Overclocking Question - Droid Eris Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So i have EvilEris on my phone atm and it works great i have it OCed at 768 but i see some people have their phones over clocked at higher speeds. Is there something im missing because whenever i try to put it higher my phone just restarts. If theres anything i have to do please point me in that direction. I know i run the risk of it overheating but i like to push the boundaries a little bit, Thanks in advance

The thing with overclocking is that not all phones are created equal. Not every processor can handle running at 806 or so and then some can all day without breaking a sweat. This goes with pretty much most electronic things. With that being said, there are always a couple of things to play with to try and max it out. Do you have JIT enabled? I understand that can make a difference on some phones as it is not entirely stable with everything. Also, personally, I could not OC to 806 till I started running Froyo roms. I have tried 4 different ones (and have stayed with CELB 1.4) all while hitting 806 without it even heating up as much as when I ran 768 on 2.1 roms. Really though, just because your phone is turned up as much as possible, doesn't mean it will automatically be faster. Some report no differences between, say, 710 and 768 on their phones. So, just like when you drink too much (me, last night lol) and your liver says no more and you hurl everywhere, your phone turns off saying no more when you push it too hard. Hope this makes sense somewhat...lol

The reason overclocking exists is because chips are shipped at a lower level when they actually can functiona t a higher level. Processing has to do with the wafers on the chip and there's no way to garauntee the exact number you'll get per chip so they just find the minimum number and ship all of the chips under that minimum number. This means some lucky people get chips capable of going way higher and some people get chips that can't handle that speed.

Im not familiar with JIT, not sure what it is. Would that possibly do anything to maybe get my processor running higher? Will it work on EvilEris? Yeah i know theres really no difference in the speeds that much but i just like to push it a little higher for fun lol, i just like to have my gadgets running at their best possible specs

I'm not sure if it'll run on Evil Eris but you can look for a thread by jcase called Universal JIT update and try it out. It isn't very stable though, especially on Sense ROMs. However if you change your Dalvik Heap to 24m I've heard it helps. It doesn't really speed up your processor, just the way your phone handles things. I've noticed a difference with it enabled. As for what it is well: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-in-time_compilation

I used Universal JIT with my Evil Eris. Don't bother, it "speeds things up" in some sense but it's really not worth it. Mflops nearly double but that literally means nothing other than your mflops are doubled.

Hmm, it looks interesting. Im going to look into it a little more and see if its worth it or not. Ill probly use it for future roms like Froyos when they get working flash(Only reason im staying with 2.1 roms atm). Thanks for the info on it

just for reference, my phone will lock up at any settings over 710. Droid Kevlar's phone is OC'd at 806!
my phone kicks all sorts of ass at 710 so I am happy. I think we all get obsessed and when this phone takes over your life (like it did mine) you start to seek out better and better performance when its already good enough as is (assuming you're rooted)

Jp50 said:
just for reference, my phone will lock up at any settings over 710. Droid Kevlar's phone is OC'd at 806!
my phone kicks all sorts of ass at 710 so I am happy. I think we all get obsessed and when this phone takes over your life (like it did mine) you start to seek out better and better performance when its already good enough as is (assuming you're rooted)
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Exactly, Im happy that i have it set to 768 because i dont have to deal with that tiny lag that always annoyed me before i rooted my phone. Once i got setcpu i saw the difference and wanted to try to push a little more. I bought setcpu instead of getting it for free because i wanted to give back in a sort of way. But im happy with it, i have no problems with anything as long as i have a good rom on it

Kosuda14 said:
Exactly, Im happy that i have it set to 768 because i dont have to deal with that tiny lag that always annoyed me before i rooted my phone. Once i got setcpu i saw the difference and wanted to try to push a little more. I bought setcpu instead of getting it for free because i wanted to give back in a sort of way. But im happy with it, i have no problems with anything as long as i have a good rom on it
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i suffer from the grass is always greener syndrome, which in this case means + the next rom is always faster syndrome.
I should be happy with my rooted phone and I am. But still I read the forum and think wonder what Kaos Froyo is like?

Yeah I get that too lol I tried almost every Rom except the ones that I didn't like the themes
Sent from my Eris using XDA App

Kosuda14 said:
Hmm, it looks interesting. Im going to look into it a little more and see if its worth it or not. Ill probly use it for future roms like Froyos when they get working flash(Only reason im staying with 2.1 roms atm). Thanks for the info on it
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Froyo comes with JIT, and a different JIT that's much better.

