Phone will not boot but comes on - AT&T HTC One (M8)

My Phone; (AT&T HTC One M8 Unlocked, Rooted S-off ), TWRP Recovery, Superuser GOO Manager installed. Flashed the Venom rom using teamwin app. Followed inst, plus youtube video. Did not work first time. Installed backup phone went back to normal, tried flashing again went fine rebooted once rebooted would not turn on, can not get into recovery. Phone powers up and say UNFORTUNATELY PHONE HAS STOPPED WORKING. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Is there no way to force this phone into bootloader mode?

Well I'm off to the Evil empire(AT&T) to get a new phone.

Phone still under warranty, getting one mailed to me with a return mailer to send this one back, should be here on Tuesday. A few minutes ago I saw the supersu app pop up asking to grant venom tweaks permission. I could not grant it because of the two error messages on the screen on top of it. (Unfortunately the phone has stopped, and Unfortunately blink feed has stopped). Has anyone seen any thing like this before?

underdogg said:
Phone still under warranty, getting one mailed to me with a return mailer to send this one back, should be here on Tuesday. A few minutes ago I saw the supersu app pop up asking to grant venom tweaks permission. I could not grant it because of the two error messages on the screen on top of it. (Unfortunately the phone has stopped, and Unfortunately blink feed has stopped). Has anyone seen any thing like this before?
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I'm sure your phone is fine. you are using an outdated twrp and probably messed up a partition. Unplug phone, hold vol up and power for exactly 10 seconds, let go of both, then hold vol down and power. This should take you to your boot loader. get new twrp img from official site.
fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
fastboot erase cache
boot to twrp and reflash rom.

I had done what you suggested many times (read it from another post), the only difference was you said exactly 10 seconds the other post said 15 seconds. The HTC tech I talked to earlier this morning even told me to do that for 15-20 seconds which did not work. Your method worked like a charm on the first try. Thank you very much Sir.

underdogg said:
I had done what you suggested many times (read it from another post), the only difference was you said exactly 10 seconds the other post said 15 seconds. The HTC tech I talked to earlier this morning even told me to do that for 15-20 seconds which did not work. Your method worked like a charm on the first try. Thank you very much Sir.
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Np, if you hold longer, it actually turns the phone back on before you can hit "vol down" to get to boot loader. If you are ever just resetting, you can hold as long as you want till it resets

I'm happy you go it sorted out. But stop jumping the gun, and running for a warranty exchange when things do go quite right when modding the phone.
If the screen comes on, its unlikely that the phone beyond recovery. Its usually just a lock of knowledge on your part, and just a matter of research on XDA, or asking for help here. If you are going to be modding the phone, you are going to have to resolve yourself to being more patient. Things will occasionally not go right, that is just a fact of the game. The right response is to troubleshoot your way out, and not freak out.
In any case, claiming a warranty replacement for damage that was a result of you modding the phone is immoral; and the very reason why these devices get locked down in the first place.

redpoint73 said:
I'm happy you go it sorted out. But stop jumping the gun, and running for a warranty exchange when things do go quite right when modding the phone.
If the screen comes on, its unlikely that the phone beyond recovery. Its usually just a lock of knowledge on your part, and just a matter of research on XDA, or asking for help here. If you are going to be modding the phone, you are going to have to resolve yourself to being more patient. Things will occasionally not go right, that is just a fact of the game. The right response is to troubleshoot your way out, and not freak out.
In any case, claiming a warranty replacement for damage that was a result of you modding the phone is immoral; and the very reason why these devices get locked down in the first place.
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Please don't question my morality, you don't know me. I've dealt with AT&T(the evil empire) for 18 years, with them adding charges to my account, charging for items I never requested and they never sent, charging for additional minutes and data that were never used. I went to buy another phone ,just like I bought this one. The enormous amount of money they charge for these $80.00 phones is ridiculous. So please wait until you sit down and talk to me about all the things I endured with AT&T before making claims about my morality.
21 Year 100% disabled American Veteran
Retired 22 Years Now
52 months a POW
2 Purple Hearts
3 Bronze Stars
2 Silver Stars
Sir you've never sat at my table, nor I yours. My moral compass is always pointed due north. So don't question my morality....Please

underdogg said:
Please don't question my morality, you don't know me.
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You're right, I don't know you. But my statement, while phrased in the 2nd person tense, does not require any knowledge of you, and does not in any way need to be specific to you. It applies to everybody. If you want me to rephrase slightly, try this:
Claiming a warranty replacement for damage that was a result of modding the phone is immoral and fraud; and the very reason why these devices get locked down in the first place.
The personal details of your life are not relevant to the discussion, and add no value to it.
People often like to frame things in terms of "evil" faceless corporations that don't get hurt if you rip them off. Of you getting payback for so-called "wrongs" they have done to you. But in reality, the expense of fraudulent warranty claims doesn't get absorbed by AT&T, it trickles down to all of us, the customers. And in more ways than one. Not only would such behavior pass on additional monetary expenses to other honest paying customers, but also is the very reason why manufacturers and carriers are locking down bootloaders, and otherwise locking down the phones against modification (write protected partitions, etc.). If not for fruadulant warranty claims (do to botched phone modding), the manufacturers and carriers would let us mod to our hearts delight. Locked bootloaders and other obstacles would not exist, because why would they care? Its not the "evil empire" you are hurting, its all of us.
If you decide to mod the phone, you accept the risk of bricking it, and having to replace the phone on your own dime. Its that simple.

