[REQUEST] Looking for a "Full Tweak Mod" only flashable zip for GT-I8552 - Samsung Galaxy Grand Quattro

Well basically its on the title but for more info about what i request,
i have other phone its GT-S5360 and i found some rom/mod in the net that is only for tweaking my phone and its great i wonder if someone could give me a zip like that file. i dont want to be demanding but i am a noob (basically a END-USER).
it would be really great if you could make / give me one of this and surely i will recommend and tell that to my friends.
thank you in advance and more power to all of us!

19kyoshiro75 said:
Well basically its on the title but for more info about what i request,
i have other phone its GT-S5360 and i found some rom/mod in the net that is only for tweaking my phone and its great i wonder if someone could give me a zip like that file. i dont want to be demanding but i am a noob (basically a END-USER).
it would be really great if you could make / give me one of this and surely i will recommend and tell that to my friends.
thank you in advance and more power to all of us!
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If u want a gud wrking mod for better performance thn u can try thiss...

Prince Mohit said:
If u want a gud wrking mod for better performance thn u can try thiss...
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is this really compatible in my grand quattro/win? :good:

19kyoshiro75 said:
is this really compatible in my grand quattro/win? :good:
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Yah it iz u can easily feel d chng..

Hit Thanks ! ! !
19kyoshiro75 said:
Well basically its on the title but for more info about what i request,
i have other phone its GT-S5360 and i found some rom/mod in the net that is only for tweaking my phone and its great i wonder if someone could give me a zip like that file. i dont want to be demanding but i am a noob (basically a END-USER).
it would be really great if you could make / give me one of this and surely i will recommend and tell that to my friends.
thank you in advance and more power to all of us!
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I hope you know how to hit Thanks button if someone helps you on this entire forum...
Your thanks motivates people to help you more.
Hope that's not been taken as an offense. :victory: :good:
Pure Performance X has been tested on several devices including our Quattro. Has worked on all the devices. But don't rely on Antutu Benchmarks and all. Just feel the smoothness of the Phone. I've flashed it in my Stock Rom and can feel difference clearly at many places. Yes, not as expected but that's not the this mod's fault, I've been using so many apps testing, experimenting and all.
Anyways back to the point. You can flash it. If you aren't happy with it, you won't even regret flashing. It will do some benefit for sure.
Cheers ! ! !:good:

mysteryno46 said:
I hope you know how to hit Thanks button if someone helps you on this entire forum...
Your thanks motivates people to help you more.
Hope that's not been taken as an offense. :victory: :good:
Pure Performance X has been tested on several devices including our Quattro. Has worked on all the devices. But don't rely on Antutu Benchmarks and all. Just feel the smoothness of the Phone. I've flashed it in my Stock Rom and can feel difference clearly at many places. Yes, not as expected but that's not the this mod's fault, I've been using so many apps testing, experimenting and all.
Anyways back to the point. You can flash it. If you aren't happy with it, you won't even regret flashing. It will do some benefit for sure.
Cheers ! ! !:good:
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i get your point i give thanks to people have my respect and helped me... dont worry i never to hit thanks button i was just waiting for his next answer just to be sure its really working thanks for reminding me


Say Thank You to developers !

hi ,
all of us know that developers are too much closer from end working of FroYo For X10 !
thats mean we have to say thank u and there are to ways to thanx :
1-donations >>for people that have VISA (+18)
2- say thank U >>this for people that don`t have VISA (-18)
i open this topic Because i want to say thank u From the depths of my heart to devs but i haven`t VISA !!
i will put a Poll select the best method for u !
im agree with you... a lot of thanks from spain... great work friends
Thank you guys for doing all this work
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Developers, your hard work is highly appreciated, thank you so much for your constant masterstrokes and all the great stuff you've come up with so far! I'm really looking forward to using all the cool mods and apps you'll come up with (needless to say I'm talking specifically about Froyo here ;D)....you've contributed much more to the community than SE itself could have possibly ever contributed! Keep the good work up....thanks also to the members who always try to help each other out!!!!
thank you all developers.
I have a third and fourth way too...
3) By helping developers in debugging the issues.... Like people are doing at J's thread.
4) by helping dev's with not so dev-ish task's like DooMLorD is doing with all those scripts... (I am also trying to contribute in same way by using my scripting skills)
What say...

