Next steps for Asus on Prime - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

I've been reading all the different posts about issues with the Prime ranging from backlight bleed (#1 issue to me) to WiFi issues to GPS issues (obvious) to shotty craftmanship to bad pogo pins and so forth.
Let's be honest, with the recent thread concerning investigating the pogo pins and the fault aux wifi connection, there isn't a whole lot of confidence in our primes and so far it seems every batch from BB to BC to C1 all have flaws. If you have a prime that has good Wifi (and most are coming out are that way) or GPS (rare) I'm afraid that eventually, after normal use, those pogo pins will stop contacting the ribbon that connects to the antenna, and over a period of time we'll continue to see the prime get worse. Add on top of backlight bleed that continued to get worse for me (I just got rid of the second prime) as well as other issues, I'm wondering as a community the kind pull we have in order to Asus to straighten up.
They is no beating around the bush for them now concerning the intricacies of the prime and its internals -- those have already been exposed and two threads concerning perfect primes like this don't offset the headaches that a majority of us share (at first I doubted if there was ever a prime that worked completely). 3/4ths of the topics are problems/negatives and we're all left wondering what to do; mitigating the risks in our minds based on the opinions of others.
Due to the pogo pins discovery alone, I think it should warrant a mass RMA. Or atleast get ASUS to admit on faulty design. Or have they gone down the rabbit hole too far to get back out?
Please ASUS, pogo pins don't work, we're experiencing that now, we want the TF200 to work, we don't want the TF300.
None the less, what are the options for us, and what do you think we'll see down the line with regards to the TF200? How do we see ASUS reacting? With the press squarely focused on the XDA forums for Prime discoveries (now more than ever), let's leverage this opportunity to do something...

agreed...I shipped mine back today to the RMA Dept. Hopefully, they will fix GPS problem and wifi.
This table would be the LAST TABLET I weould ever buy from Asus.

I would love a TF300 if it is the same specs and they same color backplate!
I don't care about aluminum vs plastic.

This entire forum for the Prime is riddled with negativity and common issues because the vast majority of Prime owners have no reason to post about their lack of problems.
For example, the iPad 1 had a large issue with poor 3G reception because of its metal backplate. There was no mass RMA.
The iPad 2 had a large number of reported incidents of very very bad light bleed. No mass RMA.
The majority of people with iPads and Primes are perfectly content and have no severe issues.
I find it unfortunate that number of people with issues such as poor wifi and light bleed is so large, but Asus seems to be trying.

..there are people using the devices in different ways.
I am sure that 80-90% of those using WiFi and BT will see that it does not work, while those not using a BT headset, never discover the problem., and believe they got what they paid for.
People uses also router of different kinds and date. The result may vary and that is acceptable, but here all are hits more or less the same way, and it does not look like a coincidence.
I like the Prime I have, and I would send it back ONLY if this is the last resort.
But when you spend 626€, you expect quality, and the issues here, also those I do not have myself" are not caused by "usage", but bad quality control in the first place.
A car will be recalled if the company realize that the brakes are bad built, or electrical part are faulty.
I only expect a 100% working tablet than can be used with ALL the features I paid for. GPS, well I do not care, but WiFi or BT on a tablet is like "fuel" on a car.

Yeah but the Problem is, there are many Primes out there that work perfectly and are totally awesome.
I feel for everyone that has gotten a bad one and ASUS should try to improve quality assurance.
BUT there are many users (the vast majority i'd say) that dont have problems. I'm one of those lucky bastards. Full wifi speeds wherever i am (same as with my other devices), GPS working outside, perfect screen, perfect dock, endless battery power, BT connects to anything i have and works even better than on my phone... (HTC sucks BTwise)
And i cant be the only one since everywhere i checked its sold out immediately.

My Prime works perfectly and is totally awesome.
Hope this helps

I doubt this is the first device to use those pins

I'll just keep returning and exchanging until I get one that works or Samsumg or other manufacturer releases a better tablet.

Poll the users of this board
I keep seeing posts that state "The Majority Of Users Are Happy With The Prime" and just the opposite, stating "The Majority of Users Are Having Problems And Unhappy". Can someone post a survey on here asking the question and lets put it to bed to see where it stands? If I knew how to do it, I'd do it myself.
Personally, I returned mine because the Wifi didn't work well 10 feet, 2 walls away from the router, browser lockups, general lockups, Asus's failure to respond to my support request, and Asus's response to the community did not make me feel confident they would fix the issues.

I'll do a vote. Let's see if I get flamed.

BostonDan2 said:
I keep seeing posts that state "The Majority Of Users Are Happy With The Prime" and just the opposite, stating "The Majority of Users Are Having Problems And Unhappy". Can someone post a survey on here asking the question and lets put it to bed to see where it stands? If I knew how to do it, I'd do it myself.
Personally, I returned mine because the Wifi didn't work well 10 feet, 2 walls away from the router, browser lockups, general lockups, Asus's failure to respond to my support request, and Asus's response to the community did not make me feel confident they would fix the issues.
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Its not even needed...take a look at majority of polls steady made. Almost all in favor of prime. Plus there is one already like you said n the majority in it shows happy owners. The ultimate would be tl look at all the different users in the Positive transformer prime thread. All different posters clearly outnumber those with issues. Most of the time people with issues make mulitple threads on same issues. Most are the same ones posting n posting over again. So another poll would be useless n probably closed down because a few already made along those lines.
A look at the link in my thread will make it clear as day. Plus why do you think those who come with silly negative posts get flamed so much by so many people already satisfied with device?
Learn how to use the search function for a poll already made on same subject...

BostonDan2 said:
I keep seeing posts that state "The Majority Of Users Are Happy With The Prime" and just the opposite, stating "The Majority of Users Are Having Problems And Unhappy". Can someone post a survey on here asking the question and lets put it to bed to see where it stands? If I knew how to do it, I'd do it myself.
Personally, I returned mine because the Wifi didn't work well 10 feet, 2 walls away from the router, browser lockups, general lockups, Asus's failure to respond to my support request, and Asus's response to the community did not make me feel confident they would fix the issues.
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Lol, right after reading this I was going to post a poll but I also cannot figure out how to do it. I see the check box for a poll but when you check it nothing happens. Maybe you need like 1000 posts first or something.

Pubnum said:
I'll do a vote. Let's see if I get flamed.
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Actually you will..lmfao you've been warned n won't even be taken seriously afterwards. Your credibility on the line..lmao. plus it will get shut down fast.

I could care less about my credibility on I just want to fuel discussion about the prime. I bought two of them in the short time (brought both of them back) and in that time I never came on XDA because I had the tablet.
In short, as soon as I get a satisfactory tablet, you won't see a post from me again.

clouds5 said:
everywhere i checked its sold out immediately.
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Many stores are receiving shipments of 1, or 5 ... many of the newly shipped items could be gobbled up by people returning due to issues, and exchanging for a new replacement. Just because stores don't have any, doesn't mean its popular.
BostonDan2 said:
Can someone post a survey on here asking the question and lets put it to bed to see where it stands? If I knew how to do it, I'd do it myself.
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The answer is NO .. because if you do, someone will close it, delete it, or flame you. For 2 reasons:
1) this is a developer only forum and not a customer service board, or complaint board, etc ... read the rules
2) because only positive posts/threads actually survive around here due to the recent fanboy'ish nature of some people. i.e. "omg another post bashing wifi, just go return it already!!" x100 = mods delete thread.


What are reasonable expectations?

