TWRP the right Recovery ? - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S 5

Hello am new new to S5 rooted was wondering if this is the right one.. Was trying to flash Vision X Lollipop rom ROM but when try to do wipes(Cache, delvic, system and internal) TWRP informs me that wipe failed. Am I using the wrong one?

Have just now tried 2.7.0 with same result when trying to do wipe for rom install. Ends with failed Prompt.. Am I using the right one

Woke up early tried TWRP Still with same result wipe failed.. Anyone out there point me to the right recovery for T-Mobile S5

Woke up early tried TWRP Still with same result wipe failed.. Anyone out there point me to the right recovery for T-Mobile S5
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Make sure u disable MTP

tlopez1973 said:
Make sure u disable MTP
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Sorry for the Noob Question but how would I do that.

Sorry for the Noob Question but how would I do that.
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in twrp go to mount setting and check if its disable or anabled


Phone stuck on boot loop (semi brick)

Hi my phone is stuck on a boot loop and is only showing the logo.
Its NOT rooted, is there anyway i can recover apps and data of it?
akz007 said:
Hi my phone is stuck on a boot loop and is only showing the logo.
Its NOT rooted, is there anyway i can recover apps and data of it?
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Don't think you can recover data. Flash stock via Odin
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
jumper62 said:
Don't think you can recover data. Flash stock via Odin
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
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First of all, Are you able to boot into recovery mode?
If so you can use it! Even flash CWM! And boot Android as always (probabliy you'll lose your apps and data but can revive your device without using Odin)
Viper The Ripper said:
First of all, Are you able to boot into recovery mode?
If so you can use it! Even flash CWM! And boot Android as always (probabliy you'll lose your apps and data but can revive your device without using Odin)
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I can get on to android system recovery <3e>
akz007 said:
I can get on to android system recovery <3e>
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It will be usefull!
You can make wipe factory reset with the default recovery, but I advice you flash and CWM 5.0.26.FIX, if you use the stock recovery you'll lose all your apps and data but if you use CWM you can make a nandroid!! ie you could backup all your ROM (apps and data incluided)!!
Which android version are you using? I guess your device is a S5830, right?
Viper The Ripper said:
It will be usefull!
You can make wipe factory reset with the default recovery, but I advice you flash and CWM 5.0.26.FIX, if you use the stock recovery you'll all your apps and data but if you use CWM you can make a nandroid!! ie you could backup all your ROM (apps and data incluided)!!
Which android version are you using? I guess your device is a S5830, right?
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Thanks for the reply. Do you mean if i use stock recovery i will lose apps? I will try flash and CWM 5.0.26.FIX. It is a S5830i
akz007 said:
thanks for the reply. Do you mean if i use stock recovery i will lose apps? I will try flash and cwm 5.0.26.fix. It is a s5830i
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Stop here right now!!!!
You don't have the s5830 model!!!
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!! Why the people ask in the incorret thread!!! this is the s5830 thread!!!!
I'll help you, take this
but next time go to the correct thread!! S5830 stuffs could damage S5830I devices because they have a different hardware!
Viper The Ripper said:
Stop here!!!! Right now!
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LOL I could only get root on other file does not flash. I have stopped
akz007 said:
LOL I could only get root on other file does not flash. I have stopped
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read the post above there are s5830i stuffs!... luckily that is universal root method
Viper The Ripper said:
read the post above there are s5830i stuffs!... luckily that is universal root method
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Thank you. Sorry completely missed the 'i' I will install correct files now.
akz007 said:
Thank you. Sorry completely missed the 'i' I will install correct files now.
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OK! when you'll flash the correct files, try to boot into CWM recovery and do a backup!!! and all your data will be saved in your sdcard
Viper The Ripper said:
OK! when you'll flash the correct files, try to boot into CWM recovery and do a backup!!! and all your data will be saved in your sdcard
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i get an error while doing that:
Backing up daya...
Can't mount /data!
Any ideas why?
akz007 said:
i get an error while doing that:
Backing up daya...
Can't mount /data!
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What a strange thing... I've S5830 and I've never had to mount nothing when I've done a backup :S. Maybe because you are't root yet?¿ I don't know, but you can try to ask in the S5830I thread or to mount manually data partition
Go to mounts and storage, mount data partition and then try again
If it doesn't work or you don't want to try it, I should't advice you, so I'm sorry go to the correct thread and ask for it
Viper The Ripper said:
What a strange thing... I've S5830 and I've never had to mount nothing when I've done a backup :S. Maybe because you are't root yet?¿ I don't know, but you can try to ask in the S5830I thread or to mount manually data partition
Go to mounts and storage, mount data partition and then try again
If it doesn't work or you don't want to try it, I should't advice you, so I'm sorry go to the correct thread and ask for it
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I have rooted. when i mount manually i get the same error :/ Thank you for your help though
akz007 said:
I have rooted. when i mount manually i get the same error :/ Thank you for your help though
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I think is a root trouble, try flashing the correct root file if you doesn't have root permission you can't mount partitions, anyway if it doesn't work I can't continue helping you, ask for your problem in the correct thread (S5830I)
Viper The Ripper said:
I think is a root trouble, try flashing the correct root file if you doesn't have root permission you can't mount partitions, anyway I can't continue helping you, ask for your problem in the correct thread (S5830I)
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Thanks you
akz007 said:
Thanks you
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You are welcome
I've already asked to the moderators to move this thread to the correct section, so wait here, without open a new one
Thread moved
Thread has been moved to the correct section
You should find it easier to find an answer now.
Kind regards
Lady Android
Forum Moderator
Thank You @Lady Android
And now, if you're getting problem in mounting /data
You will have to flash stock ROM through Odin
See the FAQ Thread in this section
iamareebjamal said:
Thank You @Lady Android
And now, if you're getting problem in mounting /data
You will have to flash stock ROM through Odin
See the FAQ Thread in this section
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But Akz007 need to save his currently ROM data, flashing stock is the easy way...

