I took my phone into the Sprint store today and was told they've never seen this before, so I'm turning to this forum for help before I go back on Wednesday to have them look at it again with the hope of solving this mystery screen on my phone.
Every day (at least once - usually when my battery is fully charged in the morning), I get the screen below (and attached). The user flow usually goes like this:
Alarm goes off on the phone (using native alarm app) > I pick up the phone to see the below image > I hit the power button a few times so I can actually unlock my phone and turn off the alarm
Has anyone ever seen this screen before and do you know how to fix it? It's unbelievably annoying as sometimes I have to hit the power button multiple times for it to go away. If it helps, the phone is stock and I took a screen capture of the screen while it was acting up one time and when I went to my gallery to see the image, it showed the phone looking perfectly normal...so the image is taken from another phone while it was acting up.
Any help is greatly appreciated and if there are any questions, let me know!
I'd have it replaced
Awesome man, I'd love to have that as a screensaver. Your phone is unique, I'd keep it. Too bad the screenshot didn't work.
om4 said:
I'd have it replaced
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Thanks. I'll bring it into Sprint tomorrow and see if they'll replace it or what their diagnosis is
Yea that definitely looks like hardware failure.
Just got back from Sprint who told me the issue has to do with the live screensaver I have on the phone and how it's conflicting with the alarm. Pretty sure that's not the case as this phone has been doing this ever since unboxing it, but will try to hard reset the thing and see if that fixes the screen.
Dont think so. Looks like hardware failure,...a lot.
from my flying AOKP'd Evo LTE and xda premium
I believe you more than the Sprint rep at this point, but figure I'll do the hard reset, then when it happens again tomorrow, go ask for a new phone.
Try just changing to a static wallpaper and see if it happens. Easy way to test the reps theory. You never know even a broken close is right twice a day.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Looks beautiful from an artistic standpoint, it would make an awesome wallpaper
Thanks @syaoran68. I'll try this, but seeing as how it was a static wallpaper when I got the phone out of the box and it was still doing this, it seems to me to be an overheating hardware issue. But I'll try it.
@om4: It's true. If only it ran in the background BEHIND my apps, it'd make for a cool live wallpaper...
ok so i have a tmobile tp2 and been having it since the first week it was released.
for the pass couple of days the call, home, and back buttons wont function like they need to.
also when i slide my keyboard up the screen goes completely black even when i close my keyboard, the only way to fix it somewhat is to keep pushing the sleep/wake button untill it turns back on.
my guess is that maybe something like a cable became loose and is causing it to have these problems, and i just wanted to hear what you guys have to say about it, or what you think the problem is and what you would recommend to fix it because i cant afford to buy a new phone for quite awhile.
Posting in the Accessories forum might not be your best shot at an answer.
lilchicano said:
also when i slide my keyboard up the screen goes completely black even when i close my keyboard, the only way to fix it somewhat is to keep pushing the sleep/wake button untill it turns back on.
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Sounds like an app running to me. Even File Explorer (when searching the Windows folder) can cause my phone to hang for a long time. I would check in task manager to see if something is running. You can also try and app called "Clean Ram", it works great. The other option is a hard reset, to ruke out software issues. It could be harware, but I doubt it.
Miami_Son said:
Posting in the Accessories forum might not be your best shot at an answer.
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Very true.
It's likely a loose cable as you presumed. Hopefully you still have time left on your warranty.
I hate to be the oen to say it, but it sounds like your ribbon cable is going.... My son had the same thing happen on his Kaiser/Tilt (Grandpa to this Phone)... It started like you said... then got worse over the matter of a few weeks... His screen woudl only work when it was closed... the buttongs on the screen housign stopped working properly... then his memorycard reader (it was in teh screen part on that phone) went nuts... got to the point where that phoen was basically useless... I hope that isn;t your problem, but it sounds like it..
