[Q] Samsung illusion MMS Provisioning - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have been attempting to access the following MMS Settings on the Samsung illusion...
MMSC Domain
MMS User Agent
So far i have not been able to access these, I have tried the following
MMS Provisioning menu on the handset - Requires a lock code which is normally model + mms (110667) is not working. Also tried spc, 000000, and the proclaim model number.
VPST - I believe that the NV portion of VPST will allow me to access this, but i have been unable to connect my device properly. I have been able to connect to ETS, but when i use the VPST the VIA hub software will never link the session to the device that it has detected.
Does anyone have any experience with modifying these setting that might know something I could be missing?


My HTC has no data connection. [I Need a USCC MSL?]

I finally got my HTC programmed and working. Everything with it is great, except now it cannot connect to the internet.
I get two kinds of error messages- initially it kept telling me that my username or password was wrong..... I couldnt find a place to enter either of those [not that i knew what they should be anyway], and I've never had this problem on my other HTC's. Now its telling me that it cannot connect for an unknown reason and that i should change the settings if needed or reset the device according to manufacturer's documentation....
What should I do?
I upgraded to wm6.1 last night, and im running USCC as my carrier.
It was suggested to me that i enter ##778 mode and change some settings there, but i do not know the MSL for my area.
Any idea where to find that?
Not sure if these will work but found them when I was looking for my MSL.
Use this method. I don't know who found it, but credit goes to them.
Change the following registry entries in:
Enable: 1
LogMode: 1
* Wait a about 10 minutes (more time will not hurt), and soft-reset.
* Check to see that the file \Atlog\ATDbg0.txt has been created.
* Return the values back to what they were (most likely 0) waiting the same amount of time as above.
* Look in the ATDbg0.txt file and you should see a log of commands sent to the CDMA radio and there should be something like this somewhere in the file:
00:00:00 Tx:AT+HTC_RMSL=0\r
00:00:00 Rx:+HTC_RMSL: (###THIS WILL BE THE MSL###)\r\n0\r
00:00:00 Tx:AT+HTC_ROTKSL=0\r
00:00:00 Rx:+HTC_ROTKSL: 123456\r\n0\r
The numbers next to the Rx: +HTC_RMSL line should be your MSL
Do a search for BAFMSL. It's a universal SPC code finder tool.
It requires .net 3.5, and tends to fail randomly, but so far has worked on 8 of 10 phones I have tried it on.
=] Awesome. This is just what I needed. Thanks.
I finally got my HTC programmed and working. Everything with it is great, except now it cannot connect to the internet.
I get two kinds of error messages- initially it kept telling me that my username or password was wrong..... I couldnt find a place to enter either of those [not that i knew what they should be anyway], and I've never had this problem on my other HTC's. Now its telling me that it cannot connect for an unknown reason and that i should change the settings if needed or reset the device according to manufacturer's documentation....
What should I do?
I upgraded to wm6.1 last night, and im running USCC as my carrier.
It was suggested to me that i enter ##778 mode and change some settings there, but i do not know the MSL for my area.
Any idea where to find that?
Last edited by MysticThunder; Today at 01:38 AM.. Reason: new title.​
Should be as simple as 000000. Same as Verizon...I just did mine, hope it works....KC
On my Titan all I did after upgrading the rom was create a new connection, called it broadband, entered #777 as the number, and my phone number followed by @vzw3g (password blank, check save password) and it worked fine.
MysticThunder said:
I finally got my HTC programmed and working. Everything with it is great, except now it cannot connect to the internet.
I get two kinds of error messages- initially it kept telling me that my username or password was wrong..... I couldnt find a place to enter either of those [not that i knew what they should be anyway], and I've never had this problem on my other HTC's. Now its telling me that it cannot connect for an unknown reason and that i should change the settings if needed or reset the device according to manufacturer's documentation....
What should I do?
I upgraded to wm6.1 last night, and im running USCC as my carrier.
It was suggested to me that i enter ##778 mode and change some settings there, but i do not know the MSL for my area.
Any idea where to find that?
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there are a few settings in you need to make sure are corect in the m ip settings of the phone after u press ##778. I am using uscc and had the same issue. so I know this to be a factor after updating roms. Below are the correct settings for your m ip
Number of Profiles : 6
Active User Profile Index : 0
MIP_MODE : Mobile IP Prefered
MIP Registration Retries : 1
MIP Registration Retry Timeout : 2000 ms
MIP Pre-Registration Timeout : 3
Mobile Node-HA Authentication : Enable
Send a Registration Request Only in Use : Enable
Dormant Hanfoff Optimization: Enable
I cant stress enough... these need to be exact with uscc... dont forget to run the uscc carier cab.
If you want to have EVDO when it comes to your areas as well, under Security Settings, make sure the HDR username is your [email protected], and the ESN is in hex and all capital letters. The HDR Password is your ESN the same as above but no @uscc.net on the end.
Below this screen is also the ppp username and password, they should be your phone#@uscc.net and your phone # as the password.
These 2 settings are also necessary for data to work correctly.

