Complaint Thread Consolidation - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

I was thinking that since we have a single Positive Prime thread, why don't we consolidate the purely dissatisfied threads into one? That way, we are not invalidating complaints that are legitimate, but also not mucking up the front page of the board with complaint thread after complaint thread, most of which are complaining about similar issues. Of course, there are issues that emerge that warrant new threads, like the sleep issue that came out with .13.
I personally have had no issues with my prime, and have no problems with anyone who has had issues. You have legitimate gripes, but I think a new thread for every experience doesn't seem necessary. Much like there shouldn't be a new thread for every good experience, they should just be posted in the Positive Prime Thread.
What you guys think?

Heerocon said:
I was thinking that since we have a single Positive Prime thread, why don't we consolidate the purely dissatisfied threads into one? That way, we are not invalidating complaints that are legitimate, but also not mucking up the front page of the board with complaint thread after complaint thread, most of which are complaining about similar issues. Of course, there are issues that emerge that warrant new threads, like the sleep issue that came out with .13.
I personally have had no issues with my prime, and have no problems with anyone who has had issues. You have legitimate gripes, but I think a new thread for every experience doesn't seem necessary. Much like there shouldn't be a new thread for every good experience, they should just be posted in the Positive Prime Thread.
What you guys think?
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"Love" is general. "Complaints" are specific. "Love" is consistent. "Complaints" are random. Those that "love," love equally. Those with "complaints," vary from device to device. At last tally there were over 300 pages of complaints. The "Positive Transformer Prime Thread" has 35. While it would be nice for those that are happy to banish the complainers to an internment camp, it's not very practical. When Asus’ addresses the issues, the complaints will stop (or at least ratchet down to a typical XDA forum level).

Okay, but....
BarryH_GEG said:
"Love" is general. "Complaints" are specific. "Love" is consistent. "Complaints" are random. Those that "love," love equally. Those with "complaints," vary from device to device. At last tally there were over 300 pages of complaints. The "Positive Transformer Prime Thread" has 35. While it would be nice for those that are happy to banish the complainers to an internment camp, it's not very practical. When Asus’ addresses the issues, the complaints will stop (or at least ratchet down to a typical XDA forum level).
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I don't know that "Banishing" is exactly what the OP had in mind, but I agree it would be impractical. The thread would get too large and quickly, intil Asus gets down to it and takes care of the issues. What IS a bit frustrating is that so many threads get hijacked and TURN INTO complaint threads, no matter what the original premise was.
Another concern of mine (I hate to admit I was thinking about these thread even when offline. The damn Prime general thread has become a train wreck thats hard to look away from) is that thread like "Fanboyism at large on Prime forums?"
In there the guy that is going for "Prime # 9 says that few tech sites may pick up his story. This might be the kind of thing that convinces Asus TO move on, and not continue with Prime manufacture. Too costly, too may returns, RMA reworks, etc. That would NOT be good for those with a "marginal" Prime that works for the most part, but suffers from one item in the long list if issues. Say, Bluetooth Fallout. I am not convinced Asus has that resolved, and if so, then the current "FIX" is HW replacement.
If Asus kills the prime because the complaints convince them its a lost cause, who wins that one? The naysayers, and all the sideliners who have been filling forums with negative comments. THEY win, All Prime owners lose. If they sunset the Prime, in favor of another design, they will likewise either kill any further development, or at least reduce it to almost nothing. Not good.

wow, that was a bit harsh dont you think? I was just trying to suggest a solution to the several threads that have similar complaints, such as the My wifi/gps doesnt work like I want threads, or the "This isn't the tablet I want after having used it." threads. I am not suggesting to BANISH PEOPLE TO AN INTERNMENT CAMP WHERE I WILL ELIMINATE YOU THROUGH RACIAL CLEANSING. Sorry I offended you so greatly haha. This whole board has gotten a little out of control with snapback emotional responses over something that really doesn't deserve it. This is tablet, not the culmination of a racial identity or something that is actually worth being so upset over.
I even said in my first post, that there are issues that are new and emerging that deserve their own threads. I am not attempting to silence people who have legitimate gripes or complaints. I'm just suggesting a little organization. Sorry to offend you.

SmartAs$Phone said:
so many threads get hijacked and TURN INTO complaint threads
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But it's not the people working through issues that cause that. If you look at some of the current problem threads, it's the people not experiencing the issue jumping in with "mine's perfect" and challenging whether the issue even exists that moves the thread away from its original purpose. If people that were happy left the people that aren't alone (at least in issues threads) the threads would be half the size and the problems identified sooner.

BarryH_GEG said:
But it's not the people working through issues that cause that. If you look at some of the current problem threads, it's the people not experiencing the issue jumping in with "mine's perfect" and challenging whether the issue even exists that moves the thread away from its original purpose. If people that were happy left the people that aren't alone (at least in issues threads) the threads would be half the size and the problems identified sooner.
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I think both sides are guilty of this. I've been lurking for a while and seen people demeaning those who have problems, but also people who have problems have been accusing those who have no problems of blatant fanboyism. This is aside from my main point, which is simply organization.

Heerocon said:
This is tablet, not the culmination of a racial identity or something that is actually worth being so upset over.
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People are upset. It's a bit judgemental of you to think they shouldn't be. And coming in rather late to the party without the benefit of the experiences others have had and trying to (re)organize the forum is a bit presumptuous.
I'm by no means offended, but forums are shaped by the "whole" not a few individuals. Since the forum's moderated everyone here has the right and ability to make suggestions to the moderator. It's jerdog and af974 if you want to reach out to them.

If you guys look at some of the recent threads especially with all the firmware update releases. That there is no clear cut on whos side is whos..... with the exception of a few people. People who had problems had a probable fix with an update while the same update caused working primes to have flaws. And who knows what will happen in the next updates. Will it improve your prime or cure it or will it hinder it or even worse render it useless?
This would be my major gripe, that updates are being released with the lack of knowledge on what it will do on the machine. To add to it, is you are constantly reminded to update. And if you do get the bad hand of this round of updates, you are left to deal with it with no chance of reverting back to the previous update, and praying the next update whenever that will be that it will bring your prime back to normal. Which makes prime owners questions Asus's reliability. Yes, you maybe happy with your prime now but where in the emotional roller coaster state will you be in the future updates?

BarryH_GEG said:
People are upset. It's a bit judgemental of you to think they shouldn't be. And coming in rather late to the party without the benefit of the experiences others have had and trying to (re)organize the forum is a bit presumptuous.
I'm by no means offended, but forums are shaped by the "whole" not a few individuals. Since the forum's moderated everyone here has the right and ability to make suggestions to the moderator. It's jerdog and af974 if you want to reach out to them.
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I wasn't saying people should not be upset. I've said in almost every one of my replies, people have legitimate gripes AND HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE UPSET.
I was more talking about you blowing a request for organization out of proportion by calling it "a banishment to an internment camp" which in my opinion is a little inappropriate.
I'm not going to argue about this any further. I am in no way trying to silence anyone. All I SUGGESTED was a consolidation of similar threads to organize things.

a complaint threat won't work. What would work however is a complaint section. There should be a separate section called problems/complaints or problems/issues. Something to that effect. This way everyone who wants to talk about their problems can talk in there, then mods would be free to delete all of the redundant complaint threads from the general section. It really is win win for both sides.