Teej53214 said:
I hate to be the oen to say it, but it sounds like your ribbon cable is going.... My son had the same thing happen on his Kaiser/Tilt (Grandpa to this Phone)... It started like you said... then got worse over the matter of a few weeks... His screen woudl only work when it was closed... the buttongs on the screen housign stopped working properly... then his memorycard reader (it was in teh screen part on that phone) went nuts... got to the point where that phoen was basically useless... I hope that isn;t your problem, but it sounds like it..
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yeah i can pretty much say that it is the cable since i could still slide my keyboard but the screen just looks fuzzy like and when i close it, it takes time to adjust back to normal. so basically now its just an all touch screen phone to me now... sort of sucks since i miss using the keyboard so much.
and yeah the buttons got worst now to a point where none of them worked but somehow the back button started working again so thats the only button that does work now.
and a new problem started occuring in the last few days, the screen would turn on by itself with even a slight bump around where the battery is located, it really sucks for me cause it kills my battery faster and it just starts opening up random apps while its in my pocket.
I would like to hear what finally happened. People don't forget we are using WM phones. So no matter what the problem, hard reset before deciding!
schumifer1 said:
I would like to hear what finally happened. People don't forget we are using WM phones. So no matter what the problem, hard reset before deciding!
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wow super late response to this.
but my final verdict is that it was the flex ribbon cable that is the issue.
my TP2 doesnt even show anything no more, its still functional but you just cant see whats goin on with the screen because its like its turned off.
it stopped working on me on dec 25,2010 (what a great present from the phone, huh?) to how i described it.
so now im using my sisters old HTC dream, but even this one is starting to have an issue with the ribbon cable too! i just get bad luck with these phones now i guess.
edit: oh yeah i still have my Rhod210 just sitting on my desk till i get it fixed... oh how i miss my TP2!
Another late response then
Fixed it yet, have you?
this occasionally happens to my phone too, that it, the screen blanks out sometimes. the cause in my case is pocket lint. since it's hayfever season, i carry tissues in my pocket which kind of disintegrate to confetti after a while. while my tp2 is in my pocket, these tissue particles tend to get in behind the ribbon cable and cause some kind of blockage. by just blowing in around the ribbon cable area, it tends to clear out those fluffy bits and the screen is working again. so don't carry tissues in your pocket with your tp2
schumifer1 said:
Another late response then
Fixed it yet, have you?
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i actually took the time to open up the touch pro2 all the way today for a full diagnosis on it, and i was right. it was the cable. where the cable is exposed when it tilts, it looks like it sort of got stripped around that area. im not sure how but it left part of the cable exposed which im guessing is whats causing it to have the issue. i was taking a couple of pictures as i was disassembling it, but i forgot to take a picture of the cable itself to show you what i mean. maybe ill disassemble it again tomorrow so i can take a pic! =)
but yeah im still using the g1, and i finally fixed it! (ended up bricking a g1 so i used the other as replacement parts on it) but hopefully not for long cause graduation is tomorrow for me, and i MIGHT end up getting a new HTC phone as a graduation present from the family. so i hope that does happen!
ok so i reopened the touch pro 2 and took a pic of the cable to show you what i ment.
Not sure if any of you have seen this,, but every now and again when I unlock my screen the screen flickers blue to a magnified/garbled screen. If I lock out the screen and unlock it, it goes away. Anyone else get this?
Never seen that before. Maybe you should try a hard reset
Sent from my HTC Rezound
Never seen it. Device hot at all? Are you rooted/debloated or anything?
Phone is still stock with a few apps disabled (amazon, blockbuster) but I noticed it even before disabling. No heat from what I can tell, is there an app I should load to monitor? I may go to Verizon tomorrow and see if they'll replace it.