[Q] How to Change MEID on Droid X2

I'm pretty sure this is not possible.
Not possible at all.
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA Premium App
ferg40 said:
Not possible at all.
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA Premium App
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Some dude did something like this but with cricket its from rootzwiki i don't know if it help but i hope it does i never had the patience to read it good luck!
Full Flash Motorola Droid X2 to Cricket: Talk, Text, MMS, Internet
TECH DIGITAL'Z DROID X-2 Flash to cricket tutorial
First you will need to collect a few programs and files.
1.Motohelper Drivers 5.0, these can be gotten from the motorola website
2.Droid Explorer 64 bit or X86 depending on your computer and OS (just google the name)
4.GreenK45 Free or Pro (Shout out to Mraabhimself for this one) its only 1.99 for pro in the market and you wont get nagged to buy!
5.CDMA Workshop
6.QPST 2.7 Build 366 (note: the older builds WILL NOT connect to the X2)
7.A cricket wireless PRL (those can be found in the PRL section of Mycricketforum.com)
8.HW Virtual Serial Port (Google it)
TECH DIGITAL'Z Droid X and Droid X2 Cricket Flash Pack.zip
9. NV items from http://www.whiterabbit.org/android (u must generate this uniquely with your [email protected]cricket.com your MDN is the number everyone uses to call you!
First off if the phone hasnt been activated yet or you have to clear all settings and you get stuck at the activation screen... REMOVE THE BATTERY AND USB PUT THE BATTERY BACK IN AND TOUCH THE DROID AS SOON AS YOU SEE IT! this will get you past the activation screen.
Put your phone in PC mode,and shutdown
DO NOT PRESS POWER, Plug in USB to turn it back on.
Install HW Virtual Serial Port on your Computer.
The password is admin, go to Settings and uncheck NVT Enabled as it will cause issues if you dont
-setup your Virtual Serial Port for Com 10
Ip address is
set Port as 11008
At this point youre ready to open CDMA Workshop ( note: if you have a cracked version you may need to disable your antivirus to get it to work)
Once open Connect to Com 10
it should say successfully connected at the bottom if not go redo the steps above.
If all is Right with the world (J/p) lol .... Please continue to next step
On security tab send SPC 000000 (you should get a message saying the spc is correct and phone is now unlocked)
Go to tab labeled "Other" and write prl (this is where the PRL you downloaded comes into play) Select it from the location in which you downloaded it.
Goto "Memory" tab and click write under NV items, find the downloaded NV items you got from
for example you must generate the NV items by inputing your MDN
(Your [email protected]). box opens telling you to save them as .txt and select them with cdma workshop2.7.
It should now say, 12 NV items were successfully written to phone.
Go to Main tab and click mode reset, The phone will restart,( at this point youre ready to talk and text on cricket)
Have Droid Explorer Installed on your computer
Have your phone connected USB and in PCmode
Open Droid Explorer and Connect to your phone
Click the little Icon that looks like a box with a cd in front of it,
It should open a Install Window
Click install and install Gingerbreak (I used Gingerbreak Version 1.20)
Now on your phone go into your apps menu and run gingerbreak
