I have a problem with my micro USB connector. It is can not be repaired, i need a new connector. Connectors available nowhere to be found. In order to guarantee case needs fully wipe and make a bootloader default. How to do it without YUSB?
Simply put, you MAY succesfully wipe it (maybe go back to stock ROM using CWM with root), but theres no way for you to flash stock kernel or mess (relock) the bootloader without USB.
Enviado do Xperia Mini Pro por tapatalk.
Tweeph said:
I have a problem with my micro USB connector. It is can not be repaired, i need a new connector. Connectors available nowhere to be found. In order to guarantee case needs fully wipe and make a bootloader default. How to do it without YUSB?
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simple go to store and buy new USB connector?
I can`t find connector for my phone in any store
Micro usb connectors are like basic cables in these times. Almost all android smartphones has a micro usb port. So, you should have no difficulty finding one.
Friends I have a big problem, my xperia X10i suffered damage at
I can not connect USB to my computer, the phone has android
1.6 and want to upgrade at least to 2.1 but do not know where to find a
generic rom to do the update without connecting the phone to USB
I'm sorry to hear.
But you'll need a functional USB port and USB cable to update your phone software, so I suggest that you contact your retailer to leave it for service.
See if you can resold the micro USB pin connector.. or take the phone to an official center.. i guess that is the only way. unless that you make a root and installing the Xrecovery flash the rom from there, you can use a custom rom too
The problem is how to load the ROM with everything inside the micro SD card
Can you charge your battery with USB cable?
If so, you should be able to connect your X10 to your PC via USB.
Otherwise you should return your X10 to the Sony Repair Center.
If you want to load a rom you need a rooted X10 and "xrecovery"apk.
To make a root without Flashtool and USB cable, i think you can do with "z4root"apk.
You can also use "rom manager"apk to load a rom in SD card.
If you are on the stock 1.6, then I'll recommend that you take it to a service center and check, since it's probably a hardware problem (common in X10).
My problem is that I have bricked this beyond repair, at least as far as I can see.
What happened was that I was running nvflash and I left the room for a short moment. When I came back I had found that my cat had knocked the tablet off of my desk. It ended up being that nvflash did not finish successfully and also my mini usb port is broken.
My situation is either repairing the port or replacing it with the warranty. However, I cant replace it as clockwork mod is installed and tapntap isn't. The problem with clockworkmod is that it wont read my mini usb port, as it only will read the internal one. The problem with this is, that I have no roms that can be flashed with this clockworkmod version, only BoS and other 1.2 based roms.
My only possible solution as of right now is to try and repair/replace the mini usb port so I can nvflash back to default. My question is can it be repaired or replaced?
It's more annoying thatn using USB, but why can't you use the external SD card?
It isn't being read by clockworkmod. I don't know if the port works or not.
I didn't see that mistake, I meant to say mini usb port.
OK, so it's the micro SD that doesn't work? are you able to connect a USB either through standard port or Mini port), then and mount the USB through CWM?
I guess I wasn't very clear. So let me rephrase my problem. The mini usb port is completely broken off of the port, and the microsd card is not being read by clockworkmod, however it is working, as I was able to format my sdcard via clockworkmod. I just can't flash any roms as none are showing up.
rip it open and resolder! If not that, grab the latest CWM and flash it to your device through SDCARD2. The command file in the recovery folder should read
This will force the new update to read from the external SD card (that supposedly works.)
I have tried the command one and it doesn't work. I guess I have to try to resolder it on the board. However I have very little soldering experience, but not with fine soldering. I will try to find someone to do it for me, if not it looks like I am gonna try something new.
It wont work, because I already have clockworkmod installed the default recovery isnt. I think that command line only works with the default recovery.
is the standard USB port still operable?
ajkid93 said:
It wont work, because I already have clockworkmod installed the default recovery isnt. I think that command line only works with the default recovery.
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Yes that is true... Hmm, its weird clockwork wont read your sdcard2. From the looks of it you're gonna have to attach that usb port to re-nvflash.
TJEvans said:
is the standard USB port still operable?
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As far as I know it works. Is it operable in clockwork?
fosser2 said:
Yes that is true... Hmm, its weird clockwork wont read your sdcard2. From the looks of it you're gonna have to attach that usb port to re-nvflash.
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That is what im thinking. I am wondering if i tape it on the board, just long enough to nvflash it. The only thing is that I am not sure if it will stay in place when i insert the cable.
Were you able to get the mini usb port working? I am in the same situation and wondering what to do.
My friend's got a Legend with a USB malfunction (which I'm supposed to repair ). I've gone through all the threads and posts, and I couldn't find anyone which had precisely my problem.
When the phone's switched on and connected to via a USB cable, it starts charging, and the pop-up to select Charging, Mount as disk drive, Sync etc comes up.
But on the computer, whether I try USB debugging, or Mount disk drive, or the others, it shows the error "USB Device not recognized". I've installed HTC Sync, and am able to connect other phones without any problem.
I tried connecting the USB in fastboot, but it doesn't detect it either (FASTBOOT doesn't change to FASTBOOT USB).
