[Q] Cool Android Dance - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Gday ALL,
Apologies if this is the wrong forum, wasnt sure where to place it, as my phone is a HTC HD2 with windows 6.5, but the question i wanted to know is, How easy would it be to replace the start up of windows 6.5 with the following clip:
Its really quite funny...could you imagine starting your phone for the first time and getting this on the startup screen.....lol.....
I asked this as im just going thru trying to load the android rom onto my windows phone at the moment....
Great site by the way...



Hi there people,
Boy have I found the right site ! This is just what I needed ..
I bought my 02 XDA last week (UK) and thought it was the dogs danglies ... and being a little technically minded, just knew it was gonna be upgradeable and have some really cool stuff. But this takes it into another realm...
I've downloaded the 1.1 exe file kindly supplied on this forum, but as I'm still getting my head round the machine and Active Sync, haven't had the balls to upgrade the ROM - not being funny but is it really as good as it sounds ? Can I get into difficulties with warranties etc if it goes wrong ?
Also, is the exe file really all I need ? As I said I'm not afraid of a technical challenge, but I ain't done this before, and would probably shy away from getting to far into the guts - if ya know what I mean ?
I'm going to continue reading every bit of this site, so apologies if these questions have been answered before, but I'd be grateful if one of you good people could reassure me before I do anything dangerous !
Oh and by the way I'm not connected to the big bad world yet, still waiting for number port, so I'm just playing at the moment, but I can see where the desire to change certain things comes from !
One last question - Something is really bugging me, why do the programs stay running in memory when I've closed them ?
Thanks and keep up the good work !
Yes, the exe file is all you need. Yes, you can get into trouble with warranties, but only if you don't flash your old ROM back in before returning it.
You can create a backup of your old ROM using an SD-card, a PC based SD-card reader and our program XDArit. But if your provider offers an upgrade available on-line, you can also flash that when something breaks.
oh fantastic - thanks
sorry for all the stupid questions but does your ROM still contain Active Sync ? I'm using it and find it really useful - or is there something better ?
Oh and I upgraded the version of pocket office to 3.17 the other day as I was getting connection problems while synchronising. Does anybody know anything about the new ROM version ?
I'm also on Radio 4.20.00
and Protocol 32S54 (whatever that is
sorry it was early when I posted that and my brain wasn't functioning - the process of "flashing" the ROM actually requires Active Sync doesn't it ? i.e. the unit needs to be in the cradle attached to the PC via USB - that's how I upgraded to 3.17 - I had active sync running and then executed the download/install exe, which took control of the link and upgraded the ROM.
Does your ROM install work in the same manner or do I need to do something else/uninstall active sync or anything ?
No, you just connect the unit via ActiveSync, run Jeff's exe, and life is good.
excellent ! Thanks a million - looking forward to the changes..
great site and great ideas chaps - well done !!

a couple of stupid questions and hopefully a few good ones...

hi all,
i'm new to the whole WM world....i just got my mogul before new years and i have to say i love it...i have been envisioning the days when computers would be carried in our pockets ever since i got a beeper in high school...now that day is here...
before i ask my questions, i want you guys to know that i am no dummy when it comes to computers...i am a software engineer and have completed and am currently working on multiple government contracts. if i had to declare specialization, i guess i would be considered a J2EE guy....but i'm very sound in theory and can/have adapted to numerous langs and platforms. hopefully, if i get a lull sometime soon, i can contribute to this community.
ok, here we go.
1. what is prl?
2. i remember reading somewhere that something(i want to say it was relocking after flashing a custom ROM) was either not possible or very hard to do with windows vista.....my only windows box is running vista....am i going to run into trouble down the line if i move to DCD's clean wm6.1 rom and want to , say, flash the official sprint release when it drops next month?
3. what is the pagepool? WM version of swapspace?
4. i've read a lot about kitchens and cooking roms, but i'm still missing something....i understand cooking a rom is essentially building an image...but i'm still a little hazy on what the OEMizer is...if i had to guess, it takes normal installs(CABs) and groups them for a post flash install in batch...like the "Sprint Customization" that executes after flashing an official sprint rom....correct?
5. for all you devs and hackers that are putting together custom roms, do you have an emulator/vm for our phones that you test you roms in before flashing?....am i just missing the fact that that is part of a "kitchen"?
i'm sure i'll have more questions in the future, but this is a good starting point...please only answer the questions you KNOW the answers to. no information is better then false information. thanks in advance.
no takers yet?....
1. A google search for PRL turned up this.
2. I'm running Vista and have no problems. You might need to uncheck the enhanced services bos in USB to PC to be able to sync but other then that I do everything from my Vista box.
3. Another Google search for pagepool turned up this.
4. No. It creates files that able to be used when making a kitchen. This way your programs are in ROM and dont need to be installed again when you hard reset. A search of this forum would have lead to several threads to read about this.
5. Nope. You flash your phone. If it doesn't work you try again.
Please do a little searching on the forums and a lot of reading before you start doing this. It will prevent newb questions and make your life a whole lot easier.
a couple days ago i was asking the same questions.
i have my phone working now, but i didnt bother with vista, i used my dads pc, which was running xp, worked first try without playing with any settings.
thanks for the answers blaze!
sorry for posting Qs that were seemingly so simple to find the answers too, but the disclaimer was in the title...i knew i could find them with some searching, and believe me, i've been reading about this stuff on my free time pretty much non-stop since i got this phone....unfortunately, free time is scarce right about now....
anyways, thanks again....your info/links have saved me tons of time and it is greatly appreciated!

[Q] (Q) rooting windows mobile on android phn

hi everybody,
i am currently an hd2 user, coming from a long line of htc devices. and hence hav an affinity towards windows mobile. but for the past few days have become a serious fan of the dell streak so am planning to buy. i know currently streak has not even been hacked properly, but its jst a matter of time neway. but just generally, i am curious to kno is it possible to run windows mobile on an android device. i kno i kno, nt many would be too enthusiatic about such an idea, but sum people, i'm sure would love to see this happen as recently android phones have been coming out in all awsome packages whereas wm users like me are simply left wanting more. so just a query, is it possible, is any project on this in the works. if so can sumbody please point me to it. for ne android device.
thanks in advance everybody

windows 7 for hd2

when are we going to see the new windows 7 rom here cus i saw that the chines have been able to put it on the hd2?? is anyone working on this?
people are working on this so dont bother them and do not ask for eta
patience seemingly grown ups...

[Q] Lg g2

Hi there, totally new here and i tried to search up alittle about windows OS to phones.. but didnt get any "direct" answers on that. so im asking here,
i bought a lg g2 and was wondering if there are any windows 8(rt?) OS's for g2(or android phones at all)??
Thanks for any answers at all!
Orjis87 said:
Hi there, totally new here and i tried to search up alittle about windows OS to phones.. but didnt get any "direct" answers on that. so im asking here,
i bought a lg g2 and was wondering if there are any windows 8(rt?) OS's for g2(or android phones at all)??
Thanks for any answers at all!
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The ONLY phone that i know of that falls remotely into your question is the HTC HD2 which is a windows phone that can run android thanks to some REALLY dedicated devs, But to answer your question directly, No, the lg g2 does not have windows roms and very likely to never have one and also there are no android devices to my knowledge that can run a windows os.