redpoint73 said:
You're right, I don't know you. But my statement, while phrased in the 2nd person tense, does not require any knowledge of you, and does not in any way need to be specific to you. It applies to everybody. If you want me to rephrase slightly, try this:
Claiming a warranty replacement for damage that was a result of modding the phone is immoral and fraud; and the very reason why these devices get locked down in the first place.
The personal details of your life are not relevant to the discussion, and add no value to it.
People often like to frame things in terms of "evil" faceless corporations that don't get hurt if you rip them off. Of you getting payback for so-called "wrongs" they have done to you. But in reality, the expense of fraudulent warranty claims doesn't get absorbed by AT&T, it trickles down to all of us, the customers. And in more ways than one. Not only would such behavior pass on additional monetary expenses to other honest paying customers, but also is the very reason why manufacturers and carriers are locking down bootloaders, and otherwise locking down the phones against modification (write protected partitions, etc.). If not for fruadulant warranty claims (do to botched phone modding), the manufacturers and carriers would let us mod to our hearts delight. Locked bootloaders and other obstacles would not exist, because why would they care? Its not the "evil empire" you are hurting, its all of us.
If you decide to mod the phone, you accept the risk of bricking it, and having to replace the phone on your own dime. Its that simple.
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I some what agree with you but not totally, as for as my back ground info now you do know a little about me. You must not know how warranties work if I had taken the warranty phone I would have to send them this one back. So I cancelled the order. This is not an AT&T phone this is my phone, I bought it, I can do what I please with it. In my earlier post I said I went to BUY another phone, not do a warranty claim I told them what I did. I did not try to deceive them, lie or anything(because of my Morality). If it's their phone I agree I should be liable, but it's my phone. It came with a warranty, so did the 2013 Mustang I purchased for my Grand Daughter, the engine failed, the warranty replaced the engine. I was allowed to keep the defective engine, it was MINE I wrote a check for the vehicle. Since I bought the phone they should have made provisions for me to unlock, root, unlock the sim, replace the rom, toss it in my lake, throw from the third floor of my home, and anything else I wanted to do to it, once they accepted my money this became my property. In closing, yes I don't care about big corporations, or the Government, but my morality is intact if it wasn't I don't think I would be here having this conversation with you. Sir, your lesson on morality is wasted on me you should be having this conversation with your children!

underdogg said:
You must not know how warranties work
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I know precisely how warranties work. You said the following, which to me means you were making a warranty claim due to the phone not booting, which was a result of you modding the phone.
underdogg said:
Phone still under warranty, getting one mailed to me with a return mailer to send this one back
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You did not use the word "buy" previously anywhere. Only the word "get" which is ambiguous at best. And how a purchase fits in with the above quote (getting a warranty exchange) is unclear.
And I know you go the phone working again, so presumably cancelled the warranty claim. I was more commenting on the intent to make a warranty claim.
I've said my part, no need to carry this discussion any further. And frankly the repeated mention of your "morality" is irrelevant. I'm just making a comment, which all are free to do on this forum. You can take it or leave it (obviously the latter). But saying I cannot comment (and to have this conversation "with my kids" instead) is not your right.

redpoint73 said:
I know precisely how warranties work. You said the following, which to me means you were making a warranty claim due to the phone not booting, which was a result of you modding the phone.
You did not use the word "buy" previously anywhere. Only the word "get" which is ambiguous at best. And how a purchase fits in with the above quote (getting a warranty exchange) is unclear.
And I know you go the phone working again, so presumably cancelled the warranty claim. I was more commenting on the intent to make a warranty claim.
I've said my part, no need to carry this discussion any further. And frankly the repeated mention of your "morality" is irrelevant. I'm just making a comment, which all are free to do on this forum. You can take it or leave it (obviously the latter). But saying I cannot comment (and to have this conversation "with my kids" instead) is not your right.
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You are right, I did say get a phone, the warranty info came after I got to the store. I buy what I want, and I understand my RIGHTS under the freedom of speech act. You said what you had to say, I just questioned your point about my morality. This is the last I will speak on this, I hope you do the same. Have a good day today and a better day tomorrow.