Thank you. All I am looking for is solutions to the obvious problems this board is having with redundancy.
In response to Junrider, should I enter the camp of unsatisfied prime owners, I would like to be able to quickly find people with similar issues and be able to communicate with them effectively instead of sifting through 300 pages of general complaints, trying to find people who are experiencing the same thing. I don't know if that will happen to me but it would be convenient if the threads were organized for people who are experiencing problems.

Heerocon said:
should I enter the camp of unsatisfied prime owners, I would like to be able to quickly find people with similar issues and be able to communicate with them effectively instead of sifting through 300 pages of general complaints, trying to find people who are experiencing the same thing. I don't know if that will happen to me but it would be convenient if the threads were organized for people who are experiencing problems.
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Unfortunately, i dont think it will happen. For every complaint thread you will have people from the other fence commenting:
"If your not happy, return it"
"My prime is working perfectly, i dont get why your shouldn't"
"Its your fault"
"You knew what you were getting yourself into, so why are you complaining?"
"Cool story Bro!"
"already a thread, so why are you making another one?"
This will then get all sides riled up and go off tangent to what the original thread is suppose to be. So sifting through the threads for useful tidbits will be your expertise if you not one yet.
And this thread is not enough for listing the problems of the Prime. This essentially needs more division because the there has been problem threads of the prime's every square inch. From back plate, screen, circuitry, battery, connectors, GPS, wifi, bluetooth, OS, all the updates, apps, and processor.
If i missed something chime in..

SmartAs$Phone said:
I don't know that "Banishing" is exactly what the OP had in mind, but I agree it would be impractical. The thread would get too large and quickly, intil Asus gets down to it and takes care of the issues. What IS a bit frustrating is that so many threads get hijacked and TURN INTO complaint threads, no matter what the original premise was.
Another concern of mine (I hate to admit I was thinking about these thread even when offline. The damn Prime general thread has become a train wreck thats hard to look away from) is that thread like "Fanboyism at large on Prime forums?"
In there the guy that is going for "Prime # 9 says that few tech sites may pick up his story. This might be the kind of thing that convinces Asus TO move on, and not continue with Prime manufacture. Too costly, too may returns, RMA reworks, etc. That would NOT be good for those with a "marginal" Prime that works for the most part, but suffers from one item in the long list if issues. Say, Bluetooth Fallout. I am not convinced Asus has that resolved, and if so, then the current "FIX" is HW replacement.
If Asus kills the prime because the complaints convince them its a lost cause, who wins that one? The naysayers, and all the sideliners who have been filling forums with negative comments. THEY win, All Prime owners lose. If they sunset the Prime, in favor of another design, they will likewise either kill any further development, or at least reduce it to almost nothing. Not good.
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It's funny that you mentioned this. After all of my information gathering and putting together a very compelling story with receipts, pictures, quotes etc... I almost hit the send button last nite. The problem is, I'm concerned(resale value) how this will affect others with a good Prime or if I happen to find one. Currently the Prime is sold out in my area. When Bestbuy receives new units I will give it another go.
March is coming fast, and with it other quad core competitors. It will be interesting to see how the Prime fares when it's not the only quad core tablet on the market. By then the TF300t and TF700t will be making noise.

I agree with op too much out of hand. If people think its warranted then OK. I got several PM from people saying that we should do like the negative posters. As we know the positive ones outnumber those with issues. It was suggested to me that we start making a new thread for everything that works great on our primes. Then that'll let the ones with issues see how it is. Cuz if we started doing that, then we would quickly override n overshadow the issues threads. Which basically has the same people in it posting over n over again. The ones without issues are greater in numbers and therefore if we started making a new thread for every good thing working on our prime then maybe that'll get a message across. Then see how the complaint thread people feel. Cuz we have every right also to make a new thread on all the good stuff also like the complainers do with everything that doesn't work.
So this is the warning..lmao. already there are several just itching to get this started. I was against it n seems extreme but with all the complaint threads, maybe its needed. Just like those complaint threads on a particular issue that people keep making same threads on, Good prime owners can all do the same with the different things that do work. You don't want to get into a numbers war with the good prime owners. All polls already show we majority. So heed the warning. Consolidate complaint threads into 1 for at least each issue. Not just one giant one. 1 positive thread was made for centralization. Don't make us start expanding up n dis mofo..lmao
---------- Post added at 03:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 PM ----------
skygunner27 said:
It's funny that you mentioned this. After all of my information gathering and putting together a very compelling story with receipts, pictures, quotes etc... I almost hit the send button last nite. The problem is, I'm concerned(resale value) how this will affect others with a good Prime or if I happen to find one. Currently the Prime is sold out in my area. When Bestbuy receives new units I will give it another go.
March is coming fast, and with it other quad core competitors. It will be interesting to see how the Prime fares when it's not the only quad core tablet on the market. By then the TF300t and TF700t will be making noise.
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You gonna be waiting till June on that buddy..lmfao. plus its already confirmed the TF-300 is not a prime replacement. Its actually a lower spec device for a completely different market sector. It's more like an OG transformer 1.5. Lower spec than the prime..meaning less powerful and less features.

demandarin said:
All polls already show we majority
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Polls changes. Why? Because with every prime firmware update you get working primes that are now showing problems. Before it might a huge landslide win lets say 5:1. Of course we really dont know the actual numbers, but the recent poll on trust on Asus shows maybe a 2:1 on prime owners that are happy with Asus. Gates are open on your happy prime end and people are slowly wandering there way over to the other side. Hopefully, Asus can get their act straight and pick up the consumers that they lost, while still keeping the happy ones.

demandarin said:
I agree with op too much out of hand. If people think its warranted then OK. I got several PM from people saying that we should do like the negative posters. As we know the positive ones outnumber those with issues. It was suggested to me that we start making a new thread for everything that works great on our primes. Then that'll let the ones with issues see how it is. Cuz if we started doing that, then we would quickly override n overshadow the issues threads. <snipped to address this comment>
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To me, the point is every thing that works GREAT does not make it GREAT! We all purchased the Prime expecting to get GREAT. This is a cutting edge device. Sure we might expect a few "glitches" with a new OS (ICS) but we didn't expect to see all the issues we have been seeing. I am actually a pretty happy camper with my Prime but I keep thinking...well I can live with lousy GPS, or I can live with slight light bleeding on one corner, or I can live with that one or two stuck pixels, but the point is, IMO, why should I have to at this price point? Worse issues are constant reboots, poor battery life, sleep of death, a whole plethora of issues. I don't want to pick a nit here but I'm seriously considering waiting for a 100% working device (which would be GREAT) or settling for one that I can live with!

