[Q] Swapper - Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini

There is swapper app found in the market.
Does this work in mini?
Any improvements in performance?
Anyone have tried?

It basically create a swap file in the sdcard, similiar to pagefile in windows to increase the memory to run

Haven't tried it, there might be some benefit if you tend to multitask heavily and have a decent speed flash card or find yourself running out of memory frequently, I seem to recall reading some positive comments in the mini general forum also.
I tend to run a pretty light setup and can't be bothered with the inconvenience of having to unmount swap each time I want to access the sd card via usb mass storage, though I might have play with it later to satisfy my curiousity.

I've try it in my mini pro, and it does increase the speed. And it doesnt need to unmount / mount the swap everytime u need to access the sd card.

don't waste your time? It won't work unless the phone has kernel swapping support, which the x10 doesn't have.
In other words, you'll need a custom ROM before the program will work .


[Q] Urukdorid help.

Hi, i have been searching but have been unable to find some answers..
Completely new to this,before i start.
I installed urukdroid 1.5 using the easy install method on my archos 101.
1. When using urukdroid it is so slow and unresponsive, from what i have read this is probably because i have a slow cheap sd card, sound about right??
2. So if i want to uninstall ud from my card am i best using the recovery menu option (and would that just wipe all my stuff) or (as i saw in a different post) format the sd card on a pc and copy my stuff back on to it?? unsure of what is actually on the card and whats on the archos as far as uninstall goes. and what happens to the partitions
2.1. Secondly, why do people put ud on a sd card instead of the internal memory? (remember noob alert!!) it seems like you limit yourself to only using one sd card and the possibility of it running really slow.
3. So if i want to put it on my internal memory - should i do it? what are the pitfalls? will it wipe all my data like it did on the sd card? (lucky i took a backup eh!)
4. And, last question, i promise, is urukdroid really that much faster once you overclock and get it all running nicely?? for example i tried to run shadow gun on the stock 101 and it tried hard but didnt quite get there, would this run ok under ud? or am i completely missing the point of ud (very possible)
Thank you all for any help/answers.
I also just installed Uruk 1.5 on my A70 last night and have updated to 1.6RC2 then 1.6RC4. I used advanced install and let it do its thing to install to internal memory. I can see maybe a slight improvement over the stock ROM but I now have a problem where I can't install any apps due to lack of space. This method did not wipe all my data and while still on 1.5 I was able to find my backed up apps and re-installed a few. You will still have your original ROM to fall back on. Unfortunately I have a feeling that anyone knowledgeable will not be reading these posts and newbies cant post in the developer's thread where the meat of the conversation is taking place. Maybe we'll get lucky.
Yes i agree, anyone who would know the answers prob doesnt read these. Is it possible to bump it up a bit in anyway??
1. If you don't have a verrrry fast sd card ii is alot slower then internal, esp. as the controller is also slower on sd then on the internal .
2. If you remove the sd card, and flash the Urukdroid initram and zimage you can install everything on internal.
The easyinstaller allwas to resize your internal memory so that the original Android and Data stays intact.
2.1. UrukDroid started on sd because it is easier to not do something wrong instead on the internal. Since 0.7 it is stable eough to allways go to internal.
3. Yes internal is the best way, and for erasing read 2.
4. No it is not much faster, how could it be?
Std archos runs with 1GHz and Uruk sometimes up to 1.2GHz ( most of us can't get over 1.1 ) so to be able to play really demanding games it is the wrong tablet.
And yes you are completely missing the point.
UD and every ROM for other devices are there to give you more freedom, like root or the way bigger appspace ( std archos has 300MB ), OS upgrade ( when CM7 or CM9 are done for ex) or other designes ( like MIUI).
My A70 runs much better since I changed to Urukdroid. Less laggy and generally faster. Very few crashes. The ext4 filesytem is much faster than Fat32 and I think that compcache and swap also help a lot.
Hi Fzelle,
Thanks for your help, cleared stuff up.
Like i said, i thought i might be missing the point of it, i did wonder how much difference overclocking it to 1.2Ghz and the UD system would make. but i can see the point of having a bigger app area, i had the warning of running out of space.
Just to check though, to uninstall it from my sd card you said see 2. but it wasnt clear what that meant. should i go to the recovery boot screen and delete it there or just format my sd card? and i have now got a rootfs.img on my internal storage, is this normal??
Thanks again.
Cheers Lee...
Rootfs.img comes from the SDE installation, as you have installed Angstrom Linux with that.
If you don't plan to use that, you can erase that or save it to your computer.
If you shut down the tab and remove the sd, install the zimage and initram of uruk you will be asked to install again.
Use advanced and install on internal.

[Q] How do I make my Archos "use" the SD card?