With all the heated debate, defense and criticism, it got me thinking as to why there’s so much emotion in some of the larger threads. It all comes down to what are reasonable expectations?
People’s expectations of the Prime come from two places: 1) the pre-launch PR, hype, and reviews, and 2) a sight-unseen comparison to other previously marketed devices, both from Asus and other manufacturers.
If you have a 2011 car, and trade it in for the evolved make and model’s 2012 version, you’d reasonably expect everything to work better and some new and improved features to be included. You’d certainly be upset if things offered previously didn’t work as well in the newer car. And while you’d be thrilled with the new higher performance engine that got better gas mileage, you’d be pissed if the brakes and headlights didn’t work. That’s what Asus is facing with the Prime. Wi-Fi and GPS don’t perform as well as its predecessor the TF1. How different the performance is can continue to be debated in other open threads.
And the lower level of performance was completely unnecessary. Those defending both Asus and the Prime consider this. The decision to deploy the Prime with an aluminum back cover was needless, narcissistic, and provides no benefit. There’s no cost savings and it may actually cost more. If there’s any weight savings it’s negligible. They could have fabricated a metallic-look plastic back cover that would have looked nearly identical. Google “HTC Sensation Wi-Fi” and you’ll see that there’s clear evidence that aluminum and mobile devices don’t mix. And HTC went to much further lengths than Asus to try and make it work by incurring the added expense of installing antennas on the back cover. So, there should be no pity felt for Asus – they did this to themselves.
I’ll probably get the new Samsung 11.6 when it comes out. If GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and any other core features don’t work as well as the 10.1 I’ll be pissed and very vocal about having been disappointed. I’ll also think less of Samsung. I think the same would apply to anyone purchasing any upcoming tablets. Once the bar has been set, you lower it at your own risk.
So Asus deserves props for launching a fantastic leading-edge device at an incredible price for the included features – and doing it first. No matter how much you love Asus or your new Prime, it still doesn’t excuse the situation they find themselves in though self-inflicted design choices.
If they were smart, they’d start producing Prime’s with a new plastic cover design and replace the metal back cover for owners of existing Prime’s. Doing so would make it perform as well as other devices and most likely even better considering the better quality of some its components. And doing so would make at least half of the negative postings on this forum would go away overnight. They have that choice.
Rant off. Peace out.
Good stuff. Its fair enough to say what you did. As far as the aluminum back goes. People will never be satisfied. I remember here before launch people where whinning and complaining because of rumors that the back actually wasn't metal and was more of a metallic like plastic. I remember all those posts. People were pissed thinkn Asus would release this with plastic back b not metal. Well we got metal people got what they wanted and now gripe about it. They could've easily implemented a plastic backing. But it still stands, no matter how much deductive reasoning or user testing goes, of still wasn't confirmed to be the sole reason of GPS weakness. For all we know it could be a software issue needing a new update or drivers. What's gonna happen if we receive an update and it fixes GPS. All those people who complained so much and shot down the primw should feel silly and was ro quick to jump the gun. We have only got one uodste so far and thst was on the first day i bought the device. Not worried about wifi because everything about my wifi works fine. Same strength or better than my Ipad or Atrix4g. I say give it a lil time. Still not even 2 full weeks yetsince people had this. Let a few updates roll out to see what it fixes. Instead of making assumptions without concrete proof.
The debate is so heated because you have an even larger number of people that own the prime not having issues. So its like me and lots of others buy a nice BMW thst works perfectly or satisfied with it and you get one. But yours had some defects in it. Now you want to come telling everyone and drilling down their throats how your car sux n manufacturer sux. You just sit there n complain instead of finding a solution to the problem. When you could have easily returned to the dealer to exchange it or get them to fix or address the issue. Don't try to make the rest of us that are obsolutely happy and satisfied with product and future buyers feel its not a good investment. Especially since you had a bad one. You are the minority. People with satisfactory experience is the Majority. We don't want to here the constant nagging. Just tell us what you are going to do to remedy the situation. Either exchange or get a refund. Cause no matter what, the Prime will continue to sell like hotcakes. Preorders everywhere all over the world is showing this.
Even with my GPS being questionable, The Prime has very easily more than exceeded mY expectations as far as the hype and everything goes. Very glad I decided for myself tl get it and didn't let the negatives get to me or influence my decision. BEST Tablet ever IMO. Before I got the prime I constantly tested out other tablets and owned them. Hands down, prime bests them all out at a great price point.
Bring it on! Lol
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
I think you did a good job pointing out flaws but didn't talk about any of the great features of this tablet
You really need hands on time with this bad boy to feel the power behind it and you will love it. I
If you have the cash get it I don't recommend waiting for any future tablets I'm thinking they will disappointed but who knows.
That's my 1 cent not 2 because I didn't give much detail
BarryH_GEG said:
With all the heated debate, defense and criticism, it got me thinking as to why there’s so much emotion in some of the larger threads. It all comes down to what are reasonable expectations?
People’s expectations of the Prime come from two places: 1) the pre-launch PR, hype, and reviews, and 2) a sight-unseen comparison to other previously marketed devices, both from Asus and other manufacturers.
If you have a 2011 car, and trade it in for the evolved make and model’s 2012 version, you’d reasonably expect everything to work better and some new and improved features to be included. You’d certainly be upset if things offered previously didn’t work as well in the newer car. And while you’d be thrilled with the new higher performance engine that got better gas mileage, you’d be pissed if the brakes and headlights didn’t work. That’s what Asus is facing with the Prime. Wi-Fi and GPS don’t perform as well as its predecessor the TF1. How different the performance is can continue to be debated in other open threads.
And the lower level of performance was completely unnecessary. Those defending both Asus and the Prime consider this. The decision to deploy the Prime with an aluminum back cover was needless, narcissistic, and provides no benefit. There’s no cost savings and it may actually cost more. If there’s any weight savings it’s negligible. They could have fabricated a metallic-look plastic back cover that would have looked nearly identical. Google “HTC Sensation Wi-Fi” and you’ll see that there’s clear evidence that aluminum and mobile devices don’t mix. And HTC went to much further lengths than Asus to try and make it work by incurring the added expense of installing antennas on the back cover. So, there should be no pity felt for Asus – they did this to themselves.
I’ll probably get the new Samsung 11.6 when it comes out. If GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and any other core features don’t work as well as the 10.1 I’ll be pissed and very vocal about having been disappointed. I’ll also think less of Samsung. I think the same would apply to anyone purchasing any upcoming tablets. Once the bar has been set, you lower it at your own risk.
So Asus deserves props for launching a fantastic leading-edge device at an incredible price for the included features – and doing it first. No matter how much you love Asus or your new Prime, it still doesn’t excuse the situation they find themselves in though self-inflicted design choices.
If they were smart, they’d start producing Prime’s with a new plastic cover design and replace the metal back cover for owners of existing Prime’s. Doing so would make it perform as well as other devices and most likely even better considering the better quality of some its components. And doing so would make at least half of the negative postings on this forum would go away overnight. They have that choice.
Rant off. Peace out.
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well said, sounds fair enough to me.
demandarin said:
The debate is so heated because you have an even larger number of people that own the prime not having issues. So its like me and lots of others buy a nice BMW thst works perfectly or satisfied with it and you get one. But yours had some defects in it. Now you want to come telling everyone and drilling down their throats how your car sux n manufacturer sux. You just sit there n complain instead of finding a solution to the problem. When you could have easily returned to the dealer to exchange it or get them to fix or address the issue. Don't try to make the rest of us that are obsolutely happy and satisfied with product and future buyers feel its not a good investment. Especially since you had a bad one. You are the minority. People with satisfactory experience is the Majority. We don't want to here the constant nagging. Just tell us what you are going to do to remedy the situation. Either exchange or get a refund. Cause no matter what, the Prime will continue to sell like hotcakes. Preorders everywhere all over the world is showing this.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
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First of all, do you have working GPS functionality? I'm glad if you have fully functional tablet.
People aren't satisfied & are complaining because they can only guess (or to some, they have released a statement.. that's another debate) the cause of the problem. If Asus makes a comment, or acknowledge the situation.. it'll be great. However, we can only assume/guess/hypothesize/complain atm....
Also, with the current Prime status, there's no guarantee that we will receive fully functional Asus Prime, nor will we get full REFUND since some retailers like Gamestop and Office Depot have crappy return policy.
Some want to fix the issue.. but as you have pointed out.. we're all just "assuming". We can't fix an issue if we don't know the real cause behind the issue... that means, we can't really REMEDY the situation even if we wanted to. Btw, when did it become our job to fix an issue that OEMs such as Asus are making?
Btw, good read Barry.
Thanks again Barry for a reasonable summation of the situation. My only argument is that I would guess that my wifi is as good as the original TF. It is as good or better than my laptop, evo 4g, and galaxy tab. Of course, I have no idea tho if that is due to a quick opening and repairing or repositioning of my antennas as it shipped. Otherwise I tend to agree with everything you say. If they can prove the metal back is the issue with my GPS I would be willing to install a redesigned back to improve it. I don't think we have enough data from people who know what they are doing to say that all primes have weaker wifi.
If the metal back is the issue why not steal apples ideas and replace the Asus logo with plastic and reroute the antennas there?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
This was the smoking gun, for me anyway...
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for contacting ASUS Customer Service.
The ASUS Transformer Prime is made from a metallic unibody design, so the material may affect the performance of the GPS when receiving signals from satellites.
Even if in testing it performed better than in real life, why risk the loss of any performance for a clearly aesthetic choice? If they offered purchasers a choice of back cover designs, a more stylish metal option and a more practical plastic one, and warned the metal one could degrade performance, which would you choose?
I've seen millions of dollars wasted and products take lengthy delays because an initially good idea didn't become a bad one until well in to the development cycle. When that happens, you have two choices: bite the bullet and make corrections, or damn the torpedoes and push the thing out the door. Being in product marketing, management, and development sucks because of the pressure and constantly dealing with unforeseen and late-stage issues in case anyone's curious. And it doesn't pay terribly well.