edster00 said:
To me, the point is every thing that works GREAT does not make it GREAT! We all purchased the Prime expecting to get GREAT. This is a cutting edge device. Sure we might expect a few "glitches" with a new OS (ICS) but we didn't expect to see all the issues we have been seeing. I am actually a pretty happy camper with my Prime but I keep thinking...well I can live with lousy GPS, or I can live with slight light bleeding on one corner, or I can live with that one or two stuck pixels, but the point is, IMO, why should I have to at this price point?
I don't want to pick a nit here but I'm seriously considering waiting for a GREAT device or settling for one that I can live with!
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For me, and several others, it is a ggreat device. I don't have to settle for bad light bleed or stuck pixels because I don't have those issues. Its about what you want though. For me, I'm good. No need tl wait. I made a great decision in my Prime and have no regrets. I'm not trying to convince people it is. The ones who satisfied already know it is.
Honestly, if someone is not satisfied and within their return window, just return the device. If its that faulty to where you can't enjoy it, do what you feel is right. If you have a faulty device one way or another and want to ride this train because you know it'll lead to a great place, then welcome aboard. We all prime owners one way or another. No reason for people with good working primes to make those that don't have them feel bad or that they lucked out. No reason for people with faulty devices to try to convince LR rationalize that everyone has a broken Prime. One thing for sure, I'm keeping this mofo. Works to great for me. Hopefully Asus will finally make everyone happy n fix this fiasco of a launch. Its not too late to then this whole thing around. So everyone can be posting how much they are pleased with device. PRIME has too much potential to let it go to waste. Ill ride this train all the way till the end no matter what. This all has been the most enjoyable experience here in xda I've ever had. Its like entertainment. Love the debates. Love the poking fun St each other. A very diverse group of owners up here no doubt and that's what xda is about. Diverse people from all over the world coming together for love of technology and a particular device. EVEN people with faulty devices don't really want to return it.
SO Asus, if you dont want to lose more fans than you already have, you better do something and announce something BIG, fast. PRIME supposed to take peoples minds off of what's coming up. With the large number of defective devices out here, people not going to hesitate to look past prime n jump ship unless you address them ASAP. Get it together Asus. Not fair for some of us to enjoy our devices n others not. You should want everyone to be happy with your product. So in a way, my experience is tainted also because our fellow members can't be happy with their devices. Which the expect nothing less than the best and what you said you would provide. LIVE BY YOUR MOTTO....this is my letter to you Asus......[sheds a]

I was kind of playing devil's advocate ... the only real issue with my Prime is the GPS performance while driving, but I am able to wi-fi tether to my phone if for some reason I don't want to use my phone for navigation. I think the "Official" sticky threads are sufficient for reporting issues. I think XDA forum (ASUS Prime section) has deteriorated because of all the overlapping threads.
Sent from my ADR6350 using xda premium

demandarin said:
SO Asus, if you dont want to lose more fans than you already have, you better do something and announce something BIG, fast. PRIME supposed to take peoples minds off of what's coming up. With the large number of defective devices out here, people not going to hesitate to look past prime n jump ship unless you address them ASAP. Get it together Asus. Not fair for some of us to enjoy our devices n others not. You should want everyone to be happy with your product. So in a way, my experience is tainted also because our fellow members can't be happy with their devices. Which the expect nothing less than the best and what you said you would provide. LIVE BY YOUR MOTTO....this is my letter to you Asus......[sheds a]
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Post only if You Unconditionally Love Your Prime? Not!