Hungry Man said:
Froyo comes with JIT, and a different JIT that's much better.
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Really...it seems there a lot more I have to learn about this before I do anything because now I might start using kaos froyo. Also I heard/read google was making froyo faster because of flash so maybe the UI is faster also?
Sent from my Eris using XDA App

Froyo is basically a 2.1 update, so imagine 2.1 but reworked to be faster. They basically streamlined 2.1 completely and made it use a compiler to speed things up. I won't get into how compilers work but basically they can/will slow everything down unless things are streamlined for them. That's why on 2.1 JIT can be a nuisance but sometimes quite nice, depending on when/ what it is being used for. On 2.2 everything is pretty much made for JIT so it's all quite a lot smoother/ faster.
I personally use tazz Cyanogenmod 6. I've tried every froyo ROM at least once (there aren't too many lol) but this is by farrrrr my favorite.

Hmm well when I get sober ill have to try this jit out but I'm way too wasted to flash a rom atm, I'm lucky I have auto correct on my phone or it'd be all gibberish
Sent from my Eris using XDA App


[Q] GSB UI laggy?

According to other users in the GSB v1.2 thread, they're getting speeds better than any Froyo they've used. I've done all of the suggested steps, including following the install instructions to a T, and "JIT on, home in memory, Comp cache RAM 18% default, heap size 24m,CPU 245/768." However, I'm still finding that it's noticeably slower than Nonsensikal 16.1. I can see lag in scrolling menus, scrolling in the browser, and typing on the keyboard. Am I doing something wrong, or should I just wait for CM7 to get more mature and try again?
Could be a number of things; number of apps running, types of apps you run, leaky memory app, how many widgets, excess cache, GPS and BT on, how you use your phone, leftover data from sdcard, which governor you're using.
Hiccups are to be expected. Are you lagging all the time? After exiting a particular app?
Apples to apples is kinda difficult to assess, especially on something that is measured subjectively.
Sent from my GSBv1.2 using XDA App
This is based on my immediate impression after a fresh install of the rom, and has more to do with the speed and responsiveness of the UI than with apps. I can see some lag, particularly window animations and keyboard responsiveness, as soon as I install. I did a full wipe of data/cache/sdcard before installing GSB.
After I tweaked some things like bumping up the CPU max speed, setting smartass governor, and just letting it "warm up" for a while, it does run faster. Still not quite as fast though.
I suspect things will get better with later releases of CM7... I'll wait and try again in a bit.
Well yeah. Most Froyo roms are 710Mhz by default, GSB is 578Mhz.
So just clock for clock, its slower.
But no one installs a custom rom only to leave it at default. Tweak man, tweak! Leave no setting unturned.
For comparison sake, install an early version of Kaos gingerbread.
Or compare an early Froyo.
What alot of people are excited about is, as a 3rd release of a brand new rom, it should be practically unusable. But its totally stable and smooth enough for an everyday OS.
I find performs better than Froyo in most every way. There's room for improvements and bugs to fix, but CM7 has been out on the Eris for less than a week. And the. CM team is a ways away from an official stable release.
We are using an experimental release of an experimental release on hardware that is not supported. It's pretty dam impressive!
Sent from my GSBv1.2 using XDA App
It's probably the fact that when new roms are released here members always say "this is the fastest rom ever"
KFroyo had the same responses even though until about rev21 it was pretty slow and buggy.
You're just immune to the placebo.
As for waiting. Yes. Wait. I'm not flashing any CM7 ROMs for a few more releases because I'll just end up wiping between every update and it's not worth using right now anyway.
Hungry Man said:
It's probably the fact that when new roms are released here members always say "this is the fastest rom ever"
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And usually within only the first hour of using it.
Same thing with flashing radios - "OMG, I can't believe how much better my signal is." (Not.)
Well, it's the internet; it is what it is. Come one, come all.
strayed from the path, master
Hungry Man said:
As for waiting. Yes. Wait. I'm not flashing any CM7 ROMs for a few more releases because I'll just end up wiping between every update and it's not worth using right now anyway.
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I agree with your choice b/c it was my choice, too ... but when WiFi got working I caved & I spent the better of an entire day trying to figure out issues that the dev is not having, nor can he replicate them ... lol !! I am kicking myself for straying from my usual zen-like approach to the 'HOT, FRESH, NEW, BETTER, FASTER, SMOOTHER, SNAPPIER' (ad nauseum) ROM, but CM7 was different (to me) - I got anxious to try it, to see what those CyMod geniuses have worked so hard on .... annnd now I am returning to a SUPER-STABLE FROYO ROM ... for the time being ..... LOL
We are using an experimental release of an experimental release on hardware that is not supported. It's pretty dam impressive!
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Word. Totally agree!
I agree with your choice b/c it was my choice, too ... but when WiFi got working I caved & I spent the better of an entire day trying to figure out issues that the dev is not having, nor can he replicate them ... lol !! I am kicking myself for straying from my usual zen-like approach to the 'HOT, FRESH, NEW, BETTER, FASTER, SMOOTHER, SNAPPIER' (ad nauseum) ROM, but CM7 was different (to me) - I got anxious to try it, to see what those CyMod geniuses have worked so hard on .... annnd now I am returning to a SUPER-STABLE FROYO ROM ... for the time being ..... LOL
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Haha yeah, that's me too Back to Nonsensikal 16.1 (so fast!!!) for the time being. I'm psyched to check out GSB again in a few weeks though, as I was extremely impressed over all!
I only find the Home Screens' loading the gadgets slowly, the rest of the interface is amazingly stabled and fast for 1.2 release.
BTW: what I did found weird is the Dialer. The buttons outline does not show up?
Is this just the built or a bug?
1.2 Seriously?
Sent from my ERIS GSBv2.1 using XDA App
So I'll take a stab... while the earlier comments are valid (placebo effect by those trying new ROMs) I have to say GSB feels significantly quicker to me that the 2.1 ROM I was running.
You need to let a ROM settle down before knowing how responsive it is. I usually use it for an hour or two, then reboot. After a reboot or two, all seems settled down, the apps re-downloaded and installed, the links all set up and so forth. So if you're interested in trying gingerbread, install GSB (now version 2.1) and use it for several days at least before making a judgment.
Eris running GSBv2.1
If you can do without the animations I would say just turn those off and cut your home screens down to three. Personally when I had an Eris I only ever had one screen. And I only ever had one widget which was my weather and toggle flip clock. Also I noticed that if I ever did kick the CPU past 604 it would get a bit laggy. Shed told you in the OP his Rom was optimized for 604. Basically I've noticed with these GB roms is if you don't need it or ain't gonna use it then turn it off or remove it. Obviously you know, YOU know, lol that no Rom will be quick out the box. You gotta give them time and restart a couple of times to get everything leveled out.
Sent from my DINC using XDA Premium App

