Survey - Rezound ICS Upgrade User Feedback - HTC Rezound

The survey website I'm using only lets me see the first 100 results but it did tell me about 120 people have taken the survey since I posted it yesterday afternoon. I'll post results later today.
Fellow Rezound users, I think the only way we'll ever get a useful reply from Verizon regarding the ICS update is to hammer them with inquiries and give them with some cold, hard stats to prove how dissatisfied their customers are. I encourage all of you to contact the Better Business Bureau and your state's Attorney General consumer fraud department and file official complaints. After you do that call and email Verizon. Don't be shy or apathetic about voicing your dissatisfaction. Make it clear to them that you've filed an official complaint.
I've also started a survey that will hopefully provide those statistics I mentioned above. As the numbers start building I'll post results for all of you to see and use. Feel free to offer any feedback. If you think this is a ridiculous, futile idea you're free to say so as well but please, regardless of which side you're on keep the comments mature and respectful.
Feel free to share this link. I want as many Rezound users as possible to speak up.
I'll post results as they come in, probably on a daily or every other day basis.
Click here to take the survey
Number of participants: 62
Total completed survey: 100%
Q: Do you own an HTC Rezound from Verizon Wireless?
A: Yes (100%)
Q: Was Verizon's claim that "an upgrade to Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) will be available in early 2012" a major influence on your decision to purchase the Rezound over another device?
A: Yes (95.2%), No (4.8%)
Q: Have you contacted Verizon to inquire about when the update to ICS will be available for users?
A: Yes (62.9%), No (37.1%)
Q: If you answered "yes" to the above question - did the Verizon representative you communicated with claim that another company was responsible for the update and deny that Verizon had any control over its release?
A: VZW claimed responsibility: 20.0%
VZW denied responsibility: 80.0%
VZW blamed HTC: 81.1%
VZW did not blame HTC: 18.9%
VZW blamed Google: 57.6%
VZW did not blame Google: 42.4%
*24 particiants skipped this question
Q: Have you contacted HTC to inquire about when the update to ICS will be available for users?
A: Yes (46.8%), No (53.2%)
Q: If you answered "yes" to the above question - did the HTC representative you communicated with claim that another company was responsible for the update and deny that HTC had any control over its release?
A: HTC blamed Verizon: 80.0%
HTC did not blame Verizon: 20.0%
HTC claimed responsibility: 24.1%
HTC denied responsibility: 75.9%
HTC blamed Google: 20.0%
HTC did not blame Google: 80.0%
*30 particiants skipped this question
Q: How knowledgeable were the customer service representatives at Verizon Wireless?
A: Extremely knowledgeable: 3.2%
Very knowledgeable: 3.2%
Moderately knowledgeable: 30.6%
Slightly knowledgeable: 29.0%
Not at all knowledgeable: 33.9%
Q: How clear was the information the customer service representatives at Verizon Wireless gave you?
A: Extremely clear: 4.8%
Very clear: 4.8%
Moderately clear: 27.4%
Slightly clear: 21.0%
Not at all clear: 41.9%
Q: Do you plan on choosing another carrier and leaving Verizon Wireless when your current contract expires?
A: Yes (72.6%), No (27.4%)
Q: Have you contacted a consumer protection agency and filed an official complain towards Verizon Wireless for failing to keep their promise of a prompt update? If so, which agency?
A: Filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau: 16.7%
Did not file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau: 83.3%
Filed a complaint with their state's Attorney General consumer fraud department: 13.3%
Did not file a complaint with their state's Attorney General consumer fraud department: 86.7%
Filed a complaint with the FCC: 21.7%
Did not file a complaint with the FCC: 78.3%

Please stop opening more threads about the ICS upgrade...

mjones73 said:
Please stop opening more threads about the ICS upgrade...
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I don't think a survey is a bad thing. If you don't like the post, don't look at it. Thanks.

People act like this is uncommon. It's not. People in the Galaxy Tab 10.1 forum were pitching their fits about slow updates too from Samsung. Got our update yesterday.
I think people need to just relax. It'll come when it comes. Delays are just part of software development and business.

mjones73 said:
Please stop opening more threads about the ICS upgrade...
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Mjones, I understand and agree that the random complaint threads are out of control. This, however, is intended to be more constructive and useful to the community. I hope you'll understand my intentions.

claydos66 said:
I don't think a survey is a bad thing. If you don't like the post, don't look at it. Thanks.
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The original poster was open to feedback negative or positive and I was polite with my response, don't like it, don't read it, thanks.

Does anyone think this will do anything? I mean anything other than annoying Verizon...
This happened with the Charge Gingerbread update. People were griping and complaining for months. Then the update dropped and within a week everyone immediately forgot they were ever upset. Everyone on Verizon who's had a phone in a software upgrade cycle has gone through this and *****ing won't do anything to help anyone. We are a minority and Verizon knows it. The vast majority of Rezound users don't know what Ice Cream Sandwich is and don't care if they ever get it.

The only thing these threads do in IMHO is give people a place to vent, it's not going to do anything to get Verizon to release this faster..

mjones73 said:
The only thing these threads do in IMHO is give people a place to vent, it's not going to do anything to get Verizon to release this faster..
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Actually, the greater problem is that every time I see a reference to ICS upgrade I get a futile glimmer of hope that it's finally been released...

Took the survey!

For the question regarding changing carriers, could you add the maybe option.

hchristy2013 said:
For the question regarding changing carriers, could you add the maybe option.
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That's not a bad idea but changing the question now would erase the data I've gathered so far.

das0527 said:
That's not a bad idea but changing the question now would erase the data I've gathered so far.
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Nevermind then.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW

badogg said:
People act like this is uncommon. It's not. People in the Galaxy Tab 10.1 forum were pitching their fits about slow updates too from Samsung. Got our update yesterday.
I think people need to just relax. It'll come when it comes. Delays are just part of software development and business.
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Some Galaxy Tab 10.1 owners got their update yesterday, not all.


HTC finally prints the truth...what's VZW gonna say now?