[Q] Copyright and properties rules

Hello guys,
I would like to know about continuing somebody's work that he/she has been discontinued developing. It is about an icons which the dev provided the template. He/she just made about 50 - 200 icons only then stop developing.
Now im going to continue for more icons since there's too many apps keep coming. Well, if i do this, and post it on xda with credits to real dev, is this gonna be wrong? I wanna share my work with xda members but Im scared if the dev going to screw my ass. Any advise would be higly appreciated.
neobirdrio said:
Hello guys,
I would like to know about continuing somebody's work that he/she has been discontinued developing. It is about an icons which the dev provided the template. He/she just made about 50 - 200 icons only then stop developing.
Now im going to continue for more icons since there's too many apps keep coming. Well, if i do this, and post it on xda with credits to real dev, is this gonna be wrong? I wanna share my work with xda members but Im scared if the dev going to screw my ass. Any advise would be higly appreciated.
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if you have the email of the person who has made the icons then ask for permission first.if you know their xda nickname which of course you do then just send them a private message. if they reply that is good and then just give credits and links to their work.
depends if you open a thread up to you still put credits out and give links to the original work made by the dev/themer...but try the first bit though and if you do not hear anything i still go with the second and say you tried getting intouch but not heard anything and still give credit were credit is due and say that cause you like the work you felt it would be credit to the original dev only to continue the amazing work started by them...hope that helps
Very reasonable and the best in my thoughts so. Thanks man.. Yeah, i still haven't send email or try to get in touch with the real dev yet, but i will.. to make sure everything is clear before i make any move.
This is coz I've saw a little 'fight' here on xda, a real dev claimed his/her works has been copied by someone. That's irritating. I wont do anything stupid and i dont know much about copyright procedure or whatever it called, so i have to ask for guide.
Thanks so much buddy for the advises, i highly appreciated. Thanks again. Have a nice day, cheers.
neobirdrio said:
Very reasonable and the best in my thoughts so. Thanks man.. Yeah, i still haven't send email or try to get in touch with the real dev yet, but i will.. to make sure everything is clear before i make any move.
This is coz I've saw a little 'fight' here on xda, a real dev claimed his/her works has been copied by someone. That's irritating. I wont do anything stupid and i dont know much about copyright procedure or whatever it called, so i have to ask for guide.
Thanks so much buddy for the advises, i highly appreciated. Thanks again. Have a nice day, cheers.
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No problem my friend glad i was able to help. Always cover your back if you are going to release something. Best way really. Give credits were credits are due, give a link to the thread of the things that you are using and give the appropriate info and that should be it really. But anyway follow the stuff i told you above and you should be fine.
Have a good day yourself my friend.
Suarez7 said:
No problem my friend glad i was able to help. Always cover your back if you are going to release something. Best way really. Give credits were credits are due, give a link to the thread of the things that you are using and give the appropriate info and that should be it really. But anyway follow the stuff i told you above and you should be fine.
Have a good day yourself my friend.
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Well, I'll do all u said, 'always cover my back' is the best part, from being screwed. Hahaha. I'll credits to you too as someone who helped me, i wont forget you. I'll release my icons as soon as posibble. Im glad to know you and nice knowing you.
Thanks in advance.. Have a nice day my friend. Cheers!
neobirdrio said:
Well, I'll do all u said, 'always cover my back' is the best part, from being screwed. Hahaha. I'll credits to you too as someone who helped me, i wont forget you. I'll release my icons as soon as posibble. Im glad to know you and nice knowing you.
Thanks in advance.. Have a nice day my friend. Cheers!
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Thanks man Send me a link of the thread once you have done it so i can check it out Damn bloody 8 thanks rule. sorry
Suarez7 said:
Thanks man Send me a link of the thread once you have done it so i can check it out Damn bloody 8 thanks rule. sorry
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Friend, do u use miui rom? You use whatsapp app?
neobirdrio said:
Friend, do u use miui rom? You use whatsapp app?
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Suarez7 said:
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Check inbox buddy