[Q] Cannot get past CMW-Based Recovery screen

Hi All,
I rooted phone and all went well. Downloaded CWM then the BeanStalk ROM with Android 4.4.2. Tried to install zip file it through CWM and when i looked at phone it had restarted. Loads the screen with the title CWM-based Recovery v6.0.2.7 and lists 10 options.
Tried to reboot/factory install etc but always end up back at this screen??
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance, (I'm a n00b to rooting etc)
Update: The error i get when i try and install beanstalk:
no file_contexts.......
(Status 7)
Just tried to install Omni and got the same error?
Maybe you need CWM Touch or latest TWRP recovery (if you have a metadata error when flashing, you're using the wrong recovery!)
Cause your CWM-based Recovery is v6.0.2.7. Android 4.4+ need latest recovery. Such as v6.0.3.2+.
How would I go about getting the latest recovery on there? Odin?
Sorry i am a bit of a noob!
harrisonbarnes said:
How would I go about getting the latest recovery on there? Odin?
Sorry i am a bit of a noob!
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What is your phone model? I9100 or I9100G anyway?
HashyCode said:
What is your phone model? I9100 or I9100G anyway?
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harrisonbarnes said:
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Click here! this should help you out.
Hit :good: (thanks button) sometimes if others helps you.
Thanks - but that link is a bit technical for me - it doesnt have any installation instructions?
Just want to make sure i don't brick the phone.
Is there a way I can unroot it then start over again? Would that be a possible solution?
Still stuck on this.... Anyone have any ideas?

