Everything about Samsungh Galaxy S3 - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi Everyoone
I am looking for a thread or post where I can find everything about Samsung Galaxy s3 (Rooting, unrooting, list of roms, recovery etc etc) in a single post. As I was previously using HTC Desire bravo and in the relevant section thread called Htc Desire bravo Everything is here:laugh:. I could not find any thread which will have all info. I might be missing it.:crying:
Will really appreciate if someone could send me a lick please

Even the most noobest can find that without trying hard
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rajverma3135 said:
Hi Everyoone
I am looking for a thread or post where I can find everything about Samsung Galaxy s3 (Rooting, unrooting, list of roms, recovery etc etc) in a single post. As I was previously using HTC Desire bravo and in the relevant section thread called Htc Desire bravo Everything is here:laugh:. I could not find any thread which will have all info. I might be missing it.:crying:
Will really appreciate if someone could send me a lick please
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Here you go..
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app

Thanks mate really appreciated, m loosing my plot today.


Rooting Question

Hello all,
I am finally back after being on apple after 9 months and it feels great. I had a question about if there is a root avaiable for the galaxy s3. I havent rooted any devices in months and trying to get back into the groove to it again. Just wondering does anyone recommend a link that can answer all FAQ's about the phone? Thanks in advance. Also is there any recommendations on apps , ROM's , etc?
easy root, use cf-root
Ok thanks foor the help
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nickhowell25 said:
Ok thanks foor the help
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
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You're using a Sprint GS3, different model/hardware.
Flashing anything firmware related from this forum will probably brick your ****.
Check here for more infos before you wreck your brand new gs3.

Hi all, quick question on flashing rom

Hi everyone,
I have read most posts regards flashing new os to my phone but i was wondering if there is a walk threw or video on how to do it?
I came from iphone and so far i have managed to root my phone and i belive the clockwork thing i need to flash the op is on.
Any guides or suggestions would be great. Im fine with using a pc but trying to learn all this new android stuff is confusing me.
Also can anyone reccomend a good rom for my UK galaxy S?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
philbaines said:
Hi everyone,
I have read most posts regards flashing new os to my phone but i was wondering if there is a walk threw or video on how to do it?
I came from iphone and so far i have managed to root my phone and i belive the clockwork thing i need to flash the op is on.
Any guides or suggestions would be great. Im fine with using a pc but trying to learn all this new android stuff is confusing me.
Also can anyone reccomend a good rom for my UK galaxy S?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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First post your firmware details; Goto Settings - About phone, and post everything you see
If you're talking about the Galaxy S, you're in the wrong forum, mate. Irrespective, there isnt any 'good' or 'bad' ROM, try some of the more popular ones from the Android development section.
As for video walkthroughs, there are a fair few videos on youtube. I'd post links but I'm not sure if thats against the forum rules. PM me if you want em. Although, the guides provided here on xda itself are good enough. You've got root and CWM, thats probably the biggest hurdle overcome right there
Read up about
4.0.4 brickbug
then rooting and flashing kernels/roms
Ill post my details when i get
Because i have come from a iphone im struggling with it,i did look on youtube and could only find videos from the states at&t and sprit and didnt know if it would be the same for me
Sent from my GT-I9300
This is a forum for the Galaxy S2 which is Gt i9100. You have a i9300 which is Galaxy S3 and has it's own forum
Sent from my Galaxy S2 GT i9100
philbaines said:
Ill post my details when i get
Because i have come from a iphone im struggling with it,i did look on youtube and could only find videos from the states at&t and sprit and didnt know if it would be the same for me
Sent from my GT-I9300
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Just like i suspected, You are in the wrong forum!
Thats one less spoon feeding session needed now......lol
theunderling said:
Thats one less spoon feeding session needed now......lol
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Sorry-im on tapatalk.
And for the record,i dont want "spoon feeding"
Just some pointers in the right direction.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
philbaines said:
Sorry-im on tapatalk.
And for the record,i dont want "spoon feeding"
Just some pointers in the right direction.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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I posted the link for the correct forum in my post above!
Sent from my Galaxy S2 GT i9100
Thank you very much
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

How to theme from CM10 to Jellybean for S3

Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
I was wondering if anyone can give me advice on theming from cm10 to use on my samsung galaxy s3. I brought a theme for cm when i was using it now ive gone back to stock omega v36 but missing my theme. Any help appreciated
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
well for one you WONT be getting any help in this forum, i dont know if you realized this but you posted in "Galaxy Note II, Galaxy S III Developer Discussion [Developers Only]" which is meant for developers only "This forum is only for high-level discussion about Galaxy Note II & Galaxy S III development (kernel modification, coding, building ROMs, etc). **Please do not post here if you are not a developer or your post will be deleted.**" So chances are this will be deleted before you see it, but there is a section "Themes and Apps " post there and I am sure someone will help, but this isnt the correct place for it.
Stickypinkyfinger said:
No matter where i post, on xda it seems like everyone is too stuck up to help on here so i posted it there on purpose hoping someone decent will see and help instead of moaning that its in the wrong forum. Well suprise suprise, NO HELP! but did get someone reply telling me its in the wrong place. Brilliant.
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Well if you looked first at the forums you may find information .
But as you are such an ars ole no wonder you get no help .
A clue CM will not transfer to Samsung you would need a total rebuild of the framework and more .
No not an arse hole just someone trying to get some information so no need for the names as i wasnt getting rude like yourself. I was just simply saying when your new on here everyone fobs you off and more interested in telling you can you not write certain things on here. I paid for my xda app so not a rip off just think sometime people should try and help, share the knowledge.
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Stickypinkyfinger said:
think sometime people should try and help, share the knowledge.premium
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sure, but only if you respect the rules
Stickypinkyfinger said:
I was wondering if anyone can give me advice on theming from cm10 to use on my samsung galaxy s3. I brought a theme for cm when i was using it now ive gone back to stock omega v36 but missing my theme. Any help appreciated
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themes are rom dependent..so the theme which you bought for cm will not work on stock tw..as the frameworks are different..you can start from the beginning and have a look at the theming guides..
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Help for development sense Rom