To add some Texan perspective, "she sure is a pretty thang, ain't she."
Haven't really tested out my GPS yet. Never gave it more than 2 mins. Of attention because it doesn't affect my tablet performance or usage. Sure I'd love it I didn't have to worry if my GPS worked or not. Its not a deal breaker for me n most others. Truth is most don't care about it or even use. Like said before its not exactly even known what caused the issue. There are theories but no facts yet. As far as everything else with my Prime goes, works perfectly. I'm sure tons of people who haven't bought prime yet did their research. If it was so problematic it wouldn't be selling out and having back orders till the end of February. If it was so flawed, all major reviewers wouldn't of held this tablet as the best out right now. Plus more n more people coming out now saying how their device satisfies them n their happy with it. I guess its like they say one bad apple spoils the bunch. These people with issues and trolls are making the majority of prime owners, who is happy with device and performance look bad. We already have some major developers whoviwn the prime and gave impressions. Despite flaws, they still love the device and look forward to developing for it. The light will eventually shine through all the b.s. if I would've listened to forum and let it influence my decision, I would've never for the prime. Glad o could think for myself and sift through all the b.s. threads. Cuz I'm very happy and satisfied with my purchase and easily would do it all over again.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
demandarin said:
Haven't really tested out my GPS yet. Never gave it more than 2 mins. Of attention because it doesn't affect my tablet performance or usage. Sure I'd love it I didn't have to worry if my GPS worked or not. Its not a deal breaker for me n most others. Truth is most don't care about it or even use. Like said before its not exactly even known what caused the issue. There are theories but no facts yet. As far as everything else with my Prime goes, works perfectly. I'm sure tons of people who haven't bought prime yet did their research. If it was so problematic it wouldn't be selling out and having back orders till the end of February. If it was so flawed, all major reviewers wouldn't of held this tablet as the best out right now. Plus more n more people coming out now saying how their device satisfies them n their happy with it. I guess its like they say one bad apple spoils the bunch. These people with issues and trolls are making the majority of prime owners, who is happy with device and performance look bad. We already have some major developers whoviwn the prime and gave impressions. Despite flaws, they still love the device and look forward to developing for it. The light will eventually shine through all the b.s. if I would've listened to forum and let it influence my decision, I would've never for the prime. Glad o could think for myself and sift through all the b.s. threads. Cuz I'm very happy and satisfied with my purchase and easily would do it all over again.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
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As an HTC Sensation owner, I couldn't agree more.
The Sensation is known for having poor and unpredictable Wifi performance. In particular, it has a very bad case of death-grip. The GPS is also imo just ok. I was the type who was led to believe that software updates would "fix" these problems, as it was my first Android device and people made it like software updates were like the appearance of some kind of angel that would solve all your problems. The Sensation also has a horrifically poor speaker, and I believed that this too would be solved by updates.
It only took me about a month to realize that all of these problems were hardware issues. I now fully embrace the fact that the Sensation's speaker is just crappy. Some people will say stuff like "install volume+, it's so much louder!" "install a ROM with Beats Audio software!" (which only affects headphone usage and, since I'm on a headphone audiophile forum, I know is just crappy bass boosting software) and all these other band-aid software fixes that don't do anything in reality. The hardware blows and software isn't going to do anything about it.
The Wifi and GPS weaknesses on my phone are also design faults. In the early days of our forum, a lot of people were attributing these things to QC. A lot of the defensive people were saying that their device was fine and everyone else should shutup about their problems. By now, however, it's pretty much universally recognized that the aluminum build of the Sensation was ultimately a design fault that affected all Sensations' Wifi and GPS performance equally. In those early days, some people either A) wanted to ignore this shortcoming of their device, B) had lower standards than most about what constitutes "good" Wifi performance, C) ran really poor tests in order to determine the quality of their Wifi performance, or D) did some combination of the above.
I personally think choice A was part of the combination for most people. Most of the people who ignored the design faults of the Sensation made really unreasonable posts. I would watch these same people make posts in threads about competing phones say stuff like the SGS2 is a pile of s*** (SGS2 is the mortal enemy of Sensation defenders). The most noticeable characteristic of these people is that they focus on the negatives of the other device and at best downplay its positives; if they at all do that, because most of the time they completely ignore the positives. On the other hand, they focus of the positives of their own device and at best downplay its negatives; if they at all do that, because most of the time they completely ignore the negatives. It's basic pick-and-choose logic. To this day you will find people in the Sensation forum that still make the most unreasonable statements about their own device and about others.
If you want a Prime, wait until Asus can PROVE that they can fix the issue. Don't buy one right now with the assumption "a software update will fix it". Don't ever rely on something like that to fix something that history has told us is often a hardware problem. Also, I don't get why people can't admit the shortcomings of something they buy. I got my Sensation and a month later (after getting over my 1st Android device orgasm) thought "geez this thing has a ton of friggen problems and isn't that special. 7.5/10 kinda device for me. I'll make a better, more informed, less impulsive decision next time." It's OK to accept the shortcomings, live on with the device, and enjoy what you can from it still.
demandarin said:
Haven't really tested out my GPS yet. Never gave it more than 2 mins. Of attention because it doesn't affect my tablet performance or usage. Sure I'd love it I didn't have to worry if my GPS worked or not. Its not a deal breaker for me n most others. Truth is most don't care about it or even use. Like said before its not exactly even known what caused the issue. There are theories but no facts yet. As far as everything else with my Prime goes, works perfectly. I'm sure tons of people who haven't bought prime yet did their research. If it was so problematic it wouldn't be selling out and having back orders till the end of February. If it was so flawed, all major reviewers wouldn't of held this tablet as the best out right now. Plus more n more people coming out now saying how their device satisfies them n their happy with it. I guess its like they say one bad apple spoils the bunch. These people with issues and trolls are making the majority of prime owners, who is happy with device and performance look bad. We already have some major developers whoviwn the prime and gave impressions. Despite flaws, they still love the device and look forward to developing for it. The light will eventually shine through all the b.s. if I would've listened to forum and let it influence my decision, I would've never for the prime. Glad o could think for myself and sift through all the b.s. threads. Cuz I'm very happy and satisfied with my purchase and easily would do it all over again.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
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1. Thank you for "assuming" or thinking for "many others" that GPS functionality isn't a deal breaker or don't use it. Why are you making assumptions when you are calling the "complainers" out for making assumptions?
2. GPS is listed & was listed function of Asus Prime. You are sick of us making assumptions ... Is it that hard for Asus to clarify the issue to end the assumption? Better yet, are we really at fault for asking one simple CLARIFICATION? Don't we have the right to know since we paid $500 based on listed specification?
3. The reviews are based on early prototype. Heck, some tech websites such as Cnet & Anandtech did have complaints on certain aspect of the Prime. Oh, did I mention that they were on time constraint for the review from Asus.. thus, they did not have adequate time?
4. Sold out & back-ordered because Asus did a terrible job with the launch. Did that ever configure into your thought?
5. Do you work for Asus? Really, if you are happy with your Prime.. I'm REALLY glad for you. But to others who paid $500, and were expecting GPS functionality.. they absolutely have the right to complain & troll until they hear an answer. To other potential Prime purchasers & who are doing their own research.. THINK FOR YOURSELF. Better yet, I'm sure you can think for yourself.. I really don't get why Demandrin is so worried about the "image" of Transformer Prime. As Barry & other tech websites have pointed out, it's a good device.. but if you have certain expectations and IT DOES NOT MEET it.. DO NOT PURCHASE IT.
The Janitor Mop said:
As an HTC Sensation owner, I couldn't agree more.
The Sensation is known for having poor and unpredictable Wifi performance. In particular, it has a very bad case of death-grip. The GPS is also imo just ok. I was the type who was led to believe that software updates would "fix" these problems, as it was my first Android device and people made it like software updates were like the appearance of some kind of angel that would solve all your problems. The Sensation also has a horrifically poor speaker, and I believed that this too would be solved by updates.
It only took me about a month to realize that all of these problems were hardware issues. I now fully embrace the fact that the Sensation's speaker is just crappy. Some people will say stuff like "install volume+, it's so much louder!" "install a ROM with Beats Audio software!" (which only affects headphone usage and, since I'm on a headphone audiophile forum, I know is just crappy bass boosting software) and all these other band-aid software fixes that don't do anything in reality. The hardware blows and software isn't going to do anything about it.
The Wifi and GPS weaknesses on my phone are also design faults. In the early days of our forum, a lot of people were attributing these things to QC. A lot of the defensive people were saying that their device was fine and everyone else should shutup about their problems. By now, however, it's pretty much universally recognized that the aluminum build of the Sensation was ultimately a design fault that affected all Sensations' Wifi and GPS performance equally. In those early days, some people either A) wanted to ignore this shortcoming of their device, B) had lower standards than most about what constitutes "good" Wifi performance, C) ran really poor tests in order to determine the quality of their Wifi performance, or D) did some combination of the above.
I personally think choice A was part of the combination for most people. Most of the people who ignored the design faults of the Sensation made really unreasonable posts. I would watch these same people make posts in threads about competing phones say stuff like the SGS2 is a pile of s*** (SGS2 is the mortal enemy of Sensation defenders). The most noticeable characteristic of these people is that they focus on the negatives of the other device and at best downplay its positives; if they at all do that, because most of the time they completely ignore the positives. On the other hand, they focus of the positives of their own device and at best downplay its negatives; if they at all do that, because most of the time they completely ignore the negatives. It's basic pick-and-choose logic. To this day you will find people in the Sensation forum that still make the most unreasonable statements about their own device and about others.
If you want a Prime, wait until Asus can PROVE that they can fix the issue. Don't buy one right now with the assumption "a software update will fix it". Don't ever rely on something like that to fix something that history has told us is often a hardware problem. Also, I don't get why people can't admit the shortcomings of something they buy. I got my Sensation and a month later (after getting over my 1st Android device orgasm) thought "geez this thing has a ton of friggen problems and isn't that special. 7.5/10 kinda device for me. I'll make a better, more informed, less impulsive decision next time."
