[Q] New phone with extremely slow data - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

I just got an LTEvo and when I activated it I noticed that data was working, but was extremely slow. My last phone was the original EVO 4G and 3G data worked much better. I streamed music and videos all the time. Apps downloaded quickly. Now the new phone connection times out most of the time just searching the play store. Downloading an app is torture unless I'm on wifi. It takes a long time just to start and just took about 5 min. to download the 3.04MB speedtest app. This was instant on my old EVO over 3G. Results on speedtest say: ping - 832ms, 132kbps down/ 58kbps up on the attempt I didn't get connection issues. The data seems to randomly disconnect.
This issue started on the new phone so I can't blame the network. Phone info is: HW version 0003, Software 1.13.651.1.710RD, PRI 2.28_003, PRL 25006, kernel 3.0.8, baseband
I've already gone ahead and finished RegawMod and LazyPanda (data problem was present before this), so is there anything I can flash that might improve the data on this phone? I was about to flash the 1.22 firmware here to see if this fixed anything. If anyone has any other suggestions I'd appreciate it. I'm completely new to this phone.

The firmware may help a little. U update prl? My og EVO was just as slow for me, so can't say much.

FrankthaTank said:
I just got an LTEvo and when I activated it I noticed that data was working, but was extremely slow. My last phone was the original EVO 4G and 3G data worked much better. I streamed music and videos all the time. Apps downloaded quickly. Now the new phone connection times out most of the time just searching the play store. Downloading an app is torture unless I'm on wifi. It takes a long time just to start and just took about 5 min. to download the 3.04MB speedtest app. This was instant on my old EVO over 3G. Results on speedtest say: ping - 832ms, 132kbps down/ 58kbps up on the attempt I didn't get connection issues. The data seems to randomly disconnect.
This issue started on the new phone so I can't blame the network. Phone info is: HW version 0003, Software 1.13.651.1.710RD, PRI 2.28_003, PRL 25006, kernel 3.0.8, baseband
I've already gone ahead and finished RegawMod and LazyPanda (data problem was present before this), so is there anything I can flash that might improve the data on this phone? I was about to flash the 1.22 firmware here to see if this fixed anything. If anyone has any other suggestions I'd appreciate it. I'm completely new to this phone.
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new firmware info and download here:
hope this helps. seems that the new firmware and radio helps with data.

Anthonicia said:
The firmware may help a little. U update prl? My og EVO was just as slow for me, so can't say much.
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Yes, I updated PRL and profile. I can't believe that anyone could live with data this slow. Oddly enough, everyone applauds Verizon's speed, but in my area Sprint is faster. I got excited when Verizon claimed my area was covered for LTE, but it's so spotty I'm never covered.
I'll just see how the newer firmware works out. I think it includes the newer radio which is hopefully better.

Okay, just tried the 2.13 full firmware zip from the link ccaudio1 posted. Everything seemed to take except the software version is still 1.13
Nothing is different on the ROM at all. Do I need to do a reset first?

That's because the firmware is separate from the Rom, you only flashed the newer radios and any other changes/improvements made to firmware

om4 said:
That's because the firmware is separate from the Rom, you only flashed the newer radios and any other changes/improvements made to firmware
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Yeah, just noticed that I didn't have the ROM file. Downloading now, but it's taking a while.
Data doesn't seem any faster though. Still terrible. Weird that my old EVO was much quicker. Maybe it's just a coincidence and Sprint is working on the towers around here again. I'll give it a try in another area and see if it works better. I was getting speeds 10-20 times faster before I switched phones.

One more question before I install the ROM. I'm unfamiliar with the TWRP recovery. Which option do I use to do a full wipe? System? Internal Storage?

Sorry, I've been in a low coverage area and unable to use data, you don't need to wipe internal but it may help avoid issues. Back up any data you want to keep. Wipe dalvik, cache, factory reset, system

Thank you all so much. For some reason data worked perfect after the rom update. Back to 2.1 Mbps down over 3G. Been a little busy, but wanted to update that it did fix the data issue and have been loving the new phone since.


Question... Did root kill my 3g speeds?