corrupt data partition

According to post #5310 on this link I have a corrupt data partition stopping me from doing a nandroid backup on Philz Recovery
How do I go about fixing this?
Try this: Advanced->Fix permissions
broken920 said:
Try this: Advanced->Fix permissions
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Excuse my noob ness but I can't see that in Philz Recovery
I thought there was in Philz...flash TWRP or CWM and you'll find it
broken920 said:
I thought there was in Philz...flash TWRP or CWM and you'll find it
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I take I just flash a zip version then go back to recovery?
Yes, flash zip version and reboot in recovery.
broken920 said:
Yes, flash zip version and reboot in recovery.
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Don't suppose you have a link please. Thanks
Anyone else help at all? I'm running the latest version of Philz touch. It can't be the recovery that's the problem.
How do I fix this?!?!
Here you are: TWRP, CWM
mike710_0 said:
How do I fix this?!?!
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Flash PIT file
verny94 said:
Flash PIT file
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Can you be more specific please on how/link/what to do?
broken920 said:
Here you are: TWRP, CWM
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Still doesn't have fixed permissions in that certain of Philz touch
Here's a screenshot of the failed nandroid backup
mike710_0 said:
Can you be more specific please on how/link/what to do?
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Install TWRP or CWM from zip that i've linked and reboot in recovery...go to "advanced" and you'll see "fix permissions" :highfive:
broken920 said:
Install TWRP or CWM from zip that i've linked and reboot in recovery...go to "advanced" and you'll see "fix permissions" :highfive:
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I've done that. It's not there!
This is the rom I'm running. It's a galaxy s5 based rom.
The annoying thing is I've got 2 phones running the exact same rom etc and I can make nandroid backups on mine but not on my wife's
i'm sure that in CWM there must be "fix permissions"'s impossible there isn't!
Have you got any trouble with your wife's S3 or that rom works fine?
broken920 said:
i'm sure that in CWM there must be "fix permissions"'s impossible there isn't!
Have you got any trouble with your wife's S3 or that rom works fine?
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Cheers for your reply
Just re checked Philz touch and can confirm 100% fixed permissions is not there, anywhere
When I install this rom it installs using aroma. I'm just wondering if that's causing the problem as previous roms I flashed were solely installed by Philz Touch
Rom seems more or less the same. I flashed both phones in the exact same way so don't understand how one can't backup. I need to backup incase anything goes wrong.
To be honest I want a TW rom that works 100% all the time! I just really like the look of the S5 rom. Most of these S5 roms after a week or two start slowing down and become unusable
it's very strange...i dont' really understand
Have you ever tried Imperium KitKat? I've it from 2 weeks and works fine: pretty fast, stable and good battery life with boeffla kernel.
here's the 3D link:
broken920 said:
it's very strange...i dont' really understand
Have you ever tried Imperium KitKat? I've it from 2 weeks and works fine: pretty fast, stable and good battery life with boeffla kernel.
here's the 3D link:
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Yeah I saw that. Might try it. Will see how I get on with this first. So no ideas how to fix this? I always run a 'mega wipe' zip before every flash of a rom. Can I do anything else to completely remove everything so the problem with backup is gone?
You can try doing deep clean to fix your problem and remove everything from your wife's S3.
I always do full wipe and format partitions system and preload before flashing new rom.
Inviato da Tapatalk da Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9300

