[Q] no pix in messaging - Optimus One, P500, V General

have a question here,
why is it there's no picture of me in creating/replying to a message.
all i can see is a gray picture, despite i already change my profile
thnx for the response

I'm also missing the pic of me in the sms app.
Would be great to have one there.
Anyone knows a fix?

If you could use the search button, you would have found the solution.

Thank you
That worked great.

success.. thx
back to 2.2


((((LARGER font size in TEXT MESSAGES))))

Hey guys, my wife got her 'hero' today, ive set it up and its working like a dream, only problem is, does anyone know of a way to make the size of the font, larger, when writing and reading TEXT messages, ive managed it on emails but she texts more.
Id be grateful if anyone could help, thanks guys....Im going 'home' now, to the HD forums!!!!!
xX SPION KOP Xx said:
Hey guys, my wife got her 'hero' today, ive set it up and its working like a dream, only problem is, does anyone know of a way to make the size of the font, larger, when writing and reading TEXT messages, ive managed it on emails but she texts more.
Id be grateful if anyone could help, thanks guys....Im going 'home' now, to the HD forums!!!!!
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Not got mine on me at the minute but when in messages, can you not press menu and go through the settings?
nicelad_uk said:
Not got mine on me at the minute but when in messages, can you not press menu and go through the settings?
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Yes mate, you can, Id done that, but unless its glaringly obvious and I just cant see it, it isnt there, i appreciate the reply, looks like she'll just have to wear her glasses!!!!!!!!
Still searching
I do not think that you can adjust teh SMS size settings but I will keep looking for ya.
As a note maybe you can help me: I searched the forums and have not seen any questions for this possible issue / noob question. I recently got my HTC Hero and have noticed that when ever I receive a text message/ SMS they become all grouped together like they are the same contact but they are not. I open my received messages and i have 4 message from what looks like contact 1 but in fact i have a total of 4 message from 34 different contact. Also when I reply it gets sent to the wrong person.
Any Ideas?

[Q] Fixing call logs.

Well the problem is that call logs show send/receive text messages.
I was searching for a fix to the call logs annoyance and found this:
My question is, could that work in the Vibrant or is there anything available
to fix the call logs so it doesn't include text messages?
eury23 said:
Well the problem is that call logs show send/receive text messages.
I was searching for a fix to the call logs annoyance and found this:
My question is, could that work in the Vibrant or is there anything available
to fix the call logs so it doesn't include text messages?
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Go into your call log and hit the menu button. Then click view by and then see what is checked? I've got all logs, but it does not include any text messages. Hopefully that will remove them.
Also, I know I've seen others ask this question as well. If my suggestion does not work you may have to do a search and see if it comes up are go back 4 or more pages or so. Good luck.
Vibrantnew-b said:
Also, I know I've seen others ask this question as well. If my suggestion does not work you may have to do a search and see if it comes up are go back 4 or more pages or so. Good luck.
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Do a search on this patch and see if anyone with a Vibrant used this method, this really is a Epic patch, and that phone is not that similar to the Vibrant.
eury, your link from the epic forum led me to the fix for the vibrant: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=989304
Thank god I posted this, I tried your mod and it worked perfectly. Cant post over there so I post my thanks here.

help needed. problem in viewing images.

Hi all. First of all sorry for posting in wrong thread but i could nt find help from.any where so asking here i know u people r genius and helping I iust bought htc radar and every thing is fine. Camera is excellent but i have one problem that when i take picture and then swipe back to have a look on it and/or when viewing through gallery it looks very dark and noisy but as i pinch to zoom the picture whether a little or more.zoom it immediatly becomes clear. I have tried much times with different settings but same problem i have installed latest software update also. I know camera.is very gud but what is the problem?' is that a software problem? What is the possible solution? Pictures should be looked crisp and.clear like all other phone shows in galery. Thanks alot
Any idea plzz?

[Q] Zoom and Tasker Issues

Hey everyone. I have been searching the internet for 2 days for a solution to this. I have not been able to find anything that helps. I'm curious if its a phone issue rather then an issue with the app. I am getting to know Tasker and love it so far. Used minimalistic test to set my unread SMS count. Then i ran into Zoom. So I have been trying to figure out how to set my unread SMS count as a simple text display in Zoom. It started out as a simple test widget to get used to the controls. But i simply cannot get it to work!
Can someone please walk me through step for step what I should be doing? It is probably a very simple step that I am missing but I would really appreciate the help. I'm the kind of person that is obsessed until I know how something works.....:crying:
Thanks in advance!

[Q] GoSms limited

I've searched everywhere over the internet and found little to answer my question. I make sms themes for GoSms, right. Though the problem is that the plugin installed into the go sms program is quite limited. I saw that a theme maker was available for pc before but last information I see in its regard dated to 2012 I believe. I looked for anything from 2014 but I can't find it now for download because every link I found resulted in an empty page. Am I missing something? How are people still sharing or selling themes on the Android market with such limitations on the plugin? I can't change the default avatar pic for contacts with no pictures, I can't change the background I'd like to use for the bubble chat.. the plugin only gives me option to change the color and transparency with the only option for a background for the message list and chat conversation window. I'm quite confused here. I would love to be able to share and sell some themes but I won't do it without being able to theme Go Sms completely (as in no limitations as the plugin has). Can anyone help me with this please? Give me some insight or something. I've overly confused myself and down to wanting to give up. Any useful info is very well appreciated.
Noooby...? At least an I don't know reply is better than nothing. If nothing thanks anyway.
The reason you are not getting replies is that GOsms threads are banned from the site due to security issues.