So here's what's up. What I'm wanting here is feedback, and to vent a bit too I suppose. The question... How's root treating you after the first week? Here's my answer...
Lead up. I got my 3D prior to release date via Sprint premier customer deal. Couldn't be happier with the phone. It was everything I expected it would be. Check my prior posts. My experience was sweetness. Then came temp root. Sweet. Got my root apps back and played around with oc and all was good. Tried the various speed test apps out there just for $hits and giggles and my 3D was right up there at the top of the list. More importantly it was running smoothly and was very responsive.
Fast forward to last Friday. Full root! The process went flawlessly aside from the error 16 deal most of us experienced, but that was easily fixed. Went with Clockwork recovery at first, then decided to see what twrp was all about. Nice. No complaints whatsoever. Was out of town for the weekend so figured I'd just run stock rooted. Here's where things started getting weird. While on the road I decided to play around with the roam control app (a root app) to maximize my signal. Seemed to work, then I noticed that 3g was cutting out on me. I thought roam control first thing. So I disabled the app and that did seem to do the trick. Now I'm nearing my destination and I need some directions for the last bit of the trip. I prefer Telenav, always works well for me. Except this time I keep losing Gps. What's worse is when trying to confirm that it's just the location by having my wife use her og Evo... It worked fine. No gps issues at all. Now I'm getting annoyed.... So once I arrived at my destination I bust out the 3D and go to Google maps to look up a couple of things and test it in a place I know has good signal and I can't even get a map to load. Again, the og Evo loads up as usual. I didn't have a whole lot of time to mess with it so that's just how it was the rest of the trip with gps and 3g... Spotty at best.
When I get back home and get a minute to work with my phone the first thing I'm wanting to try of course is to flash a good rom. I'm convinced that had to be the issue. So I pick one and go to download and I soon realize my download speeds have gone to $hit. I mean I waited 5min and I only had 1% downloaded. I had to use the pc to get the rom downloaded. Got it though, wiped and flashed no problem. Didn't fix the download speeds. This is the same on you tube and the market as well. Tried several roms and wipes... No go. Also noticed that when turned off the screen for the night, things like the clock would shut down to... Hence no alarm in the morning. Texts wouldn't come through during this time either. I'd turn the screen on in the morning and get text alerts from texts that came in right after I went to bed. The phone would also start roaming for no reason. Just a barrage of small issues like that. I tried loosing oc and some root apps I've always used (auto killer, setcpu for example) wipes, data profile, ##3282#, and called Sprint to refresh the signal. Nothing worked. So I unrooted and tried it all again. Still no. Finally took it to the repair center and all they tried failed as well, ended up having to replace it. Data speeds are back to normal and all the other issues are gone. I'm hesitant to root again until I get some feedback. I know it could have been the device itself, but it was working prior to root. In the back of my mind I suspect the error 16 deal may have screwed something up. Whatever it was it was irreversible as far as I can tell...
it sounds like something in EPST got screwed up.
Luckily nothing like that for me. Just lost the ability to watch Hulu
Edit: My YouTube ONLY works with Wifi. It no longer works with 4G or 3G
You had the signal defect phone. Nothing to do with root. Few people have had this issue. I did and it was prior to root.
Supra RCMix Shooter
cobra04972tx1 said:
Luckily nothing like that for me. Just lost the ability to watch Hulu
Edit: My YouTube ONLY works with Wifi. It no longer works with 4G or 3G
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Can you download from the market? Or roms from here? I could from the market, just took longer than normal. From here there was no point in trying. I left a rom downloading all morning, about 3 and a half hrs and I only got 32% downloaded.
Saleenfiend said:
You had the signal defect phone. Nothing to do with root. Few people have had this issue. I did and it was prior to root.
Supra RCMix Shooter
