[Q] Gmail password problems - HTC Titan

I have an Orange HTC Titan, running on 7.10.8107.79 (cant install the most recent update, thats another can of worms!)
Its recently, i.e. the last few days, started to have problems with the built in Gmail app. I clicked it, and immediately get a message to input my password; i do, but it comes back, ad infinitum.
I read somewhere that removing it and putting an 'other account' app in would clear it, which it did, but it didnt seem workable, as it seemed to have other problems downloading emails as they arrived. So a day or so later i put the Gmail app back in and it worked again as per normal.
Until this morning!
Clicked the app this morning and im now getting the same message, asked for my password constantly. My password is correct (ive checked!), so im at a loss.
Does anyone have any ideas?

Try installing this update, then try updating the OS again.


Sync will no longer connect to Exchange

Hmm, this is really bugging me now.
Hero has been running Exchange sync perfectly for a couple of weeks, but today it went AWOL and stopped connecting.
I rebooted the router (because I work from home and use the phone and laptop over wi-fi), but this didn't cure it.
Decided to shut down Outlook on my laptop (which was working perfectly anyway) and disconnect the VPN, then re-connect and see if my laptop would have the same problem as my Hero. Launched the VPN and it asked me to reset my password (usually due to our 90 day expiry policy) - okay, I changed the password and it connected fine, and Outlook appeared perfectly as it should. But the Hero still wouldn't connect, using both the original password and the new one (not that I expected this to change anything anyway).
The error I get (whatever I do) is "Authenticaion failed. Please verify username and/or password."
Got really irritated with this and deleted the account. Set it back up from scratch and still the same error.
Got even more irritated, remembering how the Hero seems to allow some people to only set up Exchange and Gmail accounts when they first set up the phone, i.e. during the "out the box" setting up stage. Figured I may have to do a factory reset, but had an idea ... download RoadSync and set up my account as usual ... same error even with this!!!! Aaarrgghghh!
All this after I've been signing the praises of the little Hero.
Does anyone have a fix? HTC can't help. My office say nothing has changed on Exchange. Any ideas?
Now fixed and working again.
Asked the office IT guys to change my password. It must have overwritten some kind of password corruption caused by me doing remotely, even though I've done it that was for the last 18 months.
Anyway, if people are having an Exchange authentication problem via Hero sync, it may be worth asking your IT people to change the password.

Gmail on phone not syncing with Gmail

Here is my issue. When I read or delete an email from my phone, it doesnt reflect in gmail when I login. It still shows as unread. Whenever I get new emails on the phone, it will say I have 5, but I only have 1 because I already read the other 4. But I cannot see them and can only view them then from gmail online.
Never had this issue live past a *228 and reboot. I have cleared cache, tried reflash. Everything. Even went back to a working NAND and still same issue. I am using Aloysius v11 MAPS.
Any thoughts?
Well I guess no one has had this issue. I finally got it working so far after 3 reflashes. NO idea why this happened, but hope it never happens again.