CLICK ROOT! the phone should then run gingerbreak and restart.
You should now be rooted!
if you have QPST open it on the com port 10 read your settings. under MIP mip2,,PPP(Um,AN...etc it should say (your [email protected] )etc in the right columns....in the bottom box password may need to be written to phone, just type in cricket for both Um and An, cricket is the password.
Also select mobile ip+simple ip under MiP tab
select write to phone.
Phone will now restart.
After the phone has started up Go to wireless setting in settings and connect to wifi, Open the Market and install GreenK45free or Buy Pro.
Disable your Wifi now so that 3g can come back on. once you see 3g at the top open greenK45 and click Enable. (MAKE SURE YOU ALLOW GREENK45 ROOT ACCESS)
also when it restarts allow U2nl Proxy access to root) Just incase you dont know the Superuser will pop up asking you to allow or deny, click Allow!
You should now have Internet and Apps should have Connection.
As for MMS i havent found a way to get this working correctly yet on the Droid X2 but i will write a update to this tutorial when i do, AS OF NOW, INTERNET,APPS,TALK,AND TEXT WORK. MMS or PICTURE MESSAGING ARE BROKEN!
and anyone i may have missed for their contributions to this tutorial ....
.Go to Market and download Apn Backup and Restore
.Open and Delete all APNS
.Go to market and Download and install Anycut, Open it and choose Activity,Scroll down and select APNs create the shortcut then exit
.click the apns shortcut you just made, it should be on your main screen
.hit menu button and select New APN
.Enter these settings into your apn
Name - Cricket
APN internet
Proxy wap.mycricket.com:8080
Port 8080
Username [email protected]
Password cricket
Server wap.mycricket.com
MMSC http://mms.mycricket.com/servlets/mms
MMS Proxy wap.mycricket.com
MMS Port 8080
MCC 310
MNC 004
Authentication Type PAP or CHAP
APN type <Not set>
.Hit the Menu button again and hit save!
Hey man, thanks for putting together this set of instructions. Where can I download your flash pack? (TECH DIGITAL'Z Droid X and Droid X2 Cricket Flash Pack.zip). Thanks again for your work!
FLashing to Cricket is NOT the same as changing the MEID on a Phone.
Besides Modifying Mobile Electronic Identification Numbers is Ilegal in the US.
FYI. IT IS POSSIBLE but very hard, specially on Motorola devices.
try this method. allthough its buggy it might work.
not responsible for any damages tho.
Good Luck

[Q] How to Remove verizon User ID ????

I'm having trouble removing [email protected] from PPP config settings
after writing the new info to phone ...I read the phone in qpst and the user name is
back. I am not able to get the internet working and my provider says that they use PPP configuration. Ntelos is the carrier
Can someone give me advice or direction..I have been searching for 2 days
Thank you

Using dialer code ##3282# changing data settings

I tried using the dialer code ##3282# to edit RTSP and HTTP to get faster Data. The dialer code gives me access with my MSL and also gives me access to the menu to pick the RTSP and HTTP but when I try to edit them I get a pop-up that says ".com.android has stopped working please restart your device". Is this a problem with my specific device or is this common and IS THERE A FIX ? Or at least another way to edit the settings?
what rom are you running?

