another computer, and it flashed the SPL from 1.1 to 1.2!
thanks again
my htc advantaage x7500
hello myfrnd please help me as my phone is dead after i used ur rom upgrade 3.5, i was already using michy cooked version of window mobile 6.1 im new in this field and during upgrade process after going 92% it just stuck and and showing 3 color screen it has a msg of IPL 1.2 OLIPRO pls help me i will donate u if u could solve my problem
sheizi said:
hello myfrnd please help me as my phone is dead after i used ur rom upgrade 3.5, i was already using michy cooked version of window mobile 6.1 im new in this field and during upgrade process after going 92% it just stuck and and showing 3 color screen it has a msg of IPL 1.2 OLIPRO pls help me i will donate u if u could solve my problem
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I saw someone with the same problem as you here awhile back and he was able to fix it. So keep your post alive or read the sticky post under the Upgrade section. I believe that was where I read it.
dead X7500
Hey Im also a sufferer of a dead X7500......this all happened wen I was trying to flash my ROM which was using a SPL !.20 OLIPRO
wen I try to re flash the device , it starts a stops at 1% and follows an error msg !
plzzzzzzzzzzzz help me out to solve this prob !
VorosAdam said:
i will try it, but i dont know where can i find my original rom...
and my second biggest trouble: in this mode, i cant charge my batteries. If i dont find an solution this problem soon, i think, my device will be a BIG trouble. Grrr, i hate olipros program...
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I have the same problem would be kind and tell me how you solved the problem.
[email protected]