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So is that typical with that defect? For it to work for a time and then just peter out?
My phone no longer charges when off, fine otherwise but hate leaving in on all the time.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
I know for sure rooting shouldn't do anything whatsoever to data signals, unless you changed something deliberately. From my personal experiences with 3G, it will get crappy at times and most of the time not reliable. I use a music stream app while I'm out and about and I get tons of pauses while I'm constantly driving around the city. Well that's until I get to a place that has good coverage.
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happened to me as well, was getting about .7-.9mbps on 3g before s-off and after i can't get over .13
haven't bothered to try fixing it yet as i'm on wifi 99% of the time, but by the looks of things from your post i'll probably just have to get it replaced
mmilord said:
happened to me as well, was getting about .7-.9mbps on 3g before s-off and after i can't get over .13
haven't bothered to try fixing it yet as i'm on wifi 99% of the time, but by the looks of things from your post i'll probably just have to get it replaced
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Same thing happened here except I really don't want to go have to go get it replaced. Is there a fix out there?
People, before you bring your phone back to Sprint be sure to call for your data reset signal or whatever they call it, tell them things are moving slow and you need a reset or something...if that doesn't work then take it in.
Mine is working great after root and s-off. I also didn't temp root, and didn't even do s-off until a couple days after it was out. I get 1.4 down and .3 up. Good speeds for 3G in my opinion.
derek826 said:
Same thing happened here except I really don't want to go have to go get it replaced. Is there a fix out there?
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Not that I found, and I tried everything. Seems to be permanently f*cked once it happens...
GadgetMonger said:
Not that I found, and I tried everything. Seems to be permanently f*cked once it happens...
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Oh that's great. Could we flash a new radio?
runningwarrior08 said:
Mine is working great after root and s-off. I also didn't temp root, and didn't even do s-off until a couple days after it was out. I get 1.4 down and .3 up. Good speeds for 3G in my opinion.
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Wonder if temp root had something to do with it then? Did you get the error 16 message when you rooted?
derek826 said:
Oh that's great. Could we flash a new radio?
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Good question. That's the one thing I didn't try. Although I think running the ruu reflashes the radios as well... Don't quote me on that though.
I forgot to mention also 3G signal indicator doesnt show when its connected at 1x speed, 2G or whatever you call it. This is sprints way of having us think where always on 3G.
My "DU4L C0R3 SH00T3R" shot you down in 3D! -Security Off-
GadgetMonger said:
Good question. That's the one thing I didn't try. Although I think running the ruu reflashes the radios as well... Don't quote me on that though.
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I have been using the pre-release eng/dev radio. I have seen my speeds in low-signal conditions improve a lot...from 100-300kbps to 400-800kbps, and in high-signal areas where the network isn't congested I have seen as high as 2.7mbps. I tested back and forth between all 3 radios, a lot... the pre-release radio came out on top every time, most of the time by far.
Your mileage may vary, but, mine didn't and a few others in development had similar results. I'm not sure if that means I'm using more battery--it doesn't seem like it. But I wouldn't update to a newer radio without some very compelling evidence that it would be at least as good.
I posted about this problem the first day of S-OFF and how to fix it.
Basically you need to trigger ANOTHER hands free activation AFTER you call sprint to get past Error 16.
That will fix you lack of 3G. You are stuck in 1X. Display always says 3G even when you are 1x.
I think the first hands free activation occurs when the phone has been flagged with the security fault and it does not setup your profile correctly.
Some Sprint Reps might reactivate your phone in the process of fixing Error 16.
Very easy to fix.