[Q] still on the fence about rooting

im thinking about rooting my vibrant. but my buddy told me if i root, that it sends a message or signal of some sort back to t-mobile, thus voiding my insurance that i pay an extra 5 buck a month for. and i dont want to root, then have my $500 phone get stolen, or water damage, or anything like that and then be out a phone. i understand the other risk, like losing my warranty, and the possibility of turning the phone into a paperweight. but i cant find any good answers on this little signal that gets sent back to t-mo. so true or false? Details?
djkozdefantastico said:
im thinking about rooting my vibrant. but my buddy told me if i root, that it sends a message or signal of some sort back to t-mobile, thus voiding my insurance that i pay an extra 5 buck a month for. and i dont want to root, then have my $500 phone get stolen, or water damage, or anything like that and then be out a phone. i understand the other risk, like losing my warranty, and the possibility of turning the phone into a paperweight. but i cant find any good answers on this little signal that gets sent back to t-mo. so true or false? Details?
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There is no signal that goes back to T-Mobile because you root your device. T-Mobile can tell if it's rooted if you send it back to them for a warranty repair rooted. And they can (though often don't) deny warranty claims because of this. So, now that we've doffed our tinfoil hats....
The real issue here is honest risk assessment and an understanding of what root is and why we want it.
Rooting is a means to an end, not an end in and of itself. Merely rooting the phone changes practically nothing at all really. Rooting (or obtaining superuser/administrator privileges) simply allows you access to the OS in a manner generally not necessary to simply USE a device.
The question you really should be asking is why should I root my phone? If you come up with reasons and then root, you must then accept responsibility for what you do, as well as what you can undo.
Are there some things you cannot do without root? Yes. Are they deal breakers? Except for the tinkerer who invested in an Android device precisely BECAUSE they wanted to tinker with it at the OS level, the answer here is generally no.
Root is not needed to install apps, play games, make phone calls, navigate, read twitter, etc... If you want total control over the look/feel/behavior, or even the entire OS, then you need root. So it depends on what your intentions are.
Many things that WE DO HERE do require root access. But we're all well aware that doing so absolves T-Mobile from necessarily having to honor a warranty.
Now, can a phone be rooted, tinkered with, and then reverted to a factory state in a manner where T-Mobile/Samsung would be basically unaware (effectively) that the device had ever been rooted or tinkered with? Yes. Does this mean you are not responsible for what you do to your phone? No.
Just keep in mind that many of the things we do to our phones with root access are varying degrees of risky, so it is equally possible (though not really likely if you do your homework) to brick your device and make the ability to revert the phone to a factory state impossible.
The reason why service providers will void warranties with evidence of root is a practical one for them. Rooting an Android phone is generally (or usually becomes) easy as pie. Modding your phone, thanks to the gracious work of many devs and rom cooks, is also very easy. So easy that you can easily do most of this stuff without having the first clue what you've actually done. Click a few buttons, smile, eat pie...mmm...tasty pie!
Start stacking multiple mods along with this lack of clue, and you can easily screw up a device. This is a road T-Mobile (and every other provider) does not want to encourage. People's stupid mistakes can cost them money. It's just that simple.
i have mos def been doing my research . and i know the things i wanna do once i root. i just wanted to be positive that if i root, and then somthing happens to my phone that is not from me rooting (like if i gets stolen, damaged, or lost) that i can get a new one with out having to pay full price. thanks for the advice friend
Hard to top the previous post, but remember, you can always unroot if you ever needed to send your phone back. With custom recoveries you can make backups of your system, and three Vibrant is crazy hard to brick...
djkozdefantastico said:
i have mos def been doing my research . and i know the things i wanna do once i root. i just wanted to be positive that if i root, and then somthing happens to my phone that is not from me rooting (like if i gets stolen, damaged, or lost) that i can get a new one with out having to pay full price. thanks for the advice friend
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Well nothing is 100% positive, and you should realize that your ability to avoid violating the spirit (if not the letter) of the warranty entirely depends on your ability to leverage your research towards understanding what you can easily and safely do.
Gloom and doom aside, so long as you can do a hard reset, reliably enter download mode, figure out Odin3 v 1.30 and use it to flash back to factory JFD (something I do as a safeguard first step when messing with experimental roms's best to start with a clean slate...), it's simple to get the phone back to a pristine state.
I generally err way on the side of caution when answering these sorts of questions, but only because I've seen some people do some really boneheaded things here.
bird is the word. now i just kinda have to decide which way to go about actually rooting. seems like theres multiple ways to do so. any thoughts on which way of rooting is the best? or do they all have the same features?
Sure there are different methods but in the end they all accomplish the exact same thing.
Nothing can void your insurance except for 2 replacements in 12 months. It will void your warranty. If the phone gets lost, stolen or damaged Asurion will gladly take your $130 and mail you a replacement.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