I don't remember seeing anywhere that this forum was only for those with a one-sided opinion that the Prime is perfect, the greatest thing since sliced bread, and the ultimate solution for mankind!
It's getting a little old when every time someone posts a problem, or criticism of the TP, numerous posters attempt to discredit the OP and complain about the negative post, saying just return it if you don't like it. Then throw in something like, I would never use that feature anyway, why would you want to? Or imply, I don't have that problem so you must be wrong.
Everyone has an opinion and the obvious right to express it. We don't all have to agree. We do have to agree to disagree, if we are going to have a meaningful forum. How else can we help each other?
If you are happy with your purchase, then good. That doesn't mean that those who aren't are wrong. Also if you are disappointed and think Asus let you down, you're entitled to that opinion. That doesn't make you wrong either. Everyone please respect the fact that each user may have their own expectations of what is acceptable performance, however unimaginable that may seem to us.
Why exactly did you create a new topic....?
another newspaper article or Blog.. XDA can we get a personal Blog section?
Errrrrm what exactly is the point of this thread or Title for that matter?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
I personally agree with the OP. I've followed all the threads from the pre orders lol. Most have been pretty fair and respectful, and some reports have been Apple guys, sour grapes, or just arrogant like some on here above me. I am in support of those who have a device that they feel isn't what they were to get, especially when Asus and others are admitting these same issues. These are valid points. I've decided to keep mine and work through it. Sweeping it under the rug though makes no sense. I agree though not much can be done until ICS is released with the unlocked boot loader. So why be disrespectful unless deserved.
On another not I'm about to post a Q in the Q and A thread about HDMI. Despite searching I could not find my answer so feel free to rip me there. I read post I feel are important. Those I don't feel are important I ignore. I feel that having a thread with 0 responses is a bigger message than taking the time to hop on the thread to say its stupid. Just my. 02
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
MrGiggles said:
another newspaper article or Blog.. XDA can we get a personal Blog section?
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xda used to be somewhere one could get help, learn about something new, or help the dev community, but lately it's just because this place for people to post how they feel about something or what they think about something when no one really cares.
posts that stated the fact that gps didn't work right, or wifi was weak = perfectly fine, since they publicised an issue that asus was trying to ignore.
posts that keep complaining about gps or why xyz feature isn't as good as their old tablet, or why they think people shouldn't buy the prime, or why they should buy tablet x = pointless, add clutter, and just make it hard to find actual information.
this thread falls into the latter.
adiliyo said:
xda used to be somewhere one could get help, learn about something new, or help the dev community, but lately it's just because this place for people to post how they feel about something or what they think about something when no one really cares.
posts that stated the fact that gps didn't work right, or wifi was weak = perfectly fine, since they publicised an issue that asus was trying to ignore.
posts that keep complaining about gps or why xyz feature isn't as good as their old tablet, or why they think people shouldn't buy the prime, or why they should buy tablet x = pointless, add clutter, and just make it hard to find actual information.
this thread falls into the latter.
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I agree with this 100% people get tired of seeing the same old complaints, nagging, and posts asking if I should keep or return the prime. those threads aren't really helpful at all. all it does is make new people looking into this section question the device and make a biased opinion on it without never even having hands on yet. Just check out the "Positive Transformer Thread". you will see several people at first that feed into all the complaints. then they got the device and was very glad they didn't let all the negative posts influence them getting the device. A thread discussing an issue and trying to find a solution is helpful. A thread just constantly complaining of saw issue is no help at all n just clutters the section for Prime.
We already have several great developers who formed their own opinion on the Prime and really like it alot. So regardless we already have developement in progress. If someone is so unhappy with device, return it and move on. We don't need a thread nagging about it. You are not hurting developement and forward progress of Prime. FOR every complaint there will be several more positive ones. Prime is here to stay on top as King of Android devices as long as it can. So the skeptics can just move on along and wait for the higher resolution devices with higher specs that will perform less than prime due to higher resolution .
I agree with the OP.
For people complaining that this site is for devs, you belong in the DEVELOPMENT section. It's stupid that devs are constantly complaining about people posting opinions in the dev section and telling them to stay in the General section, then people post such material in the General forums and get flamed as well.
Regarding the Prime, I'm extremely disappointed. I've been an avid Android fanboy since the days of the G1 and the earliest "dessert" updates. I say this because I want to make it clear that I'm not an Apple troll AT ALL. With that in mind, Android has some serious, serious problems that need to be addressed both as a device platform in general and as an OS in specific. Asus also has some reckoning due with the Prime as well.
My Prime came to me via a Big Box retailer with 3 dead pixels, a spotty light sensor, the well known GPS issue, and WiFi that is consistently sub-par at best. I haven't tested yet, but there are also widespread reports of HDMI issues.
Heap onto that the fact that even stock Android under-performs as an OS. Stability issues from the start, even on ICS. Apps often have several annoying bugs that kill the experience - e.g. videos becoming unplayable in the Youtube app if you accidentally let the screen turn off. I'm currently using my Prime while sitting next to my girlfriend who is using her iPad 2, and I'm watching the iPad's UI zip by seamlessly as my Prime struggles to display the text I'm currently hunt-and-pecking out on the soft keyboard within the stock browser. Incidentally, my girlfriend has her iPad 2 handy because we were watching a Youtube video together on the Prime when I tried scrolling ahead and all hell broke loose. The app froze, jerked ahead, stopped loading video, the Prime became unresponsive, and eventually the app force closed. By the time I had restarted everything - dealing with several non-starts when trying to coax the app to seek ahead in the video - my girlfriend had already gotten her iPad, navigated to the video, cued it up, and picked up where we left off.
All of THIS with the fact that there is no spec that the Prime doesn't absolutely stomp the iPad 2 with in comparison. Oh, except usability, I guess.
People have every right to be disappointed with this product, and this is as good a venue as any to register that disappointment. Like it or not, Apple has set the bar high by allowing customers to take a device out of the box and get exactly what they were promised in the specs sheet. The amount of manufacturer defects and software incompatibilities present in the Prime flies in the face of this trend.
I suppose we can all just wait for cooked ROMs, though, where we will all trade system stability and a feature or two no longer functioning for a 5% performance increase
I'll tell you what, though, after 4 HTC Sensations (hardware defects in every single one), and now the Prime leaving MUCH to be desired, this Fandroid is about 2 seconds from calling it quits. Apple may not always "just work" as their BS marketing claims, but at least their devices don't arrive in shambles like so many Android devices I've owned.
Those of you longing for the day when XDA was almost exclusively a development forum, give it up. Because it covers the broadest array of devices and has the highest posting counts it has become the defacto source of information for everyone interested in a device, not just developers. The dev section's pretty much still intact but the general section is just that.
As for the hater, troll, and fanboy accusations, they've been a bit worse on this forum than is typical but I think a lot of it was just compounded by the number of major issues occuring at the same time (launch availablity, GPS expose, QC, etc.). It should settle down over time.
A lot of the most raging debates are over what the Prime is, where it sits in the tablet pecking order, and what it's meant to compete with. I'm assuming the HD Asus tablet that'll be shown in a couple of days will be both more expensive than the Prime and have better features too making it Asus' high-end device. If that ends up being true, the Prime's mission will become clearer - 1) be an excellent value, and 2) and exclusively offer a hard and detachable keyboard. That should help set some common expectations and make people judge it a little less harshly. Right now it's being compared to other higher-spec tablets and the iPad which isn't fair and may have not even been Asus' intention.
Diamondback2010 said:
Why exactly did you create a new topic....?
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MrGiggles said:
another newspaper article or Blog.. XDA can we get a personal Blog section?
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NatTheCat said:
Errrrrm what exactly is the point of this thread or Title for that matter?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
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adiliyo said:
xda used to be somewhere one could get help, learn about something new, or help the dev community, but lately it's just because this place for people to post how they feel about something or what they think about something when no one really cares.
posts that stated the fact that gps didn't work right, or wifi was weak = perfectly fine, since they publicised an issue that asus was trying to ignore.
posts that keep complaining about gps or why xyz feature isn't as good as their old tablet, or why they think people shouldn't buy the prime, or why they should buy tablet x = pointless, add clutter, and just make it hard to find actual information.
this thread falls into the latter.
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The arrogance of these post is obvious.
I posted here in "Eee Pad Transformer Prime General" about an apparent issue concerning the many attacks about the Prime issues, positive or negative. Maybe you haven't noticed.
If you were expecting development topics perhaps you should look at "Eee Pad Transformer Prime Android Development" or questions at "Eee Pad Transformer Prime Q&A." This is the General section, if you did not notice.
Otherwise you conceited opinion is just that, another opinion.
I don't think it's anybody's fault per se. This forum is mostly populated by early adopters who paid a premium for their tabs. When you paid big bucks, you want to feel good about your purchase, which is natural. Criticisms and complaints, however justified, get ya down. Part of the reason of buying toys is to feel good about using them. It's a normal human reaction.
Then you have the flip side, of people wanting to vent their frustration. Add the inevitable pushback, and it's a volatile and noisy mix.
Too, normal social cues are missing on a text-only medium. We all tend to be more coarse--and yes, more arrogant--in online exchanges. Unfortunate, but par for the course. Just have to roll with the punches.
In short, it is what it is. Take what you like, and ignore the rest. Complaining just adds to the noise level.
The fact of the matter is, if it is about the Transformer Prime, and is not a question, then this is the section the thread should be in...that is why "General" is here, practically a "catch-all". Granted, it can be frustrating if there are 25+ threads on "pre-order / stock" issues, or or the like. 2 or 3 threads is more than enough, if people use the search function, then "General" won't get cluttered with redundant posts.
( mine included, lol )

[Q]Anybody else feel there are "plants" trying to influence sales here?