[Q] No 3G

Hey Everyone,
I've recently run into an issue which is bugging the hell out of me. While it's not the end of the world, it's extremely annoying.
My phone gets zero 3G signal. I don't think it's the radio, as edge, calls, and WiMax work perfectly fine. I don't remember exactly when this started because I'm on wifi 90% of the time, so I just didn't realize immediately. The first time I realized, I had flashed a rom (can't remember which), and only the "1x" icon was showing up. I figured that the rom maker mistakenly omitted the 3G icon and just left it at that. I've since flashed 6 or 7 roms since then and the "1x" signal is always on. I haven't seen a 3G signal in quite some time.
I've tried updating my profile and updating my PRL, nothing seems to work. I'm in downtown Chicago and I've always had a strong 3G signal here, as do others, so I know it's not a widespread issue. It's something that I did, but I don't know what, and I don't know how to fix it. Can anyone provide any insight?
SicBoy34 said:
Hey Everyone,
I've recently run into an issue which is bugging the hell out of me. While it's not the end of the world, it's extremely annoying.
My phone gets zero 3G signal. I don't think it's the radio, as edge, calls, and WiMax work perfectly fine. I don't remember exactly when this started because I'm on wifi 90% of the time, so I just didn't realize immediately. The first time I realized, I had flashed a rom (can't remember which), and only the "1x" icon was showing up. I figured that the rom maker mistakenly omitted the 3G icon and just left it at that. I've since flashed 6 or 7 roms since then and the "1x" signal is always on. I haven't seen a 3G signal in quite some time.
I've tried updating my profile and updating my PRL, nothing seems to work. I'm in downtown Chicago and I've always had a strong 3G signal here, as do others, so I know it's not a widespread issue. It's something that I did, but I don't know what, and I don't know how to fix it. Can anyone provide any insight?
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First and easiest suggestion would be to clear your /data partition as there might be a corrupted setting on there interferring with mobile data settings.
Second suggestion would be to make sure the internal radio software is updated to the latest version. If on the latest version, perhaps try downgrading one previous version to see if it has any effect on 3G data. Great thread for loadable Sprint EVO 3D radio images - [RADIO] HTC Evo 3D (CDMA) Radios [PG86IMG.zip] (Updated: 18 Aug 2011)
Third suggestion would be to revert back to 100% stock setup. After ruling out corrupt /data setting and internal radio software, if you're on 100% stock setup and still not able to achieve a 3G connection while other devices using the same tower have a 3G connection, this could very well be a hardware related issue. Bringing the device back to the seller or the cell phone provider will be a ver viable option as it should be simple to demonstrate the device doesn't obtain a 3G signal while other devices in the shop do.
Sorry I haven't come across any simple straight forward solutions. Radio signals can be argued by some to be an intermitent issue and therefore hard to prove. The above steps should help to eliminate any of the common issues we run into while customizing our phones with different ROMs.
Hope that helps! Keep us updated!
joeykrim said:
First and easiest suggestion would be to clear your /data partition as there might be a corrupted setting on there interferring with mobile data settings.
Second suggestion would be to make sure the internal radio software is updated to the latest version. If on the latest version, perhaps try downgrading one previous version to see if it has any effect on 3G data. Great thread for loadable Sprint EVO 3D radio images - [RADIO] HTC Evo 3D (CDMA) Radios [PG86IMG.zip] (Updated: 18 Aug 2011)
Third suggestion would be to revert back to 100% stock setup. After ruling out corrupt /data setting and internal radio software, if you're on 100% stock setup and still not able to achieve a 3G connection while other devices using the same tower have a 3G connection, this could very well be a hardware related issue. Bringing the device back to the seller or the cell phone provider will be a ver viable option as it should be simple to demonstrate the device doesn't obtain a 3G signal while other devices in the shop do.
Sorry I haven't come across any simple straight forward solutions. Radio signals can be argued by some to be an intermitent issue and therefore hard to prove. The above steps should help to eliminate any of the common issues we run into while customizing our phones with different ROMs.
Hope that helps! Keep us updated!
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I appreciate your input. I restored back to my original backup, lo and behold, instant 3G signal, so that's comforting. However...
Rebooted back to recovery, wiped cache, dalvik cache, and data factory reset. Flashed CleanROM again, back to 1x. I wipe cache, dalvik, and data out of habit before flashing a rom. Should I not be doing all of these?
SicBoy34 said:
I appreciate your input. I restored back to my original backup, lo and behold, instant 3G signal, so that's comforting. However...
Rebooted back to recovery, wiped cache, dalvik cache, and data factory reset. Flashed CleanROM again, back to 1x. I wipe cache, dalvik, and data out of habit before flashing a rom. Should I not be doing all of these?
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Whenever loading a custom ROM, it is best practice to wipe both the /cache partition and the /data partition. Side note: "dalvik-cache" is stored on the /data partition at this location: /data/davlik-cache and is wiped when the /data partition is wiped.
It is good to know you're able to get 3G signal after restoring from a backup. I think you can correclty say you've narrowed the issue down to a specific custom ROM. I would post in that ROM thread stating the steps you've taken to troubleshooting the non 3G signal issue. Perhaps others are also having the issue and the ROM dev and help troubleshoot further.
An after thought I just had, many ROM devs theme the status bar including the 3G icon. It is possible there was something incorrectly done with the icon resulting in 1x appearing when the phone is really operating in 3G. The easiest way to troubleshoot this is to run the speedtest app (free in the market). If you get 3G speeds while the custom ROM shows 1x icon .. you're definitely on 3G and not 1X.
Glad to hear you were able to make progress and narrow down the issue. Hope the additional details and troubleshooting steps help!
I live in Chicago too and I was gettig the same issue. Simply go to your dialer and hit ##3282#, put in your msl, click on EVDO, click on preferred mode, change from CDMA only to automatic. Don't forget to hit the thanks button
My "DU4L C0R3 SH00T3R" shot you down in 3D! -Security Off-
r0cky0790 said:
I live in Chicago too and I was gettig the same issue. Simply go to your dialer and hit ##3282#, put in your msl, click on EVDO, click on preferred mode, change from CDMA only to automatic. Don't forget to hit the thanks button
My "DU4L C0R3 SH00T3R" shot you down in 3D! -Security Off-
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Yowza! That fixed it! Thanks so much.
Thanks to you as well, joeykrim. I appreciate the time you took to help me troubleshoot.
SicBoy34 said:
Yowza! That fixed it! Thanks so much.
Thanks to you as well, joeykrim. I appreciate the time you took to help me troubleshoot.
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No problem bro.
My "DU4L C0R3 SH00T3R" shot you down in 3D! -Security Off-

