anyone else having auto rotate issues - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

Anyone having auto rotate problems after todays update? I have done everything I know to do. including a softreboot.
I am getting a bit frustrated here...

I have .11 installed and same problem.
After entering in sleep mode on dock, autorotation stop to work.
After some restart, auto-rotation work again.
Using Elixir, I can see that all sensor stop activity and for game using sensor like Riptide this doesn't work also.
I think about a firmware bug.

that is the only thing I can think of too as it happened after the .14 update.

I continue to have the same problem with .14
Re-boot can sometime restart the sensors, but after a time thay stop oto work and auto-rotate stop working.
I read on other forum that some other are also affected by this problem but seems we are very few.
KevTN, have you solve this problem?
I try cold reboot, reset factory but didn"t solve.

Same problem here, right out of the box browser never worked (HAD TO INSTALL CHROME) and after ics update sensors randomly stop working with no reason, elixir 2 says the only available sensor is microphone, sometimes it works afteer reboot other times it tooks 2 or 3 reboots, but after short time it stop working again

I've had a slightly different issue on and off where I have auto-rotate turned off but it still rotates.


[Q] Auto screen rotation not working after game freeze

Hello guys,
Its my first post here, and my first android phone, and already i have a annoying problem.
I have searched these forums and many others but didnt find any similar problem or solution for it so here it is:
I bought Samsung Galaxy S2 15 days ago, from the local mobile service provider with contract. It runs OS Gingerbread 2.3.3 (adjusted to my mobile service provider settings), not rooted, under warranty.
Ive downloaded and installed many apps. Among them some free games from android market - demos, lite, free.
Sometimes, while i play, not often, game freezes. When it does only thing that is lest working is sound, and home button. Than i go to home screen, kill the game via android task manager, and than i see that screen auto rotation isnt working. Its stuck in landscape mode mostly, or portrait, even the auto rotation option is on. If it is in landscape mode, when i uncheck auto rotation then it goes to portrait mode. If i try some other game that supports sensor controls, like driving (accelerometer?).... u know...... when u tilt the phone to turn right or left......... and its not working.
Ive discovered 2 possible temporary solutions for the problem:
1. Turn off and on the phone, and its back to normal;
2. Wait for a 10 min or so, and its back to normal by itself;
I have one year warranty and i took the phone to service where they assumed that it is a software problem and flashed OS (ive recorded the behaviour of the phone with camera and showed to the service guy).
Ive got the phone back after a day with flashed OS. On a fresh instal of OS ive installed just one app, one game that it tends to freeze and cause problem - "Cordy" free trial. After just 20 sec of playing problem occurred again. It happened just that one time in last two days.
Any opinion on this matter is most welcome.
Tnx in advance.
If the phone is stuck then Restarting it is the option, not a temporary one. Now what's causing the freeze? I don't know.
Tnx for answering. Im a bit disappointed with lack of answers because it just saying that my problem is not something common and with easy solution.
Im saying that restarting the phone is a temporary solution because i want find one that will prevent the problem for happening at all. Game freeze and accelerometer not working r connected in this case
It happened just now.
After that I checked in the app called sensor test that i instaled ffrom android market, and also that testing menu typing *#0*#.
in both cases it shows that acceleration sensor is not working. It came to normal by itself after 5 min or so.
What do u think? Software or hardware problem?
OK, update.
Its not caused just by the games, it happens even when not using any apps.
Accelerometer, orientation sensor and magnetic field sensor just stop working for a 5-10 min. Dont know whats causing this.
Tommorow is going back to service and im afraid that guys there r clueless.
Anyone have some suggestion pls.
Update on a problem.
My friend bought same phone from same service provider 3 days after i did and he is having exactly same problem.
He didnt had time before to test it but we did it yesterday, and after a hour of so trying to reproduce problem we succeded.
My phone is at service and i called today and the service guy said that the work on my phone is completed, they replaced sensors part (which apparanty comes with touch screen).
Im picking it up tommorow and i will test it and see if the problem is solved. But, im pesimistic.
How likely is that me and my friend have same hardware problem?
Here it is on video. Pls watch it and give any kind of oppinion, im getting desperate.