[Q] Can't setup exchange acct. with kaosfroyo

So, I've finally gotten around to rooting my eris and installing kaosfroyo, and I've gotta say, there's a night and day difference between what it used to be and what it is now. Kudos to everyone who has made this process possible and as simple as it is!
Anyhow, I do have one problem. When I go into accounts to try to add a corporate (Exchange) account, I enter my information and the phone says "Retrieving account information" for a minute, then pops up an error message that says "Setup could not finish - Username or password incorrect"
I seem to recall it not being able to connect automatically on the OTA 2.1 ROM, either, but in that case I had a manual override option where I could go in and set the settings manually. Now that option seems to be missing (though I've seen people mention it, so it should be there somewhere).
I also have an iPod Touch that ActiveSync works with, albeit I have to enter the server name (I still haven't figured out why autodiscover isn't working for ActiveSync), so I know that the server is correctly configured at the moment.
Suggestions? I'm at my wits end.
Thanks in advance!
The email app has been recently updated & has a quirk or two. I have found occasionally that I need to go into the account settings of the email program & reenter the password to get things to work. Especially right after setting it up.
Basic installation hints:
1. your user name should have the domain in front of it. i.e. domain/username
2. be sure to put the full server name in the server name box (seems strange to say as I type this, lol) i.e. em.whitehouse.com It is the "em" bit that varies from company to company - ours uses "em" for exchange mail. It just depends on the naming system yout it department uses. your iTouch may have it under it's settings. be sure not to use "owa" - that is a webserver.
But as I said, somettimes you may have everything set up correctly & still need to reenter the password.
Good luck.
The issue was that it was sending me back to the original screen that asked for the email address and password after the error message. I never could get to the screen where it asked for the domain\username and server address, and it would refuse to create the account without that info, so I couldn't go back and edit anything.
I say was, however because it's arbitrarily started working. I tried to run through the setup procedure again, and it gave me the screen that asks for that info. I have no idea why... I didn't change anything on my phone (that I'm aware of), and nothing changed on the exchange server (I'm the exchange admin), so I haven't a clue what happened.
All I can say is that I'm happy that it's working now. Thanks again!
Voodoo happens...
Sent from my ERIS using XDA App
I had the same problem on an original gingerbread install. In short the solution is to reboot the phone.
In long: I was simultaneously reading about push mail and how it keeps a persistent connection to the server to receive notifications about new mail. So suddenly it ocurred to me that maybe it was hanging on the the wrong server connection because it was a persistent connection in memory. And indeed, after rebooting the phone I was prompted again with the server settings.
Hope this helps.

[Q] Gmail won't sync even after clearing cache

Hey guys,
A couple of days ago, I had an issue where the sending tag would stay on the mails when trying to send something. But apperently it did send the mails, but since it was stuck in sending it would never receive. So I went to clear the cache data on gmail and the storage, and when I started the app it stays on "Your email will appear shortly" and stays on "waiting for sync", the account info says account not sync.
Any ideas on what to do? I can't reinstall the gmail app, since it won't let me uninstall it.
Have you tried a basic step like turning off and on the sync?
It usually work for most cases.
Strange thing, I turned off the phone, took the battery out, and it kinda reset, because even the clock went out, and worked. I had done that before and didn't had any effect.
Thanks anyway

[Q] Bizarre data-dumping problem

Before posting here, I looked extensively for someone with a similar issue reported and came up empty. I also tried PPCGeeks a couple days ago and got no response. I thought I'd run this issue by the real experts before taking my phone to Sprint "experts" so that they can swap it out. Here are the details:
My Photon 4G has been rooted since right after I got it about 8 months ago and has had no problems like this until now. The only app that has updated in the last couple days is Busybox and that was the night before this all happened. My battery died and the phone did a forced shut-down that night. I plugged it in, powered it up, and let it charge all night & then noticed the problem the next morning.
I'm using DejaOffice for my calendar and contacts (contacts are also synced to the native phone list) and I use companionlink to sync everything from my desktop (Windows Vista). When I looked this morning, everything in DejaOffice was purged including my preferences (screen color, alarm defaults, etc.). I re-synced everything, powered off and then back on, and had the same problem with everything being gone.
Next, I tried purging DejaOffice data and un-installing it, re-installing it, re-syncing and then powered off/on and once again everything was gone. Finally, I did a factory reset on the whole phone (and forgot to backup my voicemails in the process...grrrrr), re-installed DejaOffice, synced, and had the same problem once I power-cycled.
One more thing to note is that before doing any of this, I attempted a backup with "My Backup Root" and got a message that my phone was no longer rooted.
It seems like the internal memory on my phone is being wiped every time it's shut down. I know the quick fix is to not shut the phone down however I'd like to get to the bottom of this and see if I need to get my phone replaced.
Any ideas??? Thanks in advance for any help/advice.
<bump> and update:
I noticed that my "webtop version" is "unavailable"...not sure if that makes a difference to my problem. Also, when this problem first presented itself, I noticed it because the ringtone that I usually use (which was stored on the phone's internal memory of course) was gone.
Once again...any help or replies would be much appreciated.