[Q] Change radios

I'm pretty new to HTC phones, is there a way to change just the radio file?
On my Galaxy S it was extremely easy to flash a lot of different radio files to the phone and do some data testing with them to see which one works the best in different areas.
I've been getting really crappy data speeds since we got the OTA update a week or so ago. I like most of the stuff in the OTA, I just want to flash back to the prior radio.
Is this something that's possible?
derek4484 said:
I'm pretty new to HTC phones, is there a way to change just the radio file?
On my Galaxy S it was extremely easy to flash a lot of different radio files to the phone and do some data testing with them to see which one works the best in different areas.
I've been getting really crappy data speeds since we got the OTA update a week or so ago. I like most of the stuff in the OTA, I just want to flash back to the prior radio.
Is this something that's possible?
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With S-On we can't flash radios, except the OTA , but I think Con pulled the radio files and made them flashable in his Stock rom OTA thread for people that were having main ver issues and couldn't flash the OTA.
So, I think if you changed your main ver back using the main ver fix you could flash the original RUU prior to the OTA , then flash the Con rom with the updated radios pulled out . So then you would have original radios with the rest of the OTA updates. Sorry if this is confusing, trying to explain the best I can.
mjh68 said:
With S-On we can't flash radios, except the OTA , but I think Con pulled the radio files and made them flashable in his Stock rom OTA thread for people that were having main ver issues and couldn't flash the OTA.
So, I think if you changed your main ver back using the main ver fix you could flash the original RUU prior to the OTA , then flash the Con rom with the updated radios pulled out . So then you would have original radios with the rest of the OTA updates. Sorry if this is confusing, trying to explain the best I can.
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No, I'm pretty sure I understand what you're saying. Edit my mainver back to 1.0.0 then RUU back to how it was stock/new. Then flash Con's ROM that includes the OTA updates and bug fixes, but his ROM sticks with the older radio file.
I think I'll try that.
I wonder if others are noticing a serious drop off in data speeds as a result of this new radio. I mean even my wifi is a lot slower. My home internet connection is 15Mbps down, and before I could get 14-15M over wifi, now I cant get over 5M, meanwhile my mac and my laptop both still get 15M so I know its not a cable modem or wifi router issue, its an issue only with this phone.
derek4484 said:
No, I'm pretty sure I understand what you're saying. Edit my mainver back to 1.0.0 then RUU back to how it was stock/new. Then flash Con's ROM that includes the OTA updates and bug fixes, but his ROM sticks with the older radio file.
I think I'll try that.
I wonder if others are noticing a serious drop off in data speeds as a result of this new radio. I mean even my wifi is a lot slower. My home internet connection is 15Mbps down, and before I could get 14-15M over wifi, now I cant get over 5M, meanwhile my mac and my laptop both still get 15M so I know its not a cable modem or wifi router issue, its an issue only with this phone.
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Well, I think Con does have 2 versions or I know there are 2 versions out there. One with updated radios and one without . I have the new radios and get about 11mbps down and I have the 15mbps service as well.
mjh68 said:
Well, I think Con does have 2 versions or I know there are 2 versions out there. One with updated radios and one without . I have the new radios and get about 11mbps down and I have the 15mbps service as well.
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Before the update on 4G I could get 28M down, 14M up on a consistent basis. All different times of the day and different locations around town. Now since the update, its considerably slower. Like 6-12M down and 1-2M up. Night and day difference. What I dont know is, if Verizon is doing this on purpose or if it's just a flaw in the new radio.
Also, like I said above, my wifi performance has been basically cut into third of what it was. Which is ridiculous.
derek4484 said:
Before the update on 4G I could get 28M down, 14M up on a consistent basis. All different times of the day and different locations around town. Now since the update, its considerably slower. Like 6-12M down and 1-2M up. Night and day difference. What I dont know is, if Verizon is doing this on purpose or if it's just a flaw in the new radio.
Also, like I said above, my wifi performance has been basically cut into third of what it was. Which is ridiculous.
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It is ridiculous, I don't have 4g in my area yet, but from the numbers I can't wait dang !

