[Q] accelerometer issue - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i have a sgt 10.1 and when i am playing games the angle is off. for example when i am playing doodle jump to get the little guy to jump strait up i have to hold my tablet at an angle. the angle is also off on flight simulation games and a level app. my tablet is stock. how can i fix this?

Usually under display on NON ICS Rom *I would assume that as you haven't mentioned what firmware you are on* there is an option to calibrate the accelerometer

i just looked in the settings. i do not have a display settings. there is one labled screen, but there is not a calabration option.
i have the stock rom. 3.2

rsouthern01 said:
i just looked in the settings. i do not have a display settings. there is one labled screen, but there is not a calabration option.
i have the stock rom. 3.2
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Under Stock 3.2 in Settings -> Screen the last option on the right is "Horizontal calibration". This will calibrate your angle usage...
I just used it and it works fine. Lay it flat down on a table to calibrate.

I don't have that option. is there another way to fit it ?

What? How do you not have that option? as far as I know that option has always been there..


[Q] Motion Sensor working in reverse?

Whenever I try a game that uses the S2's motion sensor like Glyder or Nova 2, left and right seem to be switched. Maybe its me, but it just feels wrong when you lift the left side of your phone and your view or character goes left as well.
Does anyone know if this is configurable, because it doesn't seem to be an option within the games.
Thank you for any feedback.
Calibrate your sensors (Settings > Display Horzontal/Gyro Calibration) and also check in-game settings?
karel3s said:
Whenever I try a game that uses the S2's motion sensor like Glyder or Nova 2, left and right seem to be switched. Maybe its me, but it just feels wrong when you lift the left side of your phone and your view or character goes left as well.
Does anyone know if this is configurable, because it doesn't seem to be an option within the games.
Thank you for any feedback.
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Get glyder from the market instead of Samsung Apps. The one from Samsung doesn't work properly.
Glyder also does this on my phone. Tried calibrating, assumed it's a game glitch.
Thank you all for the tips.
I've actually tried horizontal calibration, but nothing changes.
I'll try downloading the Glyder app from the market instead and see if that makes a difference.
For Nova you can actually set the gyro settings to 270 degrees instead of 90, but then up and down handles a bit awkward.
I'm guessing there is no solution for this yet so I'll wait for someone to release an app for this someday.
Just one of the disadvantages of a brand new phone model
Wow! I thought that was how Glyder was supposed to be ... I actually got pretty good at the controls
Just a quick update to say the market Glyder app is working fine.

touch screen calibration?

Is there a way to calibrate the touch screen?
d12bn said:
Is there a way to calibrate the touch screen?
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Menu -> Settings -> Lang&Keyboard -> Touch Input -> Text Input -> Calibration Tool
First do the "Reset Calibration" then do your own calibration is how I did it.
mrrogers1 said:
Menu -> Settings -> Lang&Keyboard -> Touch Input -> Text Input -> Calibration Tool
First do the "Reset Calibration" then do your own calibration is how I did it.
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That's for the HTC Keyboard ONLY. THat has no effect on anything else.
And no, there is no way (or need) to calibrate the screen.
The dialog says for the tool says "Calibrate your screen for a better touch experience".
While I did not design the phone or interface, I don't know 100% either way and luckily, it can't hurt.
*If you did code the interface and know for sure, thank you. ;-)
mrrogers1 said:
Menu -> Settings -> Lang&Keyboard -> Touch Input -> Text Input -> Calibration Tool
First do the "Reset Calibration" then do your own calibration is how I did it.
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Thanks that's what I needed
I wish there was a way to calibrate the touch screen. Anyone else having issues where you press the top thread of SMS and it goes to the 4th one down and then it locks the screen like it's touching there so I can't press anything else? No back button, home button. Only thing that works is locking it then unlocking but sometimes you have to do that 3 to 4 times before it will stop "touching" that same spot. I haven't hard reset yet but if that doesn't work I'm going to have them replace it.
That happened to me a lot with the original evo, not as bad with this one, but it has been off a few times
What does this do? Menu > Settings > Display > G-Sensor calibration
scramer said:
What does this do? Menu > Settings > Display > G-Sensor calibration
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Are you daft? It calibrates the G-sensor, as in the sensor that reads the G forces the phone is being exposed to.
flyingwolf said:
Are you daft? It calibrates the G-sensor, as in the sensor that reads the G forces the phone is being exposed to.
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he he he... "daft".
I had MAJOR touch screen problems (not keyboard) and this seems to have fixed them!
Seetings > display> calibration unless thats only in the rom im using
Nevermind only an option on my rom
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Nope I have the option as well. The feature is offered on most stock based roms I believe.
i am having problems using the keyboard in portrait mode.. it wont touch the p, or 0. also, it dont always catch on the sides anymore in landscape mode.. when playing games and stuff..
dgrobe2112 said:
i am having problems using the keyboard in portrait mode.. it wont touch the p, or 0. also, it dont always catch on the sides anymore in landscape mode.. when playing games and stuff..
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It sounds like your digitizer (touchscreen interface) may be going out. Try to calibrate in the keyboard settings and then calibrate the "g" (accelerometer) sensor. If you're still having issues with p,0 put your phone in landscape mode where the home button is on top and confirm that area of the screen by pressing the comma or space bar. Good luck.
dgrobe2112 said:
i am having problems using the keyboard in portrait mode.. it wont touch the p, or 0. also, it dont always catch on the sides anymore in landscape mode.. when playing games and stuff..
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You might also try a Gingerbread Rom as I've noticed the accuracy to sometimes be off on ics Roms, especially near the screen edges. Or, maybe try a different keyboard.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
how to calibrate keyboard on jellybean ?
i think ... calibrating touchscreen is important to....how to do that on ICS and JB ?