stuck in bootloop

I wanted to update the OS of my i5500. I first tried the method here but the phone got stuck in bootloop. Then, I attempted to install the version here. Still bootloop. Can you guys help me? I can't use my phone anymore.
Flash the recovery (CWM) again and format /system , /data and /cache . Then flash the packages mentioned in the second link (which is better than the first, if you ask me).
Vagelis1608 said:
Flash the recovery (CWM) again and format /system , /data and /cache . Then flash the packages mentioned in the second link (which is better than the first, if you ask me).
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Just did it. Still bootloop.
mertcanhekim said:
Just did it. Still bootloop.
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Try flashing CM11 from
I'm having difficulty finding the right version of CM11 for my phone since is inaccessable due to database errors. Do you know somewhere else I can download it?
Vagelis1608 said:
Try flashing CM11 from
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Click to collapse is no more
mertcanhekim said:
I'm having difficulty finding the right version of CM11 for my phone since is inaccessable due to database errors. Do you know somewhere else I can download it?
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Found some days ago a mirror, there are links to Google Drive pages with CM11 and Gapps here
Inviato dal mio Nexus 5 con Tapatalk 2
jacomail95 said:
Found some days ago a mirror, there are links to Google Drive pages with CM11 and Gapps here
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Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Installing update...
E:Error in /sdcard/
(Status 0)
Installation aborted.
I did not understand how to use recovery-clockworkmod- so I tried installing with ClockworkMod-Galaxy5-v0.7 . Most likely that is why it failed.
What am I supposed to do with recovery-clockworkmod- file? It's not in .tar format so Odin does not accept it. The page is not in English and I did not understand.
mertcanhekim said:
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Installing update...
E:Error in /sdcard/
(Status 0)
Installation aborted.
I did not understand how to use recovery-clockworkmod- so I tried installing with ClockworkMod-Galaxy5-v0.7 . Most likely that is why it failed.
What am I supposed to do with recovery-clockworkmod- file? It's not in .tar format so Odin does not accept it. The page is not in English and I did not understand.
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It's flashable. Flash it in recovery. Then reboot into recovery (so that the new recovery gets loaded).
Also, you have to flash it in order to able to use the ROM.
Vagelis1608 said:
It's flashable. Flash it in recovery. Then reboot into recovery (so that the new recovery gets loaded).
Also, you have to flash it in order to able to use the ROM.
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I understood very little from that. You mean I need another recovery? I know only clockworkmod that is applicable to my phone.
mertcanhekim said:
I understood very little from that. You mean I need another recovery? I know only clockworkmod that is applicable to my phone.
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You have an old CWM. Using that old CWM install the flashable zip of the new CWM then reboot. Simple
mertcanhekim said:
I understood very little from that. You mean I need another recovery? I know only clockworkmod that is applicable to my phone.
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Flash clockwordmod- in recovery (like a ROM). Then reboot. Then flash the ROM.
jacomail95 said:
You have an old CWM. Using that old CWM install the flashable zip of the new CWM then reboot. Simple
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Thanks. When you put it that way I understood clearly.
I installed CM11 and this time instead of the word Android the Cyanogenmod logo appeared and for a second I thought it really worked. Then, the scumbag phone decided to go into a bootloop.
mertcanhekim said:
Thanks. When you put it that way I understood clearly.
I installed CM11 and this time instead of the word Android the Cyanogenmod logo appeared and for a second I thought it really worked. Then, the scumbag phone decided to go into a bootloop.
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Did you wipe /data after flashing the ROM?
Vagelis1608 said:
Did you wipe /data after flashing the ROM?
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I wiped data, wiped cache, and wiped dalvik cache all BEFORE flashing the ROM. I was supposed to do it after? Wouldn't that delete the installed data of the ROM?
I tried wiping data AFTER flashing the ROM. It bootloops the exact same way.
mertcanhekim said:
I tried wiping data AFTER flashing the ROM. It bootloops the exact same way.
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How did you get into recovery?
Vagelis1608 said:
How did you get into recovery?
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You mean AFTER flashing the Rom? I was already in recovery to flash the Rom so I wiped /data before rebooting. Was I supposed to reboot first?
mertcanhekim said:
You mean AFTER flashing the Rom? I was already in recovery to flash the Rom so I wiped /data before rebooting. Was I supposed to reboot first?
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No. After the bootloop, how did you get in recovery?
Vagelis1608 said:
No. After the bootloop, how did you get in recovery?
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1- I loaded clockworkmod with Odin
2- I flashed clockworkmod
3- I wiped data, cache, and dalvik cache
4- I flashed CM11 again
5- I wiped data again
6- Rebooted
Bootloop happened once more.

Installed wrong TWRP

Hey guys, i have an strage problem. So, for mistake i've flashed wrong TWRP file in odin. That TWRP was for Samsung Galaxy Ace 3. After that all, I went to the recovery mode and I was getting an "no command" error. Then when I wanted to flash the proper file, I was always getting stuck when the NAND Write Start shows up. Is there any way to solve that problem?
EDIT: I know about vol up method, but i just want to install TWRP soft, ADB isn't working for me)
Flash stock recovery then try flashing the right version again, see if that does the trick.
Qeczliw said:
Hey guys, i have an strage problem. So, for mistake i've flashed wrong TWRP file in odin. That TWRP was for Samsung Galaxy Ace 3. After that all, I went to the recovery mode and I was getting an "no command" error. Then when I wanted to flash the proper file, I was always getting stuck when the NAND Write Start shows up. Is there any way to solve that problem?
EDIT: I know about vol up method, but i just want to install TWRP soft, ADB isn't working for me)
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What version of TWRP are you flashing?
callumbr1 said:
What version of TWRP are you flashing?
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twrp-3.1.1-0-zerolte, the wrong one was the twrp-3.1.1-0-gprimeltexx.img
Qeczliw said:
twrp-3.1.1-0-zerolte, the wrong one was the twrp-3.1.1-0-gprimeltexx.img
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So have you fixed it?
callumbr1 said:
So have you fixed it?
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Um, yes. Thanks for you guys for helping me