Not meant to single out fruit fans or others at all. The more I read threads here, the more I can only think that the forum is getting cluttered with crap from non-Prime owners, so that folks researching steer clear of the device, as if it were a concerted effort...
Then again, I could just be taking the conspiracy theorist avenue here, unwittingly. Who knows?
In reality, some have GPS issues, BT, Wifi, light bleed. I don't, so maybe that's tainting me. ICS was a fantastic upgrade for me as well, so maybe I'm just tainted toward the positive...
Anybody else?
lmfao this is almost as bad as the whiners and complainers here already, a conspiracy??
Sent from Elvis Presley's TFP (Yeah I'm still here *****es)
Probably. Seems like something Apple would do.
xIC-MACIx said:
lmfao this is almost as bad as the whiners and complainers here already, a conspiracy??
Sent from Elvis Presley's TFP (Yeah I'm still here *****es)
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Not trying to convince anybody, but have thought it for weeks now, and I keep seeing threads and posts that have bolstered my hypothesis (to me).
This is an awful assumption. These issues are real. I would almost think the opposite of your opinion, that people are on here to make the Prime SOUND LIKE THERE ARE NO ISSUES!
All of the people with Perfect Primes, Perfect Screen, Perfect Wifi, Perfect GPS, No Screen Lifting, etc. I have a hard time believe ALL of them, not some of them.
Also, I have seen quotes like "Asus is trying to make it right!" "Asus is a great company." Etc.
Those have to be the biggest LOL statements to say about Asus right now.
I think Asus is behind it. They hate making money.
Lots of the plants seem a bit simple to be prime owners too. Maybe just needs more active moderation now the initial burst of activity is done.
Conspiracy is a strong word! I am sure just about every company highlights the weaknesses of their competitors. An Apple employee once seriously told a friend of mine that Android was unsecure, and it would be easy for bad persons to steal his credit card information if he used that OS. I doubt Apple told this employee to say that, but that kind of stuff goes on everywhere.
There are real issues with the Prime for many people. They are not happy about them, so they are complaining. My Prime has been great, except for a semi-weak GPS. (I can get 9-12 satellites outdoors without wi-fi OFF, but it takes a long time to lock compared to my phone and probably won't work in a moving vehicle.) The wi-fi is probably weak also, but I've never had trouble with it, so I'm fine. I'm sure Asus would love to have this whole Prime development/release to do over! I knew the issues ahead of time (as I am not a super early adopter), but I decided to buy the Prime anyway ... I have a phone for GPS navigation ... and probably would never have used the Prime for that, anyway.
I have no hard feelings toward Asus and feel they are doing their best to make things right. I will buy their products in the future without hesitation. However, since the product design is flawed in the wi-fi / gps arena, they can only do so much ... many people will remain unhappy because Asus really can't make this one completely right.
The prime forums make me want to give up on XDA. No matter what the device if you give two identical ones to two different people they will have different issues. The prime simply has some flaws that may or may not affect you. So does nearly every other product of any kind on the market. So what if they are releasing a another prime device? It's fairly in line with there development cycle. Hell the entire tablet industry is on a short dev cycle right now like smartphones have been.
I know I really enjoy my prime despite the fact it seems to have poor wifi reception and I dislike the power button & charge port placement.
tshoulihane said:
Lots of the plants seem a bit simple to be prime owners too. Maybe just needs more active moderation now the initial burst of activity is done.
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I agree, just need a few more Mod's that have time to work here on this forum. One guy isn't enough to work with 50+ threads a day on the same topic...
Get this guy a tinfoil hat, pronto!
Danny80y said:
I agree, just need a few more Mod's that have time to work here on this forum. One guy isn't enough to work with 50+ threads a day on the same topic...
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+1000000000000000 That's probably more like it. There are blatant troll treads, but you're right about redundant gripe threads, to the point of it seeming like and utter spamfest of a hundred identical threads... by the same people, thread after thread.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
Rogue100 said:
Get this guy a tinfoil hat, pronto!
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Lemme guess.. you reside in, or around, Cupertino?
There's just too many "should I buy it? I hear it sucks" threads for me to think there might be a smear effort going on... and I don't wear kleenex boxes on my feet.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium

Next steps for Asus on Prime

I've been reading all the different posts about issues with the Prime ranging from backlight bleed (#1 issue to me) to WiFi issues to GPS issues (obvious) to shotty craftmanship to bad pogo pins and so forth.
Let's be honest, with the recent thread concerning investigating the pogo pins and the fault aux wifi connection, there isn't a whole lot of confidence in our primes and so far it seems every batch from BB to BC to C1 all have flaws. If you have a prime that has good Wifi (and most are coming out are that way) or GPS (rare) I'm afraid that eventually, after normal use, those pogo pins will stop contacting the ribbon that connects to the antenna, and over a period of time we'll continue to see the prime get worse. Add on top of backlight bleed that continued to get worse for me (I just got rid of the second prime) as well as other issues, I'm wondering as a community the kind pull we have in order to Asus to straighten up.
They is no beating around the bush for them now concerning the intricacies of the prime and its internals -- those have already been exposed and two threads concerning perfect primes like this don't offset the headaches that a majority of us share (at first I doubted if there was ever a prime that worked completely). 3/4ths of the topics are problems/negatives and we're all left wondering what to do; mitigating the risks in our minds based on the opinions of others.
Due to the pogo pins discovery alone, I think it should warrant a mass RMA. Or atleast get ASUS to admit on faulty design. Or have they gone down the rabbit hole too far to get back out?
Please ASUS, pogo pins don't work, we're experiencing that now, we want the TF200 to work, we don't want the TF300.
None the less, what are the options for us, and what do you think we'll see down the line with regards to the TF200? How do we see ASUS reacting? With the press squarely focused on the XDA forums for Prime discoveries (now more than ever), let's leverage this opportunity to do something...
agreed...I shipped mine back today to the RMA Dept. Hopefully, they will fix GPS problem and wifi.
This table would be the LAST TABLET I weould ever buy from Asus.
I would love a TF300 if it is the same specs and they same color backplate!
I don't care about aluminum vs plastic.
This entire forum for the Prime is riddled with negativity and common issues because the vast majority of Prime owners have no reason to post about their lack of problems.
For example, the iPad 1 had a large issue with poor 3G reception because of its metal backplate. There was no mass RMA.
The iPad 2 had a large number of reported incidents of very very bad light bleed. No mass RMA.
The majority of people with iPads and Primes are perfectly content and have no severe issues.
I find it unfortunate that number of people with issues such as poor wifi and light bleed is so large, but Asus seems to be trying.
..there are people using the devices in different ways.
I am sure that 80-90% of those using WiFi and BT will see that it does not work, while those not using a BT headset, never discover the problem., and believe they got what they paid for.
People uses also router of different kinds and date. The result may vary and that is acceptable, but here all are hits more or less the same way, and it does not look like a coincidence.
I like the Prime I have, and I would send it back ONLY if this is the last resort.
But when you spend 626€, you expect quality, and the issues here, also those I do not have myself" are not caused by "usage", but bad quality control in the first place.
A car will be recalled if the company realize that the brakes are bad built, or electrical part are faulty.
I only expect a 100% working tablet than can be used with ALL the features I paid for. GPS, well I do not care, but WiFi or BT on a tablet is like "fuel" on a car.
Yeah but the Problem is, there are many Primes out there that work perfectly and are totally awesome.
I feel for everyone that has gotten a bad one and ASUS should try to improve quality assurance.
BUT there are many users (the vast majority i'd say) that dont have problems. I'm one of those lucky bastards. Full wifi speeds wherever i am (same as with my other devices), GPS working outside, perfect screen, perfect dock, endless battery power, BT connects to anything i have and works even better than on my phone... (HTC sucks BTwise)
And i cant be the only one since everywhere i checked its sold out immediately.
My Prime works perfectly and is totally awesome.
Hope this helps
I doubt this is the first device to use those pins
I'll just keep returning and exchanging until I get one that works or Samsumg or other manufacturer releases a better tablet.
Poll the users of this board
I keep seeing posts that state "The Majority Of Users Are Happy With The Prime" and just the opposite, stating "The Majority of Users Are Having Problems And Unhappy". Can someone post a survey on here asking the question and lets put it to bed to see where it stands? If I knew how to do it, I'd do it myself.
Personally, I returned mine because the Wifi didn't work well 10 feet, 2 walls away from the router, browser lockups, general lockups, Asus's failure to respond to my support request, and Asus's response to the community did not make me feel confident they would fix the issues.
I'll do a vote. Let's see if I get flamed.
BostonDan2 said:
I keep seeing posts that state "The Majority Of Users Are Happy With The Prime" and just the opposite, stating "The Majority of Users Are Having Problems And Unhappy". Can someone post a survey on here asking the question and lets put it to bed to see where it stands? If I knew how to do it, I'd do it myself.
Personally, I returned mine because the Wifi didn't work well 10 feet, 2 walls away from the router, browser lockups, general lockups, Asus's failure to respond to my support request, and Asus's response to the community did not make me feel confident they would fix the issues.
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Its not even needed...take a look at majority of polls steady made. Almost all in favor of prime. Plus there is one already like you said n the majority in it shows happy owners. The ultimate would be tl look at all the different users in the Positive transformer prime thread. All different posters clearly outnumber those with issues. Most of the time people with issues make mulitple threads on same issues. Most are the same ones posting n posting over again. So another poll would be useless n probably closed down because a few already made along those lines.
A look at the link in my thread will make it clear as day. Plus why do you think those who come with silly negative posts get flamed so much by so many people already satisfied with device?
Learn how to use the search function for a poll already made on same subject...
BostonDan2 said:
I keep seeing posts that state "The Majority Of Users Are Happy With The Prime" and just the opposite, stating "The Majority of Users Are Having Problems And Unhappy". Can someone post a survey on here asking the question and lets put it to bed to see where it stands? If I knew how to do it, I'd do it myself.
Personally, I returned mine because the Wifi didn't work well 10 feet, 2 walls away from the router, browser lockups, general lockups, Asus's failure to respond to my support request, and Asus's response to the community did not make me feel confident they would fix the issues.
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Lol, right after reading this I was going to post a poll but I also cannot figure out how to do it. I see the check box for a poll but when you check it nothing happens. Maybe you need like 1000 posts first or something.
Pubnum said:
I'll do a vote. Let's see if I get flamed.
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Actually you will..lmfao you've been warned n won't even be taken seriously afterwards. Your credibility on the line..lmao. plus it will get shut down fast.
I could care less about my credibility on I just want to fuel discussion about the prime. I bought two of them in the short time (brought both of them back) and in that time I never came on XDA because I had the tablet.
In short, as soon as I get a satisfactory tablet, you won't see a post from me again.
clouds5 said:
everywhere i checked its sold out immediately.
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Many stores are receiving shipments of 1, or 5 ... many of the newly shipped items could be gobbled up by people returning due to issues, and exchanging for a new replacement. Just because stores don't have any, doesn't mean its popular.
BostonDan2 said:
Can someone post a survey on here asking the question and lets put it to bed to see where it stands? If I knew how to do it, I'd do it myself.
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The answer is NO .. because if you do, someone will close it, delete it, or flame you. For 2 reasons:
1) this is a developer only forum and not a customer service board, or complaint board, etc ... read the rules
2) because only positive posts/threads actually survive around here due to the recent fanboy'ish nature of some people. i.e. "omg another post bashing wifi, just go return it already!!" x100 = mods delete thread.