For months and months since I got my xv6800, I've been asking vzw reps, tech support morons, and WDTS people when OUR RevA/GPS software update will be released. Every time I ask I get the same response.
"Your handset is not EVDO Rev A upgradable"
"Your handset doesn't have GPS in it"
The HTC website never helped either because under specifications it never said anything about RevA capabilities, so I was forced to bite my tongue and just accept Verizon's stupidity.
Well HTC finally added it to their list of specifications. It's been like that for the Mogul and other Titan variants now for a while and now it's there for the xv6800.
What's Verizon gonna say now when I whip up that website and ask why the MANUFACTURER would list it as a capability if supposedly "my handset is not EVDO RevA upgradable?"
They'll be forced to look me in the eye and tell me the truth. They're too money hungry and lazy to step it up and get the software update going. They're too busy thinking up their next piece of **** application for Get It Now and developing new ways to screw their customers out of more money.
Granted I've had RevA and GPS working since the leak, but's the principle!
please let me know what they say when you call. I would love to hear it.
now, if they would only put something that says to some extent "upgradeable to 128mb ram" (one can hope...)
Please remember, you are talking to some lowly, near minimum wage customer service employee. Even if he wanted to give you a truthful answer, the truth is, he probably just doesnt know jack s***.
Save the effort and frustration, go with a custom ROM and live a happy life.
gcincotta said:
For months and months since I got my xv6800, I've been asking vzw reps, tech support morons, and WDTS people when OUR RevA/GPS software update will be released. Every time I ask I get the same response.
"Your handset is not EVDO Rev A upgradable"
"Your handset doesn't have GPS in it"
The HTC website never helped either because under specifications it never said anything about RevA capabilities, so I was forced to bite my tongue and just accept Verizon's stupidity.
Well HTC finally added it to their list of specifications. It's been like that for the Mogul and other Titan variants now for a while and now it's there for the xv6800.
What's Verizon gonna say now when I whip up that website and ask why the MANUFACTURER would list it as a capability if supposedly "my handset is not EVDO RevA upgradable?"
They'll be forced to look me in the eye and tell me the truth. They're too money hungry and lazy to step it up and get the software update going. They're too busy thinking up their next piece of **** application for Get It Now and developing new ways to screw their customers out of more money.
Granted I've had RevA and GPS working since the leak, but's the principle!
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Who gives a ****? We know it's capable and to be perfectly honest, I wouldn't run their bloatware version of WM even if they released an update. Verizon sucks ass, we all know it. So why beat a dead horse?
Who gives a ****? We know it's capable and to be perfectly honest, I wouldn't run their bloatware version of WM even if they released an update. Verizon sucks ass, we all know it. So why beat a dead horse?
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Ha do you think I would actually run their software update? It's just the mere principle. Don't forget though...if they finally do release an update we may get a new, better radio out of it.
Please remember, you are talking to some lowly, near minimum wage customer service employee. Even if he wanted to give you a truthful answer, the truth is, he probably just doesnt know jack s***.
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I've spoken with people high up on the food chain before that actually do know a thing or two about this stuff. In fact, one time I spoke with a tier 2 WDTS rep who was intrigued when I informed him that it in fact WAS capable. I stayed on the phone with him as I directed him to these forums while he read all about it. He said it's bs that they're being told to inform customers that it's not capable after reading.
lllboredlll said:
Who gives a ****? We know it's capable and to be perfectly honest, I wouldn't run their bloatware version of WM even if they released an update. Verizon sucks ass, we all know it. So why beat a dead horse?
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there are some things i want for vz that i can only get from a vz update.
carriers supporting their products is a good thing, whether you run their firmware or not.
dcd1182 said:
there are some things i want for vz that i can only get from a vz update.
carriers supporting their products is a good thing, whether you run their firmware or not.
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Hence the comment "Verizon sucks ass, we all know it"
My point is why complain about something that is already known and established. I don't see you *****ing about Verizon. You know they suck, you wish they would support their hardware more, but you also know there isn't alot you can do about it. There has been so much put into the Titan community lately and yet people still *****. Sorry I just get tired of all the complaining done in these forums. I just think it's stupid to waste data space and a thread in this site to complain. I think everytime I'm unhappy I'm gonna start a thread just so I can ***** about it. This site is for technical data. Not someone's personal conquest to whine.
lllboredlll said:
H..... This site is for technical data. Not someone's personal conquest to whine.
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It's funny, you're doing a lot of *****ing and whining in this thread; just leave it alone.
Hence the comment "Verizon sucks ass, we all know it"
My point is why complain about something that is already known and established. I don't see you *****ing about Verizon. You know they suck, you wish they would support their hardware more, but you also know there isn't alot you can do about it. There has been so much put into the Titan community lately and yet people still *****. Sorry I just get tired of all the complaining done in these forums. I just think it's stupid to waste data space and a thread in this site to complain. I think everytime I'm unhappy I'm gonna start a thread just so I can ***** about it. This site is for technical data. Not someone's personal conquest to whine.
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You really need to learn to get a clue. In no way was my post "*****ing" or "complaining" about Verizon. I was merely pointing out that the times in the past when I was told certain things have come to an end because certain facts have finally been made public. If you can't see that then you need a lot of help my friend.
This site is for "technical data". What exactly is "technical data"? It's people like you that start the flames in these threads, not me. If you knew anything about this stuff you'd know that with carrier software updates comes updated radio roms, pri updates, driver updates, os updates, and more. Do you think these roms and kitchens just popped up out of nowhere? They magically created themselves? No, they came from official carrier releases and were extracted, cleaned, and tweaked. dcd and I have been looking for a solution for people to refresh their pri in case they accidentally let customizations run. A Verizon software update may contain something very useful in the extended rom that could help us develop it. I bet you didn't know that though right?
You've made it clear to everyone that YOU are the one who likes to "*****" and "complain", not me.
gcincotta said:
You really need to learn to get a clue. In no way was my post "*****ing" or "complaining" about Verizon. I was merely pointing out that the times in the past when I was told certain things have come to an end because certain facts have finally been made public. If you can't see that then you need a lot of help my friend.