Advise for my situation

I'm about to buy my wife an Eris.
She (unlike me) does not have Obsessive Rom-flashing Disorder, so we are looking for a daily driver ROM. The main thing for her is battery life and stability of the software. She is accustomed to HTC Sense from a previous phone she had (dIncredible) so my question is what is the most full featured, functional ROM available?
How bad is the stock ROM?
are there any gingerbread (I know it ditches Sense) ROM's that are stable enough for daily use?
thanks in advance for your wisdom, guys
obededom said:
I'm about to buy my wife an Eris.
She (unlike me) does not have Obsessive Rom-flashing Disorder, so we are looking for a daily driver ROM. The main thing for her is battery life and stability of the software. She is accustomed to HTC Sense from a previous phone she had (dIncredible) so my question is what is the most full featured, functional ROM available?
How bad is the stock ROM?
are there any gingerbread (I know it ditches Sense) ROM's that are stable enough for daily use?
thanks in advance for your wisdom, guys
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These, of course, are purely my opinion.
1. xtrSENSE is probably the best bet. Unlike stock, it is overclocked when the processor is being used and underclocked when it is idle, to give better battery life, and the cache2cache feature moves the application dalvik cache to the relatively unused internal /cache partition, giving a lot more space for user apps and data.
2. I've only used stock very briefly for a few days earlier this week (since rooting last May). There was a recent OTA update that is rolling out right now, and without using stock with the update over a long period it is hard to say if the problems that I am about to list are solved. However, stock tends to get a very laggy dialer over time, especially as the call log increases, and you have to stay on top of the text message store as well, as once the number of saved messages reaches a large amount it takes a long time to delete them. When the dialer gets laggy it can also cause answering calls to get frustratingly laggy as well. Again, these may have been solved with the latest release.
3. I've only used GSB myself, but it is extremely stable and has only very minor issues, as I recall. I think if you open the camera and double-tap the display to focus, it will force close the camera, though auto-focus when you take a photo is just fine. Perhaps there are other issues, but otherwise it is very nice. I haven't used Tazz's GB ROM or the TastyBreadBuild; you may want to poke around in those threads, but I am sure that they are equally fine and stable.
However, I really think that the most stable ROM that delivers something that you can count on (plus, the Sense launcher) is xtrSENSE.
xtrSENSE: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=726467
GSB: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=944430
By the way, no matter which ROM she uses, I imagine that moving from the Incredible the Eris will feel slow.
doogald said:
These, of course, are purely my opinion.
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thank you very much. That's exactly the type of info I needed. Props
Totally agree with everything doogald has said! I have tried a lot of ROMs but I always come back to XtrSense as my everyday ROM.
hate to post just a +1, but xtrsense is one of the best if you want to keep sense. The stock is not terrible, but is laggy. Both GSB and GingerTazz are extremely stable. Both have excellent battery life when on standby. However, the screen seems to suck the life out of the battery on the GB roms. After about 12 hours (how long my shifts are) with a few texts and a quick call, light internet use, I generally have between 70 and 80 percent battery on GSB 1.9. The other day, I was getting another replacement eris (notorious trackball issue) and the sales rep was surprised when he told me because the eris has a slow processor, it can be laggy, and I told him I hadn't seen that problem (didn't tell him it was when I was using GB).
+1 xtrSENSE. Also, I've now used both GSB and GingerTazz and I just go with whichever was updated most recently, which ATM is GingerTazz v11.
Sent from my Gingerbread Eris using XDA App
If you want the latest and greatest then you should really check out either one of the Gingerbread roms from Workshed or Tazz. Currently I prefer Worksheds GSB. They are both really stable and quick though. If not one these roms then I would HIGHLY recommend zach.xtr's xtrROM 5.0. That is a really Fast Rom.
Why did she ditch the Incredible for the Eris??
I'm still pretty new to the mod community here, but I'm loving GSB so far. It's amazing that there are so many mods and ROMS of Android continually coming out for the Eris, almost seems like it's in defiance of Verizon discontinuing the phone so quickly after its release.
The only ROM I've used before GSB was Nonsensikal 16.1. For me at least, that one seemed really laggy. GSB's been running like a dream, however.
playpolo4life said:
Why did she ditch the Incredible for the Eris??
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she isn't a really power user. She mainly uses her phone for managing her calender and checking facebook
The Incredible is a lot of phone for her. She likes the Eris' size and it's pocketability.