(REQ)W7 WANNABE MiniCM7.2.2 CWM Backup

If not against of rules,can somebody make a fresh & clean CWM Backup with W7 look like for MiniCM7.2.2.0 cause im too lazy to search here & there or install this& that.Plsss!!!
You're lazy so you want it already done by others huh...
Sent from my X8 using XDA
if u're too lazy to do it urself why should ppl do it for u then?
chewdaniel said:
if u're too lazy to do it urself why should ppl do it for u then?
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Because these days many people like to make RE-theme roms but post it on DEV sec.But no blamming them,they just got confused since its ROMS.So why dont some1 make RE-theme CWM backup & post it in here, where its belong...Me sure they would love to do it & will got many THANKS than TROLLING.
Themed ROMs are not allowed anymore. Use the damn search button to find a guide and don't open useless threads. Nobody's gonna do it for you.
Chris95X8 said:
Themed ROMs are not allowed anymore. Use the damn search button to find a guide and don't open useless threads. Nobody's gonna do it for you.
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Oh...I see.REQUEST also not allowed these day..Tsk
Requests are allowed but not will always be granted LOL
phirman said:
Requests are allowed but not will always be granted LOL
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True it is.But my req is not impossible.Im sure many guys out there who is same "lazy"(not know how also) would appreciated their help
I Remember there was a Thread in this Section on how to make it look like WP7
I Actually Did it and it wasn't that hard to be honest ..
It's just about installing some themes and a Launcher..
And that's about it..
Hey Dude..
I have to tell you somethin..
when i 1st had the original Eclair ROM .. i was dying to install custom ROMs ..
Now after i've tried everything.. actually i had enough of all of the ROMs ..
Nothing is actually unique except for the Features .. That's why Am using GDXv25 of course ..
But now!!
Am dying to make it look exactly like Stock..
And no1 would do it for me.. For some Reason??
Well, i wish i could do it my self .. just for self satisfaction...
But i can't .. unfortunately ..
Everybody has something that their good at.Some people is good for "Creating" & some people is good for "Decorating".For Creators, they got their place in Dev and we should respect that because they are willing to share their masterpiece without price naming.Some Decorators also want do the same.Unfortunately,they just got confused about HOW & WHERE.
The whole point of this useless thread is to suggest Decorators make in CWM/Xrecovery backup,not a roms if they want to share theirs.Nobody get hurts,Nobody get insults just stay out of DEVELOPERS way.
DEVELOPERS=make a good roms & improvement in every update
DECORATORS=make a good roms prettier with their own taste
The REQUEST just a kick start since nobody make it with WP7 Wannabe yet....
Enough dude! Here is a tutorial. Do it yourself.
Chris95X8 said:
Enough dude! Here is a tutorial. Do it yourself.
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Thanks! I will not
Well, dude am not gonna beg em for somethin
if they won't do it... i'd Do it my self!!
Besides.. u will even like it more after doing it yourself
cause u'd feel like it's an accomplishment!
And you're Right in every single word you say..
Just forget about those guys that are wandering around the forum
just to spread their anger .. Like some1 would give a s**t ;D
Cheer up mate

Apocalypse ROM & itasoulas

Hi everybody, as you will probably know itasoulas dropped the support to his ROM because of noobs mobbing him.
This thread is only meant to thank him for all he has done.
Personally I hope he will think about it and come back but it's all up to him.
Please, do not insult noobs or be vulgar in this thread, just show itasoulas that we enjoyed his work as well as his enthusiasm for modding our Ace.
Thank you man...
Jar3112 said:
Hi everybody, as you will probably know itasoulas dropped the support to his ROM because of noobs mobbing him.
This thread is only meant to thank him for all he has done.
Personally I hope he will think about it and come back but it's all up to him.
Please, do not insult noobs or be vulgar in this thread, just show itasoulas that we enjoyed his work as well as his enthusiasm for modding our Ace.
Thank you man...
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Thank itasoulas!!!
Jar3112 said:
Hi everybody, as you will probably know itasoulas dropped the support to his ROM because of noobs mobbing him.
This thread is only meant to thank him for all he has done.
Personally I hope he will think about it and come back but it's all up to him.
Please, do not insult noobs or be vulgar in this thread, just show itasoulas that we enjoyed his work as well as his enthusiasm for modding our Ace.
Thank you man...
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I agree with you, Itasoula's work is awesome! Im not a noob in android, but yes in this forum, and i have read both post of both Roms from Itasoulas, and his work its awesome!!!.
Thanks a lot itasoulas for your magnific work.
itasoulas Puts way to much of his time in to a free open development for people to enjoy the bullying.
Far as iv seen and used, his work is amazing, don't see why he has left it like this.
I have been using the ROMs of itasoulas for a while now.. Miracle v4 and now Apocalypse.. Both are stunning and and excellent blend of Speed, Visual Clarity and Good Battery.. Never used a ROm before which had all 3 in one ROm.. Hats of to you itasoulas.. I hope you come back.. No other ROM is as good as the one's you have made.. Wishing you all the best in all your endeavors..
He stopped his work because of noobs .
This was sent from a Galaxy Ace. Problem?
EmoBoiix3 said:
He stopped his work because of noobs .
This was sent from a Galaxy Ace. Problem?
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Yeah, even if the OP says don't be vulgar to noobs it can't be evaded anyway
Apocalypse is the best CM7 ROM at the moment in my POV! So fast, very good design and the touch is reacting so good.
Most of the other ROMs a just themed CM7 ROMs. There are so much people who are adding a theme or a patch(which everyone could apply via recovery...) and then they think that they are sooo great devs. And these people are spamming the real devs out of XDA.
itasoulas has modded CM7 too, but this ROM is just GREAT!
but these **** noobs who cant search or experiment a bit are destroying good dev work! Everyone who flashes his mobile, has to experiment sometimes to get everything working.
edit: Maybe I'm not a dev,too. But I read every post and so I won't need to post every ***t.
Doo:DAce said:
Yeah, even if the OP says don't be vulgar to noobs it can't be evaded anyway
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People has tolerance levels , but once the levels goes over the limit that's when the person's true nature is revealed .
"There will be no winners, for when equal powers clash, their nature is revealed!" - Master Eraqus, Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
This was sent from a Galaxy Ace. Problem?
Thanks Itasoulas.. u'r my fav dev..
I am very satisfied with the results of your work
my ace with apocalyse more smooth, fast n long life battery..
thanks u very much!
(sorry with my english)
thanks itasoulas
great rom - really appreciate your work
good job
Peace, my friends, I was able, thanks intalious and
directed the installation of your room work very
very very wonderful to invite you all, I've enjoyed a
lot with miracl v4 and now with apoclypse. Thank
stop it u guys ....old devs will go ,new devs will come theres no need to get sentimental
Huskyfirst1 said:
Peace, my friends, I was able, thanks itasoulas and
directed the installation of your room work very
very very wonderful to invite you all, I've enjoyed a
lot with miracl v4 and now with apoclypse. Thank
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Edit it for you
the Mafia aka KASE ARe For TroLLing
EmoBoiix3 said:
People has tolerance levels , but once the levels goes over the limit that's when the person's true nature is revealed .
"There will be no winners, for when equal powers clash, their nature is revealed!" - Master Eraqus, Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
This was sent from a Galaxy Ace. Problem?
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Agree with you...
Sent from my GT-S5830