This site is for "technical data". What exactly is "technical data"? It's people like you that start the flames in these threads, not me. If you knew anything about this stuff you'd know that with carrier software updates comes updated radio roms, pri updates, driver updates, os updates, and more. Do you think these roms and kitchens just popped up out of nowhere? They magically created themselves? No, they came from official carrier releases and were extracted, cleaned, and tweaked. dcd and I have been looking for a solution for people to refresh their pri in case they accidentally let customizations run. A Verizon software update may contain something very useful in the extended rom that could help us develop it. I bet you didn't know that though right?
You've made it clear to everyone that YOU are the one who likes to "*****" and "complain", not me.
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....epic reply....
RE: Rev A and GPS
Both the HTC site and Verizon say nothing of being GPS capable, yet there are people using GPS right now through avaialbe kitchens.
I love verizon. I have gotten nothing but "great" support from them with all 19 of my phones. (Starting with MotoV265 (5) MotoV710(4) MotoE815 (1) MotoQ (4) Treo700wx (3) and finally my XV6800 (2) all in only 3.5 years)
On a serious note though, the reason that they won't release GPS for it is because they can't regulate its use very well on their system. Their other phones use VZNav on the BREW enabled phones but, as far as I know, our phones don't do BREW.
PS. Can I ***** and complain a little too here?
kyxdadeveloper said:
Both the HTC site and Verizon say nothing of being GPS capable, yet there are people using GPS right now through avaialbe kitchens.
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There is a great difference between not listing a specification to denying its capability.
Keystone said:
There is a great difference between not listing a specification to denying its capability.
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i just talked to a verizon tech suport rep, she helped me reset my data after messing it up.
but at the end of the call, i asked "i heard about this rev A our phone capable of that?" and she looked it up and said yes it is.
she also said she wasnt aware of any plans to do any kind of software update that would enable it, and she said she wouldnt know about it until it was released..
then just for $hits and giggles, i asked, what about gps. can this phone do that? and she said like for what? navigation? i said, yeh, for navigation, for google maps, something like that.
she said since google maps is 3rd party software, she wouldnt be able to tell me for sure if it would work. But i asked is our phone capable of gps?
and she said "yes, it is capable, but its not supported"
i guess that means since they dont have any software that could use it, and since they dont support 3rd part software, the can still say its capable, without actually enabling it on a stock rom.
just my experience about 20 min ago
gbenj said:
i just talked to a verizon tech suport rep, she helped me reset my data after messing it up.
but at the end of the call, i asked "i heard about this rev A our phone capable of that?" and she looked it up and said yes it is.
she also said she wasnt aware of any plans to do any kind of software update that would enable it, and she said she wouldnt know about it until it was released..
then just for $hits and giggles, i asked, what about gps. can this phone do that? and she said like for what? navigation? i said, yeh, for navigation, for google maps, something like that.
she said since google maps is 3rd party software, she wouldnt be able to tell me for sure if it would work. But i asked is our phone capable of gps?
and she said "yes, it is capable, but its not supported"
i guess that means since they dont have any software that could use it, and since they dont support 3rd part software, the can still say its capable, without actually enabling it on a stock rom.
just my experience about 20 min ago
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You'd all be smart to switch to Sprint with your xv6800s. I think they'll let you do it. you may have to pay $100 to $200 to get out of your contract with Verizon. It will be worth it once your accounts are set up properly. Sprint has the worst customer service, but at least they are trying to get WM6.1 up. The GPS works great on the Mogul. Your xv6800 hardware is identical to the Mogul. You should be able to Hard SPL, flash a Sprint ROM, and then go in and get you phone set up on Sprint. Check this forum carefully for details and follow instructions carefully.
Spr0ckEt said:
I love verizon. I have gotten nothing but "great" support from them with all 19 of my phones. (Starting with MotoV265 (5) MotoV710(4) MotoE815 (1) MotoQ (4) Treo700wx (3) and finally my XV6800 (2) all in only 3.5 years)
On a serious note though, the reason that they won't release GPS for it is because they can't regulate its use very well on their system. Their other phones use VZNav on the BREW enabled phones but, as far as I know, our phones don't do BREW.
PS. Can I ***** and complain a little too here?
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I agree with you. started with LG VX6000,8000, 8100, 700w 700wx and now this one XV6800...may some day they will tell me the truth and stop and do the right thing
Switch to sprint? Haha, the development community surrounding this phone is so immense that within hours after any carrier releases ANY update, it is ripped, stripped, and rereleased with unicarrier availability. I am running 3.49 on my xv6800, with radio 3.39, so..
Now, Sero is very, very appealing. $30 a month for unlimited Data is heavenly. I have free data due to some technical complications, but my family share plan with 700 minutes for 3 people costs more than 30 times 3.
Lmfao is it really going to make you feel better to take up the time of a rep that can't magically enable the gps function for you? Custom rom is the way to go, it's easy and you don't have to give anyone a headache in the process.
I swear, some of you are either illiterate, or just choose not to read certain parts.
gcincotta said:
You really need to learn to get a clue. In no way was my post "*****ing" or "complaining" about Verizon. I was merely pointing out that the times in the past when I was told certain things have come to an end because certain facts have finally been made public. If you can't see that then you need a lot of help my friend.
This site is for "technical data". What exactly is "technical data"? It's people like you that start the flames in these threads, not me. If you knew anything about this stuff you'd know that with carrier software updates comes updated radio roms, pri updates, driver updates, os updates, and more. Do you think these roms and kitchens just popped up out of nowhere? They magically created themselves? No, they came from official carrier releases and were extracted, cleaned, and tweaked. dcd and I have been looking for a solution for people to refresh their pri in case they accidentally let customizations run. A Verizon software update may contain something very useful in the extended rom that could help us develop it. I bet you didn't know that though right?
You've made it clear to everyone that YOU are the one who likes to "*****" and "complain", not me.
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lol.... ya I thought all of the software and drivers just popped out of someone ass My whole point in this ( which you missed totally) is, why start a thread to *****? Either way it really don't matter. Next time I'll keep my personal opinion to myself as I normally do.
The next time you make a thread to ***** maybe you might want to leave out the gay "/endrant" crap. What is a rant, may I ask sir? I'll answer it for you..... It means your *****ing!!!
steb0ne said:
It's funny, you're doing a lot of *****ing and whining in this thread; just leave it alone.
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lol... I'm sorry about *****ing about him *****ing or whatever he's gonna call it. Next time I'll roll my eyes and continue without commenting.