Complaints about Asus and their Transformer Prime

Well I was told to go elsewhere to complain about Asus and the problems I am having with the $680 64Gb prime I bought. So since Diamondback is getting tired of closing threads and deleting posts, I decided on starting a thread were people who need or want to vent can come and vent. And to be fair if you have good things to say about Asus or your Prime please share it here.
As I have tried to say before I like my Prime but am getting tired of the problems that have not been fixed or pop up after an update is released..
I think the gps dongle, while a nice gesture was a misstep for Asus. I would have just taken that on the chin. The hardware/software problems that have not been resolved are far worse. I don't give a s- about gps. Again, nice move on their part, but the dongle does me zero good if the damn thing crashes and freezes. I'll take the wifi issues, it's not that bad. Just give me a functional f'n unit that doesn't run slower than my ibm 286. \rant
There is a class action suit going on. I was actually contacted today by one of the lawyers doing it. You can email [email protected] and tell him you want to be apart of it.
I miss the complaint thread. At least there was the hope that Asus would actually read their own thread, which ended up not being the case.
Better hurry up, this one will probably closed to.
Bout to pack bags from XDA with all of this crap. Its a shame.
All were looking for is answers.
---------- Post added at 02:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 AM ----------
graffixnyc said:
There is a class action suit going on. I was actually contacted today by one of the lawyers doing it. You can email [email protected] and tell him you want to be apart of it.
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Another one? I thought that got killed
David522d said:
Better hurry up, this one will probably closed to.
Bout to pack bags from XDA with all of this crap. Its a shame.
All were looking for is answers.
---------- Post added at 02:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 AM ----------
Another one? I thought that got killed
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its the same lawsuit but its not going anywhere really. The case against Asus isnt strong. Its likely to get thrown out before it even really begins. Hence the reason no official filing has even been done yet. This is just something someone "Wants" to bring against asus. Nothing thats actually happening or going on yet.
jrkart99 said:
I think the gps dongle, while a nice gesture was a misstep for Asus. I would have just taken that on the chin. The hardware/software problems that have not been resolved are far worse. I don't give a s- about gps. Again, nice move on their part, but the dongle does me zero good if the damn thing crashes and freezes. I'll take the wifi issues, it's not that bad. Just give me a functional f'n unit that doesn't run slower than my ibm 286. \rant
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Absolutely true.
Asus took the easy way out by sending us a 4 dollar piece of plastic and wire, instead of working on the actual issues.
Since i see demandarin posting in this thread, so much for your update prediction. This is getting totally ridiculous. , and Asus seems fine with it.I have bought so much Asus stuff over the years, i will be rethinking that, after the prime fiasco,
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium HD app
demandarin said:
its the same lawsuit but its not going anywhere really. The case against Asus isnt strong. Its likely to get thrown out before it even really begins. Hence the reason no official filing has even been done yet. This is just something someone "Wants" to bring against asus. Nothing thats actually happening or going on yet.
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Class action suits are awesome for all lawyers involved and the original filer. No one added to the class gets anything useful.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2
demandarin said:
its the same lawsuit but its not going anywhere really. The case against Asus isnt strong. Its likely to get thrown out before it even really begins. Hence the reason no official filing has even been done yet. This is just something someone "Wants" to bring against asus. Nothing thats actually happening or going on yet.
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That's really your personal opinion on the matter. How it unfolds.. I guess we'll have to just wait and see (we won't find out until few yrs later anyways). Btw, what do you mean by no "official" filing?
What else do you need?? What's more official?
You sir are mistaken.
demandarin said:
its the same lawsuit but its not going anywhere really. The case against Asus isnt strong. Its likely to get thrown out before it even really begins. Hence the reason no official filing has even been done yet. This is just something someone "Wants" to bring against asus. Nothing thats actually happening or going on yet.
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This is not correct, the papers were filed over two months ago, the case is strong and will move forward in good time. ASuS as already been to two informal hearing at the various law firms involved when they were in CA. And as stated in previous post, you can let the team know that you'd like to be a part if they need anymore actual users of this product to appear in court. I've been watching mr. demandarin for quite some time and I'm sorry to say, but I feel he is either privileged by ASUS or just a tireless fan boy. Nothing wrong with enjoying a product and company that as serviced you to your satisfaction, but most of us that have kept quite for some time have followed long and tedious arguments that involved this individual. I give credit where credit is due but do not idolize any company, person, device or anything else so I can be a little more unbiased when assessing a situation. If you are unhappy with a product, this is the place to seek help, and if you can get a actual rep to listen, good for you! If you can't, then it's time to take legal action and get louder so that others are protected from having the same treatment as you. So by all means, follow the previous posters advice, seek out legal action. It will be funny to see how many fans will have their hand's out for the settlement money when it is awarded. Mark my words.
I am glad to see that this tread is getting used. I also want to thank all who posted here as I have learned more about what is going on and what people are looking for. I have learned that I am not the only one who wants a stable working Prime over a GPS dongle.
I also would like to know if anyone has tried to use a Huawei E369 Datacard with their Prime. I have read that the Huawei 17xx was working but would like to buy the newest one out that will work so it will last at least 5 years before it becomes outdated.
I've noticed as of late that asus has stfu about everything. I realize that Gary was sick, but "official posts" are becoming fewer and farther between. They are going into defense mode. They know they are sol to fix the issues without having to put out a full recall which is a huge embarrassment and going to cost them an arm and a leg, plus street cred. It's getting to end game folks. They better be brewing a software miracle, or an overall solution. I think a lawsuit has legs with the horrible performance, Dongle be damned.
I would think a class action lawsuit has a foothold. There is absolutely no way that Asus did not know about the wifi and GPS issues when they launched. They got caught up in the "iPad killer" hype and wanted to get them out by Christmas. The lack of advertising by Asus and the retail establishment is icing on the cake.
Funny thing is that I picked up a Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 for my birthday last week and it is snappier than my Prime (especially when browsing and installing from the Play store)
The lack of updates is disconcerting as well. Perhaps there are no further firmware/software fixes for this device.
It is simply a small blip on the Android Tablet radar that will go down in history as a complete and utter failure.
Kasper31 said:
I am glad to see that this tread is getting used. I also want to thank all who posted here as I have learned more about what is going on and what people are looking for. I have learned that I am not the only one who wants a stable working Prime over a GPS dongle.
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There has been a ton of discussion about this just today, problem is it keeps getting shut down, either by reported posts, or, over zealous mods, either way, the ends the same
The mysterious , unreleased firmware should be telling everybody something, the og transformer has had the update to .24 for quite sometime, the prime testers have had it for at least 2 weeks or more, one in particular gave today as a release date, even though some of those testers are reporting good results, I'm not buying it. If it was ready for prime time it would have dropped.It seems like I have new issues pop up every day, or the same issues manifesting in different ways
I have multiple issues with prime, i am going to ask Asus for a refund, probably more than ask, and go with something else, other tegra 3 tablets available, and the A700 and thrive are getting rave reviews, They certainly can't be worse than the Prime, and i doubt they will go backwards with no explanation like the prime.Asus is going to lose my business for sure
I have 2 different PM's to both Asus_usa and Gary key, for 2 and a half days now, so far no response yet, for dedicated forum support, thats unacceptable.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium HD app
demandarin said:
its the same lawsuit but its not going anywhere really. The case against Asus isnt strong. Its likely to get thrown out before it even really begins. Hence the reason no official filing has even been done yet. This is just something someone "Wants" to bring against asus. Nothing thats actually happening or going on yet.
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opps... didnt see someone posted the link to the filing. lol But If anything comes from it remains to be seen..
All I want is the browser sped up and I would be perfectly happy. Gary mentioned that there would be an upgrade to browsing in the new firmware but after this much time it leads you to think that it must be a hardware issue. Although Asus has always been outed by other sources before they give out any real information.
I bought a top of the line Android Tablet and I swear my girlfriends Kindle browses the internet faster.
It is also odd to see that new post the other day about the Asus Nexus Tablet. It is hard to believe that they would be able to meet Demand or Expectations after all of the Prime problems.
Yea I am getting tired closing all your threads....
What's so hard about posting in existing threads?
I understand that you want answers, I want them too, but making new threads each day complaning about the issues won't get you any answers...
Gary doesn't answer in threads, so maybe the situation will change with the new guy - Asus_USA - but until then please use the existing threads.

Prime dying?