I saw a thread on this last week, before I'd rooted the tablet, and can't find it any more. Please feel free to point me if my question's already been answered!
I have an A101It, so gen 8. I've just rooted it with the '-rw' method on here. Thing is, I can still only use the SD card for file storage - can't even move apps onto it - and would really like to know how to get the system using it as extra 'internal' memory. I might possibly be looking to use it as a swap file, I'm not clear on the terminology. At the very least I should be able to install apps to it, shouldn't I?
Can you do this with the root method I've used, or should I undo that and use uruk droid instead? Has anybody posted working instructions on getting some performance advantage from an SD card? (Or shall I just fill it up with 32gb of pointless home videos that nobody will watch?)
Not sure if i can help but ill try it anyways , did u try the ''app 2 sd'' apps?
I used them when my internal storage was full so i could move my apps to my SD card so i had enough space again.
Hope this helps!

[Q] using preinstall as swap, possible?

I would like to know if is possible to use preinstal partition as swap on stock rom with stock kernel.
what would be the drawbacks of doing such thing?
can be placed a file to act as swap?
On a rooted device, yes. No problem. You don't need a file, you could just format the entire partition as swap. I don't see any drawbacks but I also don't see many benefits to this... For me, the normal physical RAM available to the system is more than enough. I have not been able to fill up more than half of that, not even once.
BTW the total RAM available should be around 700-800 MB. If you have less than that, you probably need to apply the ramfix, which will improve the performance of your device more than any kind of swap.
chepe263 said:
I would like to know if is possible to use preinstal partition as swap on stock rom with stock kernel.
what would be the drawbacks of doing such thing?
can be placed a file to act as swap?
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The advantage of using the internal storage as swap is that it would be faster than putting it on a microSD card. The preinstall partition is certainly large enough to use for swap.
The disadvantage to using internal storage is that flash memory does have a limited life. For normal file access the lifetime of flash memory will most likely exceed the useful life of the phone, but this may not be the case when flash memory is used for swap. Swap will put many more read - write cycles on the flash memory than normal file access.
I use swap; my experience is that I need swap space if I want to use the webtop for anything more than occasional web browsing. Before I enabled swap webtop was regularly warning me that I had low memory (and you can't close the warning message, which is really annoying). I put together a description of what I did in the 7th post on this thread:
If you do go ahead and use preinstall as swap, let us know how it works.

Partitioning SD card (CM11)?

So, I have flashed MiniBlu's CM11 for some time now, and like many others on the stock ROM, I'm running a little low on memory. (1.12gb) after installing some games. Can someone write me a guide to partitioning it? I know you can do it from TWRP.
I saw this online: http://androidforums.com/threads/make-sd-card-as-internal-memory.887942/
Can I use this guide?
If not, can someone explain to me how to do it?
magicstick5 said:
So, I have flashed MiniBlu's CM11 for some time now, and like many others on the stock ROM, I'm running a little low on memory. (1.12gb) after installing some games. Can someone write me a guide to partitioning it? I know you can do it from TWRP.
I saw this online: http://androidforums.com/threads/make-sd-card-as-internal-memory.887942/
Can I use this guide?
If not, can someone explain to me how to do it?
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While you can use twrp to do the re-partitioning the options in trwp are quite limited, I always use gparted on a linux machine (you can use a linux live cd or usb). Just google partition sdcard with gparted for tutorials.
I would not use that guide as it is meant for a different phone and may not be compatible. To do a proper inverted storage setup you really need an optimized "inverted storage kernel" and a really good quality fast sdcard or it will make you phone lag like all hell (even with a fast sdcard a kernel that is properly optimized to use it as a data partition is need to improve IO speed) and with any of these setups if you don't want to replace your expensive fast sdcard on a regular basis you will need to disable journaling on the ext4 partitions to reduce unnecessary write operations (although this increases the risk of file system corruption and data loss).
All in all I think a better and safer option is to use either the "foldermount" app to move your "obb" and "data" folders to external sd (you'll need the paid version to do that as the free version will only let you move 3 apps not entire folders) or the "Xinternal" xposed module can do the same thing but requires a little more manual setup than the foldermount app (check the Xinternal xda thread for instuctions on how to set it up.
Thanks a lot. You ROM is very fast so partitioning is something I won't do. I've been using an xposed module called "obb on SD" and it loads obb from the SD fine. The problem is, it doesn't move apps in the data/data folder. Will try Xinternal
Okay , so I tried both xinternal and folder mounter. I don't know if it works with other games, but NBA JAM would crash (The modules work, but just not for this game). I know it works for larger games like Asphalt 8 or big GTA games, but not for NBA jam.

Need help about creating swap partitions...

Hi everyone, need some help
Since i want my device's RAM to increase, or atleast make it become less prone to overloads, i search around the web until i found this "Swap partition"
i wanna give it a try, tbh i am ready to do it, i have the steps, a free SD card, a device that supports it (i guess) and the apps required
however there is one problem...
It seems that i cant determine my SD card's class, as you can see in the picture, so am not sure if it will really work fast...
however i decided to include my SD cards benchmark (default option)
so ya guys, what do you think? Will it work for my SD card? if so what is the recommended size? 128MB or 256MB?
Thanks for reading!