[Q] Hide "unlocked" at boot

Need to take my Atrix in for warranty purpose. A few methods have been discussed and I'm looking for the safest means possible. Any opinion's on this? I leaning towards the SBF method using Moto's stock 2.3.4 via RSD Lite.
Sounds like having your cake and eating it too.. You seen all the warnings saying your void if you unlock right? Here is another thread about "relocking" (hiding "unlocked" is not relocking btw, relocking is impossible.) also there are many threads on this topic, feel free to search.
WiredPirate said:
Sounds like having your cake and eating it too.. You seen all the warnings saying your void if you unlock right? Here is another thread about "relocking" (hiding "unlocked" is not relocking btw, relocking is impossible.) also there are many threads on this topic, feel free to search.
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Dude why do you have to be such a DB all the time, i'v looked around these posts for about 30 min and i have seen you respond with same kind of Jack A remarks everytime. Were here for help not to be ridiculed.
Please don't take this the wrong way but the dev community is actively trying to get all manufacturers to allow for unlocked bootloaders and one of the main things most of us are willing to forfeit is our warranties so when someone decides to voluntarily do something that is known to void the warranty and then try to trick the manufacturer into fixing their phone under said warranty it hurts our argument. We all made the choice when we unlocked our phones so it is only fair that we take responsibility for our decisions.
Hopefully, in the future we can come to an agreement with manufacturers that there is an "opt-in" option for unlocking our phones and as long as we stay within the confines of the agreement then we can still have the option to have the phone serviced for physical defects.
kyleallen5000 said:
Dude why do you have to be such a DB all the time, i'v looked around these posts for about 30 min and i have seen you respond with same kind of Jack A remarks everytime. Were here for help not to be ridiculed.
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live4nyy said:
Please don't take this the wrong way but the dev community is actively trying to get all manufacturers to allow for unlocked bootloaders and one of the main things most of us are willing to forfeit is our warranties so when someone decides to voluntarily do something that is known to void the warranty and then try to trick the manufacturer into fixing their phone under said warranty it hurts our argument. We all made the choice when we unlocked our phones so it is only fair that we take responsibility for our decisions.
Hopefully, in the future we can come to an agreement with manufacturers that there is an "opt-in" option for unlocking our phones and as long as we stay within the confines of the agreement then we can still have the option to have the phone serviced for physical defects.
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I'm going to have to second this. as much as i dislike the "unlocked" at the top of my screen i made this choice. little did i know that it would actually say this when done:-( however rooting, rom, bootloader unlock, other mods done by us, unfortunately void our warranty.
however.... if you wanted a device that you could unlock bootloader or what not. you should have went with an inspire as you can turn s-on after being s-off and flash back to stock firmware. therefore in essence. not be hurting the valiant efforts of our communtiy to get the manufacturers to allow us more exploration.
I do feel your pain, yet like stated in every thread for rooting and romming and bootloader..... YOUR WARRANTY IS NOW VOID!!!
SErooted said:
I'm going to have to second this. as much as i dislike the "unlocked" at the top of my screen i made this choice. little did i know that it would actually say this when done:-( however rooting, rom, bootloader unlock, other mods done by us, unfortunately void our warranty.
however.... if you wanted a device that you could unlock bootloader or what not. you should have went with an inspire as you can turn s-on after being s-off and flash back to stock firmware. therefore in essence. not be hurting the valiant efforts of our communtiy to get the manufacturers to allow us more exploration.
I do feel your pain, yet like stated in every thread for rooting and romming and bootloader..... YOUR WARRANTY IS NOW VOID!!!
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It actual says may void warranty. I think until there is some agreement made, we don't have any rules regarding this. I mean unlocking the bootloader doesn't make some of the defects happen. As an American with consumer rights, I will hold them responsible, but only if not directly from my mingling. Also I have read that moto has fixed phones with unlocked bootloaders.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Sass86 said:
It actual says may void warranty.
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"May" is not synonymous with "will." People continue to misinterpret those terms.
If unlocking the BL absolutely voided your warranty, they would have indicated as such with a term that meant "will."
I stand corrected. The point is valid.... "may" and "will" are different words and meanings.
However most times when the statement made by a corporation that includes "may" or "might" means you are out of luck.
Not to argue, because I do agree with you but in legal terms the word "may" does not mean the same thing as the normal definition.
may v. a choice to act or not, or a promise of a possibility, as distinguished from "shall" which makes it imperative. 2) in statutes, and sometimes in contracts, the word "may" must be read in context to determine if it means an act is optional or mandatory, for it may be an imperative. The same careful analysis must be made of the word "shall." Non-lawyers tend to see the word "may" and think they have a choice or are excused from complying with some statutory provision or regulation.
The underlined part highlights how they would see it as it implies you are making the choice to void your warranty.
Now, this is how I see it because I tend to think most definitions regarding legal terms is in place to protect companies and not consumers so if someone could elaborate and prove me wrong, I invite it with open mind.
magecca said:
"May" is not synonymous with "will." People continue to misinterpret those terms.
If unlocking the BL absolutely voided your warranty, they would have indicated as such with a term that meant "will."
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kyleallen5000 said:
Dude why do you have to be such a DB all the time, i'v looked around these posts for about 30 min and i have seen you respond with same kind of Jack A remarks everytime. Were here for help not to be ridiculed.
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Lol, you read all my other posts about this in the past 30 minute and still dont understand you voided your warrenty DA!? I dont care if you do or dont get service for your voided phone, and Im not gonna argue about the word may. I dont care. What i do care about is checking XDA without seeing the same GD threads over and Fing over again because DAs like you refuse to use the Fing search button. SMC.
lol funny arguments gotta love em. For one hiding the Unlock really doesn't matter considering I have returned one Atrix to where I bought it and they didn't care. Secondly Motorola has the "Choice" to deny you warranty repairs but they MAY accept the warranty repair and third they could always, if the phone was returned, reflash the bootloader to Lock it again. Plan and simple easy answer is it is ultimately up to Motorola if they want to repair it or not once it is unlocked.
I'm not talking about personal experience, it's about assuming responsibility for your actions. My whole point is accountability, there are people all the time trying to take advantage of the system and end up ruining it for everyone else. Society is fostering an entire generation of vain and spoiled derelicts.
You are right though, it could all come down to who you run into while trying to have your phone repaired.
malickie said:
lol funny arguments gotta love em. For one hiding the Unlock really doesn't matter considering I have returned one Atrix to where I bought it and they didn't care. Secondly Motorola has the "Choice" to deny you warranty repairs but they MAY accept the warranty repair and third they could always, if the phone was returned, reflash the bootloader to Lock it again. Plan and simple easy answer is it is ultimately up to Motorola if they want to repair it or not once it is unlocked.
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live4nyy said:
I'm not talking about personal experience, it's about assuming responsibility for your actions. My whole point is accountability, there are people all the time trying to take advantage of the system and end up ruining it for everyone else. Society is fostering an entire generation of vain and spoiled derelicts.
You are right though, it could all come down to who you run into while trying to have your phone repaired.