Sorry to post yet another +1, but I have to say that xtrSENSE has to be the most stable, consistent sense based rom I have used. As almost everyone has stated so far, that is probably your best bet for her. Battery life is awesome on it, be sure to enable the battery tweak one the rom is flashed, I believe cache2cache also needs to be enabled. That info can be found in the thread.
cstone1991 said:
Sorry to post yet another +1, but I have to say that xtrSENSE has to be the most stable, consistent sense based rom I have used. As almost everyone has stated so far, that is probably your best bet for her. Battery life is awesome on it, be sure to enable the battery tweak one the rom is flashed, I believe cache2cache also needs to be enabled. That info can be found in the thread.
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Oh, I forgot about the battery tweak. Good info. Cache2cache is enabled by default, though.
Also, it is now up to version 5.0, incorporating the changes in the recent over the air update that came out this month.
wildstang83 said:
If you want the latest and greatest then you should really check out either one of the Gingerbread roms from Workshed or Tazz. Currently I prefer Worksheds GSB. They are both really stable and quick though. If not one these roms then I would HIGHLY recommend zach.xtr's xtrROM 5.0. That is a really Fast Rom.
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I have to agree with you about Workshed's GSB. The last thing i needed to do is root the wifes Eris and load a ROM that will cause issues. I would never hear the end of it. She is heavily themed and on a stock ROM it was horrible. as soon as I loaded Worksheds GSB she said it was like a different phone. she has never seen it so fast. Now the only other thing I did was install SetCPU and set up 5 profiles to change min and max cpu levels under curtain criteria. I didnt wanna gamble with trying different Kernels. I figured for what she used it for stock was just fine. Its a lot more responsive and she says that battery life has improved. Also, she is still heavily themed on top of GSB. just my 2 cents.
obededom said:
she isn't a really power user. She mainly uses her phone for managing her calender and checking facebook
The Incredible is a lot of phone for her. She likes the Eris' size and it's pocketability.
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I wish I had that problem (having the opportunity for the Incredible being too much phone for me)!
Really the incredible is not pocket-able enough for her? I think you need to get her a purse, not XtrSense! As a Droid X user I think that thing is tiny.
xokmillzo said:
Really the incredible is not pocket-able enough for her? I think you need to get her a purse, not XtrSense! As a Droid X user I think that thing is tiny.
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Besides, it allowed all sorts of openings for "Is that a phone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" jokes!
Yeah, I don't have an X but the Inc would be small compared to it! I know the Eris is even smaller, but I guess women do have smaller hands.
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
Besides, it allowed all sorts of openings for "Is that a phone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" jokes!
Yeah, I don't have an X but the Inc would be small compared to it! I know the Eris is even smaller, but I guess women do have smaller hands.
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The dx and the dinc are technically the same size bro... btw I recommend evil Eris or Ginger tazz v10 much more stable IMHO ...but just try a few and make an educated choice
Sent from Ginger Tazz 10 on XDA App
drakko1980 said:
The dx and the dinc are technically the same size bro...
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FWIW, according to the specs, the DX is about 3/8" inch longer and almost the same wider compared with an Incredible.
drakko1980 said:
The dx and the dinc are technically the same size bro...
Sent from Ginger Tazz 10 on XDA App
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Yeah I don't think thats accurate....
Without a doubt flash xtrSENSE immediately. It makes the Eris operate how it's supposed to. I'm interested in GSB... but the stability of xtrSENSE has kept me on it since the day I rooted my phone.
I also installed SetCPU and created profiles as Tenzo suggested in his xtrRCmix rom. The battery life is great. (see below)
She will never even know it's rooted - other than the phone being much more usable.
From: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=806748
If you use SetCPU, and prefer it over the Battery Tweak, I recommend setting up SetCPU 2.03 next (download from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=505419 or BUY it from the market). I often get asked about SetCPU settings, so I've included mine (these will make your battery life GREAT and also ensure your phone doesn't get hot enough to cook on):
My SetCPU settings (screen shots below):
748 max (OC over 710 at your own risk!)
245 min
*(set on boot)
Profiles * (Adjust to your liking... this is how mine is setup):
Temp > 43.0 (priority 100) - 480/245
Charging/Full (priority 75) - 748/245
Battery < 20% (priority 50) - 480/245
Screen Off (priority 25) - 480/245
Sampling rate - 2000000
Up Threshold - 60
Ignore Nice Load - 0
Powersave Bias - 200
*(set on boot)
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[Q] Now that there is root, was Sense really the slowdown?