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Great point. But the flipside to it is that these issues aren't affecting everyone. More than half the prime owners here already polled and commented what these threads post about is not the case with them. Yes Asus does need better QC. YES Asus needs to address the issues "SOME" users are experiencing. But to downplay or assume just because your damn device isn't working right, everyone else's isn't also. Or try to rationlaize n be like well they didn't rub the test right. Some people are just looking and hoping others have issues. That's all I'm saying. Just because your sh#& doesn't work right, don't assume everyone else's is the same. Because for the majority of prime owners it isn't. Like I said before, I did the research on Prime and very satisfied with purchase. GPS on my is not important to me or majority of users. So no reason really to wait to buy one. Wait just because a minute/small numerous of people have issues? Come on now...obviously the consumer isn't buying it and can think for themselves because device still selling like crazy and preorders backed up.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
How did the polls prove the opposite? Is this a glass half full vs. half empty kind of thing?
Because I seem to recall the polls showing over 50% were less then satisfied.
Yes people complain easier then praise, but even then it would reflect an easy 10% of the userbase being unhappy.
Though its true there seems to be a lot of fearmongering, you cant simply deny the faults that surfaced.
Here's the thing. GPS functionality in Asus Transformer Prime is a PROBLEM (at least for me). Do I want a solution, or find a solution? I sure do.. but since Asus won't clarify & acknowledge the issue, myself and other "complainers" can only guess & *****.
If you bought Transformer Prime through Gamestop & Office Depot.. at least according to their crappy return policy, you cannot get a FULL REFUND if the box is opened. Can only be exchanged with same item... but with current Transformer status.. it's difficult to get an exchange, & aren't guaranteed of Prime with properly working GPS.
And I don't get how it is a dead issue.
I have until February to return mine, so I'm not too concerned. I didn't get what I paid for, it may or may not be a deal breaker by then, I have until then to figure it out. The only reason I'm not complaining too loudly is because I am in charge of my own own destiny with this tablet plus I'm pretty sure Asus will get this fixed, even if it means they slap different backs on these suckers and delay putting them on the shelves.
I bought into this knowing and willing to go through some growing pains with new technology in a tablet. I wasn't expecting a problem with old technology, but I'll be patient. Til I get closer to my BBRewar Zone Premium Silver deadline.
Oh - and yea, no way I return/exchange now for another unit with GPS problems
Sokonomi said:
How did the polls prove the opposite? Is this a glass half full vs. half empty kind of thing?
Because I seem to recall the polls showing over 50% were less then satisfied.
Yes people complain easier then praise, but even then it would reflect an easy 10% of the userbase being unhappy.
Though its true there seems to be a lot of fearmongering, you cant simply deny the faults that surfaced.
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the_game_master said:
you guys are doing it wrong. If you have a faulty Transformer Prime instead moping around here trolling, you should be using that time being in contact with ASUS or the retailer you bought the product from and work with them on getting a replacement. How on Earth are you guys are going to troll us who are either anxiously awaiting the arrival of our Prime tablet or have a fault-free Prime tabet?
how trolling us going to even work?
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it will be much easier for us to turn the tables on you and backfire your troll thread.
Example 1:
lmao, your Transformer flopped. Sucks to be you.
Example 2
oh yes it's very simple.
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Man I'm loving your post. it's classic. that was all I was basically trying to say.
-to the guy that say as he recalled polls showed more than 50% dissatisfied, your recallation is wrong. polls showed more than that satisfied. there was a thread and poll on GPS. polls showed more than 60% had no issues and satisfied. same thing with the wifi thread and poll that primetimebro made. majority of users, over 70% last time o looked, said they had no issue n wifi worked fine. then another thread on are you satisfied with prime or do you have issues. majority of those polled no issues and happy with prime. now more n more threads popping up of people enjoying device and they saying they glad they didn't feed into negativity.
demandarin said:
Great point. But the flipside to it is that these issues aren't affecting everyone. More than half the prime owners here already polled and commented what these threads post about is not the case with them. Yes Asus does need better QC. YES Asus needs to address the issues "SOME" users are experiencing. But to downplay or assume just because your damn device isn't working right, everyone else's isn't also. Or try to rationlaize n be like well they didn't rub the test right. Some people are just looking and hoping others have issues. That's all I'm saying. Just because your sh#& doesn't work right, don't assume everyone else's is the same. Because for the majority of prime owners it isn't. Like I said before, I did the research on Prime and very satisfied with purchase. GPS on my is not important to me or majority of users. So no reason really to wait to buy one. Wait just because a minute/small numerous of people have issues? Come on now...obviously the consumer isn't buying it and can think for themselves because device still selling like crazy and preorders backed up.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
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1) I'm not saying that all devices have these problems, and neither are a lot of other "complainers". I'm also not "hoping" people will have issues.
2) You don't know whether or not the majority of owners are experiencing problems. No one knows what the actual statistics are. And before you reference a poll on a forum, I suggest you take a course in statistics to know how bad and unrepresentative those are. You're saying what you want the case to be, not necessarily what it actually is (which no one knows).
3) It doesn't take a majority to make a problem serious. 35% experiencing the issue can be considered a serious problem, and other non-majority percentages can also be great enough to constitute a "serious" problem. For a lot of products, in fact, a fairly "low" percentage actually constitutes a serious failure rate.
4) The consumer isn't "buying it" (believing these issues exist) because the VAST majority of people who will buy the Prime aren't on XDA and consequently don't know anything about them before buying it.
5) Being concerned about this device is fully based on sound reasoning. I can read through this forum and determine based on the quantity and type of comments made what is likely going on. And what is going on is very similar to the design faults I have experienced with my HTC Sensation. That is why I believe there is a serious enough chance that the Prime's issues boil down to design faults to throw up the yellow flag (caution flag in auto racing) for potential buyers. I can sort out what is probably QC versus design faults, and imo it is reasonable to suggest that poor Wifi and GPS are probably the consequence of design faults, while issues that are less reported like dead pixels are probably QC issues that fewer people have. What's ultimately "unreasonable" is to have such evidence of a possible serious issue and to not tell potential buyers about those problems. If you have a Prime that has good Wifi and GPS performance, good for you. But YOU are the one who is being misleading if you tell potential buyers that there are no issues whatsoever. What you SHOULD be saying is "Hey, I like my Prime, it works perfectly for me, but there are a lot of people with Wifi and GPS issues, so I would be careful if I were you and go into this decision knowing something like that might happen". The truth is, YOU are the one who is ascribing YOUR personal situation to ALL Prime's, and consequently YOU are one of the most misleading posters out there right now.
The Janitor Mop said:
1) I'm not saying that all devices have these problems, and neither are a lot of other "complainers". I'm also not "hoping" people will have issues.
2) You don't know whether or not the majority of owners are experiencing problems. No one knows what the actual statistics are. And before you reference a poll on a forum, I suggest you take a course in statistics to know how bad and unrepresentative those are. You're saying what you want the case to be, not necessarily what it actually is (which no one knows).
3) It doesn't take a majority to make a problem serious. 35% experiencing the issue can be considered a serious problem, and other non-majority percentages can also be great enough to constitute a "serious" problem. For a lot of products, in fact, a fairly "low" percentage actually constitutes a serious failure rate.
4) The consumer isn't "buying it" (believing these issues exist) because the VAST majority of people who will buy the Prime aren't on XDA and consequently don't know anything about them before buying it.
5) Being concerned about this device is fully based on sound reasoning. I can read through this forum and determine based on the quantity and type of comments made what is likely going on. And what is going on is very similar to the design faults I have experienced with my HTC Sensation. That is why I believe there is a serious enough chance that the Prime's issues boil down to design faults to throw up the yellow flag (caution flag in auto racing) for potential buyers. I can sort out what is probably QC versus design faults, and imo it is reasonable to suggest that poor Wifi and GPS are probably the consequence of design faults, while issues that are less reported like dead pixels are probably QC issues that fewer people have. What's ultimately "unreasonable" is to have such evidence of a possible serious issue and to not tell potential buyers about those problems. If you have a Prime that has good Wifi and GPS performance, good for you. But YOU are the one who is being misleading if you tell potential buyers that there are no issues whatsoever. What you SHOULD be saying is "Hey, I like my Prime, it works perfectly for me, but there are a lot of people with Wifi and GPS issues, so I would be careful if I were you and go into this decision knowing something like that might happen". The truth is, YOU are the one who is ascribing YOUR personal situation to ALL Prime's, and consequently YOU are one of the most misleading posters out there right now.
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Actually for your second to last sentence, I have. I've never said no one has nothing tl worry about as I know there are issues out there. I'm talking about when the various same people go on saying don't get the device because theirs is faulty and that more than likely the new owner will experience same issues. So when they come saying that in threads, I interject my experience with device. Period
sent from my Transformer Prime, The Best and Most Powerful Android device out today. Get used to it!
One thing you guys all need to remember is, the VAST majority of people buying tablets have no ****ing clue what XDA is. They do not have hundreds, or thousands of posts in tech forums. 60% satisfaction, or dissatisfaction, or whatever means pretty much nothing on this forum. Lets say that Asus ends up selling 2 million of these things (Random number). How many of those 2 million are going to be on XDA complaining about their tablets? Hundreds. You all need to realize that any poll done on this site has such a small sample of data that it is virtually ****.
So, can you list the "ppl" who are telling ppl not to get the device? Or are these based on assumptions as well? Or does "complaining" or sharing info on defective GPS constitutes as telling ppl not to purchase the device? Is GPS not considered a problem since it means nothing to you? Do we have to follow your act and just "let it slide"?
If you are happy with it, and do not consider your Prime to be defective.. FINE. But we do not work for Asus, nor should we care for "potential" Prime purchasers. Each person should do their own research (if they are on this forum), read the forum/threads as they fit, and decide on their OWN. I really don't get this... "complain less or ignore your minor issues so we can keep the image of PRIME prestigious" attitude.