A bunch of sensors not working. What gives?

I was on the YouTube app and it wouldn't auto-rotate, so I tried seeing if other apps would auto-rotate, and they didn't. After downloading an app to test it, apparently my accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetic field sensor don't work. (AndroSensor just says "waiting for event"). When I turn on GPS, it detects where I am, but just spins around randomly, not knowing what direction I'm holding my phone.
I did a factory reset and rom flash a few days ago. Not sure if that's what triggered it, but I know it was working fine before that.
What should I try doing to fix this?
for now, try rebooting. and for auto rotate there is an option in the settings app that you can turn it on of off. (make sure its on)
Rebooted a few times and checked the auto-rotate, it's enabled. No change, those sensors are still "waiting for event".
So, they all just started working again this afternoon. I really don't know how, or what happened, but I noticed that my compass was sensing my orientation in Google maps when I opened it. Weird. I was about to re flash my ROM, too
And the same thing happened again. I figure I'll just try getting it replaced. Could this be water damage? That's what I'm figuring, since I went to the beach and may have gotten some water on my phone.

auto-rotation broke

Anyone else having problems with auto-rotate on the Nexus 9? I am sure it worked, briefly, while I was setting up the tablet for the first time, but after installing a few apps (netflix, dropbox, adobe reader) and configed various email accounts and such, it stopped working. The tablet display is permanently in portrait mode, although if I play a movie in netflix it will force it to switch to to landscape whereupon it will be permanently stuck in landscape until the next shutdown and restart.
I've checked the setting on the drop down- auto-rotate is certainly enabled. I have tried disabled and re-enabling it, no difference.
I've downloaded a ball-in-labyrinth game, and I think that has indicated the issue- the sensors seem to be completely broken, no matter how I rotate the tablet the game thinks I have it in the same position and the ball just sits stuck in the upper corner of the game board.
I tried a full system restore, no difference.
I guess the next step is to call up google and go for an exchange.
HjortTyson said:
Anyone else having problems with auto-rotate on the Nexus 9? I am sure it worked, briefly, while I was setting up the tablet for the first time, but after installing a few apps (netflix, dropbox, adobe reader) and configed various email accounts and such, it stopped working. The tablet display is permanently in portrait mode, although if I play a movie in netflix it will force it to switch to to landscape whereupon it will be permanently stuck in landscape until the next shutdown and restart.
I've checked the setting on the drop down- auto-rotate is certainly enabled. I have tried disabled and re-enabling it, no difference.
I've downloaded a ball-in-labyrinth game, and I think that has indicated the issue- the sensors seem to be completely broken, no matter how I rotate the tablet the game thinks I have it in the same position and the ball just sits stuck in the upper corner of the game board.
I tried a full system restore, no difference.
I guess the next step is to call up google and go for an exchange.
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Im having exactly the same issue. Except mine never worked. I would love to find out what really is the issue. I installed some sensor software and hardware seems to be the problem
Same issue here. Auto-rotation does not work.
If I want landscape mode, I have to launch a game, and then get back to the home screen...
5 minutes with the tablet and already I feel I have to exchange it.
Sensors are not working. Maybe this is a big issue for HTC. Maybe they got a bad batch from a provider.
HjortTyson said:
Anyone else having problems with auto-rotate on the Nexus 9? I am sure it worked, briefly, while I was setting up the tablet for the first time, but after installing a few apps (netflix, dropbox, adobe reader) and configed various email accounts and such, it stopped working. The tablet display is permanently in portrait mode, although if I play a movie in netflix it will force it to switch to to landscape whereupon it will be permanently stuck in landscape until the next shutdown and restart.
I've checked the setting on the drop down- auto-rotate is certainly enabled. I have tried disabled and re-enabling it, no difference.
I've downloaded a ball-in-labyrinth game, and I think that has indicated the issue- the sensors seem to be completely broken, no matter how I rotate the tablet the game thinks I have it in the same position and the ball just sits stuck in the upper corner of the game board.
I tried a full system restore, no difference.
I guess the next step is to call up google and go for an exchange.
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Same problem, I solved by turning off the geolocation that seems to alter the accelerometer ... Hopefully the problem is software ... I wait for the OTA on November 12 before replacing
Same here, auto rotate does work when its wants to. Usually after reboot but gets stuck in either portrait of landscape and then is in that view mode forever more or until you reboot again
Will wait for Nov 12th update, hopefully will fix the notification light issue too
noodlemctwoodle said:
Same here, auto rotate does work when its wants to. Usually after reboot but gets stuck in either portrait of landscape and then is in that view mode forever more or until you reboot again
Will wait for Nov 12th update, hopefully will fix the notification light issue too
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We hope to resolve, or that settling and clearing the various logs '' unlock the sensor''
Root of the problem
I also have this problem. Got N9 on preorder only for it to arrive yesterday in New Zealand. Shortly after setting up the device rotation stopped working. After searching the web I came across this.... "" (sorry not able to post links).