I have seen this and more. Now and then when I hit power to turn my Rez on I get 2 screen images, one on top of the other, both flickering and jumping around. The phone will do nothing during this "episode", but if I hit power off and then back on it's fine. If I could only get it to do it while at the Verizon store! I tried to take a screen shot last time and all I got was a normal screen. I'll take a pic with my camera if I get the chance. I'm sure that my Rez will need to be replaced, but after all the time to set it up like I like it, I"m not in a hurry to swap. I came from having 3 Tbolts and am tired of changing phones. I will say otherwise, I love this phone!!
my friends rezound has this problem. she was too lazy to return it iwthin the 2 weeks to swap it out, so now she's stuck with it..shes an idiot lol but she hasn't complained to me since about it..so either it doesn't do it as much, or she's used to it. i told her to try a factory reset, she hasn't yet. have you?
I got my Rez because I called Verizon so many times complaining about my Tbolt, (after I had 3 Bolts). The last time I called I said I just wanted out of the phone. The nice Verizon lady asked what I wanted and I said a Rezound. It was just a swap, I had to buy a battery and I didn't get the beats headphones. She also didn't change my contract, so I still get my upgrade at the end of this year. I will do a hard reset if this persists.
If my HTC EVO LTE was a human being and it had died the way it did, you bet your techie bottom that CSI and possibly Mulder and Scully from X Files would have been involved.
So with that being said:
It was a regular day. Woke up in the morning. Kissed my wife good morning, and grabbed my EVO to play around a bit. Then we headed to my in-laws business, of which we are in charge in the weekend. I usually take my laptop, so as I always do, I got easy tether going and proceeded to plug in my phone into my laptop. I have an application called droid wallet, which allows me to keep track of my finances. I intended to log something onto droid wallet, but I did not want to undo my tethering connection, so I simply reached behind the laptop without unplugging the phone and turned on the screen. I did so clumsily, and I accidentally turned the phone screen back off. When I attempted to turn it back on, it simply did not. I suddenly went, wtf? I kept on clicking the power button repeatedly, to no avail. I proceeded to unplug my phone from the computer. At this point, I realized the phone was not responding. I did long power button press, many short presses, everything I could think of. When I plugged it back into the charger, the charging light no longer triggered on. I hurried it to my local best buy (I got black tie protection) and they told me the phone was done for, and proceeded to give me a new one.
It was too late when i realized....at some point during the beginning of my vacation, my phone automatically switched to storing everything onto phone memory , and a whole trip's worth of pics and videos of a very meaningful vacation with my wife was completely gone.
Things like this are common with crappy build phones like samsung, as it has happened to most people. But HTC? They have never failed me like this. Do you guys have any idea wtf happened??
no comment on what might have happenned, but you should look into the picture auto-upload capabilities. I use the one from dropbox, but I think you can do it with google+ also.
this is the SAME issue that happened to my EVO YESTERDAY!!! the screen would jsut go off when i made a call, i couldnt power it back on and now i get NO charger light!!! ahh!
im going to the sprint store today to get a new one hopefully.
I think you screwed up and did it wrong. Maybe if you kissed your phone good morning and played around with your wife you wouldn't be having problems.
Saneless One said:
I think you screwed up and did it wrong. Maybe if you kissed your phone good morning and played around with your wife you wouldn't be having problems.
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LMAO :good::good:
Did you try the power button plus the vol + and - buttons at the same time trick? The charger light wouldn't come on if it froze.
Sent from my EVO
fr0st420 said:
Did you try the power button plus the vol + and - buttons at the same time trick? The charger light wouldn't come on if it froze.
Sent from my EVO
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i didnt try that, but i think its a bit too late now. i have my new Evo and best buy kept the old one. I never tried that trick, but it was my understanding that that combination of buttons was to take a snapshot of the screen? or am i wrong?
And about the whole samsung vs HTC thing, let's just agree to disagree. No amount of arguing is going to convince me that Samsung is a better product, nor is it going to convince you that HTC is a better product. What I said I said based on personal experiences, and very extensive research. Im sure you have your reasons too. Im not a Samsung hater, either. I love their TVs and I have owned 2 of them. I just dont trust their phones. BUt I digress. Lets stay on topic, please, everyone.
darkleafar said:
i didnt try that, but i think its a bit too late now. i have my new Evo and best buy kept the old one. I never tried that trick, but it was my understanding that that combination of buttons was to take a snapshot of the screen? or am i wrong?