[Q] TP Worth Waiting For ?

Okay so I dont have it pre-ordered or anything basically waiting for Best Buy to get it back in stock.
Been seeing alot of the posts here, and was wondering if it is really worth the wait. It seems like alot of negatives are going on here concerning the prime and I wonder if it is really worth it or if I should look into a different tablet.
I mean is it as buggy and problematic as it seems ?
Psycho-Nemesis said:
I mean is it as buggy and problematic as it seems ?
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You'd best do a LOT of reading about this thing if you don't want your pocket picked.
in a nutshell, yes it's worth the wait, and no it's not as buggy as it seems to be on these forums. are there some manuf flaws from a rushed first production run? sure. do most other first generation/run devices have flaws like this? yes.
value is very subjective and it's going to depend on what you want from a tablet.
do you want cutting edge hardware that will be "king" for at least 4 months?
do you not care about proper gps functionality? (as in, are you going to use this as a standalone GPS device for navigating and while it's not connected to a wireless network)
do you want android?
do you want timely updates?
do you want something NOW?
if you answered yes to those questions, the prime is hands down the best tablet on the market.
personally, my prime works fine (aside from no gps lock, but A-GPS works perfectly fine for my usage), i have very little light bleed on the upper left, and will exchange that for another one once gamestop gets new stock in, but otherwise this thing is fast, solid, & gorgeous.
the kicker for the prime line in general tends to be the dock, i had one for the tf101 and i loved it, waiting for amazon to deliver my dock for the prime.
adiliyo said:
in a nutshell, yes it's worth the wait,
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Everytime I turn round there's a new thread with someone having MAJOR problems. The tablet isn't worth it to someone who has ANY clue as to the value of money.
Someone Walkin' said:
Everytime I turn round there's a new thread with someone having MAJOR problems. The tablet isn't worth it to someone who has ANY clue as to the value of money.
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Before you call BS on somebody's, IMHO very well argumented, opinion, have you considered:
1) Most people happy with their prime don't post "I'm so happy with my prime", only people having problems post in the forum.
2) Have you considered the prime install base vs. the number of thread stating problems. I agree that the prime has major hw issues if the install base is like only 500 units and there are 50 threads with problems (10% with defective units). But if the install base is 5,000 or 50,000 then only 1 to 0,1 % observes problems and almost 99% do not..
3) How many of the problems observed are in regards to human error or lack of knowledge? I've seen threads where people complain that the unit won't turn on because they haven't charged it or for what ever reason have gotten the unit into boot mode.
4)Some problems are attributed to ICS in general and not the prime.
I agree that the prime launch has been sub optimal and the first batch of primes has definitely generated a lot of static about hardware problems. I got mine exchanged for a new unit, and have not seen any of the problems mentioned on the forums.
OP: See adiliyo's post, I definitely agree on his views. I enjoy my Prime very much and with the keyboard, I rarely have a reason to boot my macbook. The UI is very smooth, it is absolutely a beast in regards to video playback, and the build quality is very good. With ICS the browser performance is very good and almost as fast as a desktop browser.
If you want to be sure to buy a tablet with no problems at all, then wait a few months after launch before you buy. Being first mover presents both unique problems but also unique rewards - like me having the prime in Denmark 5 weeks before hitting retail here.
It depends, the prime in itself is beautiful but there is no denying that it has some serious issues, namely GPS and WIFI.
GPS is irrelevant for me (even though it simply should work of course) but WIFI IS a serious issue. When close to the router and with no obstacles all is fine but performance degrades quickly once you move away from the router.
Check this video for a comparison:
And I can confirm these results with my prime (also owning the original transformer TF101).
Apart from WIFI, it truely is beautiful and worth the wait but if you plan to use wifi across the house, or in some other spots with lesser access, for streaming video, etc please think twice (or thrice) before geting it.
Worth to me. I did a little homework before I decided to buy a Prime. I knew the GPS would be a problem, but I didn't really need a 10" GPS anyway. So I went for it.
The wifi function is okay, no big issue. everything is good. Quite satisfied now.
I believe it is worth the wait. I read constantly while waiting for best buy to have them in stock online. I took into consideration the various problems individuals were having and when one became available, I purchased it. I have had it all but a week now and have seen zero issues in regards to wi-fi (signal strength matches my Atrix's whereever I am) and GPS works well enough that it locates my location close-enough. As another poster said, only those people who have seen issues have posted about them. I have zero complaints with mine, especially with the ICS update yesterday, and would recommend this unit to anyone seeking a great tablet.
I'd say it's worth it. I know looking on the forums might make some people a little nervous about shelling out $500 for the current Prime. But you need to keep in mind that forums are where people go WHEN they have problems. Obviously, people with issues are over-represented here.
That said, I would not say the TF201 is perfect. GPS seems clearly defective. No excuses on this one. If you need GPS, look elsewhere.
Aside from that, I don't see anything else that can be considered a major flaw. Some people have issues with Wifi, most do not (myself included, I get the same internet speed on my TF201 as I do on my gigabit wired desktop). As far as the other stuff (light bleed, dead pixels), it's not really out of the ordinary for LCD screens for a minority to have newegg reviews for practically any popular monitor and you'll see it, likewise over at apple (or other device) forums. People who are expecting LCD screen production to be perfect or for manufacturers to go over every pixel on every device are kidding themselves.
Thank you for some of the replys.
This is my thing, I know generally the fourms are where people are going to be crying about there devices.
Now I work in a tech support type job, so I know an opinion of something can be skewed when all you see is bad about stuff. now the other thing though is this. I see people posting issues about how doing regular firmware updates are causing serious issues with their Prime's.
I know its hands down on papaer the best tablet, but even with one of my friends who has one, first time he opened it out of box he did a fireware update and nearly bricked and then had to do the battery drain to fix the problem.
So I am alittle hesitant on the whole prime still. Which is why I am here on the fourms asking, basicly seeing, those who are "happy" who haven't had the problems, who don't seem to be those who are whining and crying and complaing about how Asus "stole my money", come forth and say something.
Oh and thanks adiliyo, your post seemed to at least be unbias, so thanks, also I too dont give a rats about the GPS, its a tablet, sure its nice to work, but not a big deal for me. Also ph0ton you as well thanks for the opinion.
Hopefully there will still be more replys still, cause I am still sadly on the fence about his.
I recieved one from the 1st batch (arrived on 23rd) and the only issue I have is weaker GPS than my XOOM, but I have never used the GPS on either. My Wifi is fine, and I absolutely love the tablet overall. I would buy it again in a second.