It turns out that when ever the GPS radio fires up it shuts down the other sensors. Turn GPS off and rotation works fine. If its stuck you can turn the GPS off and reboot the device and things are back to normal.
This sounds like a hardware issue to me but will see what HTC say.
I have the Problem since yesterday . I activated Google now yesterday ,so this was my first guess. I just deactivated Google now and rebooted the device. It looks like that fixed it. Screen rotation works again!
Hope this helps.
Deactivating Google Now fixed mine too.
Count me in. It happened to me, twice. First time it happened, nothing seemed to help. Restarting didnt`t help. Shaking didn`t, either. So I installed a sensor monitoring app and it told me, there were no data at all from the rotation sensor. Two days later everything changed to normal behaviour, just like so. It started after watching a Netflix movie, btw.
The second time I could reactivate the sensor by starting an app called Bamboo Paper. This forced my Nexus 9 to go from landscape mode to portrait mode. And rotation worked fine since then.
So, at first glance, it seems to be a hardware problem. But then again, some apps seem to be able to trigger the `faulty` sensor. Thus, it might as well be a problem on the software side.
Let`s hope it will be solved by a future Lollipop update.
All the best from Germany,
It has happened again. And nothing seems to help. The Bamboo Paper app `trick` must have been just a coincidence.
I`ll call the Play Store tomorrow to have my Nexus 9 replaced.
Is anyone still having this problem after updating to 5.0.1?
Problem persists after update for me. I'll be returning soon for a number of build quality related issues.
kcfr said:
Is anyone still having this problem after updating to 5.0.1?
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The "shut-down-on-low-battery-when-battery-is-not-low-issue" has been almost resolved for me with the update to 5.0.1. But the rotation issue still persists. I have contacted the Play Store and immediately received an RMA. It seems to be a known issue with these htc devices. I hope the new unit does not show any of these problems.
Not sure what happened, but I tried to show someone the problem today and it was not a problem. I turned on Google Now and Location and it's working fine. Rotates without issue, for now. I'm sure that as soon as I hit the Post button, it will come back.
EDIT: I was right. It is back.
Yeah, I've found that turning Google Now on breaks screen rotation. After it breaks, I have to disable Google Now and Location Services, then reboot to get rotation working again. This has to be a glitch with 5.0.1, because this issue didn't exist for me on 5.0. Hopefully Google fixes this with the next update. I'm rather fond of Google Now, and not being able to use location services kind of hamstrings the device.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
I know this is an old post but I have been having the same problems with auto rotation of the screen not working. I factory reset my device, auto rotation worked, and did a restore of the apps and it happened again. I then started over (factory reset) and reinstalled one google app at a time. I think I found the problem to be the Google Camera app. As soon as I installed it, the auto rotation stopped working (I could tell because when I went to the video setting on the Google camera app, it would not rotate to Landscape.). I uninstalled the Google camera update, force stopped the app, and disabled it. Now I have no problems with auto rotation of my screen. Also, noticed that the area around the camera would get quite hot after the Google camera app updated. Google needs to fix this for the N9!
Gibby said:
I know this is an old post but I have been having the same problems with auto rotation of the screen not working. I factory reset my device, auto rotation worked, and did a restore of the apps and it happened again. I then started over (factory reset) and reinstalled one google app at a time. I think I found the problem to be the Google Camera app. As soon as I installed it, the auto rotation stopped working (I could tell because when I went to the video setting on the Google camera app, it would not rotate to Landscape.). I uninstalled the Google camera update, force stopped the app, and disabled it. Now I have no problems with auto rotation of my screen. Also, noticed that the area around the camera would get quite hot after the Google camera app updated. Google needs to fix this for the N9!
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Follow the steps I mention here, and see if it fixes it. If so, please star / +1 this issue, as I believe the issue is related to Google Play Services. I know this is not a fix as it renders all Google apps useless, but if we can get Google to address this, then THAT will fix the issue.
I too noticed the excessive heat, which would ALSO occur immediately after enabling Google Play Services - however HTC devices for some reason do heat up very quickly when using the camera (The One M7, M8 and M9 all have this issue, though a recent update for the M9 makes it less noticeable)
ThymeCypher said: Owner Summary Stars&groupby=&sort=&id=181206
Follow the steps I mention here, and see if it fixes it. If so, please star / +1 this issue, as I believe the issue is related to Google Play Services. I know this is not a fix as it renders all Google apps useless, but if we can get Google to address this, then THAT will fix the issue.
I too noticed the excessive heat, which would ALSO occur immediately after enabling Google Play Services - however HTC devices for some reason do heat up very quickly when using the camera (The One M7, M8 and M9 all have this issue, though a recent update for the M9 makes it less noticeable)
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Have you had any success with getting this issue fixed? I duplicated your steps and had the same result.
I was able to fix my N9 by installing Android M. Google Play Services does not break auto rotate and my tablet works perfectly! If you are running Android 5.1.1, Google Play Services breaks auto-rotate. Google never fixed this for some reason. I suspect because they were focused on Android M. Make the change, you will be glad you did!