I read, thread after thread, where people said that SenseUI was a huge slowdown for the benchmarks (Quadrant, NeoMark, etc) and that once the 3VO was rooted, it would be as fast as the Galaxy SII.
Now the root process is out and there are scripts to remove Sense. So, did the phone speed up at all or is the dual core Snapdragon just slow?
I'm past my 30 days, but I have had numerous issues with my phone. I am either going to swap it, or ask to just return it. Since the phone has this many issues, they usually will not care that I am at 33 days.
Anyway, I love HTC phones because of the hacking community, I loved my EVO4G and I like to think that the 3VO will get better with custom ROMs and kernels. But, if removing SenseUI and having root hasn't really improved performance, I may just skip this version and wait for the next EVO.
I don't care if it is as fast as the SGSII. I just want to see a good improvement.
Benchmarks can't measure user experience, they are simply a tool for bragging rights.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
After I disabled almost everything htc and sense related possible. I did see a significant increase in the browser performance. That's just something I noticed.
husker91 said:
Benchmarks can't measure user experience, they are simply a tool for bragging rights.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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I understand that. Yet, that is mostly when you are comparing two different phones. When using just a single phone, they can be a great tool for measuring performance changes.
phatmanxxl said:
After I disabled almost everything htc and sense related possible. I did see a significant increase in the browser performance. That's just something I noticed.
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Great to hear. Is this just with the Android browser or also with, say, Dolphin?
I can't imagine what you consider fast. In my experience Samsung's phones always fall behind HTC in user experience speed, but do well with 3d acceleration
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
LordDavon said:
I read, thread after thread, where people said that SenseUI was a huge slowdown for the benchmarks (Quadrant, NeoMark, etc) and that once the 3VO was rooted, it would be as fast as the Galaxy SII.
Now the root process is out and there are scripts to remove Sense. So, did the phone speed up at all or is the dual core Snapdragon just slow?
I'm past my 30 days, but I have had numerous issues with my phone. I am either going to swap it, or ask to just return it. Since the phone has this many issues, they usually will not care that I am at 33 days.
Anyway, I love HTC phones because of the hacking community, I loved my EVO4G and I like to think that the 3VO will get better with custom ROMs and kernels. But, if removing SenseUI and having root hasn't really improved performance, I may just skip this version and wait for the next EVO.
I don't care if it is as fast as the SGSII. I just want to see a good improvement.
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You go from saying it wasnt as fast.. to saying it had a bunch of issues to saying it wasn't fast enough again.
Do you honestly think the SG2 is going to be even noticeably faster without first watching a video of the 2 phones side by side?
No. I guarantee you wouldn't. But since you see a video of the SG2 loading 100th of a second faster....than gee whiz is this thing an abacus or what!
Are We Not Phones?
We Are D3VO!
Are we not phones?!
LordDavon said:
Great to hear. Is this just with the Android browser or also with, say, Dolphin?
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I only use the stock browser, but after freezing all the bloat, pages load faster and the bookmarks pull up a lot quicker. Just everything seems snappier.
husker91 said:
Benchmarks can't measure user experience, they are simply a tool for bragging rights.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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tell that to my exwife
Even removing a lot of sense stuff all the sense framework is still there. Sense won't fully be removed until there's a cm7/aosp build out, which will take a little while.
Not to mention someone is gonna have a LOT of work to get 3d to work with aosp source.I'm guessing a lot won't care about that(I don't), but some will. I'm gonna start messing around with some.aosp stuff this weekend.
sense or not, rooted or not. This phone is still fast. Faster than my og evo i know that. If i want to appreciate my e3d and its speed, all i need to do is grab my niece phone (my old evo which i gave to her).
You can wait for a senseless rom, but dont forget that sense gives you a lot of convenient apps within. Any rom that i flash will be a sense rom on my e3d.
Wait until there are some custom kernels available for this phone.
I've been hearing that the second core acts more like a failover than a true dual core, where if the first core is maxed, then it can take threads make a difference. I'm sure every custom kernel will make use of it in more of a multithreaded manner, and then you might see some big improvements in both benchmarks and real world use.
Also, I'm eagerly awaiting SBC. On the 4VO with netarchy's SBC kernel, I could get 36 hours out of a charge if I wanted to. On this 4VO, I'm lucky if I get 6 with the same usage pattern.
I'd say the sweet spot for 4VO development came 7 or 8 months after release. It will take some time for the 3VO to get to that level, but it will.
On a side note, now that root is out of the bag, I'd like to personally extend my middle finger in HTC's direction. Shame on you for making it this difficult and opaque. Shame on you for having two faces.
Y does it matter if ur phone is faster than another there is always gonna be a faster phone an Samsung does a great job with the software on there phones it has Hardware acceleration in browser so browser wise it won't be faster an Samsung is just better honestly hardware wise :-/ but yea 3VO is still fast period
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Jasonhunterx said:
Y does it matter if ur phone is faster than another there is always gonna be a faster phone an Samsung does a great job with the software on there phones it has Hardware acceleration in browser so browser wise it won't be faster an Samsung is just better honestly hardware wise :-/ but yea 3VO is still fast period
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
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Until you need to get directions somewhere!! I'm eagerly awaiting custom kernels and roms!!!
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
xjman said:
I can't imagine what you consider fast. In my experience Samsung's phones always fall behind HTC in user experience speed, but do well with 3d acceleration