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True more or less. Society is propagating the problem but it really starts with the way the government is running things as a whole. Not saying it's right but until something changes in society and the government it's just all down hill. Also if you look deeper banks have a Major role as well. Anyway enough on off topic issue's there yea I do believe it is ultimately up to Motorola whether they will repair the device or not. I would assume they would probably deny the repair if it had something to do with the actual Software of the phone considering you messed with it, hardware probably different considering software usually doesn't blow up hardware.
Thread about how to return phone after voiding warranty, contents:
some name calling, discussion about morality, the meaning of the word "may", society, laws, government, companies
to TS,
try 'accidentally' sinking your Atrix in the ocean for a minute, and then claim your warranty?
or try 2 cover it with your thumb while booting?
to others,
help TS, (like me?), don't condemn everything about what he had done in the past.
maybe, he's your friend next door, a helping hand's neighbor?
SErooted said:
however rooting, rom, bootloader unlock, other mods done by us, unfortunately void our warranty.
however.... if you wanted a device that you could unlock bootloader or what not. you should have went with an inspire as you can turn s-on after being s-off and flash back to stock firmware. therefore in essence. not be hurting the valiant efforts of our communtiy to get the manufacturers to allow us more exploration.
I do feel your pain, yet like stated in every thread for rooting and romming and bootloader..... YOUR WARRANTY IS NOW VOID!!!
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Please show me where it states all these things, (rooting, ROMs', bootloader unlock, and 'other' mods), void our warranties.
Also, for the bootloader, as was already stated, it does say MAY void your warranty. The reason it says 'may' is in all probability because if your phone doesn't work/stops working for some reason they legally cannot refuse to warranty it unless they can attribute the problem to the act of unlocking the bootloader. Someone else stated in another thread that it really is not in Motorolas' best interest to start messing with people for unlocking bootloaders when they send in phones for repair. I would tend to agree with this. After reading all the threads I have seen over the last few months, I can't remember reading about anyone who has been declined warranty or been made to pay for repairs because they unlocked their bootloader. To the contrary there are many stories of people getting their phones back fully repaired and still unlocked with no issues.
malickie said:
True more or less. Society is propagating the problem but it really starts with the way the government is running things as a whole. Not saying it's right but until something changes in society and the government it's just all down hill. Also if you look deeper banks have a Major role as well. Anyway enough on off topic issue's there yea I do believe it is ultimately up to Motorola whether they will repair the device or not. I would assume they would probably deny the repair if it had something to do with the actual Software of the phone considering you messed with it, hardware probably different considering software usually doesn't blow up hardware.
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I would love to see an agreement put in place that allows us to have "hardware" still under warranty regardless of "software".
---------- Post added at 06:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:56 AM ----------
palmboy5 said:
Thread about how to return phone after voiding warranty, contents:
some name calling, discussion about morality, the meaning of the word "may", society, laws, government, companies
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You're right, how could we have messed up so bad? We forgot to talk about Lindsay Lohan!
---------- Post added at 07:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:57 AM ----------
baddiejang said:
to TS,
try 'accidentally' sinking your Atrix in the ocean for a minute, and then claim your warranty?
or try 2 cover it with your thumb while booting?
to others,
help TS, (like me?), don't condemn everything about what he had done in the past.
maybe, he's your friend next door, a helping hand's neighbor?
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@WiredPirate has already provided a link but I guess I can be pro-active and actually USE the "search" feature.
There are more discussions as well.
---------- Post added at 07:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:04 AM ----------
CaelanT said:
Please show me where it states all these things, (rooting, ROMs', bootloader unlock, and 'other' mods), void our warranties.
Also, for the bootloader, as was already stated, it does say MAY void your warranty. The reason it says 'may' is in all probability because if your phone doesn't work/stops working for some reason they legally cannot refuse to warranty it unless they can attribute the problem to the act of unlocking the bootloader. Someone else stated in another thread that it really is not in Motorolas' best interest to start messing with people for unlocking bootloaders when they send in phones for repair. I would tend to agree with this. After reading all the threads I have seen over the last few months, I can't remember reading about anyone who has been declined warranty or been made to pay for repairs because they unlocked their bootloader. To the contrary there are many stories of people getting their phones back fully repaired and still unlocked with no issues.
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You're right about Motorola should not reject people for warranty repairs, they still have a lot of work to do in rebuilding customer relations and their public image.
I would not care at all about people using their warranties if they just did it but I don't like all the threads discussing how to "dupe" Motorola because they made a conscious decision to unlock their bootloader knowing it "may" void their warranty. And don't get me wrong, I'm not siding with Motorola on the issue, I just believe people should fully understand the implications of their choices and until there is a set agreement on the issue then people should just accept the outcomes.
Also, people should continue to actively pursue getting these policies overturned by companies like Motorola and AT&T. The community has made great strides over the past year and we need to keep pushing.
I really wish people would search instead of crearing another thread on the same thing. People need to be coddled and what better way to start an argument/pity party by starting another thread without using search.
I voided my warranty and your mum.
If you're on Gingerbread, or have atleast updated to it, you can flash the stock gingerbread .sbf and it won't brick your phone. Just don't flash any other kind of .sbf , you can't go back to any other version. When you flash that with RSDlite, it'll take you back to stock and wipe the "unlocked" logo off your screen. It will still BE unlocked, it just won't say it.
CaelanT said:
Please show me where it states all these things, (rooting, ROMs', bootloader unlock, and 'other' mods), void our warranties.
Also, for the bootloader, as was already stated, it does say MAY void your warranty. The reason it says 'may' is in all probability because if your phone doesn't work/stops working for some reason they legally cannot refuse to warranty it unless they can attribute the problem to the act of unlocking the bootloader. Someone else stated in another thread that it really is not in Motorolas' best interest to start messing with people for unlocking bootloaders when they send in phones for repair. I would tend to agree with this. After reading all the threads I have seen over the last few months, I can't remember reading about anyone who has been declined warranty or been made to pay for repairs because they unlocked their bootloader. To the contrary there are many stories of people getting their phones back fully repaired and still unlocked with no issues.
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Ok let me rephrase,
I have noticed people in the Atrix community, are not as well versed in being civil with each other, as members in my other device forums are. Point is. everywhere you read, when it comes to rooting, unlocking, there is a "chance" of the statement "may" void warranty. (don't act like you are dislexic or in a special ed class and cant read or never learned how to) Maybe go read again where these statements are at when you read the thread.
Also to install a rom, you need to be rooted, and in some cases like this device, you need to have unlocked bootloader and cwm or a recovery installed to flash the rom to your device.
Which yet again brings up the point you have to go to a forum, locate a thread, read the info, and most of them always say, there is a chance at "may void warranty" and not responsible if you brick your device, kick your cat, crash your car,pull your hair, beat the sh** out of your wife, murder your neighbor, or somehow end up having to dive to the bottom of the ocean to retrieve your dog.

