S-Memo not working - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note I717

My S-memo app is not working with the S-Pen nor with my finger. It will not draw any lines no matter what.
I am on the Stock ROM, rooted.
The S-pen works fine in draw something and evernote skitch.

When starting a new memo, click the + sign with the squiggly icon, not the T.

Tried that....not working still


[Q] Pen functionality in HC

For those who are lucky enough to try out HC on their Flyers, I have a few questions about the pen functionality that I can't seem to find anywhere.
I know you can use the pen to touch apps and scroll and such, but how is the functionality of the pen when used in the apps?
To be more clear, you know how the pen takes screen shots of anything you touch when you want to annotate anything (in an app that's not compatible with the pen)? How does that change in HC? In a YouTube video I only noticed that it acts as your finger when you use the pen.
I use the Flyer a lot in school and it gets frustrating to have to take snapshots of every single power point that I want to highlight or annotate. (Mostly because some powerpoints I don't annotate and aren't included in the folder of those that are annotated) Does HC allow for more functionality with the pen with other files/apps such as PPT files? The functionality of the pen with Polaris Office and PDF Reader just isn't enough to be efficient to be used in an educational setting IMO.
Pen in HC works exactly like how your finger works, except with the pen-enabled apps. Those still works the same way as in GB. To use the screen shot scribble mode, there is an extra option in the pen menu when you click the pen hardware button.
Sent from my 3VO
The same functionality it just can be used as a capacitive stylus now versus in gb you could only use it in certain apps. Now you can virtually swipe and touch any screen and menu. I have two office applications I'm going to see if the stylus works in either and get back to you

Bluetooth mice and hover controls?

I connected a bluetooth mouse I had lying around hoping it would allow me to use the browser like a desktop browser with support for things like popups that occur when hovering the cursor over a link/picture, dragging flash or other controls, drag-select text.
None of these things worked. The cursor appears and I can move, tap, drag and use the scroll wheel. But it basically behaves as a surrogate of my finger. All the web controls that would require a mouse on a desktop and that don't work with my finger, don't work any better with the cursor.
Is this the expected behaviour? I tried the stock browser, Dolphin and Firefox. They were all the same.
Is there any advantage to using a bluetooth mouse? The only things I can see are less fingerprints on the screen a better precision for positioning the text cursor. But my capacitive stylus covers those just as well.
Tried it on Chrome? Depends with FW are you on, and kernel.
Misledz said:
Tried it on Chrome? Depends with FW are you on, and kernel.
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Does it work properly on Chrome? From what I understand Chrome requires ICS and while I played with it briefly it seemed like it still needed work on stability and I use the camera for Evernote. But I'd be happy if ICS supports proper mouse integration.
I'm using Task 14 with Pershoot's kernal.
tmagritte said:
I connected a bluetooth mouse I had lying around hoping it would allow me to use the browser like a desktop browser with support for things like popups that occur when hovering the cursor over a link/picture, dragging flash or other controls, drag-select text.
None of these things worked. The cursor appears and I can move, tap, drag and use the scroll wheel. But it basically behaves as a surrogate of my finger. All the web controls that would require a mouse on a desktop and that don't work with my finger, don't work any better with the cursor.
Is this the expected behaviour? I tried the stock browser, Dolphin and Firefox. They were all the same.
Is there any advantage to using a bluetooth mouse? The only things I can see are less fingerprints on the screen a better precision for positioning the text cursor. But my capacitive stylus covers those just as well.
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With what you are using, I believe you are getting the expected behavior. "an extension of your finger"
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
tmagritte said:
Does it work properly on Chrome? From what I understand Chrome requires ICS and while I played with it briefly it seemed like it still needed work on stability and I use the camera for Evernote. But I'd be happy if ICS supports proper mouse integration.
I'm using Task 14 with Pershoot's kernal.
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Not entirely sure since I don't have a BTooth mouse but will test it for you sometime this week.

[Q] Any way to add a Google Now icon to the lock screen?

Coming from stock jelly bean on my Nexus I miss being able to go straight to Google Now with a swipe... if there was a way to add an additional icon to the lock screen for this purpose that would be awesome. Any ideas?
Put the Google Now (Google) shortcut in your dock. Not entirely the same, but works with a swipe
Thanks! This is my first sense phone, didn't realize whatever you put in there also showed up on the lock screen. Duh :silly:
Honestly, I think I will be adding a shortcut myself. I kind of miss my Gnex swipe up.
This is what I do that has worked well for me. I use Nova Launcher to bring me back to more of a nexus look. Because I do this, I set my camera and google icons on the dock of my sense launcher and those two icons show up on my lockscreen, and this way I also don't waste dock space on Nova launcher. Works like a charm.
Here are my home and lock screen to show what I am talking about
Holding the home button for a second opens Google Now... its not the same as swiping from lock screen but it works
.torrented said:
Holding the home button for a second opens Google Now... its not the same as swiping from lock screen but it works
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This does not work from the lock screen though.
DonBrizzel said:
This is what I do that has worked well for me. I use Nova Launcher to bring me back to more of a nexus look. Because I do this, I set my camera and google icons on the dock of my sense launcher and those two icons show up on my lockscreen, and this way I also don't waste dock space on Nova launcher. Works like a charm.
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I agree, although I added two activities to the list. With Nova you can drop activities to directly access features of apps without opening them fully.
I use one activity from Handcent called quick compose. It opens a tiny window with a "to" field and a "message" field. Very handy. Also I use the toggle feature of TeslaLED to give me quick access to a flashlight.
Then using Nova I can have 6 completely different apps on my dock plus app drawer.
And today was payday so that rocks.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
There is also Holo Lock for anyone who wants the stock JB lock screen, although it does not work perfectly...
I use apex launcher, much the same as nova. I have a Google search in my sense dock, so it shows up on my lockscreen.
It doesn't show up on my dock in apex. I set a gesture in apex, however, that store up items Google search. Makes it almost the same ad my galaxy nexus
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2

[Q] "Defaultable" Gallery/Photo App with Drawing

Just received my S6 Edge and love it, but I do have a question.
The drawing function is gone from the Samsung Photo Gallery edit. On my S5 and S4 I could take a picture, then using the included Samsung Photo app to easily draw on the photo (i.e. make an arrow, circle something, etc.). Likewise if I took a screen shot I could easily use Edit -> Effect and draw on the picture, then send it to someone in the same app.
Am I missing something? I can't find a simple Gallery application as my default, go-to app for reviewing, then drawing on on pictures. Likewise there is no drawing capability on Google's Photos app (the one with the pinwheel icon). Everyone raves about QuicPic which is otherwise great, but there doesn't seem to be a drawing function. Key functionality - I'd like to be able to select the app as the default gallery so that I don't have to keep switching back and forth between applications.
Has anyone else solved for this?
you have to download the sdk for that in galaxy apps

S-Pen PDF Mark-Up Apps

I've been using Foxit PDF to mark-up PDF floor plans at jobsites. The problem with this app it doesn't turn off the touch screen to fingers when the S-Pen is close to the screen like the S-Note app so when I try to pan with my finger it draws a line.
Has anyone used an app that can mark-up PDF or other files that works with the S-Pen like Samsung's app?
ryant35 said:
I've been using Foxit PDF to mark-up PDF floor plans at jobsites. The problem with this app it doesn't turn off the touch screen to fingers when the S-Pen is close to the screen like the S-Note app so when I try to pan with my finger it draws a line.
Has anyone used an app that can mark-up PDF or other files that works with the S-Pen like Samsung's app?
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S-Pen on A series ??? Maybe Samsung should give us an A-pen...