A letter to HTC about Unlocking Bootloaders

Hi people,
I am posting this message on HTC FACEBOOK site, I ask you all to copy&paste same message and post at HTC FB page. (correct where necessary, for example the year when you first bought your HTC, how many HTC you have had, etc...)
I am thinking that if we all unite and post same message we can create a chain reaction and force HTC to officialy reply to our questions. Otherwise they will get hundreds of the same long message on their Facebook page which they might not like people always complaint.
HTC Facebook site :
Here is the message copy & paste & correct where necessary and post on HTC Facebook site.
HTC Facebook site will NOT allow you to post a message more than 1000 characters, so goto the Photo section and add an ordinary photo or add below photo , then your message can be as long as you wish
Dear Peter Chou and HTC Employees.
Hear us.
I bought my first HTC phone in 2008 and it was a HTC Touch Pro.
I am currently on my 11th HTC phone right now and since the date I met HTC , I personally did not change my HTC to any other brand.
We have been loyal HTC customers since many years and we expect HTC to treat us the same way, otherwise our HTC love will not last forever. You are where you are because of us loyal customers.
Recently about a month ago, HTC C.E.O Peter Chou announced that HTC will be no longer locking the bootloaders from now on. I think this was a necessary move anyway since all other competion like Samsung and Motorola already offer unlocked bootloaders.
After reading Peter's comments here on HTC Facebook Page, I have pre-ordered the HTC SENSATION and the HTC FLYER.
I have received my both devices about 2 weeks ago but unfortunately they came with Locked (signed) bootloaders.
Currently there are thousands of people per day asking HTC when and how the unlocked bootloader process will start. The only reply we get from HTC is , "we are working on it and you will hear from us soon"
Dear HTC, we need some SPECIFIC ANSWERS from you rather than a pre-studied "we're working on it"
Now everybody is talking something and all we hear is speculation.
Please answer these questions with specific answers:
1) When will you start ?
2) How will the unlocking process begin ?
3) Which devices will get the unsigned bootloaders?
4) What about the Branded Devices
5) Is the process software or hardware related ?
If you answer these 5 simple questions, for sure everybody will be relaxed and we will give you enough time to breath and do your job rather than posting alot of dissatisfaction messages on your Facebook page.
If you noticed lately , you only get dissatisfaction messages posted on your website due to not giving any detailed info about the unlocking of the bootloaders.......
We all expect an OFFICIAL REPLY from you
Best Regards
How do I go about posting on HTC's wall? I feel like an idiot. Do I click the "like" button? Not a facebooker.
Nevermind, got it. Feel free to delete this post.
Just click the link and goto the wall and click on photo then paste the message and add a photo
Thats it
Or you could just read this official announcement
Just sayin'
I mean seriously, they are not going to respond to every inquiry. Filling up their facebook page with the same post over and over again just relegates facebook to what it really is, a vast wasteland of nothing worth noting.
HTC has a lot on their plate, yes I want the flyer unlocked, but I also want my Thunderbolt with Gingerbread.
Might be a good idea to fix some of the grammatical mistakes before starting this campaign.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
Posted the message on FB.....fingers crossed !!
wingdo said:
Or you could just read this official announcement
Just sayin'
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Or you can try reading it. HTC's statement is about future phones. They have not been clear about whether existing products will be updated to unlock the bootloader. Also, the Flyer is not a phone. HTC has not been clear, and the OP wants clarification.
wingdo said:
I mean seriously, they are not going to respond to every inquiry. Filling up their facebook page with the same post over and over again just relegates facebook to what it really is, a vast wasteland of nothing worth noting.
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They don't have to respond to every inquiry. That is not the intent. HTC stated that they are changing their policy due to overwhelming customer response. This is due to people like the OP raising their voice, not from people waiting around for things to happen. And this is just one way we can voice our opinion to HTC. Its not completely clear to me how much attention HTC pays to their Facebook page. But it may well be as valid a form of communicating with them as any other. Writing letter or messages to companies or government is how a lot of things have gotten done, don't underestimate it.
redpoint73 said:
Or you can try reading it. HTC's statement is about future phones. They have not been clear about whether existing products will be updated to unlock the bootloader. Also, the Flyer is not a phone. HTC has not been clear, and the OP wants clarification.
They don't have to respond to every inquiry. That is not the intent. HTC stated that they are changing their policy due to overwhelming customer response. This is due to people like the OP raising their voice, not from people waiting around for things to happen. And this is just one way we can voice our opinion to HTC. Its not completely clear to me how much attention HTC pays to their Facebook page. But it may well be as valid a form of communicating with them as any other. Writing letter or messages to companies or government is how a lot of things have gotten done, don't underestimate it.
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As a business person, I do not disagree with a letter / e-mail campaign, but I will say filling up a company's official FB page with complaints of which people should not even be complaining is not going to win any favors with HTC. You are correct, they are talking about FUTURE devices. Anyone who likes to root and flash 3rd party ROMs had to know the Flyer was locked down. It's been all over the intertubes. If you knowingly buy something which is locked, you should not expect a lot of sympathy over the fact it is locked. Do I want it unlocked? Yes, but not for any really good reason. I bought the Flyer specifically for the pen and "notes". Whatever ROM I may flash has to have sense and scribe built in. I cannot imagine why someone would fork out this kind of money to flash CM on it (and I sued CM the majority of my 18 months on the D1).
I also agree with another poster. *If* you are going to engage in a SPAM campaign to a company, please make sure it is spelling error free, grammatically correct and non nonsensical.
Again, I do not disagree with the intent or idea, strictly with the fact the idea is to SPAM HTC's official FB site with this.
BTW, what happens if HTC picks a date for the unlocking of the Flyer and then misses it for some reason? Will everyone understand things go awry when making this happen OTA and they want to be sure it is safe, or will people start *****ing "hey it's 12:01 the next day and still no unlocked bootloader. ZOMFGWTFBBQ?????"
wingdo said:
As a business person, I do not disagree with a letter / e-mail campaign, but I will say filling up a company's official FB page with complaints of which people should not even be complaining is not going to win any favors with HTC. . . .
I also agree with another poster. *If* you are going to engage in a SPAM campaign to a company, please make sure it is spelling error free, grammatically correct and non nonsensical.
Again, I do not disagree with the intent or idea, strictly with the fact the idea is to SPAM HTC's official FB site with this.
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This isn't spam. You, like many others, need to learn the definition of what spam is, before flinging that term around willy-nilly. This is a viewpoint, opinion, request by the OP. A suggestion to HTC on how to make their product better. That seems exactly what the HTC Facebook page is for. That's not spam.
On the other hand, should people just cut and paste his letter verbatim? I agree the answer is 'no'. But use it as an example, customize it to fit your situation/opinion and engage in the campaign in a meaningful way.
wingdo said:
BTW, what happens if HTC picks a date for the unlocking of the Flyer and then misses it for some reason?
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You are right. For that reason HTC always answer to such request like: We don't know, don't ask but read our news channels.
My "translation": We are working on it (unlocked boot-loader for Sensation and Flyer) and when it's done then - and not before - we will inform you.
redpoint73 said:
This isn't spam. You, like many others, need to learn the definition of what spam is, before flinging that term around willy-nilly. This is a viewpoint, opinion, request by the OP. A suggestion to HTC on how to make their product better. That seems exactly what the HTC Facebook page is for. That's not spam.
On the other hand, should people just cut and paste his letter verbatim? I agree the answer is 'no'. But use it as an example, customize it to fit your situation/opinion and engage in the campaign in a meaningful way.
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So aside from loose use of the word SPAM, we are in agreement that people should not just cut and paste this into HTC's official FB site.
HTC is not going to give release dates which can and most certainly will be missed, especially for something like unlocking a bootloader. The TB missed it's initial release date and it seemed like everyone on earth was up in arms judging by the amount of traffic people saw.
I am not even sure the bootloader will be un-lockable (yay for non existent words) via OTA. The odds of bricking may be too high for HTC to want to deal with. Their official statement is that going forward HTC devices will not have a locked boot loader. People should take that for what it means. *If* HTC decides to go back and unlock already out there devices I think that would be a very difficult thing to do from a reliability and certainty standpoint.
The OP bought the Flyer knowing the boot loader was locked. The OP did not return their Flyer during the return period (BB is 14 days). The OP bought exactly what was advertised, and is not satisfied and suggests to post the same complaint over and over again on an official welcome to HTC page. The BEST way to get companies to understand that you will not buy something with a locked boot loader is to not buy it in the first place.
I am dropping my sub to this thread as the point is lost on some.
That's a heck of a lot of speculation on your part. And you may/may not be completely correct. But its really not too much to ask for HTC to clarify whether they intend to unlock the Flyer's bootloader or not.
The Flyer is a great device. Many on here, myself included, want an unlocked bootloader, root, S-Off; but don't feel its enough to be a deal breaker and not buy the device.
If everybody posted, at the same time , the same message (corrected the dates and phones according to him). Then for sure it would create an impact on HTC .
Since only a few acted, it's just another complaint message to the eyes of HTC.
Please HTC, build better phones!
(•.•) said:
Please HTC, build better phones!
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about the question what spam is: here we have it or I didn't understand still these mass of posts here... ?!
So you're asking possibly hundreds of people to post a poorly constructed letter on the official HTC Facebook page.
I'll pass thanks
ieen said:
So you're asking possibly hundreds of people to post a poorly constructed letter on the official HTC Facebook page.
I'll pass thanks
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Than take the time to write a better one, or think of a better idea, instead of just complaining about somebody else's effort.
redpoint73 said:
Than take the time to write a better one, or think of a better idea, instead of just complaining about somebody else's effort.
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I was just going to write the same thing but you beat me to it , thanks
wingdo said:
I am not even sure the bootloader will be un-lockable (yay for non existent words) via OTA. The odds of bricking may be too high for HTC to want to deal with. Their official statement is that going forward HTC devices will not have a locked boot loader. People should take that for what it means. *If* HTC decides to go back and unlock already out there devices I think that would be a very difficult thing to do from a reliability and certainty standpoint.
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Well, the following news pretty much settles the question of whether a manufacturer can unlock the bootloader, if they really wanted to. Motorola's Gingerbread update for the Atrix comes with the ability to unlock the bootloader:
Also answers the question of how a manufacturer can offer an unlocked bootloader without the risk of bricking a bunch of the Flyer's out there (if that's even a real risk). In the case of the Atrix, it sounds like the user has to issue the command over ADB to unlock the bootloader, which also gives a warning that it may void your warranty. Seems like a pretty tidy way to do it. Anyone that really wants the bootloader unlocked is not going to have a problem with a simple ADB command. But those that don't care, don't have to mess with it.
I am beginning to think that HTC is really working on unlocking the bootloaders and we will get our S-OFF soon ........