Returned Prime - But included meaningful personal thoughts here..

Here's a "useless" post from me: I regrettably returned my Prime today to OD. I was having questionable wifi performance on my Prime. I'm a PC/Network tech that has everything I own tweaked to perfection, including my router. It's the RT-N16 (Asus). 7' away, signal dropped from 20Mbps down to 11Mbps. With Bluetooth on, it dropped to 325Kbps. The serial # started with B___ (I think BCKOS?) I don't have it in front of me, but it's the older hardware version. Anyway, so I had it boxed up two days ago, but unboxed it last night, as I really didn't want to return it. I figured since I had done a hard reset, that MAYBE it would magically fix itself. However, I spent a few hours browsing XDA, and testing the prime as much as I could and still ended up boxing it back up and shipping it out today. Looking around at other options, as I need something for work, I honestly don't want anything else. I want my Prime back... Just... Working.
My buddy is also looking for a tablet, and before I decided to return mine, he was about to purchase one. I called him yesterday and just told him to hold off.. It IS the best tablet out there, but the few quirks just need fixed before it's something I can recommend.
Issues I had with mine:
1. GPS was horrible (never flexed tablet to see if it'd fix it)
2. Wifi at close range worked good, anything more than 5' dropped considerably
3. With Bluetooth on & connected to headset would bring Wifi speeds to a crawl
4. Browser would hang on loading pages, and wouldn't allow scrolling, often times would state that "browser is unresponsive" and ask if i wanted to wait or close
5. Background formatting was a hassle. Nothing ever fit right (unless i followed some 3rd party tweaks)
6. Updates for Camera/GPS never did anything or improved anything.
7. Tegra 3 Optimized games would hang. Often times screen would go haywire or would open & close instantly without loading the game.
Ultimately, it came down to this: I honestly think that the OP was correct that the pins are the main culprit. I don't think it's something that can be fixed via a software update. Also, I am pretty upset that Asus is making the customer pay for shipping. It is their fault these tablets are having these problems, not the customer. I have always been a fan of Asus, and I'm not going to say that the problems with this tablet are going to make me never purchase another Asus product again.. I mean, look at their history with mainboards & video cards.. Some have issues, but you all know that if you were going to put your trust into either of those products, Asus would be something you would feel comfortable recommending.
I don't feel that we should say "poor Asus" and stroke their ego. I think us, as consumers should stand our ground and demand free shipping to the repair facility for a mistake they made. Just as they'd expect you to pay if you broke it and needed it fixed. They broke it, they fix it. Pretty plain and simple. Anyway, good luck to everyone here. I will be closely monitoring this forum, as I really want the issues resolved quickly.. I can't wait to have that beast in my arms again.
Unfortunately I'm in the same boat. Mine is going back this weekend. I gave it two weeks, but random browser freezes, minor light bleed, game crashes, gps, low wifi power, and all the rest add up to a poor user experience. Make your opinion known with your wallet.
briderx said:
My buddy is also looking for a tablet, and before I decided to return mine, he was about to purchase one. I called him yesterday and just told him to hold off..
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If the pogo pins turn out to be the reason for different wireless performance between Prime's, Asus is going to have to come clean like they did with GPS. They can either do it actively (mea culpa) or passively (change the design on future units). If they take the latter path someone here on XDA will figure it out. Regardless, this seems potentially too big to ignore so hopefully there will be some sort of communication and/or design change. Once either occurs people can buy/re-buy with confidence. An uglier route would be for Asus to continue to produce low volumes of Prime's as-is to save face until the TF700's are available. It's obviously not a customer-centric approach but recoups their investment in the Prime and maintains a revenue stream in the short-term. Although the returns have to be killing them from a profitability perspective.
I've been accused of being a conspiracy theorist so I never mentioned this before. But if you watch this official Asus video from CES, their rep makes a big deal at the beginning about the Prime being sold alongside the TF700. Later in the video when talking about the TF700's back cover design he twice mentions the Prime in the past tense saying "had" and "did have." Don't shoot the messenger.
Kobald said:
After that, I might re-consider my position.
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You guys that are taking such a "the Prime's great" stance might want to be a little less confident in your positions. There are issues large and small that affect more than just a handful of devices. Some of the people that have provided commentary on the more serious wireless issues have been h/w engineers and what’s been discussed can’t be fixed with a Band Aid. This isn't just a case of "fanboys" vs. "haters" like you typically see in most forums.
With today's discussion on the pogo pin choice for connecting the Wi-Fi chip to its antennas, there's some serious questions that need to be answered. As all these issues keep accumulating, keep in the back of your mind Asus announced a new device with identical features to the Prime less than three weeks after it was released. They may co-exist peacefully for a long time or Asus could pull the Prime (or put a non-HD display on the TF700 and call it the TF600) soon after it's released as a way of addressing the Prime's shortcomings. With the amount of returns, RMA’s for repair, and scarcity which points to manufacturing issues, what profit their making is quickly evaporating. And no company continues to produce a product they don't make money on. If they do pull or replace the Prime, many will remember those that staunchly supported the Prime when logic dictates there's something very troubling about how it’s come to market.
BarryH_GEG said:
And no company continues to produce a product they don't make money on. If they do pull or replace the Prime, many will remember those that staunchly supported the Prime when logic dictates there's something very troubling about how it’s come to market.
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There you go, putting Asus on the spot again. There is NO WAY they released this tablet without knowing about the GPS, WiFi, WiFi+BT issues. They knew about all of it, but their analysts computed that selling it "as is" would be more profitable than recalling it and fixing it.
For 99% of us, we are happy with screen bleed, bad WiFi range, no GPS, screen colors bad, chargers that fall apart, no BT with Wifi, dead pixels and random reboots. Those issues are non-issues, we love our Primes unconditionally.
Go troll someplace else.
Kobald said:
For 99% of us, we are happy with screen bleed, bad WiFi range, no GPS, screen colors bad, chargers that fall apart, no BT with Wifi, dead pixels and random reboots. Those issues are non-issues, we love our Primes unconditionally.
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If you're being facetious, that's hysterical.
Go troll someplace else.
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If you're being serious, those are big words for someone with a whopping 19 posts, all in this forum, and all this month.
I'm almost 1-for-2 thanks for posts though.
Kobald said:
I'm almost 1-for-1 thanks for posts though.
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Not a difficult strategy to accumulate "thanks." Demandarin's gotten hundreds that way in a few weeks. Simply jump in to any thread that has an even slightly negative slant and unleash a torrent of positive adjectives. That way, those that are blinded by love for their Prime's will in unison give you tons of thanks for contributing nothing of substance to the discussion. Keep up the good work. You should be at a 100 thanks in no time if that's what you're aiming for.
BarryH_GEG said:
Not a difficult strategy to accumulate "thanks." Demandarin's gotten hundreds that way in a few weeks. Simply jump in to any thread that has an even slightly negative slant and unleash a torrent of positive adjectives. That way, those that are blinded by love for their Prime's will in unison give you tons of thanks for contributing nothing of substance to the discussion. Keep up the good work. You should be at a 100 thanks in no time if that's what you're aiming for.
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Not my goal Barry, I just try to point out the obvious. I actually agree with most of your posts and have sent you Thanks.
I haven't been around long, but Asus really screwed the pooch on TFP. But for some unknown reason, some people act like TFP is a dear family member and defend it way beyond reason.
Kobald said:
Not my goal Barry, I just try to point out the obvious. I actually agree with most of your posts and have sent you Thanks.
I haven't been around long, but Asus really screwed the pooch on TFP. But for some unknown reason, some people act like TFP is a dear family member and defend it way beyond reason.
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Well shoot, you were being facetious. I love wicked humor.
Kobald said:
Cool starry bra.
This morning I woke up, took a shower and went to work. Then I went to lunch.
My TFP has screen bleed, bad WiFi, WiFi/BT issues, no GPS and creaky screen. I don't ask for advice or sympathy. I suck it up and deal with it, knowing that my TFP is the most awesome tablet ever designed.
Good luck with your A700, iPad3, whatever when it comes out. But for the next 2 weeks or so, my TFP will smoke the specs of your next device.
After that, I might re-consider my position.
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I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but if you were talking to me (OP), look at my post:
briderx said:
I will be closely monitoring this forum, as I really want the issues resolved quickly.. I can't wait to have that beast in my arms again.
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Meaning: I loved my Prime.. No question, hands down it was awesome. Unfortunately for me, using this for business (as I also stated in OP) wasn't an option. And, again, as I stated above, I will be repurchasing it. Just, after the issues that I have with it are fixed. I didn't complain and ask for opinions either.. I formulated my own and acted on my opinion well before posting this.
What's the point of a forum, if you can only post good things about a product? I don't have to agree with your statements, nor do you have to agree with mine.. Both are acceptable! I say, by all means man, if it works for you, keep it! I would too if I didn't have to rely on adequate wifi, or the occasional GPS lock. I was fine with the games crashing.. I didn't want it for games. But all the problems added up to something I feel would ultimately be useless for me to utilize.
If you weren't talking to me, disregard all the above
I get 10 meg down approx 30-35 feet away through 4 walls. The same or better tests than I get with my other devices.
I used to be able to lock GPS still, but not moving, after a pinch near the GPS connector I can lock fine while going 70mph.
No crashes.
No screen bleed.
No color issues or bright spots.
No force closing apps so far.
Dock connects solidly and works great.
Sucks to be y`all.
Yeah, my screen was perfect.. The light bleed was next to zero.. Nothing more than any other devices I own. I also had no dead pixels. Upon upgrading to ICS (did it within the first 5 hours owning it) I had I think 2 random reboots, that was the first day I owned it. Didn't have any after that. I didn't want to pinch the screen, because I was scared of denting it or breaking it, and knowing my luck, it would have happened moments before returning it . I contemplated picking up a newer serial # one, but while in OD, they didn't have any in stock.. I was hoping maybe they had one on display that I could have checked to see if performance was better (browser/wifi) and then just grab another. I posted my serial # above to also let people know, that I was evidently in the group with "older hardware". So, my experiences may have been a bit limited.. I feel naked without mine now
Edit: Kids also keep asking me to get it back because I purchased a few of the Bearenstain Bears books, as well as some free books for kids on the kindle marketplace.. Probably the one thing I miss most. Ha.
Not that it matter or you care, but I have the BC serial that is "older hardware."
Gary posted a possible fix of manually reverting back to HC, changing some setting to what appears to be "normal" and then re-updating to ICS. I didn't touch a thing before upgrading to ICS, but I know some of you got yours before ICS was out.
redpoint13 said:
Not that it matter or you care, but I have the BC serial that is "older hardware."
Gary posted a possible fix of manually reverting back to HC, changing some setting to what appears to be "normal" and then re-updating to ICS. I didn't touch a thing before upgrading to ICS, but I know some of you got yours before ICS was out.
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What's it supposed to do? I'm curious.. It'd be nice if it fixed some of the app lockups i experienced & the browser sluggishness.. I did mention above, that I did do a factory reset (not manual downgrade then re-upgrade like you posted) hoping maybe that'd fix some of it..
briderx said:
What's it supposed to do? I'm curious.. It'd be nice if it fixed some of the app lockups i experienced & the browser sluggishness.. I did mention above, that I did do a factory reset (not manual downgrade then re-upgrade like you posted) hoping maybe that'd fix some of it..
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He did not mention what the cuplrit was, but I think it was in reference to the random crashing.
redpoint13 said:
I get 10 meg down approx 30-35 feet away through 4 walls. The same or better tests than I get with my other devices.
I used to be able to lock GPS still, but not moving, after a pinch near the GPS connector I can lock fine while going 70mph.
No crashes.
No screen bleed.
No color issues or bright spots.
No force closing apps so far.
Dock connects solidly and works great.
Sucks to be y`all.
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Trust me, this won't last. You'll notice some form or fashion of screen defects in a couple of weeks, just in time for your policy to have expired for a return/exchange... in which case you will be forced to ship it off to ASUS.
That will be the cost of your smug sense of self-worth.
I don't believe in a "perfect" TFP, because that would be less likely than seeing a Double-Rainbow, all the way.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk
Reignzone said:
Trust me, this won't last. You'll notice some form or fashion of screen defects in a couple of weeks, just in time for your policy to have expired for a return/exchange... in which case you will be forced to ship it off to ASUS.
That will be the cost of your smug sense of self-worth.
I don't believe in a "perfect" TFP, because that would be less likely than seeing a Double-Rainbow, all the way.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk
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Yes of course, I'll trust the random guy on a forum. I won't consider the multiple friends with them who don't have issues. When a hundred people on a forum complain that means every tablet is bunk.
And by the way, every rainbow is a double rainbow, look a little harder next time.
redpoint13 said:
Yes of course, I'll trust the random guy on a forum. I won't consider the multiple friends with them who don't have issues. When a hundred people on a forum complain that means every tablet is bunk.
And by the way, every rainbow is a double rainbow, look a little harder next time.
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Yeah, but is it all the way across the sky?
briderx said:
Yeah, but is it all the way across the sky?
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It's always the same as the main rainbow, just dimmer and the colors are flipped. I have seen plenty, along with a triple rainbow across the whole sky outside of redrocks in I believe 2008.