[WARRANTY] Who's the best for Android phones?

I've owned HTC, Samsung and Motorola Android phones and I've had negative experience with two out of 3 those vendors (more on that below). I'm now thinking of getting a newer phone quite soon (well, supposedly Google will be announcing 5 new Google-branded devices this Fall) and the warranty considerations are about the top of my list.
If you've had an experience (wherever positive or negative) with the warranty on your android phone, please post away and let me start the ball rolling. My goal here is to ideally find the manufacturer which would deal with end users directly on the warranty issues and would not shy away from the international warranty. I'll collect responses and then edit this post to reflect the actual warranty statements from the manufacturers rather than my own experiences.
[HTC] I've had a Google Ion device (given at the Google I/O conference) which was also sold known HTC MyTouch. I needed to flash Android 1.5 on it and bricked the phone. HTC spent about a month before they said they didn't have this IMEI in their database and would not offer *any* support (including paid) with that phone. What a bummer, I don't think I'd ever buy the HTC-made Google-branded phone.
[MOTOROLA] Had a problem with the phone not charging (when plugged to a computer) and I panicked and contacted Motorola. They ran the IMEI and suggested I go back to the provider (even tho I'm overseas and wouldn't be back home for a while they refused to accept the phone directly from me). Thankfully the phone charged just fine off the wall outlet, but what if I've had a genuine issue with the phone while overseas? Also, what if this had been a second-hand phone?
Thread moved to Q&A due to it being a question. Would advise you to read forum rules and post in correct section.
Failure to comply with forum rules will result in an infraction and/or ban depending on severity of rule break.
the best solutioin for ur problem is the following:
there are two different things
1. the warranty (it is given by the phone manufacture)
2. the service the seller gives to u
i would mention to find a seller wich has a own service station
cus if there are any problems u can bring the phone to them and let them check out whats wrong
I thankfully haven't had to make use of warranty thus far on my android phone (it's an HTC), but I'd say probably if you read some small text somewhere you'd find that the device you were given at Google I/O came without warranty or something like that. I'm sure on purchased devices, HTC will honour the warranty well.
Also, from what I've read, it's almost impossible to completely destroy an HTC phone with software (you should always be able to access bootloader via hardware button combo and from there reflash OS). So an HTC warranty is probably mainly useful for hardware problems.
Another thought worth mentioning is that many manufacturers will not honour warranties if the phone has been rooted or had the bootloader unlocked (at least, if they can tell )
SifJar said:
I thankfully haven't had to make use of warranty thus far on my android phone (it's an HTC), but I'd say probably if you read some small text somewhere you'd find that the device you were given at Google I/O came without warranty or something like that. I'm sure on purchased devices, HTC will honour the warranty well.
Also, from what I've read, it's almost impossible to completely destroy an HTC phone with software (you should always be able to access bootloader via hardware button combo and from there reflash OS). So an HTC warranty is probably mainly useful for hardware problems.
Another thought worth mentioning is that many manufacturers will not honour warranties if the phone has been rooted or had the bootloader unlocked (at least, if they can tell )
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That was i was thinking too but ive been resently involved into a discussion where a guy bricked his phone in a way he couldnt even get into recovery nor the bootloader
jiffer1991 said:
That was i was thinking too but ive been resently involved into a discussion where a guy bricked his phone in a way he couldnt even get into recovery nor the bootloader
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On an HTC? Was he trying to get S-OFF or something? (Perhaps I am misinformed about the brick-ability of HTC phones)
Guys, the thread is about the warranty, not the brickability of the HTC phones.
Regarding the warranty from the seller -- who gives a **** when I'm half a world away from the seller for 4-6 months?
stangri said:
Guys, the thread is about the warranty, not the brickability of the HTC phones.
Regarding the warranty from the seller -- who gives a **** when I'm half a world away from the seller for 4-6 months?
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Yes, sorry for going off topic there.
Anyway, I agree you should not have to rely on any warranty from the seller.
jiffer1991 said:
That was i was thinking too but ive been resently involved into a discussion where a guy bricked his phone in a way he couldnt even get into recovery nor the bootloader
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I dont know im just saying this because i want u to be careful