Confirmed: no ICS for HTC Flyer

Just received this from HTC.....
Dear xx-xx,
Thank you for your email regarding your HTC Flyer.
My name is David and I am a Technical Support Agent for the HTC Written Team.
I understand that you wish to enquire if the Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) update will be made available for your tablet.
We really do appreciate your interest in our products Tristan. I do apologise but the HTC Flyer would not be receiving the ICS update. This is because this update is not compatible with this device. HTC has tested this update extensively on the HTC Flyer and can confirm that this device is not capable of running this update.
I do apologise for the inconvenience this may be causing you.
To let me know I have successfully answered your query, please follow the link below to close your enquiry, you will have the opportunity to leave feedback about your experience contacting me today.
Let me know if I have successfully answered your question, please click here to complete this.
To send a reply to this message, please click here.
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I'm not worried, I'm sure the mod community will come up with a solution for us, but I'd hate to lose the scribe functionality, is anyone clued up enough to suggest if developers are going to be able to retain that?
Not compatible, lmao whatever. Why is it so hard for tech support people to just say "I apologize but I am just an employee and I am uninformed of these kind of decisions ".
Sent from my HTC Flyer P510e using XDA Premium HD app
What a load of crap don't take his word for it just wait and see for official word.
lol that's just a big fat lie xD
Since when does any Customer Service rep, for any company, have even the slightest clue what they're talking about?
Yeah do you have an email for that guy, so i can write him back and tell him he's full of it?
Not capable yet people on xda get ports working 75% of the way using another devices firmware
Doubt were going to see official
lol that's not official at all! silly customer service reps.
Well at least we can confirm that the HTC One X and EVO 4G LTE have been impounded by customs here in the US and are no longer for sale..... Thanks to Apple, so HTC ain't making a lot of people happy this month.
And this quote "This is because this update is not compatible with this device. HTC has tested this update extensively on the HTC Flyer and can confirm that this device is not capable of running this update. " straight out the Google / Vendor Android support agreement
Yeah the one where Google tried to force all the vendors to support with updates for 18 months. No vendor would sign up to that, so they inserted this escape clause in the agreement. 18 months IF THE DEVICE IS COMPATIBLE with the update.
HTC's testing amounted to "does this make us money? ...NO, , OK it's not compatible then !!"
The least they could do is to release the source code of whatever build (if any) they have been testing Flyer with, to the community!!
Incompatible with ICS..that is complete bulls***..we had a very similar response from Samsung when we asked for GB update for Galaxy 3 (my current phone). Thanks to a very active developer community here on XDA, we have not only multiple GB ROMs (including CM 7.2) but also ICS now..hope something similar happens to Flyer..screw HTC!
mohitster said:
The least they could do is to release the source code of whatever build (if any) they have been testing Flyer with, to the community!!
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HTC's testing amounted to "does this make us money? ...NO, , OK it's not compatible then !!"
Isn't the HTC one v basically the same hardware minus the front camera and half the ram? Their excuse doesn't fly. Either way this csr doesn't know anything anyway.
Sent from my HTC_Flyer_P512_NA using XDA
Even if the CSR knows nothing, what's been said before still applies. If HTC considered updating the Flyer to ICS, we would have seen leaked ROMs or at lease some leaked shots or videos of the device running it.
That being said, I highly doubt HTC plans any updates for us.
Cor-master said:
Not compatible, lmao whatever. Why is it so hard for tech support people to just say "I apologize but I am just an employee and I am uninformed of these kind of decisions ".
Sent from my HTC Flyer P510e using XDA Premium HD app
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Actually, that's not quite true. While they may not be part of the decision-making process, someone in HTC management drafted a response for the reps communicating with customers. This is the information that has been approved to share outside the company by this person. Someone is Legal or PR may have more information, but techs and CSRs only have what management gives them.
jsimonson0 said:
Actually, that's not quite true. While they may not be part of the decision-making process, someone in HTC management drafted a response for the reps communicating with customers. This is the information that has been approved to share outside the company by this person. Someone is Legal or PR may have more information, but techs and CSRs only have what management gives them.
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I would guess this verbage came from HTC corporate because
this quote "This is because this update is not compatible with this device. HTC has tested this update extensively on the HTC Flyer and can confirm that this device is not capable of running this update. " straight out the Google / Vendor Android support agreement
Yeah the one where Google tried to force all the vendors to support with updates for 18 months. No vendor would sign up to that, so they inserted this escape clause in the agreement. 18 months unless THE MANUFACTURE DETERMINES THAT THE DEVICE IS NOT COMPATIBLE with the update.
It doesn't matter anyway, any update we get will just be slow, laggy, and buggy. It would be nice for developers but then again the hc update was so bad developers couldn't fix it either so yeah it doesn't matter.
Anyway I say the csr doesn't know what he's talking about because this is the third different thing they've said recently. They told me on Facebook that they are still evaluating, they told another member August, and they told the op its not compatible. Who's actually giving the right answer?
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA
A honeycomb minor upgrade for the current bugs would be much better and more probable if many users mention the GPS issue since it's important. This update might bring other minor bugs if demanded a fix for the Current honeycomb.
j510 said:
A honeycomb minor upgrade for the current bugs would be much better and more probable if many users mention the GPS issue since it's important. This update might bring other minor bugs if demanded a fix for the Current honeycomb.
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I think it would be the better option. An ics update would just be rushed and buggy. Fixing honeycomb would do more good. It's more than just Gps, honeycomb runs slower, and uses more battery. I don't care about hardware buttons though, honeycomb isn't designed to use them anyway and I prefer the virtual buttons as they are better placed.
Sent from my HTC_Flyer_P512_NA using XDA

Petition HTC an Verizon to unlock our bootloader!