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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The SGSII is only brought into the equation because of the XDA forums. The phone is faster, yes. But, I am not going to get a Samsung phone. I only bring it up because it seems to be the "new benchmark" of phone performance.
My daughter has the Samsung Epic 4G. It has lag in some areas that my EVO4G never had. Although, it can do some serious graphics. So, I agree with you.
felacio said:
You go from saying it wasnt as fast.. to saying it had a bunch of issues to saying it wasn't fast enough again.
Do you honestly think the SG2 is going to be even noticeably faster without first watching a video of the 2 phones side by side?
No. I guarantee you wouldn't. But since you see a video of the SG2 loading 100th of a second faster....than gee whiz is this thing an abacus or what!
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Ummm.. No. Reread the OP. I said that I've read that SenseUI was bogging down the phone and that I've read people saying that without it, the EVO3D will be just as fast. I then talk about my issues with the phone, and the options that I have. I then state that I care only to see an improvement in speed.
With my EVO4G, I ran CM7. I am looking at running it again and would like the best phone for CM7. I am not getting a SGSII, but I am looking at the Photon 4G.
phatmanxxl said:
I only use the stock browser, but after freezing all the bloat, pages load faster and the bookmarks pull up a lot quicker. Just everything seems snappier.
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Thanks. I get a lot of lag during browsing and I mostly use Wifi. Some pages go fast, while others take forever. Although, most of my apps use the default browser, Miren and Dolphin are the two I select the most.
di11igaf said:
Even removing a lot of sense stuff all the sense framework is still there. Sense won't fully be removed until there's a cm7/aosp build out, which will take a little while.
Not to mention someone is gonna have a LOT of work to get 3d to work with aosp source.I'm guessing a lot won't care about that(I don't), but some will. I'm gonna start messing around with some.aosp stuff this weekend.
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Awesome info! Thank you. I don't know much about SenseUI and how deeply it is integrated. I wouldn't mind poking around with some AOSP myself.
I tried getting CM7 downloaded once. I went to the page with the source code and got lost in all of the forks. There were so many different repositories, I didn't know which to look at.
If you can shoot me a PM with some of the locations your pulling, I would be more than happy to give you a hand. I work as a developer, but have been on the same code base for the last 4 years. I've been wanting to play with Android for a while. I work mostly with Java, but I also do a little C and C#.
charlie hustle said:
sense or not, rooted or not. This phone is still fast. Faster than my og evo i know that. If i want to appreciate my e3d and its speed, all i need to do is grab my niece phone (my old evo which i gave to her).
You can wait for a senseless rom, but dont forget that sense gives you a lot of convenient apps within. Any rom that i flash will be a sense rom on my e3d.
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I do like a lot of the new features, but the weather app FCs on me a lot. I have also had it maxing my CPU quite a bit. I put an app on my phone called Watchdog, and it is alerting me when it gets over 40% now, so I can kill it.
I find that the swipe sensitivity is too high for switching home screens. A quick flick and the screens start spinning. I also get graphical screw-ups on the icons and widgets. I have also had the phone hang up for 30 - 45 seconds (estimated) when leaving an application. I am guessing it has to do with SenseUI refreshing.
I loved SenseUI on my EVO4G. I am not sure I am loving it on the 3VO. I wanted to because there are so many different ways to tweak it now. Although, I did get bored of Sense after a while and liked having all the different download options after moving to CM7.
Maybe there will be an optimized SenseUI ROM that I will like.
ZachPA said:
Wait until there are some custom kernels available for this phone.
I've been hearing that the second core acts more like a failover than a true dual core, where if the first core is maxed, then it can take threads make a difference. I'm sure every custom kernel will make use of it in more of a multithreaded manner, and then you might see some big improvements in both benchmarks and real world use.
Also, I'm eagerly awaiting SBC. On the 4VO with netarchy's SBC kernel, I could get 36 hours out of a charge if I wanted to. On this 4VO, I'm lucky if I get 6 with the same usage pattern.
I'd say the sweet spot for 4VO development came 7 or 8 months after release. It will take some time for the 3VO to get to that level, but it will.
On a side note, now that root is out of the bag, I'd like to personally extend my middle finger in HTC's direction. Shame on you for making it this difficult and opaque. Shame on you for having two faces.
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I wonder if that is why the battery life is so bad. I was only getting about 3 hours before. Now that I have Watchdog killing rogue apps. I can get about 5.
Jasonhunterx said:
Y does it matter if ur phone is faster than another there is always gonna be a faster phone an Samsung does a great job with the software on there phones it has Hardware acceleration in browser so browser wise it won't be faster an Samsung is just better honestly hardware wise :-/ but yea 3VO is still fast period
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It doesn't matter if it is faster. If you reread my OP, I never say I want it faster.
franky_402 said:
Until you need to get directions somewhere!! I'm eagerly awaiting custom kernels and roms!!!
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Ha! All kidding aside though. You did remind me of one of the features I liked about the EVO3D. It has both aGPS and GPS.
To everyone:
I guess those of you who are HTC fans or Samsung haters want to read more into this than it really is.
It really is simply that I am having issues with my 3VO. I can either return it and get a different phone or get another 3VO. If I get another 3VO, I'm glued to it for the next 11 months. That is, of course, unless they change Premier again.
I am just hoping that the performance improves with the root. Many of you are happy with its performance. I'm not. Maybe the other issues are causing the performance issues. Maybe they aren't. But, if I switch it out for another 3VO, I am stuck with it.
So, I thought I would ask the question in a forum of users, hackers and developers.
One thing I will have to admit, the ROM developers are running at full speed!
Anyway, a quick update. I went to the store and all they would do is reset my phone. This is after I told them I already reset it twice. So, I have to wait a few days and go back. Still having all of my issues.