Samsung Repair Service Woes

I understand this is not the most appropriate place to post this, but I'm sure many of you have experienced the Samsung Repair Service Centre (I would post this in a Samsung sub-forum but I couldn't find one) and you will be able to give me some advice.
So, if you want the whole story of how my phone got broke, read this:
In short, I completely broke my Samsung Galaxy Ace plus the day after I took it out of the box. It's seemingly 100% bricked (literally no sign of life, no lights no screen no sound, nothing).
I phoned Samsung up a couple days later (after nobody replied to my emails) and I organised it to be repaired.
It's been 11 days since I sent it back.
I phoned on the 7th day to ask if it had even got there because there were no updates on my samsung product repair status page since the day I first phoned them up. I also asked if the address I was given was right (Just put on envelope "FREEPOST SAMAN REP", that was it) because it sounded invalid.
I gave them the IMEI and was told that it had reached them. I said thank you and goodbye.
Yesterday, my product repair status had finally updated to : Cancelled by ASC Non Defect (Working properly)
I rang up again.
I was on the phone for 10 minutes with this guy and he told me that they had no record of my phone arriving. He handed me on to his supervisor who I spoke to for a further 20 minutes.
She confirmed that it had not reached them yet or it had been improperly logged or it was lost in the mail.
I sent her a copy of my proof of postage through email in case it was the latter, so they could "organize something for me if it comes to the worst case scenario"
Knowing their reply rate to my emails, I doubt they'll even see it.
So, I sent off my broken phone to them like they told me to, and now they've lost it... or the address they gave me was indeed wrong like I originally expected, however it has not been sent to the return address after 10 days. I doubt the Post Office is at any fault here.
I understand how at the beginning of this mess I was at fault. I made my phone faulty through my own carelessness...
However, since then I feel like there's been an awful lot more Samsung carelessness. And it sounds like if they don't find my phone they won't even replace it, otherwise the woman over the phone wouldn't have been so ambiguous. The way she said it I expected nothing more than book voucher in return for all my trouble and their incompetence.
It's very troubling to think that my £166 may have only bought me just 1 day of pleasure and many weeks of distress.
Anyway, I'm hoping I can make the best out of a bad situation.
I have very little respect for these types of companies, and I have no problem in wrangling out a few pounds from them when they have wronged me. If this doesn't get resolved soon, I'm very tempted to go to Samsung UK directly and ask politely but firmly for a little compensation for all this crap. Maybe one of those Galaxy S3s.
Me and my Dad have been able to get similar compensations for bad service through a letter and a phone call before.
Maybe I can do something similar here.
Does anybody have any helpful advice? short you do have the right to sue them.....
But then , you shouldn't have sent it through postage , but to the Service Centre
"I have to go. It's just....they really need me." - Sora
Perhaps you can sue them,If you have a written proof that samsung gave you wrong address..Sue those darned idiots mate.I will wish for your succesz
Ya...Sue them...Don't they even know to take care of a phone?
Is it me or Samsung really has problems with service, ok I understand, that in my country those are the sellers who do warranty repairs, but that makes Samsung look bad? Today I have called my sellers HQ, none answered, then I tried to skype, still no answer.
100% sue clearly you have the right
Okay, I get the overwhelming impression that you all think I should sue them...
I have never sued anybody, neither have I tried. I imagine it's a little easier said than done
In the past though, I have found that the threat of legal action from similar situations gets results.
Shall I just write a letter to Samsung HQ in Surrey describing their problem with the threat of legal action if I don't get fully refunded and compensated?
Would it be so bad to ask for a Galaxy S III? Drafting the letter in my head, it seems a bit weedy if I tag along the sentence, "and in return for my troubles I'd like a Galaxy S III please, otherwise I will sue you!!!" It would just sound like an opportunist geek trying to get the phone that all his friends have.
However I can imagine they'd be more willing to send me a free and superior phone than to write me a cheque of x amount of £.
The only problem is, there's still the possibility that it might genuinely be lost in the mail through no fault of their own... seems very unlikely, but it's arguable.
Shall I wait a bit longer before I write a letter?
It's 12 days since I posted it. On the 15th day I should assume it has been lost in the mail and Samsung will "sort me out with something".
Further thoughts please.
Thanks for all the replies so far
You don't give a location, but I am guessing you are in UK. I was unable to follow the link to your original thread, but if you put a return address label on the package I would have thought that it would have been returned to you by now or it is at your local sorting/Post office.
Have you checked with them?
My suggestion would be to follow up your recent phone conversation with a letter to Samsung Customer Services in Gateshead and send a cc to the HQ in Surrey. Send both by recorded delivery, so that you have some kind of proof of delivery/receipt. In my experience, although not with Samsung, reason and facts can get better results than threats, you can keep the option of legal action if you get no satisfaction.
Give details of what has happened so far. (omitting the bit about how your phone was bricked! )
Try to give times and dates, what you discussed and, if possible, who you spoke to. Attach a copy of your proof of posting (but dont send original), copies of emails etc
Ask them what they are going to do now, tell them what you would like to see as the outcome of this situation. A phone and some kind of compensation for the inconvenience/phone calls/wasted time, I would guess? Give them a date by which you would like a reply, 14 or so days.
Best of luck.
That's just the kind of advice I was looking for.
Thanks Angewg, your help is very much appreciated
hedgehog90 said:
I understand this is not the most appropriate place to post this, but I'm sure many of you have experienced the Samsung Repair Service Centre (I would post this in a Samsung sub-forum but I couldn't find one) and you will be able to give me some advice.
So, if you want the whole story of how my phone got broke, read this:
In short, I completely broke my Samsung Galaxy Ace plus the day after I took it out of the box. It's seemingly 100% bricked (literally no sign of life, no lights no screen no sound, nothing).
I phoned Samsung up a couple days later (after nobody replied to my emails) and I organised it to be repaired.
It's been 11 days since I sent it back.
I phoned on the 7th day to ask if it had even got there because there were no updates on my samsung product repair status page since the day I first phoned them up. I also asked if the address I was given was right (Just put on envelope "FREEPOST SAMAN REP", that was it) because it sounded invalid.
I gave them the IMEI and was told that it had reached them. I said thank you and goodbye.
Yesterday, my product repair status had finally updated to : Cancelled by ASCNon Defect (Working properly)
I rang up again.
I was on the phone for 10 minutes with this guy and he told me that they had no record of my phone arriving. He handed me on to his supervisor who I spoke to for a further 20 minutes.
She confirmed that it had not reached them yet or it had been improperly logged or it was lost in the mail.
I sent her a copy of my proof of postage through email in case it was the latter, so they could "organize something for me if it comes to the worst case scenario"
Knowing their reply rate to my emails, I doubt they'll even see it.
So, I sent off my broken phone to them like they told me to, and now they've lost it... or the address they gave me was indeed wrong like I originally expected, however it has not been sent to the return address after 10 days. I doubt the Post Office is at any fault here.
I understand how at the beginning of this mess I was at fault. I made my phone faulty through my own carelessness...
However, since then I feel like there's been an awful lot more Samsung carelessness. And it sounds like if they don't find my phone they won't even replace it, otherwise the woman over the phone wouldn't have been so ambiguous. The way she said it I expected nothing more than book voucher in return for all my trouble and their incompetence.
It's very troubling to think that my £166 may have only bought me just 1 day of pleasure and many weeks of distress.
Anyway, I'm hoping I can make the best out of a bad situation.
I have very little respect for these types of companies, and I have no problem in wrangling out a few pounds from them when they have wronged me. If this doesn't get resolved soon, I'm very tempted to go to Samsung UK directly and ask politely but firmly for a little compensation for all this crap. Maybe one of those Galaxy S3s.
Me and my Dad have been able to get similar compensations for bad service through a letter and a phone call before.
Maybe I can do something similar here.
Does anybody have any helpful advice?
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Since your in the UK (yay!) you can take them to a small claims court. Also check out the amazing Martin Lewis MoneySavingExpert website. It explains your rights as a consumer.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
I'm very tempted to go to Samsung UK directly and ask politely but firmly for a little compensation for all this crap. Maybe one of those Galaxy S3s.
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Drafting the letter in my head, it seems a bit weedy if I tag along the sentence, "and in return for my troubles I'd like a Galaxy S III please, otherwise I will sue you!!!" It would just sound like an opportunist geek trying to get the phone that all his friends have.
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even though i really understand your feelings and frustration i wasnt able to stop my slef from laughing lol... anyways i guess you shoud do as "Angewg" said .. the right and higher authority in Samsung first and keep the threat at court part for the end or if i may say you can argue first and threat/sue later on .... but you cant threat/sue first and then try to argue ... always play the "BIGGEST CARD/ACE" in the end .... good luck and do let us know what happened in the end .... if they gave you an S III too lol
even though i really understand your feelings and frustration i wasnt able to stop my slef from laughing lol... anyways i guess you shoud do as "Angewg" said .. the right and higher authority in Samsung first and keep the threat at court part for the end or if i may say you can argue first and threat/sue later on .... but you cant threat/sue first and then try to argue ... always play the "BIGGEST CARD/ACE" in the end .... good luck and do let us know what happened in the end .... if they gave you an S III too lol
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My objective is not to get a Samsung Galaxy S III per se, but my thought was that I deserve not just my phone back but a little compensation. And I feel like it might be a stretch to ask for straight up money. So what could I realistically ask for? A superior phone. S III was the first that came to mind, and I think I am right in thinking it's the best smart phone that Samsung are producing right now.
I'll write the letter today. Thanks again everybody
hedgehog90 said:
My objective is not to get a Samsung Galaxy S III per se, but my thought was that I deserve not just my phone back but a little compensation. And I feel like it might be a stretch to ask for straight up money. So what could I realistically ask for? A superior phone. S III was the first that came to mind, and I think I am right in thinking it's the best smart phone that Samsung are producing right now.
I'll write the letter today. Thanks again everybody
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I think the £400+ price difference between the two models makes it a bit of a stretch!
You could try asking for
a replacement phone with either a higher specification or a more recent model bearing in mind the inconvenience all this has caused you.
The ball is then in their court.
It might be a stretch... but not as much as a stretch as you suggest. I've just checked and the price difference is actually about £270.
I could argue that the trouble this has caused is about £270... Maybe?
I'll be phoning up the call centre at around 2 PM, explaining all this crap once again (taking names this time), and once and for all asking what's happened and what they are willing to do to help me, because this phone has well and truly been lost IMO.
Yeah there in the wrong but,
Am I the only person the doesn't like the American sueing thing. I just think that people make mistakes. Never see the need to sue anyone.
I thought most people in Britain thought the same way.
Sent from my GALAXY Ace.
I'm pissed off. Here's why:
I've just posted an extremely detailed letter explaining everything, along with copies of emails, pictures, screenshots, etc.
It took ages to write and compile all of this together.
I showed it to my Dad (who is well educated on legal matters such as this) and he told me it was a brilliant letter.
I wrote it on Friday, but didn't want to post it before checking that it was okay with my Dad, so that meant I had to wait til Monday.
At the end of the letter I requested a superior replacement phone as recompense (Galaxy S III), but if they didn't resolve the matter or they didn't reply within 14 days I'd take legal action as they were in violation of my consumer rights.
After posting this letter, I was told by a family member to try phoning the customer service 1 more time.
So I did, and then I was passed around several times between different operators, but I was eventually told this:
My phone was in repair and I should have it back shortly. I think they said 7 days, which would make the entire process a total of 25 days.
I was given the repair centre's phone number so I can track the progress.
So, it actually looks like I will be receiving a phone back...
This doesn't actually please me. I've been under the assumption the last few days that I have a very solid case against Samsung.
I believe that on receiving my letter I may just get what I want.
Would a company like Samsung prefer I took them to a claims court? I doubt it. I think they would probably sort me out with what I wanted before it would get to that.
But now that my phone is apparently safe and sound on its way back soon, I doubt my letter will be taken very seriously.
If they don't look into it and just throw a phone my way willy nilly, then I'd be very surprised, and i don't really consider that a possibility.
Now all I've got to complain about is the massive repair time and the time I've wasted on phone calls, research, emails and one long-ass letter.
In my eyes I still deserve compensation for this, and I probably still could say that I will consider legal action if they don't compensate me in some way, but the lack of a phone sure made it a lot easier to argue my case.
I'll report back in a few days.
Imo, too stupid samsung solve this problem at the court. They can replace your unit than repair because unit defects, in 5 minutes at samsung store.
Just got a phone call this morning. I should have my phone back before the end of the week.
This sucks. I bet they're not going to acknowledge my letter and I'm just gonna have to let all this **** go.
hedgehog90 said:
Just got a phone call this morning. I should have my phone back before the end of the week.
This sucks. I bet they're not going to acknowledge my letter and I'm just gonna have to let all this **** go.
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Ask for compensation from them.
It's Monday, I haven't received a repaired phone, I haven't got a phone call, I haven't received a written reply.
I hate this.