Help for improvement development HTC one x sense 4.1 Rom for Samsung galaxy s3
Get feel of HTC phone
Not working
Video Playback
Little Bit Calling
Try this Rom and help for fix bugs
Please help for development
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What's the point? If you want a perfect Sense experience, get yourself a HOX. They should be cheap enough these days. The HOX will also get Sense 5.
I see one for as low as 23795 INR.
First question
Well guys , the progress is kindda of slow here since no body is working with me on it .....
I'm still trying with the htc sense 4.1.
System ui errors are killing me ,, I believe the system ui needs to be de/recompiled to fix the errors.
Video is not working and I think libmedia.so and libstagefright.so need to be patched somehow ,,, no clue.
Wireless will work only if libhardware_legacy.so is patched correctly ,,, haven't got success in doing that.
My only question why the hell the system ui errors are not present in JB roms while they are really troublesome in ics roms ?!!!!
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Theshawty said:
What's the point? If you want a perfect Sense experience, get yourself a HOX. They should be cheap enough these days. The HOX will also get Sense 5.
I see one for as low as 23795 INR.
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I want sense in s3 not HTC one x
I love Samsung hardware and amoled screen
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japjit100 said:
I want sense in s3 not HTC one x
I love Samsung hardware and amoled screen
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I would love to have sense here also, but I am afraid I can't help more than tell you to keep up your efforts
Sense is the best ui experience for me but s3 is the best phone... no perfect combination I'm afraid. ...
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Any developer
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Report this thread and Ask a mod to move this to developpers. You should get more help there !
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Even i want sense on s3 because it is nonsense now
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
I would also like to see full sense on my phone for the same reasons as above samsungs hardware for example screen, battery, proccesors, camera.. where as htc just have sense which I miss.
I cannot help with the dev of tgis as I would probably make things worse but would definatly be a user of this rom if the wifi and video were fixed
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
I wouldn't mind a checking out a sense ROM, but because its not designed to work with exynos it could be hard to port.
However we do have a sense ROM called Sense 4 all, that didn't last long (I don't even think it got an update) maybe you could contact the dev for his sources as I understand sense 4 all is booting but not much works so still plenty of deving for you.
Unfortunately I'm not a dev and I can't test it before it at least has GSM and 3g working because I don't have a spare phone but I do wish you the best of luck with this project
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda premium
Please read forum rules before posting
Questions and help issues go in Q&A
Thread moved
Thank you for your cooperation
Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
How many developers are going to help
Please tell your names
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Japjit do not stress them
This project needs time, do not expect wonders from some devs.
Its a real challange and I was really suprised that Sense boots fine ...
I have contacted to few developers if they could help and i'm also ready help by myself as much as i can!
himorasi said:
I have contacted to few developers if they could help and i'm also ready help by myself as much as i can!
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The Devs decide if they want not if you want and basically do not read question and answers pages.
As their have already been multiple sense posts suggest you read them and see if any progress or actual devs are responding .
JJEgan said:
The Devs decide if they want not if you want and basically do not read question and answers pages.
As their have already been multiple sense posts suggest you read them and see if any progress or actual devs are responding .
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I'm not trying to pressure anyone just asked from few of my friends if they would like to help us and even though im a new user here im not any noob
Okay himorasi,
[...] and i'm also ready help by myself as much as i can!
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please contact Oweida! :thumbup:
please contact Oweida! :thumbup:
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I have contacted oweida but he hasnt answered so is anybody trying to develop this rom anymore?

[Q] Help Needed!! I want to install canogenmod on my htc one x +

Hi Guys,
Can anyone help me to install cyanogenmod on my htc one x +.. i dont even know a bit about hot to flash and all.. please can any one help me? video can help alott.. and one more question, can i use cyanogenmod installer on my phone?does it support my phone?
Sam224 said:
Hi Guys,
Can anyone help me to install cyanogenmod on my htc one x +.. i dont even know a bit about hot to flash and all.. please can any one help me? video can help alott.. and one more question, can i use cyanogenmod installer on my phone?does it support my phone?
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there are many tutorials and already answered threads in the X+ General and Q&A forums you may want to read first if you have not idea what to do. After that you can ask more specific questions about what you didn't understand or how to do something.
Even i need some help, any tutorial video can help me. And does cyanogenmod supprt htc one x+? And please provide links as well.thanks in advance
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sameer224 said:
Even i need some help, any tutorial video can help me. And does cyanogenmod supprt htc one x+? And please provide links as well.thanks in advance
Sent from my HTC One X+ using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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look in original android development. Though i'm pretty sure you already know most of what you asked.