Dialer problem

Today when I dialed someone, the screen switched off, like when we bring it to our face, cover the sensor, tapping didnt do anything, only pressing power did bring back the screen, after that all was normal, except it wouldnt switch off the screen when the sensor was covered again
Did another call, the same, rebooted the phone but still the same. I use Dialer+, but tested with standard Phone app and the same happened, any suggestions
Yesterday all worked fine, the only apps updated yesterday where: Google, Calendar, MoboPlayer and Shazam
melorib said:
Today when I dialed someone, the screen switched off, like when we bring it to our face, cover the sensor, tapping didnt do anything, only pressing power did bring back the screen, after that all was normal, except it wouldnt switch off the screen when the sensor was covered again
Did another call, the same, rebooted the phone but still the same. I use Dialer+, but tested with standard Phone app and the same happened, any suggestions
Yesterday all worked fine, the only apps updated yesterday where: Google, Calendar, MoboPlayer and Shazam
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Same happened calling with Whatsapp...
No one
The proximity sensor seems to work fine otherwise
I've had the same issue on seemingly random occasions. Lots of people suggested checking the proximity sensor data using AIDA64 but it all checked out fine.
Only thing that worked for me was to recalibrate the motion sensor under display settings. Hope that works for you!
gator716 said:
I've had the same issue on seemingly random occasions. Lots of people suggested checking the proximity sensor data using AIDA64 but it all checked out fine.
Only thing that worked for me was to recalibrate the motion sensor under display settings. Hope that works for you!
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Thank you :good:
I ended up upgrading to MM and the problem is gone
melorib said:
Thank you :good:
I ended up upgrading to MM and the problem is gone
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I had the same issue on Lollipop, I upgraded to marshmallow and it still exists. It happens at random times, sometimes the proximity sensor works fine but sometimes it kind of freezes and the screen remains off even after a phone call, I have to touch it a bit to make it respond.
Any permanent way of fixing this? Any solution would be very helpful.
masaichris said:
I had the same issue on Lollipop, I upgraded to marshmallow and it still exists. It happens at random times, sometimes the proximity sensor works fine but sometimes it kind of freezes and the screen remains off even after a phone call, I have to touch it a bit to make it respond.
Any permanent way of fixing this? Any solution would be very helpful.
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Mine never had the problem other than that one day before I upgraded to MM, I have the phone since January. Did you try re-calibrating the sensor like Gator said
Same happened with MM, recalibrated the motion sensor under display settings, and it is working again...

