[Q] Rezound with Cmod Infection 9.2.1 Playing Right Channel Audio only - HTC Rezound

I just flashed Infected ROM 9.2.1 JB 4.2.2 on my Rezound and really like it. Unfortunately, I am having an issue with mono audio playback, specifically with MP4s using ACC audio tracks. Any ideas? I've searched the forums and I can only find suggestions to reboot, but this doesn't work for me. Thanks!
Sent from my Infected Rezound using xda app-developers app


Beats in player pro

Hello my fellow xda forum dwellers! I was wondering if any of you fine ladies or gents knew how to get the Beats audio enhancement working in player pro or any other music player?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
From my understanding, it only works in the default music app. I could be wrong, but I had the same question you had and that's all I came up with when I started reading around here.
Get Volume+ from market, enable "beats emulation" in the EQ settings.
if you have either the late revA anthrax kernels (1219 was beast) or late revB anthrax kernels (009 was also beast) then yes you'll have systemwide beats (i think/can sorta hear the amazingness). anything else, i dont think so.
Some ROM's enable Beats by default I think? Well I know MikRunny allows Beats to play through the phone speaker. I am not sure if it plays across all music apps, I just assumed. I haven't ran it for a little while. But as said above, Chad's kernels allowed for a Sound Quality improvement regardless if Beats is in the rom or not.
@gk1984: I tried it a few days but it didn't work well since I'm stock based rom.
@dkdude36: I've been trying to find those kernels but haven't been able to
WARpig5 said:
@gk1984: I tried it a few days but it didn't work well since I'm stock based rom.
@dkdude36: I've been trying to find those kernels but haven't been able to
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Check out Chads thread. He has a link to many "fine" kennels located else where. Just do a little research.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium


Hey guys, I'm running the ICS leak, and the sound is really odd. When I listen to music (screaming mostly), I can barely HEAR the screaming! Is there a way to fix that?
Sent from my DROID RAZR using XDA
arikaru said:
Hey guys, I'm running the ICS leak, and the sound is really odd. When I listen to music (screaming mostly), I can barely HEAR the screaming! Is there a way to fix that?
Sent from my DROID RAZR using XDA
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if you aren't streaming, but playing local on device music, try n7player in play store. has decent eq. for streaming try equalizer or dsp manager.

[Q] Best Setup for audio

Hi guys, I recently bought a Vibrant with the solely purpose of using it as a music player, and I was hearing about voodoo sound and saw it in Google Play, and I was guessing... I saw on the description that voodoo sound is only compatible with gingerbread and CM7, my question is: this is true? That info is up to date? What is the best setup (kernel + Rom + whatever) for music playing purposes? Thank you in advance.
Voodoo sound and purchase the donate version to support Supercurio and Power amp is the best! Good Luck
Its compatible all the way up to JB
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda app-developers app
gunks said:
Its compatible all the way up to JB
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda app-developers app
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good to know, thanks
Flash moped ryders's beats audio zip file. The difference is incredible, these phones sound like ass without beats audio. You will instantly be able to tell the difference, it's a game changer.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk 2
Try this ac!d audio mod!
I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

[MOD] DSP Manager V2

I've been looking for a good Equalizer to use on the DNA, I figured I would mess around trying to get DSP Manager to work tonight. Turns out I didn't have to do anything besides searching around and testing a few zips. I found a zip that works over in the EVO 3D forum. I take no credit for anything besides testing.
This does not remove the beats audio feature they actually both run at the same time. One thing I noticed is that you can't reach the equalizer from the play music app anymore, I'm not sure why that is. Also - If you have crappy headphones you can seriously damage them using this. Also you can damage your ears pretty bad as well. It is pretty cool I have a nice set of headphones with nice drivers, and I listen to a lot of bass heavy music, and the first song I listened to was pretty amazing. I think I almost blew my head off. So yeah, be careful.
Credit goes to the user "thebott" from the Evo 3D forum, that's who originally posted this zip as far as I can tell.
Thanks confirmed working with Play music and Pandora. It took me a long time to find one that works with Pandora on my Gnex. Brilliant. :beer:
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
Does it work with the phone speaker? Or just headphones?
Is it an apk? Or a flasable zip?
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
It should work with both the phone speaker and bluetooth devices, as there's a separate page for each. I haven't tested either though perhaps someone else can report back after they have used one of these features. Also it is a flashable zip file. DSP manager must be installed as a system app alongside a few libs, which can only be done in recovery mode currently.
I love the android community. Thanks
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
---------- Post added at 03:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:37 AM ----------
Works brilliantly
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
Nice find. Sooooooooo much better than Beats!
Thanks....that beats crap blows. My music sounds good again.
Force Closes probably because I already had DSP manager installed on my device before.
Can't tell if it's working or not. I switched stuff around while playing music and I noticed no difference. Hmm
Sent from my Droid DNA. 1080p never looked so sweet.
I have awakened. Hopefully someday you do the same!
You would definitely be able to tell the difference if it is working right. Are you running stock or the deodexed rom?
Stock...too many bugs on deodexed ROM right now. Or I say too many I don't think that's the case. When the video stuff gets worked out I'll flash it for sure
Sent from my Droid DNA. 1080p never looked so sweet.
I have awakened. Hopefully someday you do the same!
Yeah I feel ya about the bugs on the deodexed rom kinda sucks. But anyways, I flashed this on the stock rom and it worked immediately. What app are you using to listen to music?
Stock HTC player. Am I supposed to enable it on settings or something first like in aosp
Sent from my Droid DNA. 1080p never looked so sweet.
I have awakened. Hopefully someday you do the same!
Mine didn't show up under settings or in the music app under equalizer at first. I just played a song and then went back to the DSP and changed stuff. I noticed later (probably after a few reboots) that it showed up in the music app under equalizer all of a sudden. Never did check under settings.
Edit: Just noticed that you said stock HTC player, I was thinking you were using the stock google music app. It probably just doesn't work for that player. I've come across other apps that DSP didn't play well with. Try using google music and see if it works.
Combined with beats.. So much bass. FUARKKK
Sent from my Droid DNA. 1080p never looked so sweet.
I have awakened. Hopefully someday you do the same!
I like the DSM but it appears to have overwritten the Wifi Nag fix Can you see if it can be compiled with that as well, I hadn't tried writting the wifi fix again but will.. I suspect it may disable the dsm..
Try using neutron music player has the best eq and sound settings
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium

Audio video out if sync

Is any one having a problem with audio and video being out if sync when streaming content.
Doesn't matter what app I use, YouTube, plex, Netflix, dish network sling box. All audio and video is out of sync.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
what rom?
slowpain said:
Is any one having a problem with audio and video being out if sync when streaming content.
Doesn't matter what app I use, YouTube, plex, Netflix, dish network sling box. All audio and video is out of sync.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
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What ROM are you running?
I'm running Hatka DNA 2.3 but I also had the problem on stock.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
Does anyone else have this issue on stock or any other rom?
I have this on certain youtube videos. Sometimes its second behind, others only milliseconds. There was a big thread on this topic in the General section. It should come up in a search. I don't think it was ever solved.
Stock but rooted.