I created this to petition the unlock of the bootloader. We can't just sign a petition an pray for it to happen. We must get on their Facebook, twitter an any social media site they have pressuring them into this. Don't go post "hey assholes unlock our device", that won't help, just makes you look stupid! Post on their something like "I've been with you since 2005,long time customer, but you locking my device down in unacceptable! If this isn't fixed shortly I will leave for another company!" stuff like that over an over will get their attention. At the same time spread the word of the site an the unfairness of both the companies.
It's time to rise up an show them, without us, they are nothing!
Some extra info
a few other notes:
if anyone has some suggestion,like change this or other stuff. bring it up here,so we can all discuss it. this is a community.even though the petition has my name on it,its all for you guys. so if their isnt something in it you dont like,well didnt i say bring it up?? lets all work together on this.
If anyone has heard back from either company, please share it here with everyone.
I might delete some comments in the future, just to showcase responses back from people or other stuff. It's not personal .
Thanks to mdmower,I added his revised version for the petition. I'll admit his looks better then mine.
mdmower said:
Include the HTC Incredible 4G LTE in HTCdev's unlockable bootloader program
Upon release of the HTC Incredible 4G LTE, HTCdev included the phone in its unlockable bootloader program. Within a matter [of] days, the phone was removed from the program, presumably at the request of Verizon Wireless. There is no clear reason as to why this phone was removed from the program, as users of the bootloader unlock suffered no ill effects.
This petition is being put forth to both HTCdev and Verizon Wireless to request that the HTC [Droid] Incredible 4G LTE be reinstated into the unlockable bootloader program. Support of open development drives innovation and sales. HTC's software developers can learn from the developer community while Verizon Wireless can benefit from end-users upgrading/renewing their plans to take advantage of this new phone. Furthermore, this simple act would incline users to recommend both HTC products and Verizon Wireless service in the future.
Inclusion of the HTC Incredible 4G LTE into HTCdev's unlockable bootloader program is in the best interest of HTC, Verizon Wireless, and end-users. Please take action on this matter as soon as possible.
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That is well put. I would gladly sign that petition.
IceDragon59 said:
That is well put. I would gladly sign that petition.
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Agreed. This is similar to the letter I wrote to the regional prez for VZW covering South Carolina. Granted mine was 3 pages long and covered individual issues I've had with VZW. Of course I never got a reply.
Signed. Recived another letter from Verizon that was the exact one I recived before.
---------- Post added at 05:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:38 PM ----------
Op updating
The several posts that were deleted were on-topic and showed contribution from the community to writing/revising this petition, I don't see why they were removed. This also eliminated the possibility of thanking users for various contributions. I'm new to posting on XDA, and now I'm missing out on any opportunity to add to my thanks meter.
The OP's petition still retains the old petition letter below the description. I initially thought these would be non-editable so I created a separate petition (really, I'm surprised that a petition author can change the letter AFTER signatures have been added, but seems to allow this). I now see that the OP can in fact edit all aspects of the petition (except maybe the url), and so users should sign that when it is completely updated.
but should it say "HTC and Verizon" not "an" ?
Guys please read the op over again. I currently stated that some posts would be deleted, it's in order to show who signed an has heard back from either company.
I will be adding to the op who has helped an stuff, just please bare with me on this. I have a lot going on with xda.
Here is what i Got from VZW. I talked to Scott today and he offered me a different device saying that the letter states VZW's stance on the bootloader being unlocked. He actually started the offer with a Galaxy S3 and I said Rezound if I was going to do that. It was for a certified used device with cover and battery. He said my plan and everything would stay the same. He gave me until Friday for the offer.
tjamscad said:
Here is what i Got from VZW. I talked to Scott today and he offered me a different device saying that the letter states VZW's stance on the bootloader being unlocked.
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aldo101t said:
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sounds to me like we'll never get unlock. If this holds true
tjamscad said:
Here is what i Got from VZW. I talked to Scott today and he offered me a different device saying that the letter states VZW's stance on the bootloader being unlocked. He actually started the offer with a Galaxy S3 and I said Rezound if I was going to do that. He gave me until Friday for the offer.
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Did they offer you the S3 at upgrade price? Without losing unlimited data? In the letter I wrote to the regional prez for the Carolinas, I told them I'd be willing to pay for a new phone at upgrade price if I didn't lose my unlimited data, but haven't heard anything back.
PsyberEMT said:
Did they offer you the S3 at upgrade price? Without losing unlimited data? In the letter I wrote to the regional prez for the Carolinas, I told them I'd be willing to pay for a new phone at upgrade price if I didn't lose my unlimited data, but haven't heard anything back.
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He said it everything would stay the same. No cost was explained.
The Archangel said:
I deleted all the stuff, in trying to keep updated from users in the thread. I will be adding to the op on xda, who helped an stuff.
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I just want to make sure that you realize the petition isn't completely updated. Please take no offense, I just want people to have a petition they are comfortable signing (myself included),
1) Other users have mentioned the use of "an" in place of "and"; these are two very different words. I hope you'll reconsider this habit in the future.
2) The letter just beneath the description of the petition still contains the old petition's text: "HTC an Verizon are abusing their abilities...". I'm very uncomfortable signing the petition with this letter still in place.
3) The paragraph breaks are missing from the letter. The breaks help emphasize different points and are appropriate.
4) When introducing HTCdev, it would be best to first list the name, then follow with the web address. In the first paragraph, replace "" with "HTCdev (".
Please realize that we are trying to petition some very large corporations. Professionalism is a must if we expect to be taken seriously. Attacks on their name or reputation are only going to guarantee non-response. Poor grammar and structure will also leave our petition ignored. HTC and Verizon Wireless will have a more difficult time combating reason and intellect, and for this I think the community should strive.
I copied everything you posted in the pm. I'm not obligated to do this for y'all, I'm trying to help out. This will be updated when I have the time. If you want to start your own be my guest. Don't get mad or something with me, when I'm busy doing stuff around xda an in my life.
Honestly you should be glad, that I'm doing this for you guys. I don't mind a little nudge here or there to fix stuff. Just don't badger me over stuff.
The Archangel said:
I copied everything you posted in the pm. I'm not obligated to do this for y'all, I'm trying to help out. This will be updated when I have the time. If you want to start your own be my guest. Don't get mad or something with me, when I'm busy doing stuff around xda an in my life.
Honestly you should be glad, that I'm doing this for you guys. I don't mind a little nudge here or there to fix stuff. Just don't badger me over stuff.
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Been there done that all bull****
Sent from my ADR6410LVW using xda app-developers app
The Archangel said:
I copied everything you posted in the pm. I'm not obligated to do this for y'all, I'm trying to help out. This will be updated when I have the time. If you want to start your own be my guest. Don't get mad or something with me, when I'm busy doing stuff around xda an in my life.
Honestly you should be glad, that I'm doing this for you guys. I don't mind a little nudge here or there to fix stuff. Just don't badger me over stuff.
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did someone in our community ask you to make the petition?
If not.. you did this on your on time and doing.
so we would like to be taken seriously, no on is putting you down, I've had issues with mdmower, but I have to agree with the polite way he approached you about the petition, but I found your response a bit childish in the manner you had let us know that you aren't doing this because you have to but rather YOU chose to.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate you and what you're doing.
but I don't NEED to be glad about anything that you are doing, so for you to say "Honestly you should be glad, that I'm doing this for you guys." is completely childish IMO and I don't agree with it one bit.
If you don't want to be bothered over "stuff" then why are you the OP?
I'm confused.
If it possible please ignore my actions last night. I was stressed out over my job interview I had this morning.
I'm sorry for the way I acted.
The Archangel said:
If it possible please ignore my actions last night. I was stressed out over my job interview I had this morning.
I'm sorry for the way I acted.
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It's all good, no worries.
Sent from my ADR6410LVW using xda premium
Any other changes need to be made?

What can we do about the end of support and lack of official bootloader unlock?