Help Roms Samsung Lalaxy Ace GT-5839i

Hi Guys,
I'm looking for a good custom rom for my girl GT-5839i.-
Looking for ICS ou JB, preferably CM rom.
Can someone help me with some lights.
I'm quite experiente with Huawei phones but I'm finding a bit complicated dealing with this Samsung especially because of the fórum organization and afraid to mess the phone due to compatibility issues.
Thanks in advance.
Actually, there is no ICS/JB rom for our ace-i, but you can try CyanogenMod 7.2 rom of biel, which you can find here..
And if you want to see all the rom, search in development section.
Thanks a lot.
It's a shame no real dev work being done for this phone
Actually, it's not easy, because we don't have gpu sources, however there is a CM9.1 rom, but very laggy.
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda app-developers app
This device sucks loo
Djuganight said:
Thanks a lot.
It's a shame no real dev work being done for this phone
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Dude go buy a new phone then, we didn't tell you to buy it. I can't believe you just said no real work done. As all devs are trying they're hardest.(especially biel and his team and sniper killer) I think you should get you lazy as* off that couch and make your own custom rom if all your gonna do is complain
Djuganight said:
Thanks a lot.
It's a shame no real dev work being done for this phone
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How will you define real development work?
This has been said several times that instead of bashing and saying someone sucks, you should see how hard it is and mostly people aren't paid for doing this. You should be grateful to have this much, many devices don't even have this much development.
Howdareme said:
Dude go buy a new phone then, we didn't tell you to buy it. I can't believe you just said no real work done. As all devs are trying they're hardest.(especially biel and his team and sniper killer) I think you should get you lazy as* off that couch and make your own custom rom if all your gonna do is complain
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Other devs are also working hard
And as a common misconception, making custom ROM, or theme or mod isn't development
Just telling you, I mean no disrespect to anyone
Oh, thanks for telling me that!
Biel took almost an year for Cm7, he even bought our phone just for developing. Even I, that don't know much about android, am learning and trying to help. How can you simply spit on everyone's work?
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda app-developers app
Djuganight said:
Hi Guys,
I'm looking for a good custom rom for my girl GT-5839i.-
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There are no good roms at all for your girl s5839i -_-
Just rott in hell with stock rom.....
Kernelizer said:
There are no good roms at all for your girl s5839i -_-
Just rott in hell with stock rom.....
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its rooted already but I would like to have the no time out option for BT otherwise its always a pain to conect to car system.
This feature is only available from ICS onwards or any good custom rom
PS. ****y device....