And about the whole samsung vs HTC thing, let's just agree to disagree. No amount of arguing is going to convince me that Samsung is a better product, nor is it going to convince you that HTC is a better product. What I said I said based on personal experiences, and very extensive research. Im sure you have your reasons too. Im not a Samsung hater, either. I love their TVs and I have owned 2 of them. I just dont trust their phones. BUt I digress. Lets stay on topic, please, everyone.
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you're right, no one can argue that. Hope the issue at hand is isolated to very few devices.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
you should enable dropbox or google + auto upload that way you never going to lose ur pix and vids ever again ....every pic and video i take from my phones is backed up to my dropbox... always
hakeem0996 said:
you should enable dropbox or google + auto upload that way you never going to lose ur pix and vids ever again ....every pic and video i take from my phones is backed up to my dropbox... always
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I dont have google + nor I plan to get one. ANyway to do auto upload without it?
And everyone please, as the OP, I think I have the right to say please STFU already. No more Samsung vs HTC debates, I thought I was clear in my previous posts. I intended this thread as a troubleshooting thread, not a debate one about manufacturer reliability. I do apologize, because I did bring it up in the first place, but I also quickly shot it down. What I said in my OP post about was not meant to troll. It was just meant to express my disbelief in HTC failing me, as personally, it has never done so before.
with the above being said, I do have an important development:
One of the things i disliked about this phone in the two first weeks I had it is that it became really hot on my ear when I used it for more than five miutes. To the point that I had to pull it away and set it to speaker mode for a little while for it to cool off. I thought it was a common EVO LTE thing, but surpirse surprise, my brand new EVO does not have this heating issue at all. It called directv today to haggle down prices (successfully, if i might add) and I was on the phone with them for at least one hour +. No heating at all. THere was another poster on here (first page I think) who said they had the exact same thing happened to them. I would love to confirm if the "burning your ear in less than 10 min" issue is directly related to sudden deaths of this device??
with the above being said, I do have an important development:
One of the things i disliked about this phone in the two first weeks I had it is that it became really hot on my ear when I used it for more than five miutes. To the point that I had to pull it away and set it to speaker mode for a little while for it to cool off. I thought it was a common EVO LTE thing, but surpirse surprise, my brand new EVO does not have this heating issue at all. I called directv today to haggle down prices (successfully, if i might add) and I was on the phone with them for at least one hour +. No heating at all. THere was another poster on here (first page I think) who said they had the exact same thing happen to them. I would love to confirm if the "burning your ear in less than 10 min" issue is directly related to sudden deaths of this device??
FWIW, I work at a repair store and I had one of these returned EVO LTE's to work one. Phone was completely DOA, could not power on, no indication of charging when plugged in, triage laptop didn't react when it was plugged in, pressing and holding power button for 60 seconds didn't work, lights on four capacitive buttons didn't flash, etc etc.
I had another known good EVO LTE that was returned because of buyer's remorse so I popped it open, disconnected the battery (which I knew for sure had at least 50% charge), and swapped it into the dead LTE and same deal-- phone still refused to power on.
hayabusa1300cc said:
Bring it.
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You rang?
Hi, this is your invitation to leave and go to the sgs3 section, from your friendly neighborhood Evo LTE moderator.
I'm going to allow this thread to stay open for the moment, on the chances that the trolling and flaming ends. Fair warning everyone, go away now.
@OP - sorry your thread has devolved into childish bickering. Hopefully this straightens things up.
garion521 said:
FWIW, I work at a repair store and I had one of these returned EVO LTE's to work one. Phone was completely DOA, could not power on, no indication of charging when plugged in, triage laptop didn't react when it was plugged in, pressing and holding power button for 60 seconds didn't work, lights on four capacitive buttons didn't flash, etc etc.