I received the below e-mail today. I did not appreciate being contacted out of the blue via e-mail; if you feel the need to contact me, use XDA's tagging feature. With that said, I thought I'd reply in public with my thoughts on the matter, hoping to drive a constructive conversation about Verizon Wireless' restrictions for devices on their network. My initial response is in post 2.
Please, think through your responses before posting. Make sure they ADD to the conversation.
What do you think of having everyone from XDA and the CM community using the DINC 4G LTE file Better Business Bureau complaints against verizon? It made a business decision not to give us updates, and has deliberately removed the DINC 4g from the HTC Unlock program. They shouldn't be allowed to abandon the platform and to remove unlocking ability that was there.
BBB asks them to respond within 14 days. [edit: link removed]
or have you already tried this route?
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I will leave it up to the writer of the e-mail if he/she would like to make himself/herself known here.
Can you point to a single advertisement by either HTC or Verizon that the Droid Incredible 4G LTE would ever be included in HTCDev's unlocked bootloader program? Even HTC's generic advertisements include disclaimers that some devices may not be included due to various restrictions (the most obvious being carrier refusal). HTC can justify the ability to unlock the bootloader pre-public availability as a means to let developers directly related to software development and quality assurance alter the ROM before release. To a handful of end users who get the device in the early days of release, they get to sneak in and use the unlocker under the "Other devices" category of the program. I suspect we owe HTC a thank you for dragging their feet for a week before disabling the unlock ability for this (and several other) device(s). There is no legitimate complaint that can be filed towards Verizon concerning this matter since they never advertised this as an available feature.
On the topic of abandoning the platform, software-wise, the last available software update for the Incredible 4G still works with reasonable stability and all advertised features are enabled. It is natural for technology devices to age and need replacement; a balance has to be struck between user content or disdain and extent of support. Verizon has apparently deemed there will be very little blowback by prematurely ending software updates. Considering the number of users I see in the XDA forum section for this phone, I'd guess they're right. About the only sticking point that could be leveraged to force a software update out of Verizon is if there are security vulnerabilities that are either being actively exploited or pose a real threat of being exploited in the near future.
Succinctly, we are at the mercy of Verizon's "generosity" concerning extended functionality of, and software updates for, the phones on their network. With these thoughts, I believe we can only ask them to help us out... with reason, anger, begging, or whatever tactic you find most influential. I don't think we can force their hand.
Your thoughts XDAers?
I agree with mdmower. Having come from the OG Droid, I had zero expectation for HTC or Verizon to let me unlock the phone. While I did not expect this phone to be the left-handed, red-haired step-child twice removed orphan of Verizon, it is a great phone with a 4" screen. The size is good (still prefer OG Droid) and the processor and internet speeds are great. I personally am quite content with this phone. We have been blessed with some extremely talented developers and supporters who have
Developed a method to unlock despite HTC/Verizon
Developed two methods for s-off:
DirtyRacun - IMHO, did a great job
FacePalm - Haven't tried, but looks great
Two great recoveries:
Official CWM Recovery, Plus PhilZ
TWRP Recovery
Developed an Incredible Rock Solid Sense ROM in ViperLTE
Developed a solid, official CyanogenMod ROM .
There are probably more, but those are just off of the top of my head. I am also still seeing great ongoing development work for ROMs for this phone. Sure, this phone doesn't have the plethora of ROMs that the OG Droid, Dinc2, Rezound, or [insert model here], but what we do have is solid.
I'm not exactly sure what Verizon owes us. We have a great phone with a great 4GLTE network (at least in my area). It should also be noted that Verizon actually put out an OTA for the OG Dinc around 2+ years after its release with "Improvements and fixes". I would expect the same for this phone as well. I too believe that threats, anger, etc. will not do anything more than generate ill will.
Just my $0.03.
P.S. Why do we still care if there is an "official" bootloader unlock? As mentioned above, we have a proved method to unlock bootloader and/or gain s-off. Even HTC's site says that unlocking bootloader through their "official" site may void your warranty.
HTC Dev said:
Please understand that you will not be able to return your device to the original state and going forward your device may not be held covered under the warranty for all claims resulting from the unlocking of the bootloader. HTC bears no responsibility if your device is no longer usable afterwards.
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The only thing to take away from this is to avoid Verizon and HTC. They may not owe us anything more than we received, but they are clearly sub-par companies compared to others. Unfortunately, I can't ditch Verizon just now because I'm on a shared plan, but I will never buy an HTC phone again.
junkmail9 said:
I agree with mdmower. Having come from the OG Droid, I had zero expectation for HTC or Verizon to let me unlock the phone....
P.S. Why do we still care if there is an "official" bootloader unlock?
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Just to clarify, I'm not content with the support Verizon has offered for this phone, I just realize that we cannot expect them to continue support. I am still not sure about the best avenues of communication with Verizon Wireless, so in a feeble attempt to get their attention, I write a short #openletter on G+.
A far as the official bootloader unlock, it is a little important. An example is the recently advertised CM installer (by the way, I do not have any insider knowledge about CM Inc.). The installer will almost surely be available only to devices with legitimate unlock ability. While the fireball is pretty much "a bit"-out-of-luck even if it did get official unlock, due to the inability to flash the boot partition while in recovery, at some point users need to convince Verizon Wireless to allow unlocked bootloaders for phones on their network. This is especially relevant to the many, many users who are wise enough to not tinker with their phones because of lack of knowledge. They deserve the opportunity to safely replace the legacy operating system on their phone, and this will only be possible if the carrier and manufacturer allow it.
The open letter seems pointless, besides maybe allowing other people to see and take note that Verizon ignores certain customers. As far as our phone though, no point really. Anyone you reach through G+, Facebook, Twitter, Verizon's customer service contacts, etc. will have no real power to do anything. They just give the typical "sorry, we're doing our best" garbage. The message never reaches anyone important enough to actually do anything. The only way a message may get to them is if the user base is very large, but even if we all wrote to them everyday it wouldn't help. Not enough people for them to care. As you said, we're at their mercy. Just have to wait.
mdmower said:
A far as the official bootloader unlock, it is a little important. An example is the recently advertised CM installer (by the way, I do not have any insider knowledge about CM Inc.). The installer will almost surely be available only to devices with legitimate unlock ability. While the fireball is pretty much "a bit"-out-of-luck even if it did get official unlock, due to the inability to flash the boot partition while in recovery, at some point users need to convince Verizon Wireless to allow unlocked bootloaders for phones on their network. This is especially relevant to the many, many users who are wise enough to not tinker with their phones because of lack of knowledge. They deserve the opportunity to safely replace the legacy operating system on their phone, and this will only be possible if the carrier and manufacturer allow it.
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This is an excellent point I had not considered. I was not thinking about the larger issue, (nor am I savvy with the upcoming CM installer). Unfortunately, I have run into a few companies that have seriously dummied down their products because, as one tech support person told me, "some users may have a problem with the advanced features so we removed them." While I can try and understand that point, it was really frustrating because some advanced features I had come to rely on were removed in the product upgrade. Simply because some people could not comprehend how to use it properly? Is Verizon trying to protect us from ourselves, dummy down the phones for "the uneducated masses," or simply trying to force their customers to live with Verizon-installed bloatware?
Okay I have My own say to this.!