I just wanna confirm with experts if this' a problem with the hardware (Got a sample here :http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=18420923&postcount=11) before I go to the service center.
U might be using the wrong data cable. There are 2 different types, there is the old type that only has 4 connectors in the mini USB plug (phone end), the new ones have 5 connectors.
Another possibility is that the cable is simply just damaged.
I had the exact same issue with an external HDD that worked, then stopped then worked again then stopped, tried a new cable and worked without issue.
Sent from my legend using XDA
I'm leaning less to the hardware side.
I have had this problem before (not entirely identical) and after fruitless attempts in fixing I decided to reflash my rom and USB worked again.
Sent from my Legend
Thanks for the reply guys Had to replace the USB port connector PCB.
Just for the info, I was not able to re-flash the ROM since the phone was S-ON and bootloader locked and couldn't get FASTBOOT USB to work.
USB Version...
Hey guys, long time reader thought I'd contribute my frustration to hopefully help someone in a similar situation.
I spent a few days wondering why I couldn't get any of this to work no matter what cable I tried. For some reason, my HTC One X didn't like dealing with fastboot through my computer's USB 3.0 slot. When I finally tried a 2.0 slot on the same machine, everything went through just fine...
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=751265 This should do the trick.
This threat will indeed do the trick and your USB connection will be back
I have an xperia go. The place I put my usb cable on was broken and since I had a custom rom in it, I didn't send it to warranty so I made some place else repair it.
now it charges but it isn't able to connect to pc. I use an ftp server to connect my phone to my pc, so if there is something like a zipped stock rom, I could use it to install the stock rom and maybe then I'd send it to warranty. (if it's not that void yet)...and if it is void, I need it anyway because 4.4.2 android rom can't play videos with a proper resolution. I mean it looks great only with the center mode of the video player, with fit to screen, crop modes the image sucks.
there was a similar question answered but that answer doesn't work with xgo.
Are you sure that your usb port from your go is broken??
lol98lol98 said:
Are you sure that your usb port from your go is broken??
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well, my little cousin saw that it wasn't charging but sometimes charging so he forced the charger to get inside the socket and then the part of the phone that you plug the phone into was stucked inside the charger. ( so I lost both charger and the usb socket.)
it was definitely broken.
try changing your usb cable.
in my case it was my usb cable that is broken
and next time, please post Q&A related thread here [url="http://forum.xda-developers.com/xperia-u/issues]Xperia P, U, Sola, Go Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting[/url], not in general section
edited : didnt read the post above me, well if something stuck in your usb socket i can only say..
good luck sending your phone to service center
Hello guys,
I've seen lots of youtube videos in which this phone has usb on the go activated. The problem is that mine doesn't have usb otg acces and i want to activate it, so that i could connect my dslr to it, to focus better in night photography. Does anyone knows how to activate it? Is there a way to do it, does it require root? Thank you
Usb otg is just a technology that is implemented in the micro usb port. You can't disable or enable it.
The fault is probably because you're connecting you're dslr wrong way.
(maybe power supply is needed)
Sent from Xperia Z2
Luckily not from an iPhone = Yesterdays technology at tomorrows prices
i tried not only my dslr, i tried with an usb stick and a mouse. None of them were detected by the phone
- i installed an usb otg checker and it said that some kernel must be activated, and i needed root so that that certain application could activate this feature
You need to post details about your system if you expect help... what is your phone model and what rom / kernel are you using?
I can confirm my z2 usb otg works perfectly on existenz 4.0 rom on a locked bootloader.
Usb mouse/keyb works, usb storage works, ds3 controller works, mhl adapter works, dslr controller app working perfectly with a canon 1200d... no external power needed too (use short usb cables)
If you are on sony stock lollipop rom it should work by itself, if it's not working on sony stock rom try another usb-otg cable/adapter, maybe your cable is broken.
I attached a photo of my system details. My rom version is the original/Orange 5.1.1
The cable is new
ptmaniac said:
You need to post details about your system if you expect help... what is your phone model and what rom / kernel are you using?
I can confirm my z2 usb otg works perfectly on existenz 4.0 rom on a locked bootloader.
Usb mouse/keyb works, usb storage works, ds3 controller works, mhl adapter works, dslr controller app working perfectly with a canon 1200d... no external power needed too (use short usb cables)
If you are on sony stock lollipop rom it should work by itself, if it's not working on sony stock rom try another usb-otg cable/adapter, maybe your cable is broken.
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See photo above.thx
Well since you are on stock 5.1.1 .200 rom/kernel it should be working as it is.... I suspect your otg cable is faulty even if it's new... try another one.
If it doesn't work with another cable try flashing your phone with flashtool. You can also update to a generic .232 rom if you want (battery seems to have improved in .232) and you'll get rid of orange bloatware as a bonus
If you use flashtool backup everything on your phone before as it'll get wiped clean.
thank you
ptmaniac said:
Well since you are on stock 5.1.1 .200 rom/kernel it should be working as it is.... I suspect your otg cable is faulty even if it's new... try another one.
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Exactly, I've once bought a cheap cable that wasn't working.
Sent from Xperia Z2
Luckily not from an iPhone = Yesterdays technology at tomorrows prices