Help, I messed up. I had a rooted Verizon Galaxy Nexus and went to the Note 2 unrooted with Verizon. I had forgotten the sync was still on and the newer Dolphin in my Note deleted all of my bookmarks. And I want my old bookmarks synced to my new phone. What gives?
And is there a place to sync these elsewhere? I'd hate to do this again...
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
I backed up my 508 contacts using a vcf file when I transferred from my sgs2 to the sgs3.
However when I import the file to my sgs3 contacts, I see it importing 508 contacts but only 140 show on my contacts list.
In fact some names i see during the importation process do not appear on contacts after. They are also not found in the groups tab.
What could be wrong and how do I get my full list of contacts back.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
I used Android Sync WiFi manager, free app on marketplace, worked fine
How exactly did you use it
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
This doesnt help but why on earth aren't people using Google to save there have to set up a google account to use the market anyway
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
I tried to import the vcf file directly to Gmail but it didn't work.
I also tried syncing my old sgs 2 contacts with Gmail but it took long so I've always stuck with vcf backup. It's worked well for me. Till now.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
I Did a custom rom for a friend of mine and during the importing I had major problems. Tracked it down to one of the contacts having special characters in it, the # symbol.
Hope this helps.
best to auto sync with Gmail
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slee88 said:
best to auto sync with Gmail
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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I won't trust that. Once doing a root and custom rom for one friend of mine I lost all his contacts coz the merge with Google lied to me, had the G letter but upon booting in the new rom no contacts synced when he added the Google account. Lucky for me he did not get totally pissed off with me :-\
So I used my friend's sgs2 (my old phone) to load my contacts and sync with Gmail. It kept on fc'ing but I was able to get around 380 contacts. Since I have a lot of duplicates i think this was a good number to recover despite the constant fcs.
The sgs2 was able to read all of my contacts, but I remember syncing my contacts with Facebook profile pictures thru samsungs hub and another third party app. This may have made the vcf partially unreadable by the sgs3 and Gmail.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Hello children. Uhhhmmm I recently flashed epinters 10.1. Actually this is the first time flash a custom rom. I just wanna ask about my facebook contacts. I added my acct Facebook but it didn't snyc like blur does. I used sync me but wasn't satisfied. I want all my contacts in Facebook sync in my phone even though they dont have phone/contact numbers. How'd i do that?! Thank you.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Thats because this isn't a blur rom.
I recall seeing contact sync on android apps section.
EDIT: I cant fimd it, but you could also try in the playstore, there seems to be several apps that do what you need
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
Google music all access question. Both my girl friend and I have android phones. I'm using the All Access. Can I give my girlfriend access to it with out attaching my entire Google account to her phone (Gmail, playstore, contacts)?
Sent from my DROID SPYDER using Tapatalk 2
I know you can have multiple accounts on one device. But I know lyrics wanted to get her signed into music and jot have to switch her whole phone account to mine just for music as she does a lot a lot of emailing from her own account and I know would not want to be switching the whole phone get back and forth.
Sent from my DROID SPYDER using Tapatalk 2
Being driven insane on my new 10.1 2014. Trying to sync Chrome Bookmarks with standard Internet App as I prefer it. Used to do it ok on my old N8010 and no issues.
Tried resetting desktop settings and turning sync on and off on desktop and 10.1 Chrome and they seem to sync fine.
Has anyone else had this issue and resolved on a P600?
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium HD app
You lost me.. Do you mean you have chrome to phone and it does not work? You say in the second to last sentence "they seem to sync fine"...
Skickat från min SM-P605 via Tapatalk
I think i understand and i feel the same problem i really prefer using the samsung stock browser and on old version (at least my first galaxy tab 1) our bookmarks got synced with google chrome so i had the same bookmarks on tab and on pc desktop. But on our galaxy note they don't sync so i have to use chrome.
As I understand it, stock browser and on old version was created by Google, and in our Note 2014 development Samsung. Stock browser with other devices on the Note 2014 does not work...
Sorry for any confusion. Chrome on P600 and desktop sync fine. Chrome to stock browser does not work.
The only account showing in the stock browser is the Samsung account.
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krmurphy said:
The only account showing in the stock browser is the Samsung account.
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That's all there is. Syncing to Chrome got killed when Samsung moved their stock browsers to Webkit and Google moved Chrome to their Blink engine.,news-16915.html
Thanks for the least I can now stop trying.
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium HD app
thats not true, u can sync them , im on a galaxy s6
if someone still read this post plz tell and ill explain
diego_said said:
if someone still read this post plz tell and ill explain
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Did you managed to sync bookmarks ?
---------- Post added at 03:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 PM ----------
diego_said said:
if someone still read this post plz tell and ill explain
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Right now using gmail and Outlook apps for my emails. I want to know your views on the email app you use and why you consider it better or best, including the stock app
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk 2
Always hated the look of gmail and was a big fan of the Outlook app... the past 3 months, Outlook has been horrible... laggy and unreliable. Still use it but now I am enjoying the new Inbox by Gmail. Great UI, fresh new look. Not yet as powerful as Gmail but I am sure they will enhance it slowly.
I tried inbox, didn't like it.
I have Note 10.1 2014 and Note 3, so want an app that works on both. I have gmail, Hotmail and yahoo accounts so...... need something versatile.
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk 2
AquaMail is good.
But aquamail free only has 2 accounts?
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk 2
It work well so I made the purchase....
Aquamail Pro by far the best for me been using it since Note 2 days.
I've been using mymail for awhile now without issues.
I've installed blue mail, and it looks and works fine for now. All my emails checked in one go.
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Gmail 5.0 with gmail and office365 account
pietrao said:
Gmail 5.0 with gmail and office365 account
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Yes, but it doesn't let me chose how and when to sync the email. There's no option for push, fetch or manual.
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk 2
I'm using Cloudmagic right now. You can use it with every account you have, and it gives you the ability to create a cloudmagic account, so you can log in on other devices to sync them all.
tahrang said:
Yes, but it doesn't let me chose how and when to sync the email. There's no option for push, fetch or manual.
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk 2
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Installing the new exchange module [1] gmail 5.0 works with exchange account, i use it with office365 account with push!
[1] -
Aqua Mail
Personally, I also use "Aqua Mail".....I liked it & purchased it's Pro Key
Loving it so far ...
Acquamail pro!
Sent from my SM-P601 using XDA Premium HD app
I use Kaiten Mail & Touchdown.
Via my Note 3
Blue mail works great...I have gmail, yahoo & outlook all in 1.
Sent from my SM-P905V using XDA Free mobile app
Sticking with blue mail for now.
For now i am using nine(, simple interface and user friendly app. What make me purchase this app is, this email have app level security so my company can't remotely control my android security including wiping everything on my phone.
Aquamail is one of the extremely few android apps I've ever spent money on. I've used it with several major email providers. It's as easy and as heavy-duty as any email sw I've ever tried. The UI is no-nonsense, compact, easy to use and read. And the author/owner will actually communicate with you if you need that.