Okay so I left AT&T network when I owned the HTC Inspire 4g and moved on to Verizon because there service was better in my area and I purchased the HTC Droid Incredible 4G LTE as my first phone with Verizon, I came to like the phone because it was fast, snappy, and good on battery....... But I constantly waited for update to jellybean ( Sense 4+ ) which in reality would make the device more efficient and smoother than it was on Ice Cream Sandwich... And finally I heard the news that we were going to get an update to jellybean in the beginning of 2013.. But after so much time of waiting I finally gave up hope and said ***k the device and went back to AT&T...... and bought the HTC One XL because it recieved updates to sense 5. The device is like an older sibling to the inc4g with close to the same specs. I sold the Incredible 4g because I hated the lack of support for this device... The only good thing going for it was CM10 and the amazing sense kernel. This community deserves more than what has been given to them so far... So my question is why Verizon drop support for us.???? If this community received jelly bean j defiantly would sell my XL and come back to this community......
This is my only my concern.
Sent from my HTC One XL using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Here is a weird thought. let your money do the talking. leave Verizon. if enough of us leave we dont need to "change their minds". i brought this up in an HTC elevate detection not to long ago ( also how come htc bent over backwards because verizon wanted the bootload unlock for the ONE removed). instead of open letters or angry tweets and emails, just take your money to someone that appreciates you as a customer? put your money into a company that understands the development community and is willing to support you. how do you think verizon got so good? the used to listen to their customers. now that they are self sustaining they dont need to listen to us anymore. but i bet if their wallet was hit the would. they would bring back unlimited data, remove the block of google wallet, ect....
You wouldn't take your car to a mechanic that does great work but also makes you spend $$ money on things that don't need to be fixed.
my $.02
synisterwolf said:
Here is a weird thought. let your money do the talking. leave Verizon. if enough of us leave we dont need to "change their minds" i brought this up in an HTC elevate detection not to long ago. instead of open letters or angry tweets, just take your money to someone that appreciates you as a customer? put your money into a company that understands the development community and is willing to support you.
You wouldn't take your car to a mechanic that does great work but also makes you spend $$ money on things that don't need to be fixed.
my $.02
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This is my point from before. This is the only thing you can really do. I wish I could dump Verizon right now, but I can't. For now I'll just settle for never buying HTC again.
somerandomname1 said:
This is my point from before. This is the only thing you can really do. I wish I could dump Verizon right now, but I can't. For now I'll just settle for never buying HTC again.
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this too. maybe if HTC where to step in and help us it would be different.
OP not trying to troll or anything or start a war. i just wanted to get that out their. we do have an option to take our money somewhere else. or at least when this contract is over. ive said it before, i need unlimited data. i dont have wifi anywhere i work and im barely at home so if i have to give up my data plan i will give up my business too. im going to miss there unbeatable coverage but i cant stand to be hit in the balls over and over again with a smile on their face. :/
mdmower said:
I received the below e-mail today. I did not appreciate being contacted out of the blue via e-mail; if you feel the need to contact me, use XDA's tagging feature. With that said, I thought I'd reply in public with my thoughts on the matter, hoping to drive a constructive conversation about Verizon Wireless' restrictions for devices on their network. My initial response is in post 2.
Please, think through your responses before posting. Make sure they ADD to the conversation.
I will leave it up to the writer of the e-mail if he/she would like to make himself/herself known here.
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My 2 cents on this from bitter experience. You will get zilch. You will waste precious amounts of your life trying hard to convince a rigid management who can care so little they'd be happy to break your phone to pieces and hand you another from their stockpile of dinc4g's just to get rid of them ASAP. I've gone through the whole lot with BBB complaints etc. for the Droid X2 by Motorola. haha, wasted my life there. And the countless pleadings to release the ICS ROM that HTC clearly developed for the Dinc2 (Incredible S, international variant got the ICS update) only to get on the Verizon chopping block and get its head unceremoniously severed, taught me one thing and that is we as consumers have knowingly chosen this path, that will give us limited to no flexibility on customization to stay on VZW and we have to "deal" with it.
With all good intentions, I request all to keep your expectations rock bottom. You have better chances of going to the moon on a future Russian spacecraft than convincing Verizon as to why this may be a good idea.
A disgruntled Droid™ user.
here has been my android experience. started on og inc oct 2010 first droid phone considered ''high-end'' at the time (8 mp camera saaaaay whaaaat??!) then dinc2 great phone but compared to the galaxy S II and the galaxy nexus at the time it was a ''mid range" phone. now with the inc4g it is very ''mid range'' compared to what is out now. the galaxy notes and s4's and the 50 different htc One(s). if you want many different roms to flash to fix your ''addiction'' go nexus or one of the mainstream phones. you will find 100 different "Unofficial CM10.X" roms with "user tweaks" and "kernel tweaks" that in all actuality are nothing more then a reposync from source. yeah they might have a few different mods but they are usually so similar that you will not/could not tell the difference. like someone mentioned earlier I would rather have a few solid roms. a good sense (viper) or if you're an aosp guy like me there's cm. I think anybody who saw the specs of this phone (incredible 4g) and thought, "hey this is going to be the next BIG THING." I'm sorry to tell you that you were mistaken. xda dev support of a phone is only as good as the devs that own the device, and in our case we have a very small amount of active devs.
So I am the a-hole that emailed mdmower. I apologize profusely. When I saw your first post, I almost slunk away in shame, never to show my face here again. I am not even being a little bit facetious. You do great work for a community of people and I abused (what obviously is) an important rule. And I'm really sorry.
In an attempt to redeem myself just a little bit, let me point out one thing that you might not know:
mdmower said:
Can you point to a single advertisement by either HTC or Verizon that the Droid Incredible 4G LTE would ever be included in HTCDev's unlocked bootloader program? Even HTC's generic advertisements include disclaimers that some devices may not be included due to various restrictions (the most obvious being carrier refusal) [SNIP] There is no legitimate complaint that can be filed towards Verizon concerning this matter since they never advertised this as an available feature.
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Actually, some states may have more favorable law here. First and foremost, many states have an unfair/deceptive business practices law that are distinct from the false advertising law. Example: New York has GBL Section 349 (trade practices), and 350 (Advertising). These are consumer-oriented statutes and so they have some bite.
On this point, while Verizon has never said they would provide us with Jelly Bean, there are some nice facts here like how many people were locked into 2 year contracts on a phone that Verizon stopped updating during their two year period. I've seen suggestions that Verizon is pulling this with older phones in order to force upgrades, and if true, that would be the basis for a claim. But here, I think the HTCDev unlock is actually pretty damning. We should be entitled to take discovery into the real reasons why Verizon forced HTC to remove the phone from the program. Given the repeated warnings about waiver of warranty, and the presence of other VZW phones in the program, it's hard to believe it's a support issue.
Finally -- of note is that the ACLU has filed an FTC complaint on this subject earlier this year. Unfortunately I cannot post the link since I just registered for this post (long time lurker) but it's the 2nd hit for "april FTC complaint android" (see pages 6-9) Their basis is the potential for security flaws which go unfixed. The relief they are requesting is pretty broad. I'm actually surprised that there haven't been follow-on civil suits already.
Anyway, I am really sorry again. I'm going to crawl back under the rock I came from now.
If it's any comfort: my punishment is that my D4INC is a flicker model.
PrimePalaver said:
If it's any comfort: my punishment is that my D4INC is a flicker model.
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Haha burn! Just kidding... it's cool.