Bricked HD6 4th Generation, bought Christmas time 2014.

It's definitely bricked. I messed up the recovery, then proceeded to mess up the boot trying to fix the recovery without researching the possible side effects. Constant loop now.
Is there a way to utilize any standard warranty to replace my device? I've read that some people have good experiences with Amazon customer service with their HD Fire's. Is there anything I should omit about what's been done to the device or something I should say that has been done?
Obviously don't want to use the R word. Last paragraph here apparently works:
DoLooper said:
Obviously don't want to use the R word. Last paragraph here apparently works:
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I just wanted to update this by saying the night I posted this, I went ahead and contacted Amazon via chat (don't ask me how, getting personalized customer service is like finding a diamond in the rough there). I mixed a small amount of flattery and spruced it up by sounding completely out of my element. I started by saying something along the lines of "Hey, I know I may have stretched beyond my technical prowess, and I know warranties have limitations, but I had heard that you guys have been very gracious and forgiving in the past and am just reaching out to see if there's still any help for me"...I don't remember, but it was something along those lines. I did leave out the "R" word , but I did say pretty much what I put into my OP, and the guy was like "This isn't normally covered, but I have gone ahead and sent you a replacement, please return the malfunctioning...." etc etc. So A+++ to customer service. I was expecting the worse and got much better results than I had hoped.