SOLVED [Q] screen randomly goes full brightness.

As the title says my GFs 10.1 will go full brightness at random times. Only way to change it back is to go into setting. The slider is all the way down but have to slide it to full then back down. Any ideas guys?
Just-in-time said:
As the title says my GFs 10.1 will go full brightness at random times. Only way to change it back is to go into setting. The slider is all the way down but have to slide it to full then back down. Any ideas guys?
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Is it set to auto-brightness? Sounds like it.
No its not on auto that was the first thing I checked when she told me.
stock room or something else? rooted?
Can you Post Questions in the New Galaxy Q&A Forum Thanks
Moving to Q&A
eugene22n said:
stock room or something else? rooted?
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Its full stock.
mine too
it doesnt happen that often but it also happens to me i would be watching,a movie and out of nowhere its like if im facing the sun....
capufo said:
it doesnt happen that often but it also happens to me i would be watching,a movie and out of nowhere its like if im facing the sun....
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Yeah its weird how random it is.
Just-in-time said:
As the title says my GFs 10.1 will go full brightness at random times. Only way to change it back is to go into setting. The slider is all the way down but have to slide it to full then back down. Any ideas guys?
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I have had this issue as well when using auto brightness function. Only when viewing photo albums. Very annoying. I no longer use the auto brightness function now. Little issues like this drive me crazy. Add this to the keyboard lag and other small issues and i start to question the purchase.
Thankfully i found this site to help me realize its not just me...misery loves company. Lol.
Have you guys tried to shut off the option in setting that's can analyze the screen color and more and the adjust the screen for power savings.
I have noticed what you are mention. And it only appears in movie's because the picture change often so the tab tried to compensate the colors often.
And I am not talking about the auto brightness that you can access from clicking on the lower right part of your screen
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
bd85 said:
Have you guys tried to shut off the option in setting that's can analyze the screen color and more and the adjust the screen for power savings.
I have noticed what you are mention. And it only appears in movie's because the picture change often so the tab tried to compensate the colors often.
And I am not talking about the auto brightness that you can access from clicking on the lower right part of your screen
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
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That seemed to be it. Didn't think to check that since the Xoom doesn't have that setting. One thing i wish the xoom had was the whole different wallpaper for lock screen thing the 10.1 has.