BAMF ICS Thunderbolt ROM Data Drops

Good evening. Has anyone experienced any success with the data drops with the new radio combo. I have tried the combo for several days. As long as I have 4G data is fine. As soon as the connection switches to 3G and back to 4G, I have to reset data connection by turning on/off airplane mode. If anyone had this issue and no longer experiencing it, please advise what steps were taken to resolve. I have also performed a Wipe Cache/Wipe Dalvik.
Thanks again in advance!
c0dblack said:
Good evening. Has anyone experienced any success with the data drops with the new radio combo. I have tried the combo for several days. As long as I have 4G data is fine. As soon as the connection switches to 3G and back to 4G, I have to reset data connection by turning on/off airplane mode. If anyone had this issue and no longer experiencing it, please advise what steps were taken to resolve. I have also performed a Wipe Cache/Wipe Dalvik.
Thanks again in advance!
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This is a common issue with the leak. I've heard good / bad things about the new radios (nothing that convinces me to change from default radio). You'll just have to wait for the official release of ICS on the Thunderbolt.
feered said:
This is a common issue with the leak. I've heard good / bad things about the new radios (nothing that convinces me to change from default radio). You'll just have to wait for the official release of ICS on the Thunderbolt.
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This happened to my fathers and my Tbolt. I reflashed the radios over the Rom. I used Jrockers .19 radios he posted on another site and it fixed the problems. I've been running the ICS leak now for a week or so as a Daily driver and I use data all day. All my work orders come via email and get closed out via email. I've had no problems after a day or so of tinkering to get everything to work.
Hope that helps you out.
zub57 said:
This happened to my fathers and my Tbolt. I reflashed the radios over the Rom. I used Jrockers .19 radios he posted on another site and it fixed the problems. I've been running the ICS leak now for a week or so as a Daily driver and I use data all day. All my work orders come via email and get closed out via email. I've had no problems after a day or so of tinkering to get everything to work.
Hope that helps you out.
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Can you post the link to that radio. i am having to turn on and off my data all the time and i use my email all day long...
zub57 said:
I used Jrockers .19 radios he posted on another site and it fixed the problems. I've been running the ICS leak now for a week or so as a Daily driver and I use data all day.
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What radios did you have before? Are Jrockers .19 radios different than the standard .19 radios? You're never dropping data, or just rarely? I agree, a link would be nice to share with the rest of us.
I found this but again no links to the radio's that aren't giving data drops.... anyone have any update on this?