I had another known good EVO LTE that was returned because of buyer's remorse so I popped it open, disconnected the battery (which I knew for sure had at least 50% charge), and swapped it into the dead LTE and same deal-- phone still refused to power on.
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OK first let me apologize for any side tracking of the thread. Sorry!
How do you pop it open? I'd love to be able to take the battery out.
---------- Post added at 06:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:12 AM ----------
darkleafar said:
with the above being said, I do have an important development:
One of the things i disliked about this phone in the two first weeks I had it is that it became really hot on my ear when I used it for more than five miutes. To the point that I had to pull it away and set it to speaker mode for a little while for it to cool off. I thought it was a common EVO LTE thing, but surpirse surprise, my brand new EVO does not have this heating issue at all. I called directv today to haggle down prices (successfully, if i might add) and I was on the phone with them for at least one hour +. No heating at all. THere was another poster on here (first page I think) who said they had the exact same thing happen to them. I would love to confirm if the "burning your ear in less than 10 min" issue is directly related to sudden deaths of this device??
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Looked at a dead one "personal experience", under a lighted magnifier.
What I saw was a pin tip sized drop of solder, near the sdsocket. Seemed like an overheating issue, with what I assumed was a fuse. Though it could just have been a bad assembly which tested marginally with reduced burn in time. Just saying.
darkleafar said:
I dont have google + nor I plan to get one. ANyway to do auto upload?
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As mentionr earlier, Dropbox is the way to go. It's free or 2GB and easy to increase your free space. Enable auto upload and pictures and videos automatically upload to a "camera upload" folder. You specify if upload only on wi-fi or either wi-fi or 3G. It s SO convenient and definitely worth a look.
Go to dropbox.com or use http://db.tt/WYZmyfxT and I'll get free referral space.
Had this just happen to me... Was on the phone and it completely died on me. No charging light, power button hit long and short. Nothing worked.
But... The holding the volume and the power buttons at the same time trick worked. I am now back on and ready to go. Thank god, I just got this damn thing set up the way I like.
---------- Post added at 08:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 PM ----------
DCLocal said:
As mentionr earlier, Dropbox is the way to go. It's free or 2GB and easy to increase your free space. Enable auto upload and pictures and videos automatically upload to a "camera upload" folder. You specify if upload only on wi-fi or either wi-fi or 3G. It s SO convenient and definitely worth a look.
Go to dropbox.com or use http://db.tt/WYZmyfxT and I'll get free referral space.
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I got a free 25gb for buying this phone. So dropbox is really the way to go.
duce, i love it when you use the FORCE!!!!
Had the issue Seems my fix was rapid plug/unplug while holding power. weird it was during a call
darkleafar said:
I dont have google + nor I plan to get one. ANyway to do auto upload without it?
And everyone please, as the OP, I think I have the right to say please STFU already. No more Samsung vs HTC debates, I thought I was clear in my previous posts. I intended this thread as a troubleshooting thread, not a debate one about manufacturer reliability. I do apologize, because I did bring it up in the first place, but I also quickly shot it down. What I said in my OP post about was not meant to troll. It was just meant to express my disbelief in HTC failing me, as personally, it has never done so before.
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If you have a Google account you have a google+ account its all tied into one big Web. Just DL the Google+ app. Doesn't require registration since you already have a Google account
Shifted from Outer Space
Well I'm on my second EVO. My first one the screen seemed very vibrant, this one, not so much. I don't know if it's just me. My current one also has the light leak from the home button which bothers me when I see it but don't notice it otherwise. The last issue is rebooting or shutting off. I go commando with my evo (no case) as you know it's a slippery phone. My first evo fell a couple of times form about 3-4 feet, no biggie. I notice with this phone that everytime it gets hit a bit hard it turns off and you have to reboot it to start up again (power + volume down). Yesterday it slipped out of my hand while I was sitting at my desk and it must of fallen about 10-12 inches. Of course this is a refurbished phone.
jimmyg41 said:
Well I'm on my second EVO. My first one the screen seemed very vibrant, this one, not so much. I don't know if it's just me. My current one also has the light leak from the home button which bothers me when I see it but don't notice it otherwise. The last issue is rebooting or shutting off. I go commando with my evo (no case) as you know it's a slippery phone. My first evo fell a couple of times form about 3-4 feet, no biggie. I notice with this phone that everytime it gets hit a bit hard it turns off and you have to reboot it to start up again (power + volume down). Yesterday it slipped out of my hand while I was sitting at my desk and it must of fallen about 10-12 inches. Of course this is a refurbished phone.