Issues with 2.3.4

First I really want to thank all developers for their hard work. These are problems that I am having and by no means does this mean that I feel like someone didn't already do a great job.
What is going on with 2.3.4?
Linpack went down, 3d performance went down, proper cpu management went to crap and beyond (at least for me).
I went back to 2.3.3 and every bench is higher. Went back on 2.3.4 to check and fair enough it's true.
How come we started with 2.3.3 and made it fast and now that we are on 2.3.4 we have learned so much from it and yet we cannot really make it faster then 2.3.3.
I have 2 EVO's one with hboot 1.4 and one with hboot 1.5 both with s-off that i have tried this on.
Can someone please enlighten me on this? Do i need to swap my phones? We removed logging and with all that the phone seem sluggish.
I know Quadrant doesn't matter, but to see 3d stuff lagging on every oc kernel on 2.3.4 is sad to say the least.
Take your own advice.
To OP, I haven't noticed that to be honest, 2.3.4 seems faster and more efficient than 2.3.3.
I don't know about the lagging on the OC kernal though, hopefully someone can post about their experiences with that.
Edit: I'm planning on installing a Stock OC kernal, is that what you're having problems with, a stock that can be overclocked?
dont complain unless you are sitting behind a computer writing code. that's all im trying to say.
it's tiring to see thread after useless thread complaining about something retarded. i'm sure a lot of the dev's appreciate that....
Akasa Fox said:
Take your own advice.
To OP, I haven't noticed that to be honest, 2.3.4 seems faster and more efficient than 2.3.3.
I don't know about the lagging on the OC kernal though, hopefully someone can post about their experiences with that.
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Thank you for posting. I just wanted to know if it's my phone.
Devs have done amazing thing with the 3VO and i really appreciate them. I probably just have bad hardware.
well maybe not... all bull crap aside let's try to work this out...
are you running any custom roms right now? mods? what do you have done to your phone currently? by sluggish, do you mean like EVERY task you perform, large or small, is choppy to the point where you can barely use it?
I have hboot 1.5 unlocked with s-on.. i have use both 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 roms.. to be honest 2.3.4 benchmark for me are much higher and runs better as well.. Well thats just me...