HELP! Woke up to VERY shotty service (unintelligible voice calls, dropping suddenly)

Hey XDA,
I woke up today and noticed that all my calls (in/outgoing) are so shotty (choppy, studdering, that's the best way I can describe it) that it makes calls just impossible... Oh, and my signal is normal (between -89 dBm and -92 dBm... my normal signal at home)
Now, I have researched online to see if Sprint outages were going on in my area; they are not. Nothing has changed in my phone (software or hardware-wise) - I have not messed with anything at all. I literally woke up to this.
Also, I have not dropped, bumped, banged into anything, sprayed with a garden hose, or anything that would make me think "Ok, this could've been my fault..."
It _feels_ like it is my radio... but what could cause all these sudden issues with my calls? My radio was updated last year to the latest at the time ( and I have had FLAWLESS service. Never any issues, seriously.
Oh, I should note: If I call my voicemail over and over, about 1 out of 10 calls I will be able to hear the automated voice clearly; then if I hang up and immediately call it again, it becomes unintelligible.
So, wtf... Has anyone ever experienced this and knows how to remedy it? It isn't turning LTE off, tried that and does not change anything. Please help me, I need some ideas to look into... - zmag
It's possible Sprint is doing work in your area. Having said that, you're a couple of firmware versions behind. You didn't mention if you tried to update your profile and PRL. If all else fails, try ##72786# from the dialer and choose reset from the menu. If you continue to have issues after following the steps above, call Sprint and see what they can do for you.
Sent from my HTC device
Well, due to some odd quirk on my rom I'm using, I am unable to update my profile and PRL...
I am using my original shipped stock rom (rooted) 1.13.651.1 with the Beastmode kernel.
When I press on any of the 4 selections in the update menu, nothing opens (no app runs)
I was running MeanBean until I messed with the build.prop permissions and it caused a bootloop - I was unable to remedy it via TWRP, so I (unfortunately) had to restore a backup (I didn't have one of MeanBean)
Does anyone remember if I can update my profile and PRL via MeanBean? I can't remember if it works on that rom, or if I need to run a stock rom.
Also, should I try updating to the latest radio (PIMG175 or w/e it's called) via HBoot? (I have HBoot 1.12.0000 Lazy Panda) If so, can someone kindly post a link to the latest .zip (CaptainThrowback is whose .zip I used for my last radio update)
And what exactly will happen if I do the ##72786# reset? (Is this a radio reset, or a full blown reset similar to factory data?)
Thanks in advance - zmag
zmag said:
Well, due to some odd quirk on my rom I'm using, I am unable to update my profile and PRL...
I am using my original shipped stock rom (rooted) 1.13.651.1 with the Beastmode kernel.
When I press on any of the 4 selections in the update menu, nothing opens (no app runs)
I was running MeanBean until I messed with the build.prop permissions and it caused a bootloop - I was unable to remedy it via TWRP, so I (unfortunately) had to restore a backup (I didn't have one of MeanBean)
Does anyone remember if I can update my profile and PRL via MeanBean? I can't remember if it works on that rom, or if I need to run a stock rom.
Also, should I try updating to the latest radio (PIMG175 or w/e it's called) via HBoot? (I have HBoot 1.12.0000 Lazy Panda) If so, can someone kindly post a link to the latest .zip (CaptainThrowback is whose .zip I used for my last radio update)
And what exactly will happen if I do the ##72786# reset? (Is this a radio reset, or a full blown reset similar to factory data?)
Thanks in advance - zmag
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Just curious, have you checked out the newer stock ROMs? That's the OG stock version if I'm not mistaken...with the latest tools you can even S-off and root HTC's 4.3 releases.
Yes, you can update your profile and PRL with Mean Bean. As far as updating your firmware, click the top link in my sig. There is a section on firmware updates and also a link to Captain Throwback's firmware thread.
Sent from my HTC device
Thank you kindly FinZ28 & shadowguy1
I now believe it was something on Sprint's end, because after some more testing, I noticed as soon as I drove away from my house I would get normal, clear service - but when I got towards my house it would go back to crap again...
Now I get normal service again (knock on wood) at home. Still don't know why my mom's Galaxy S2 worked fine the whole time, but w/e - I just hope this isn't a common occurance.
I plan on switching to Ting in July when my Sprint contract runs out. (Sprint towers used, but a pay as you go plan) Only thing is they charge full price for phones via Ting, but you can switch most Sprint phones to Ting. I'm paying way too much for unlimited talk text and data, I don't need it. Ting seems more reasonable. For 3 lines (mine and my parents) we did the math it should be about 50 bucks a month, so ya...
I will check out the newer stock roms, or go back to MeanBean. Thank you guys for your help, if this happens again or keeps occuring I'll at least know what to do! - zmag