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stop dropping your phone. problem solved.
Spyderekz said:
stop dropping your phone. problem solved.
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Great insight, tell me more. Why even waste the time to post this?
you are right, ill tell you what you want to know.
" the phone probably has a loose cable inside of it, and should be replaced. you can either show a sprint rep in store by banging it hard on your hand or calling the insurance and telling them its a faulty replacement, i had a similar issue with a display that would flicker in and out at times as if it was off. "
Thank you for your reply. Maybe I worded my question weirdly. I was just asking if the issues that I stated would be enough for you to go exchange the phone. I know I can get a new one, no big deal. Everyone is a bit different on their tolerance of issues.
When you go in pick the weakest or dumbest looking rep and be forceful about what you want. tell them you KNOW the problem and it shouldnt be happening. i got my phone replaced recently due to a graphic flicker when playing games. they didnt want to exchange it at first but i won in the end. because i KNOW cellphones and how they should work
Did you get a new phone or a refurbished phone? I know the reps at the Sprint store by my house, they'll give me a new (to me, but still refurbished) phone. Just wondering if it's even worth it since my issues are minimal.
I really don't recall dropping my evo 3d, maybe ive done it once or twice. But I am on Dirt Jelly Bean V 3.5.2 Rom and I have an extended battery (3500MHZ) Well occasionally , the touch screen can be un-responsive to icons / apps/ or settings that are more in the middle of the phone. Like if i go to settings and go something in the middle, it will highlight the above or below setting which is not what i wanted to chose. in order to select that setting, i have to rotate my phone to landscape and it will be clickable. Also occasionally i will get the possessed evo, where if you turn it on it will random click apps and on home screen randomly move left to right to left to right. i have to turn screen off and literally hit the phone to get it back to normal. Part of me says get a new phone but i am holding out til my upgrade in april
I had that happen quite recently (last week). It started off randomly doing something similar every now and then. Finally one day I had to keep turning off and on my phone just to be able to use the screen for about 5 seconds.
Conclusion: Bad screen.
I took mine into the Sprint store (i have the insurance). They took it right away and replaced the screen within 30 minutes. No charge to me, and it has been working like new since.
I would suggest backing up your rom and flashing to another to see if that helps (mine would press things while in touch recoveries, so i knew it was fubar). Try putting in the original battery because i have heard batteries can do weird things. But most likely you have a bad screen. There are videos on how to replace and i'm sure eBay has some for cheap.
Good luck
NinjaPenguin said:
I had that happen quite recently (last week). It started off randomly doing something similar every now and then. Finally one day I had to keep turning off and on my phone just to be able to use the screen for about 5 seconds.
Conclusion: Bad screen.
I took mine into the Sprint store (i have the insurance). They took it right away and replaced the screen within 30 minutes. No charge to me, and it has been working like new since.
I would suggest backing up your rom and flashing to another to see if that helps (mine would press things while in touch recoveries, so i knew it was fubar). Try putting in the original battery because i have heard batteries can do weird things. But most likely you have a bad screen. There are videos on how to replace and i'm sure eBay has some for cheap.
Good luck
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^^^ This is probably the case. It's a well documented problem with these phones, and one that I experience myself to a lesser degree. One thing NinjaPenguin didn't mention and is often overlooked is; make sure your screen is clean. I know it sounds silly, maybe even obvious, but a dirty screen can also cause phantom and misaligned button presses.