This forum seems to be running down in terms of activity and the direction and tone of the threads. "I exchanged/ Best Buy exchanged my Prime for an Infinity"; "Ready to switch to N7?"; on the beta test thread..."I'm interested in Win8 tablets..."; 2 weeks since the last word from Gary.
I'm feeling despondent about my purchase. I wanted it to be so good and coming on here has slowly corroded my positivity. Dump upon dump upon dump of dissatisfaction with the product. Moan upon moan upon moan about Asus. Trouble is I don't know anymore if I have wasted my money and been taken for a ride by an unscrupulous organization or users with technical expertise are too demanding and miffed because their expectations have not been met.
I thought the Prime was going to be the ultimate when I bought it. Now, it was just a dream.
Being popular and functional has been removed from the marketing materials. It should not be expected functionality of the TF201 any more.
Well i feel the same about the forum, but, what is there to post about atm?
The prime was and is a very nice tablet but others have come out in the meantime that are just as good or even better in some aspects. So i think people that always need the latest and greatest have moved on.
I think the recent issues are known (I/O, gaming crash&hangs, rnd reboots) and dont need to be further discussed. So i guess people are just waiting for the next update to come in which will hopefully fix one of the remaining issues. And i think the majority of XDA prime users have already unlocked anyway and installed a custom rom so they are probably discussing/talking in the dev section in the custom rom threads.
I'm one of those that havent unlocked yet because i'm really happy with my prime EXCEPT for the gaming lock ups. So i said to myself i'll wait for another update or probably until JellyBean hits (which should be in the next month i think). If things wont be fixed by then i'll unlock and install a custom rom.
I think you have summed it up nicely. I will eventually unlock and install a custom Rom. I just wish I didn't have to rely on the passion of enthusiasts to get what I thought I paid for.
These forums have a tendency to go through cycles, the only ones that stay consistently busy are the nexus forums
update is likely to be worth waiting for. give it another week or 2 at most. if nothing by then unlock. androwookie 2.1 is a great rom and is paired with the hard hitting motley kernel.
Unlock, install custom ROMs now, thank me later.
The reason I say this is it actually makes the tablet behave the way it was supposed to. The difference in the ICS ROMs is huge and the JB ROMs are so buttery smooth and fast... not quite there yet feature wise but only a matter of time
The reason why I have not unlocked the PRIME because of green camera. I may send to RMA soon but there is another tangle that the Prime may not be unlocked after RMA. So It is hard for me to make decision right now. Still waiting for little later to see what is going on.
Forum is not the device
acricketer said:
This forum seems to be running down in terms of activity and the direction and tone of the threads. "I exchanged/ Best Buy exchanged my Prime for an Infinity"; "Ready to switch to N7?"; on the beta test thread..."I'm interested in Win8 tablets..."; 2 weeks since the last word from Gary.
I'm feeling despondent about my purchase. I wanted it to be so good and coming on here has slowly corroded my positivity. Dump upon dump upon dump of dissatisfaction with the product. Moan upon moan upon moan about Asus. Trouble is I don't know anymore if I have wasted my money and been taken for a ride by an unscrupulous organization or users with technical expertise are too demanding and miffed because their expectations have not been met.
I thought the Prime was going to be the ultimate when I bought it. Now, it was just a dream.
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Don't let the negativity on the forum make you "despondant". Base your opinions on your own experience and weather or not it is meeting your needs. I've yet to have a device of any brand, model, or OS where the associated forum did not end up devolving into a complaint/rant area. This is particularly true when you are between major updates because there is nothing big new to talk about so only the people who have problems and/or are dissatisfied spend a lot of time posting.
This is normal/typical.
acricketer said:
This forum seems to be running down in terms of activity and the direction and tone of the threads. "I exchanged/ Best Buy exchanged my Prime for an Infinity"; "Ready to switch to N7?"; on the beta test thread..."I'm interested in Win8 tablets..."; 2 weeks since the last word from Gary.
I'm feeling despondent about my purchase. I wanted it to be so good and coming on here has slowly corroded my positivity. Dump upon dump upon dump of dissatisfaction with the product. Moan upon moan upon moan about Asus. Trouble is I don't know anymore if I have wasted my money and been taken for a ride by an unscrupulous organization or users with technical expertise are too demanding and miffed because their expectations have not been met.
I thought the Prime was going to be the ultimate when I bought it. Now, it was just a dream.
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Just remember that only guys with problems populate these forums, which is not wrong. Just note that not everybody has problems. I have a prime and I have not had any problems till date. Just see if you are satisfied with the purchase. Currently my prime is good and the only worry I have is what the JB will bring to me. Hopefully it does not screw up my prime
shreddintyres said:
These forums have a tendency to go through cycles, the only ones that stay consistently busy are the nexus forums
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Check out the HD2 forums... that phone is just insane lol.
Zephyrot said:
Check out the HD2 forums... that phone is just insane lol.
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That phone is just insane :laugh:
ratman6161 said:
Don't let the negativity on the forum make you "despondant". Base your opinions on your own experience and weather or not it is meeting your needs. I've yet to have a device of any brand, model, or OS where the associated forum did not end up devolving into a complaint/rant area. This is particularly true when you are between major updates because there is nothing big new to talk about so only the people who have problems and/or are dissatisfied spend a lot of time posting.
This is normal/typical.
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Not quite true...
Sure, there will always be complaints and/or issues. But most of the time not as massive as with the prime and not without reason. There simply ARE quite a number of issues with the prime and it does not quite deliver up to the hype. At least, not for a lot of people.
I'm usually lurking, but thought I'd share my two cents on this topic. I, unlike a lot of people here, have had hardly any issues. My prime doesn't flicker, my games don't crash, no light bleed, and my wifi works fine. The only issue I had was with the GPS not being accurate, but to me it's a non-issue since I don't use my tablet for navigation (that's what I use the Galaxy S2 for if I need it!). Also in case anyone is wondering I'm not rooted. So honestly for me the Prime is everything I thought it would be plus some. I use it everyday for reading news, books, watch some episodes of my favorite tv shows during lunch at work, or do some digital sketching, etc. It's an excellent tool for media, learning and productivity.
I think that most prime owners who aren't having any issues aren't posting in these forums. I see tons of negativity about the Prime everyday I come to the forums. I never post anything because I don't have any of those issues. It sucks that a lot of prime owners here have so many issues because it really is a great product. I'm willing to bet some of the people posting about the issues are the cause of their own problem and some of the problems are directly related Asus.
I wouldn't write off the prime or Asus to be honest, but that's my opinion. I've had very little issue with them. I also own the OG Transformer and again...none of the issues others were having except the lag. I hope Asus works out the kinks with the hardware and software related issues everyone seems to be having. Again....just my two cents.
The current wave of trade ups for the Infinity could accelerate the Prime's fate into a collector's tablet. As the total number of owned units out there decrease, so will the need to support it and I wouldn't be surprised if Asus is trying to bury both the 201 and 300 into oblivion in order to focus on the 700 and beyond.
I agree
I have had my Prime since day one Dec 23rd never had any issues with it. Yes GPS sucks but I don't use it for that. Everything runs fine on it and again based on the roms we are running. I was rooted and unlocked after a few weeks. But I understand the frustration about development. There are only a few real roms out there and are very close to stock, no real themes or tweaking, seems these are only updated when Asus releases a major update. I used to own a Samsung Captivate and would flash it ever day with different roms with tweaks up grade different flavors from the devs. but for a device as strong as the Prime was/is and for it now being out 9 months you would think there would be more working with it and more development than it really has. I thank the devs who are working on things for our Prime and I appreciate the work they put into making it better.
Completely true
dagrim1 said:
Not quite true...
Sure, there will always be complaints and/or issues. But most of the time not as massive as with the prime and not without reason. There simply ARE quite a number of issues with the prime and it does not quite deliver up to the hype. At least, not for a lot of people.
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Though there is one "Positive" I love my Prime sort of thread out there, it is almost universally true that on all XDA (and other forums) nearly 100% of the discussions come down to one of three things:
1. "I'm having problems...."
2. "When are we going to get our next update..." and complaining about why it takes so long.
3. Developers/tweaking/custom ROM discussions. This one is often at least indirectly related to 1 and 2.
This is the nature of the beast with forums. Pick out pretty much any device you want and its all the same. People for whom everything is working they way they want it to don't bother starting a thread. What are they going to say? "Gee, just starting a thread to say all is well!" It just doesn't work that way.
I stick by my original statement that said "Don't let the negativity on the forum make you "despondant". Base your opinions on your own experience and weather or not it is meeting your needs. "

