Clockworkmod recovery doesn't support Sony Ericsson?! - Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini, Mini Pro, Xperia Pro, A

Annoyed to find that my Xperia Mini doesnnt appear using ROM managers clockworkmod recovery. Does this mean I cannot use ROM manager to flash a rom?

we have CWM recovery in our xperia phones
check android development section


[Q] Clockwork mod recovery on optimus v

Hi Im new to the forums and have been loving them so far. Im a noob when it comes to this type of thing so im sort of lost.I have been attempting to install cm7 on my Optimus v recently and have been having trouble. I downloaded rom manager to my phone and have already rooted it. When I open Rom manager and attempt to flash clockworkMod Recovery It gives me a list of phone models to choose from but none of the are the optimus v. How do i go about installing it. Thank you for your time and i appreciate any help
Clockwork Recovery doesn't work with ROM Manager on the Optimus One. There are reports that Clockwork Reccovery does work on this phone (see but it doesn't interface with ROM Manager. If you would like to flash custom ROMs, then you will need to put the zip file on your SD card, boot into the custom recovery (either Amon_RA or Clockwork), then flash the ROM from there.

Rooted my sony xperia neo -v but cant isntall rom

hi guys.,
ive managed to root my fone./
'now it is
i have rooted my fone. i can see superuser also.
what i did next was placing the rom in my sd card. and then i installed rom manager fromthe android market. this is the rom i downlaoded.
i rebooted my phone and went to the recovery console and chose to install the rom,
did it. restarted the phone and it hung at the sony logo.
I think the rom you try to install is not compatible with "Rom Manager" instead you had to try CWM, but Now you should repair your phone using SEUS to recover the original rom, and then root it again, install CWM and then you may try your custom Rom, one more thing to note, if the custom rom required any specific kernel, then you have to install the custom kernel 1st.
any other rom which is simple to test on the neo -v?
is there any rom that u can recomemd that i can just dump into my sd card and use it to test for the tiume being?
as in. ..
i download the rom..
i reboot the phome to recovery mode.
then i choose the zip file to install and thats all about it
i just wanna get tryu to see if it works.
i dont understand this kernal stuff.
You already asked this here: thread closed.

[Q] recovery ics xperia go

My xperia GO is rooted (Root MANY ANDROID script) its very easy and its working very good. I was able to deinstall system apps i dont use. On the mobiles i had before (mostly HTC) i always installed Clockword recovery. I read the thread in the xperia go forum but I am al little confused. Maybe someone can point me to a manual for a recovery for ICS. Or can give the steps to install the recovery.

HTC RecoveryMod can't be updated!

Hi developers!
So my rooted htc gsm version has a 'android system recovery installed'. And im needing android 4.0 for some app development.
I can't seem to flash a new recovery since "ClockworkMod Recovery" does not support older devices. I downloaded an older version of the ClockworkMod Recovery but trying to flash the recovery says that there's error. I need ClockworkMod Recovery to be installed on my phone to be able to install android 4.0.
Anyone has other methods to install ClockworkMod Recovery rather using their servers?
thank you
The recovery you got from cwm is enough to install CM9, check your CM9 zip, its probably a bad download

[Q] Xperia P not booting into Recovery

I had flashed "CMW 11 unofficial-weekly3(4.4.2)" for Xperia P . but after this I am unable to reboot into recovery for flashing gapps or other updates.
I have also tried "Rom Manager" to boot into recovery but all in vain.
1-So I want to the way to boot into recovery using any computer-software tool/app/method. ?
2-Is there any way to flash rom without using CWM recovery?
PS: The developer says it was a bug in the ROM, which has been fixed but since I am unable to boot into the recovery , I cant flash the update right now
Press power button on vibration during sony logo kernel screen
Sent my Carbonised Xperia P