[Q] screen wont rotate

ok here is the problem my screen wont rotate did a soft and hard reset and all only time it switches view are when i'am in the andriod market ,netflix and so forth ,but at the home screen everything is the long way now it cool when iam reading my book or my comic books and i think i can deal with it but i do like it when its the other way too any help with this problem would be great
Did you check settings, screen and auto rotate?
Or did you lock your screen with a setting in one of the launchers?
And how did you get your market and Netflix to rotate? Mine doesn't.
Sent from xda premium app
What ROM are you running?
phillytye215 said:
ok here is the problem my screen wont rotate did a soft and hard reset and all only time it switches view are when i'am in the andriod market ,netflix and so forth ,but at the home screen everything is the long way now it cool when iam reading my book or my comic books and i think i can deal with it but i do like it when its the other way too any help with this problem would be great
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You need to be a bit more informative about the problem brother. Things like what model do you have( wifi only, 4G...) are you running a stock unrooted Tab or are you rooted and running a custom rom, if so which rom and are you using the stock launcher or a 3rd party one??? It'll help us to figure out what's going on.
Now after rereading your post a few times this is what I'm understanding. When you say "long ways" I'm assuming you mean portrait... right? That would mean that your Tab is stuck in portrait (longer from top to bottom and shorter from side to side) and the only time it jumps to landscape is when you go to Apps that are written to automatically switch to landscape when opened, like the Market and Netflix. You also say that you've done a soft rest (meaning completely powered off your Tab) and did a hard rest (meaning you did a factory rest) am I right so far???
If I'm on the right track with what I've posted above and this is assuming that your running a stock unrooted Tab and the stock TW launcher you could very well have a bad accelerometer. That's the sensor in side of our Tabs that tell it how your holding it. If you did a factory rest (hardrest) then that should have reset your Tab it exactly how it was when you took it out of the box. And auto rotation would be set on by default.
Go to settings> screen> and make sure you have "auto rotate screen" checked.
Hit us back with some more info so we can try and help out a bit more.
Sent from my Galaxy10.1 TouchWiz/ADWex equipped Starship.
So far your right on...
Hey SouthPhilly...
I noticed this thread suddenly stopped.
I am having the exact same issue, and have done a reset to factory on my device and the screen still does not rotate unless forced to by an app.
Just wondering if you were going to launch in to a possible solution.
CaptivateRookie said:
Hey SouthPhilly...
I noticed this thread suddenly stopped.
I am having the exact same issue, and have done a reset to factory on my device and the screen still does not rotate unless forced to by an app.
Just wondering if you were going to launch in to a possible solution.
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I'm wondering the same thing here. I have the same issue with my GTab 7510..bleh!
wipe cache.
sometimes it works

Tilt sensor/accelerometer issues

Was really excited to see Tomb runner in play store but after downloading was unplayable cause the tilt sensor doesn't seem to work in the game, seems fine on home screen etc.... anyone else having this problem or found any workarounds?
Hmmm.. does it work elsewhere for your tablet? Tombrunner works fine, with tilt, on mine.
its fine in other apps, which build of the os are u on? Settings-About tablet-Build number... Mines B016 at the end...
Did you try to uninstall and reinstall? It worked for me
Tried everything, reinstall, reset tablet but no joy... Im gonna try the ICS beta ROM.
steviesteve78 said:
Tried everything, reinstall, reset tablet but no joy... Im gonna try the ICS beta ROM.
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Absolutely worth the upgrade and I cannot recommend it more highly. I just updated to ICS b08 last night (from 006) and it continues to be a significant upgrade in the little things. Screen seems more responsive, performance better to the eye, and so on. Absolutely worth it, regardless of tomb runner. 8)
It's working great on ICS 08 rom. But playing something like angry birds and tip off basketball is harder than it should be because the touchscreen filtering algorithm either non existent or were set to a very low number so you can't have a steady touch (try to just touch the screen in the browser and it's shaking... Or just activate pointer location in developer options to visually see the touches). Despite this problem, I still think that this rom is better than the hc ones.
Sent from my HUAWEI MediaPad using Tapatalk
on HC3.2
i red it somewhere on web and when happened it to me it worked.
1. turn off screen tilt function
2. turn off auto screen brightness
3. turn on screen tilt function
4. turn on auto screen brightness
weird? try it
steviesteve78 said:
Was really excited to see Tomb runner in play store but after downloading was unplayable cause the tilt sensor doesn't seem to work in the game, seems fine on home screen etc.... anyone else having this problem or found any workarounds?
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Home screen / auto rotate use orientation sensor. Games use accelerometer. If you or anyone else having accelerometer issue, try disabling compatible coordinate mode in setting - developer options.
As for me otherwise - enabling compatible options.