Sensors stop working on Lenovo Yoga Book

sorry for posting here without being a developer myself. It seems like nobody on the other boards knows enough about android to be able to help me with this particular problem - which is the most strangest problem with electronic devices I have experienced so far:
The tends to "loose" sensors after a while. This mostly happens when in sleep mode, but can also happen during charging, sometimes after half a day, sometimes after a few seconds. The following sensors are affected: Accelerometer (including auto rotation), light, magnetic field, orientation and GPS. The sound and battery sensors keep going.
Now, while this is very annoying, it is not really strange. The strange part is the following: Two times I thought to have found the problem and get it back working normally, only to learn better 2 days later:
1) when I uninstalled the Dolphin browser - which never really worked on this device - the problem disappeared for more than a day and I thought it solved. Alas, it returned about two days later. So, Dolphin may have been a cause, but something new jumped into its place after 2 days.
2) at some point, I decided to uninstall Smart Launcher 3, which I had installed right at the start. E voilĂ : problem gone, the sensors worked perfectly without a single glitch for 2 days. So Smart Launcher must have been the culprit, right? -> wrong! Two days later the problem reappeared, worse than ever! All it takes now is putting the tablet to sleep for ~ 1 minute and the sensors are gone. If I want to use the sensors, I have to either prevent the sleep mode or restart the tablet whenever I want to use it.
So far, I haven't found another solution to make it work for 2 days (or even longer than a couple of minutes). But anyway, it doesn't make any sense. Why would uninstalling an app make the problem disappear, but only for 2 days? Then the same story again, when uninstalling another app?
Any kind of hint or suggestion is greatly appreciated, I am desperate and have no more ideas what else to try. All pleasure in the device is gone, it's just frustrating.
Thank you a 7'200 times (seconds in 2 hours)!
- spitfire
It just got more weird. I figured out, that enabling the power save mode caused the tablet to work somewhat normally, meaning sensors would still work after sleeping most of the time.
But guess what: 3 days later even that workaround doesn't work anymore. Restarting the tablet brings the sensors back, but switching the screen off (sleep mode) for 5 seconds is enough to disrupt them, always. This doesn't make any sense at all. Why does the device always find a way to counteract my workarounds after 2-3 days? Is the thing alive and doing it on purpose? It starts to drive me really mad :crying:
Please, does anybody have an idea? I am looking for
ways to restart the sensors without having to reboot the tablet. There must be some service to kill and restart, right?
ways to identify the cause of the problem. There must be some kind of event log where the sensor crash and what happened before is recorded.
I am sure somebody must know about those things, at least in this forum. Otherwise I don't know what to do, I run out of workarounds, the evil device wins this battle and will soon target the world - welcome Skynet.
Thanks very much for any kind of help
edit: I noticed that when the problem occurs, it takes the tablet longer to wake up than the few times when everything is fine. This indicates that there is something going wrong with the wake up process. It must be possible to see in some kind of log what exactly happens, but my sparse knowledge of android isn't deep enough. I already tried OS monitor to access the catlog and I do see some warnings (pink W), but they don't tell me much. E.g.: OpenGLRenderer: Failed to choose config with EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED, retrying without. Or: Syste: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /mnt/expand/.../com.eolwral.osmonitor... (which rather sounds like a problem of OS monitor itself than a problem of the system).
i installed termux... ran top... i see a /system/vendor/bin/sensorhubd
i assume thats the process not "waking up"
is there a way to monitor that? or to tell it to restart? so we dont have to reboot everytime............. said:
i installed termux... ran top... i see a /system/vendor/bin/sensorhubd
i assume thats the process not "waking up"
is there a way to monitor that? or to tell it to restart? so we dont have to reboot everytime.............
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I think i found whats killing it: google play services... disable body sensors permission in settings-->apps-->google play services-->permissions--> body sensors
also uninstall mcafee.