Definitive APN editing guide - Useful for CDMA MVNO users

I spent hours trying to get my APN editing when I did a factory reset on my Nexus 6p. Android 8.1 made editing APNs a royal pain if you are using a CDMA carrier. There are lots of threads spread around on getting Total Wireless, Tracfone, and other carriers working form MMS and internet. A lot of the solutions I found worked most of the way but I needed tethering and finally rooted to be able to edit and get tethering.
The options I have found are
Root your phone and do some SU commands
Pop an alternate carrier sim in and edit the apn (I have not been able to fully test as I don't have an alternate sim)
Use adb to open the apn add dialog while the sim is ejected (result does not allow tethering but local data works)
1) Have a rooted phone. Place phone in airplane mode. Enter the commands shown in <brackets> (don't include the <> symbols). Open a command prompt and enter <adb shell>. Get a su prompt by entering <su>. Modify the verizon apn to point to the correct apn server <content update --uri content://telephony/carriers --bind apn:s:"TRACFONE.VZWENTP" mmsc:s"http://mms.vtext.com/servelets/mms" --where "name='Verizon'"> Your data and mms should start working and tether should work as well.
2) Use a T-mobile, AT&T or similar sim and enter the total wireless (or MVNO settings of your choice) APN settings. Remove alternate sim and insert MVNO sim. Go to APN settings and select the new APN.
3) Have your screen unlocked on your phone. At a shell prompt enter <adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.INSERT content://telephony/carriers --ei simId -1> Enter the MVNO APN settings found on google and save. It may give an error if you enter DUN profile. I was not able to get tether to work this way so I used method 1.
Feel free to add other methods that work. Make note of the software version you are utilizing.
isaacws said:
I spent hours trying to get my APN editing when I did a factory reset on my Nexus 6p. Android 8.1 made editing APNs a royal pain if you are using a CDMA carrier. There are lots of threads spread around on getting Total Wireless, Tracfone, and other carriers working form MMS and internet. A lot of the solutions I found worked most of the way but I needed tethering and finally rooted to be able to edit and get tethering.
The options I have found are
Root your phone and do some SU commands
Pop an alternate carrier sim in and edit the apn (I have not been able to fully test as I don't have an alternate sim)
Use adb to open the apn add dialog while the sim is ejected (result does not allow tethering but local data works)
1) Have a rooted phone. Place phone in airplane mode. Enter the commands shown in <brackets> (don't include the <> symbols). Open a command prompt and enter <adb shell>. Get a su prompt by entering <su>. Modify the verizon apn to point to the correct apn server <content update --uri content://telephony/carriers --bind apn:s:"TRACFONE.VZWENTP" mmsc:s"http://mms.vtext.com/servelets/mms" --where "name='Verizon'"> Your data and mms should start working and tether should work as well.
2) Use a T-mobile, AT&T or similar sim and enter the total wireless (or MVNO settings of your choice) APN settings. Remove alternate sim and insert MVNO sim. Go to APN settings and select the new APN.
3) Have your screen unlocked on your phone. At a shell prompt enter <adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.INSERT content://telephony/carriers --ei simId -1> Enter the MVNO APN settings found on google and save. It may give an error if you enter DUN profile. I was not able to get tether to work this way so I used method 1.
Feel free to add other methods that work. Make note of the software version you are utilizing.
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Well I have to eat crow. I thought this was working great but I can either have tether or mms but not both. Method 3 allows MMS to work but not tether. Method 1 allows tether and data to work but not MMS!!!!!
NO ROOT NEEDED --- For anyone still having this issue, I have an LG G7 with a Sprint locked APN and I tried every single method I could find online but this is the only thing that worked for me and it worked perfectly:
APN problem and mobile data
Returning from a trip abroad, my Canadian Public Mobile service stopped providing mobile data. The problem was that the APN parameters for ...
Original post is ---
Android 8.1 - How to edit cellular APN?
Trying to get Pixel XL 8.1 activated on Total Wireless (Verizon MVNO) to work with data (i.e., cellular APN). Calling and texting work, so I am (almost) certain it is a cellular APN issue. I go into Settings -> Networks -> Mobile Data ->...