Asus / Gary Key Please Read Before Prime Return!!!

Ok I think I need to start off by saying how much I like the Prime, but I think Asus owes us some better answers then what they have been giving us. It has been over a month now and we still have very little answers for the problems we have with the Prime.
I am lucky enough that I have a 45 day return policy from Best Buy so I still have some time to return, but I would not return if I knew the Bluetooth / Wi-Fi issue could be fixed with a software update. I have no problems with the Wi-Fi signal strength, I only have the problem where the data transfer rate comes to a crawl when I am using Bluetooth headphones.
I know GPS is a lost cause and I am willing to live with that. At least Asus came out and said that they messed up and it can't be fixed.
If the fix for the bluetooth / Wi-Fi issue is to send it in for repair I want to know now so I can return my Prime before my time runs out. I bought one of the Original Transformers and between that and the dock sent it in 5 times for repair. On the first repair Gray Key even tried to help me out because the repair center tried to say I damaged the tablet. The Transformer tablet was never repaired right, but I figured I would give Asus another shot with this tablet. (Plus I needed an upgrade from the Transformer that was never right) So, you can see why I wouldn't want to have to send this tablet in for anything.
I must also say I am very grateful for Gary Key being on here, but I feel we have given Asus enough time now that we should have a better answer on some of this stuff and not just a generic statement like:
"We are finalizing a service side solution for the WiFi/BT dropout problem and hopefully it can be rolled out shortly."
"We are working on two different solutions now and hope to have a fix available in early February."
What is a service side solution? and what are these two different solutions?
Please bump this so it stays on the front page till we get a response from Asus or Gary Key!!!!!
Mods please close this thread. Gary already has stickied WiFi/BT thread, where he states they are working on solution and possible February update.
For starters rhisbis not that serious as for the need of your thread title. Second, Gary Key answers most people through his sticky threads up top and through PM. He has been very good at replying to my concerns n questions. No need for him to address the whole prime forum as everyone, believe it or not, doesn't have major issues. If you truly wish Gary to address you, then post in his threads or send him a PM. Trying to call him out through your thread rifle won't help. As there is no proof of a mass return. If anything, the prime is still selling as we are seeing more n more new owners here. Plus if you want proof that not all are affected by issues, then check out the positive Prime thread.
You will not get any answers from Asus or Gary if your Prime is one of the ones with one of the major issues either return it for a refund or exchange that's the bottom line and end of story.
PrimeTimeBro said:
You will not get any answers from Asus or Gary if your Prime is one of the ones with one of the major issues either return it for a refund or exchange that's the bottom line and end of story.
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You're all overestimating Gary's assignment to this forum as "official XDA troubleshooter." He has a full time job and Asus has a hierarchical support network to deal with consumer issues. He's not a replacement for that or here to do individual bidding. Abuse the resource and it will be gone.
Asus respond please
I too would like to see an official response from Asus on what is happening with quality, retailer inventory, problem resolution, and expected wifi performance under different scenarios.
I'd also like to see something on the Asus website where users can get an update on what is happening. To say that users should PM Gary on one-by-one basis or depend on support through a unofficial 3rd party forum is insane.
I returned my prime but really would like to repurchase the product if I can feel confident that Asus is going to resolve the issues and support the product.
How about a single page which is updated at as to what's happening, maybe even include a FAQ section which includes solutions to common issues. Seems like that would be alot more effective than PM'ing the marketing manager for one-one-one support. For those that Gary did respond to, I'm sure you think it's the best support out there. But this is not an effective means to support the masses.
BostonDan2 said:
I too would like to see an official response from Asus on what is happening with quality, retailer inventory, problem resolution, and expected wifi performance under different scenarios.
I'd also like to see something on the Asus website where users can get an update on what is happening. To say that users should PM Gary on one-by-one basis or depend on support through a unofficial 3rd party forum is insane.
I returned my prime but really would like to repurchase the product if I can feel confident that Asus is going to resolve the issues and support the product.
How about a single page which is updated at as to what's happening, maybe even include a FAQ section which includes solutions to common issues. Seems like that would be alot more effective than PM'ing the marketing manager for one-one-one support. For those that Gary did respond to, I'm sure you think it's the best support out there. But this is not an effective means to support the masses.
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I agree. It's only fair to the masses. But we can't abuse what we do have going on here though with Gary like Barry said.
What I have observed is Gary is doing damage control.
If you don't want to deal with TF201 issues (GPS, WiFi range, WiFi/BT, screen colors, dead pixels, faulty chargers, screen bleed, screen colors, battery life, random lockups, serial not found, loose screens, etc) just return your prime, while you can.
There are many, many of us who are willing to accept the Prime with one or more of these issues. After all, its a first run and these minor issues are to be expected.
If you RMA your Prime, it seems most are returned to you with "no problem found" at best. At worst, your Prime will be damaged at Asus and in addition to paying for the RMA shipping, you will be paying for the damage caused at the RMA facility.
If you are outside your return window and are stuck with the Prime, please open your minds and join us TF201 fanboys. You will receive alot of support from us!!! We love our Primes unconditionally. And the more we are, the better for us all!!! If we are enough, the mod community will grow. Who knows, maybe one of us will come up with a viable dremel mod, or even a new plastic replacement case.
Kobald said:
What I have observed is Gary is doing damage control.
If you don't want to deal with TF201 issues (GPS, WiFi range, WiFi/BT, screen colors, dead pixels, faulty chargers, screen bleed, screen colors, battery life, random lockups, serial not found, loose screens, etc) just return your prime, while you can.
There are many, many of us who are willing to accept the Prime with one or more of these issues. After all, its a first run and these minor issues are to be expected.
If you RMA your Prime, it seems most are returned to you with "no problem found" at best. At worst, your Prime will be damaged at Asus and in addition to paying for the RMA shipping, you will be paying for the damage caused at the RMA facility.
If you are outside your return window and are stuck with the Prime, please open your minds and join us TF201 fanboys. You will receive alot of support from us!!! We love our Primes unconditionally. And the more we are, the better for us all!!! If we are enough, the mod community will grow. Who knows, maybe one of us will come up with a viable dremel mod, or even a new plastic replacement case.
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Your last paragraph has me laughing. AS I'm not sure if you serious or someone else on a new screenname trying to be funny. EITHERway, Welcome! THE tides seem to be turning again. THE Force will overcome the Darkside!
TEAM Prime 4 Life!
I'm 100% sure he is forking around. Lmao funny stuff.
No, we TFP fanboys are like Honey Badgers. Doesn't matter what anyone says. This tablet is the fastest, best tablet ever designed. It smokes every other tablet out there.
I agree with Barry. Gary can help but while he can offer advice he doesn't own the company. Mine is in RMA for the third week. I've finally made peace with the fact this isn't the tablet for me and if and when it ever comes back I'm ebaying and moving on. Not being negative. It is what it is for me. I don't think it will bother Gary if one gets returned or 10,000. Asus has many products and all companies figures a certain percentage to returns and allowances.
I hope this thread is a joke.
Btw, respect to the Honey Badger!!!
Kobald said:
No, we TFP fanboys are like Honey Badgers. Doesn't matter what anyone says. This tablet is the fastest, best tablet ever designed. It smokes every other tablet out there.
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Classic this forum is funny as hell. I saved that video to favorites..lmfao
sdelliott31 said:
Btw, respect to the Honey Badger!!!
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check out the Honey Badger app in the market(Im not joking)its great
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
So I just exchanged my Prime as someone suggested in this thread because Best Buy had some Primes that they just got in stock.
I am sad to report that the New Prime I got has the same Bluetooth / Wi-Fi drop off issue as the one I returned plus this one has major light bleed on the right side. So now I am worse off then I started.
I feel I might not have to go though this return process if Asus would be more honest with us.
This is what I was scared of and why I wanted to know before I returned if my issue could be fixed with an update.
Now I have to return again for the 3rd time if they have anymore.
Don't return it dude. The Prime is the most advanced tablet ever made but there are a few minor issues you may encounter. Its all part of being part of the cutting edge of technology.
TFP has ICS, which is the latest. Its not like Asus has said whatever, we're making a better tablet and abandoning TFP. Yes, they making better tablet, but their focus is still TFP.
We have the fastest, most best tablet ever made. Who cares about minor problems (which should have been expected anyhow, since this is first run).
My stupid friend said his iPad1 runs the latest iOS and surfs websites smoother than TFP. Boy, does he have a lot to learn!
Kobald said:
Don't return it dude. The Prime is the most advanced tablet ever made but there are a few minor issues you may encounter. Its all part of being part of the cutting edge of technology.
TFP has ICS, which is the latest. Its not like Asus has said whatever, we're making a better tablet and abandoning TFP. Yes, they making better tablet, but their focus is still TFP.
We have the fastest, most best tablet ever made. Who cares about minor problems (which should have been expected anyhow, since this is first run).
My stupid friend said his iPad1 runs the latest iOS and surfs websites smoother than TFP. Boy, does he have a lot to learn!
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Just remember that's why you were allowed to wait and pay so much less than the tf700 so that you could get this Honey Badger of a tablet. You shouldn't have to expect for it to work.
Garys Current Signature for those not aware
"I am traveling to Taiwan from January 27th through February 4th to work on Transformer Prime problems with our engineering group. I will read messages and forward information to R&D but expect direct replies to be very delayed or answered by Customer Care. "