[Q] Looking for a little advice

So! My mother is on the lookout for a new phone, and this guy is cheap on Verizons site. Her phone that she has now, the LG Revolution, has constant freezing issues that irritate her beyond all belief, and because I know Android she dumps them all on me. I'm looking for some questions answered about this phone before I decide if this is the phone for her:
I have read on the Engadget Review that this phone freezes often. After custom ROMs are installed (I'm thinking MIUI), is this problem alleviated?
The LG Revolution has this weird issue where it's way too easy to scroll on it, which makes opening icons on any homescreen app drawer a huge PITA.
I basically need to be able to install ROM, drop it in her hands, and feel comfortable that she's not going to run into any hardware issues with the phone. This includes freezing because of memory issues.
Also, the drop of 4G isn't an issue, it's not in the area anyways.
Thanks guys for your comments and advice ahead of time.
This device pretty much poops on the revolution. That being said my device never froze when it was stock. We have alot of rom options from mtd based roms such as android 4.0 ICS v4, CM7.1 stable, Miui, Tsm pool party...also there are some really good TouchWiz Ginberbread roms such as, Superclean v.5, PWGB, Geewiz etc... I currently am bouncing between cm7 and ICS, but I cant say those are the best roms, they all are pretty good. You will just have to try them and see what your mother likes best.
No freezing problems here, although it does bug out on me with random pressings of the back key. Sometimes the phone will enter screen capture mode and take a screen shot every time I try to power it down. Removing the screencapture apk solves this.
Overall it has been a good phone and has served me well. Gotta love that Samsung display!
I havent had this device for that long, but I love it compared to by old Droid X, mostly due to nicer screen, better battery life, and easier hack-ability.
That being said, I personally am curious on what has been done, if anything, to the LG.
Has it been rooted?
Are you running aftermarket software?
Some freezing issues can be solved by changing ram parameters, others by getting rid of certain bad apps.
I personally would like to see if your problems are actually solvable before getting a new and unfamiliar device, just for S&G's of course
It is rooted, and even after messing with the ram settings tweaked it still freezes. The other problem is that it dies way quickly, even with JuiceDefender and a calibrated battery. She's only had it for a week, so she's not yet settled on that one's ways.
Sent from my Incredible 2 using XDA App
Sebas310 said:
It is rooted, and even after messing with the ram settings tweaked it still freezes. The other problem is that it dies way quickly, even with JuiceDefender and a calibrated battery. She's only had it for a week, so she's not yet settled on that one's ways.
Sent from my Incredible 2 using XDA App
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I've had this phone for almost two years now and I've never had it freeze up on me. Install the SuperClean3 ROM. Solid ROM for that phone. I currently have ICS but for your mother's phone use SC3.
~This is going to take crackerjack timing, Wang.~
Sebas310 said:
It is rooted, and even after messing with the ram settings tweaked it still freezes. The other problem is that it dies way quickly, even with JuiceDefender and a calibrated battery. She's only had it for a week, so she's not yet settled on that one's ways.
Sent from my Incredible 2 using XDA App
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Does this happen on multiple ROMs, or just on stock?
pma7779 said:
I've had this phone for almost two years now and I've never had it freeze up on me. Install the SuperClean3 ROM. Solid ROM for that phone. I currently have ICS but for your mother's phone use SC3.
~This is going to take crackerjack timing, Wang.~
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Hes talking about his mom's LG, not a Fascinate...
Tone_Capone said:
Hes talking about his mom's LG, not a Fascinate...
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Yes he is. Now I know.
~This is going to take crackerjack timing, Wang.~
I'm also a fan of SuperClean. Great rom, with none of the AOSP issues that I find to be annoying enough to avoid. If you want to tweak it a bit, add KGB kernel and maybe a different launcher (I like OMFGB-Launcher) and Rom Toolbox will handle just about everything else. This is my setup, no major tweaks (lag fix, etc) other than zram and 1.2 gHz overclock. Fast and stable.