Complaint Thread Consolidation

I was thinking that since we have a single Positive Prime thread, why don't we consolidate the purely dissatisfied threads into one? That way, we are not invalidating complaints that are legitimate, but also not mucking up the front page of the board with complaint thread after complaint thread, most of which are complaining about similar issues. Of course, there are issues that emerge that warrant new threads, like the sleep issue that came out with .13.
I personally have had no issues with my prime, and have no problems with anyone who has had issues. You have legitimate gripes, but I think a new thread for every experience doesn't seem necessary. Much like there shouldn't be a new thread for every good experience, they should just be posted in the Positive Prime Thread.
What you guys think?
Heerocon said:
I was thinking that since we have a single Positive Prime thread, why don't we consolidate the purely dissatisfied threads into one? That way, we are not invalidating complaints that are legitimate, but also not mucking up the front page of the board with complaint thread after complaint thread, most of which are complaining about similar issues. Of course, there are issues that emerge that warrant new threads, like the sleep issue that came out with .13.
I personally have had no issues with my prime, and have no problems with anyone who has had issues. You have legitimate gripes, but I think a new thread for every experience doesn't seem necessary. Much like there shouldn't be a new thread for every good experience, they should just be posted in the Positive Prime Thread.
What you guys think?
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"Love" is general. "Complaints" are specific. "Love" is consistent. "Complaints" are random. Those that "love," love equally. Those with "complaints," vary from device to device. At last tally there were over 300 pages of complaints. The "Positive Transformer Prime Thread" has 35. While it would be nice for those that are happy to banish the complainers to an internment camp, it's not very practical. When Asus’ addresses the issues, the complaints will stop (or at least ratchet down to a typical XDA forum level).
Okay, but....
BarryH_GEG said:
"Love" is general. "Complaints" are specific. "Love" is consistent. "Complaints" are random. Those that "love," love equally. Those with "complaints," vary from device to device. At last tally there were over 300 pages of complaints. The "Positive Transformer Prime Thread" has 35. While it would be nice for those that are happy to banish the complainers to an internment camp, it's not very practical. When Asus’ addresses the issues, the complaints will stop (or at least ratchet down to a typical XDA forum level).
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I don't know that "Banishing" is exactly what the OP had in mind, but I agree it would be impractical. The thread would get too large and quickly, intil Asus gets down to it and takes care of the issues. What IS a bit frustrating is that so many threads get hijacked and TURN INTO complaint threads, no matter what the original premise was.
Another concern of mine (I hate to admit I was thinking about these thread even when offline. The damn Prime general thread has become a train wreck thats hard to look away from) is that thread like "Fanboyism at large on Prime forums?"
In there the guy that is going for "Prime # 9 says that few tech sites may pick up his story. This might be the kind of thing that convinces Asus TO move on, and not continue with Prime manufacture. Too costly, too may returns, RMA reworks, etc. That would NOT be good for those with a "marginal" Prime that works for the most part, but suffers from one item in the long list if issues. Say, Bluetooth Fallout. I am not convinced Asus has that resolved, and if so, then the current "FIX" is HW replacement.
If Asus kills the prime because the complaints convince them its a lost cause, who wins that one? The naysayers, and all the sideliners who have been filling forums with negative comments. THEY win, All Prime owners lose. If they sunset the Prime, in favor of another design, they will likewise either kill any further development, or at least reduce it to almost nothing. Not good.
wow, that was a bit harsh dont you think? I was just trying to suggest a solution to the several threads that have similar complaints, such as the My wifi/gps doesnt work like I want threads, or the "This isn't the tablet I want after having used it." threads. I am not suggesting to BANISH PEOPLE TO AN INTERNMENT CAMP WHERE I WILL ELIMINATE YOU THROUGH RACIAL CLEANSING. Sorry I offended you so greatly haha. This whole board has gotten a little out of control with snapback emotional responses over something that really doesn't deserve it. This is tablet, not the culmination of a racial identity or something that is actually worth being so upset over.
I even said in my first post, that there are issues that are new and emerging that deserve their own threads. I am not attempting to silence people who have legitimate gripes or complaints. I'm just suggesting a little organization. Sorry to offend you.
SmartAs$Phone said:
so many threads get hijacked and TURN INTO complaint threads
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But it's not the people working through issues that cause that. If you look at some of the current problem threads, it's the people not experiencing the issue jumping in with "mine's perfect" and challenging whether the issue even exists that moves the thread away from its original purpose. If people that were happy left the people that aren't alone (at least in issues threads) the threads would be half the size and the problems identified sooner.
BarryH_GEG said:
But it's not the people working through issues that cause that. If you look at some of the current problem threads, it's the people not experiencing the issue jumping in with "mine's perfect" and challenging whether the issue even exists that moves the thread away from its original purpose. If people that were happy left the people that aren't alone (at least in issues threads) the threads would be half the size and the problems identified sooner.
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I think both sides are guilty of this. I've been lurking for a while and seen people demeaning those who have problems, but also people who have problems have been accusing those who have no problems of blatant fanboyism. This is aside from my main point, which is simply organization.
Heerocon said:
This is tablet, not the culmination of a racial identity or something that is actually worth being so upset over.
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People are upset. It's a bit judgemental of you to think they shouldn't be. And coming in rather late to the party without the benefit of the experiences others have had and trying to (re)organize the forum is a bit presumptuous.
I'm by no means offended, but forums are shaped by the "whole" not a few individuals. Since the forum's moderated everyone here has the right and ability to make suggestions to the moderator. It's jerdog and af974 if you want to reach out to them.
If you guys look at some of the recent threads especially with all the firmware update releases. That there is no clear cut on whos side is whos..... with the exception of a few people. People who had problems had a probable fix with an update while the same update caused working primes to have flaws. And who knows what will happen in the next updates. Will it improve your prime or cure it or will it hinder it or even worse render it useless?
This would be my major gripe, that updates are being released with the lack of knowledge on what it will do on the machine. To add to it, is you are constantly reminded to update. And if you do get the bad hand of this round of updates, you are left to deal with it with no chance of reverting back to the previous update, and praying the next update whenever that will be that it will bring your prime back to normal. Which makes prime owners questions Asus's reliability. Yes, you maybe happy with your prime now but where in the emotional roller coaster state will you be in the future updates?
BarryH_GEG said:
People are upset. It's a bit judgemental of you to think they shouldn't be. And coming in rather late to the party without the benefit of the experiences others have had and trying to (re)organize the forum is a bit presumptuous.
I'm by no means offended, but forums are shaped by the "whole" not a few individuals. Since the forum's moderated everyone here has the right and ability to make suggestions to the moderator. It's jerdog and af974 if you want to reach out to them.
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I wasn't saying people should not be upset. I've said in almost every one of my replies, people have legitimate gripes AND HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE UPSET.
I was more talking about you blowing a request for organization out of proportion by calling it "a banishment to an internment camp" which in my opinion is a little inappropriate.
I'm not going to argue about this any further. I am in no way trying to silence anyone. All I SUGGESTED was a consolidation of similar threads to organize things.
a complaint threat won't work. What would work however is a complaint section. There should be a separate section called problems/complaints or problems/issues. Something to that effect. This way everyone who wants to talk about their problems can talk in there, then mods would be free to delete all of the redundant complaint threads from the general section. It really is win win for both sides.
Thank you. All I am looking for is solutions to the obvious problems this board is having with redundancy.
In response to Junrider, should I enter the camp of unsatisfied prime owners, I would like to be able to quickly find people with similar issues and be able to communicate with them effectively instead of sifting through 300 pages of general complaints, trying to find people who are experiencing the same thing. I don't know if that will happen to me but it would be convenient if the threads were organized for people who are experiencing problems.
Heerocon said:
should I enter the camp of unsatisfied prime owners, I would like to be able to quickly find people with similar issues and be able to communicate with them effectively instead of sifting through 300 pages of general complaints, trying to find people who are experiencing the same thing. I don't know if that will happen to me but it would be convenient if the threads were organized for people who are experiencing problems.
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Unfortunately, i dont think it will happen. For every complaint thread you will have people from the other fence commenting:
"If your not happy, return it"
"My prime is working perfectly, i dont get why your shouldn't"
"Its your fault"
"You knew what you were getting yourself into, so why are you complaining?"
"Cool story Bro!"
"already a thread, so why are you making another one?"
This will then get all sides riled up and go off tangent to what the original thread is suppose to be. So sifting through the threads for useful tidbits will be your expertise if you not one yet.
And this thread is not enough for listing the problems of the Prime. This essentially needs more division because the there has been problem threads of the prime's every square inch. From back plate, screen, circuitry, battery, connectors, GPS, wifi, bluetooth, OS, all the updates, apps, and processor.
If i missed something chime in..
SmartAs$Phone said:
I don't know that "Banishing" is exactly what the OP had in mind, but I agree it would be impractical. The thread would get too large and quickly, intil Asus gets down to it and takes care of the issues. What IS a bit frustrating is that so many threads get hijacked and TURN INTO complaint threads, no matter what the original premise was.
Another concern of mine (I hate to admit I was thinking about these thread even when offline. The damn Prime general thread has become a train wreck thats hard to look away from) is that thread like "Fanboyism at large on Prime forums?"
In there the guy that is going for "Prime # 9 says that few tech sites may pick up his story. This might be the kind of thing that convinces Asus TO move on, and not continue with Prime manufacture. Too costly, too may returns, RMA reworks, etc. That would NOT be good for those with a "marginal" Prime that works for the most part, but suffers from one item in the long list if issues. Say, Bluetooth Fallout. I am not convinced Asus has that resolved, and if so, then the current "FIX" is HW replacement.
If Asus kills the prime because the complaints convince them its a lost cause, who wins that one? The naysayers, and all the sideliners who have been filling forums with negative comments. THEY win, All Prime owners lose. If they sunset the Prime, in favor of another design, they will likewise either kill any further development, or at least reduce it to almost nothing. Not good.
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It's funny that you mentioned this. After all of my information gathering and putting together a very compelling story with receipts, pictures, quotes etc... I almost hit the send button last nite. The problem is, I'm concerned(resale value) how this will affect others with a good Prime or if I happen to find one. Currently the Prime is sold out in my area. When Bestbuy receives new units I will give it another go.
March is coming fast, and with it other quad core competitors. It will be interesting to see how the Prime fares when it's not the only quad core tablet on the market. By then the TF300t and TF700t will be making noise.
I agree with op too much out of hand. If people think its warranted then OK. I got several PM from people saying that we should do like the negative posters. As we know the positive ones outnumber those with issues. It was suggested to me that we start making a new thread for everything that works great on our primes. Then that'll let the ones with issues see how it is. Cuz if we started doing that, then we would quickly override n overshadow the issues threads. Which basically has the same people in it posting over n over again. The ones without issues are greater in numbers and therefore if we started making a new thread for every good thing working on our prime then maybe that'll get a message across. Then see how the complaint thread people feel. Cuz we have every right also to make a new thread on all the good stuff also like the complainers do with everything that doesn't work.
So this is the warning..lmao. already there are several just itching to get this started. I was against it n seems extreme but with all the complaint threads, maybe its needed. Just like those complaint threads on a particular issue that people keep making same threads on, Good prime owners can all do the same with the different things that do work. You don't want to get into a numbers war with the good prime owners. All polls already show we majority. So heed the warning. Consolidate complaint threads into 1 for at least each issue. Not just one giant one. 1 positive thread was made for centralization. Don't make us start expanding up n dis mofo..lmao
---------- Post added at 03:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 PM ----------
skygunner27 said:
It's funny that you mentioned this. After all of my information gathering and putting together a very compelling story with receipts, pictures, quotes etc... I almost hit the send button last nite. The problem is, I'm concerned(resale value) how this will affect others with a good Prime or if I happen to find one. Currently the Prime is sold out in my area. When Bestbuy receives new units I will give it another go.
March is coming fast, and with it other quad core competitors. It will be interesting to see how the Prime fares when it's not the only quad core tablet on the market. By then the TF300t and TF700t will be making noise.
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You gonna be waiting till June on that buddy..lmfao. plus its already confirmed the TF-300 is not a prime replacement. Its actually a lower spec device for a completely different market sector. It's more like an OG transformer 1.5. Lower spec than the prime..meaning less powerful and less features.
demandarin said:
All polls already show we majority
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Polls changes. Why? Because with every prime firmware update you get working primes that are now showing problems. Before it might a huge landslide win lets say 5:1. Of course we really dont know the actual numbers, but the recent poll on trust on Asus shows maybe a 2:1 on prime owners that are happy with Asus. Gates are open on your happy prime end and people are slowly wandering there way over to the other side. Hopefully, Asus can get their act straight and pick up the consumers that they lost, while still keeping the happy ones.
demandarin said:
I agree with op too much out of hand. If people think its warranted then OK. I got several PM from people saying that we should do like the negative posters. As we know the positive ones outnumber those with issues. It was suggested to me that we start making a new thread for everything that works great on our primes. Then that'll let the ones with issues see how it is. Cuz if we started doing that, then we would quickly override n overshadow the issues threads. <snipped to address this comment>
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To me, the point is every thing that works GREAT does not make it GREAT! We all purchased the Prime expecting to get GREAT. This is a cutting edge device. Sure we might expect a few "glitches" with a new OS (ICS) but we didn't expect to see all the issues we have been seeing. I am actually a pretty happy camper with my Prime but I keep thinking...well I can live with lousy GPS, or I can live with slight light bleeding on one corner, or I can live with that one or two stuck pixels, but the point is, IMO, why should I have to at this price point? Worse issues are constant reboots, poor battery life, sleep of death, a whole plethora of issues. I don't want to pick a nit here but I'm seriously considering waiting for a 100% working device (which would be GREAT) or settling for one that I can live with!
edster00 said:
To me, the point is every thing that works GREAT does not make it GREAT! We all purchased the Prime expecting to get GREAT. This is a cutting edge device. Sure we might expect a few "glitches" with a new OS (ICS) but we didn't expect to see all the issues we have been seeing. I am actually a pretty happy camper with my Prime but I keep thinking...well I can live with lousy GPS, or I can live with slight light bleeding on one corner, or I can live with that one or two stuck pixels, but the point is, IMO, why should I have to at this price point?
I don't want to pick a nit here but I'm seriously considering waiting for a GREAT device or settling for one that I can live with!
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For me, and several others, it is a ggreat device. I don't have to settle for bad light bleed or stuck pixels because I don't have those issues. Its about what you want though. For me, I'm good. No need tl wait. I made a great decision in my Prime and have no regrets. I'm not trying to convince people it is. The ones who satisfied already know it is.
Honestly, if someone is not satisfied and within their return window, just return the device. If its that faulty to where you can't enjoy it, do what you feel is right. If you have a faulty device one way or another and want to ride this train because you know it'll lead to a great place, then welcome aboard. We all prime owners one way or another. No reason for people with good working primes to make those that don't have them feel bad or that they lucked out. No reason for people with faulty devices to try to convince LR rationalize that everyone has a broken Prime. One thing for sure, I'm keeping this mofo. Works to great for me. Hopefully Asus will finally make everyone happy n fix this fiasco of a launch. Its not too late to then this whole thing around. So everyone can be posting how much they are pleased with device. PRIME has too much potential to let it go to waste. Ill ride this train all the way till the end no matter what. This all has been the most enjoyable experience here in xda I've ever had. Its like entertainment. Love the debates. Love the poking fun St each other. A very diverse group of owners up here no doubt and that's what xda is about. Diverse people from all over the world coming together for love of technology and a particular device. EVEN people with faulty devices don't really want to return it.
SO Asus, if you dont want to lose more fans than you already have, you better do something and announce something BIG, fast. PRIME supposed to take peoples minds off of what's coming up. With the large number of defective devices out here, people not going to hesitate to look past prime n jump ship unless you address them ASAP. Get it together Asus. Not fair for some of us to enjoy our devices n others not. You should want everyone to be happy with your product. So in a way, my experience is tainted also because our fellow members can't be happy with their devices. Which the expect nothing less than the best and what you said you would provide. LIVE BY YOUR MOTTO....this is my letter to you Asus......[sheds a]
I was kind of playing devil's advocate ... the only real issue with my Prime is the GPS performance while driving, but I am able to wi-fi tether to my phone if for some reason I don't want to use my phone for navigation. I think the "Official" sticky threads are sufficient for reporting issues. I think XDA forum (ASUS Prime section) has deteriorated because of all the overlapping threads.
Sent from my ADR6350 using xda premium
demandarin said:
SO Asus, if you dont want to lose more fans than you already have, you better do something and announce something BIG, fast. PRIME supposed to take peoples minds off of what's coming up. With the large number of defective devices out here, people not going to hesitate to look past prime n jump ship unless you address them ASAP. Get it together Asus. Not fair for some of us to enjoy our devices n others not. You should want everyone to be happy with your product. So in a way, my experience is tainted also because our fellow members can't be happy with their devices. Which the expect nothing less than the best and what you said you would provide. LIVE BY YOUR MOTTO....this is my letter to you Asus......[sheds a]
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