How do I even get a screen repair? - Xperia Z5 Compact Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So my Z5C slid off the table and barely struck something not even that hard but apparently at exactly the wrong angle and now the screen is broken. There is a huge broken part on the top going all the way across (and a few more spider veins outside the used area) and the bottom half of the touchscreen just plain does not work. I contacted SONY to ask what it would cost to repair and, while the response was a bit confusing (English as a second language I guess) they basically stated that they would not do even a paid repair of a broken screen on a Z5C apparently. I was told to find a third party to repair it. I have exactly zero confidence in doing a repair myself (for starters, I guess this means the digitizer is broken since the bottom half of the screen does not work and I've always heard those are a PITA to replace but also whenever I replaced the back on my Z3C it would inevitably come loose again and the last thing in the world I want is for the screen to be falling off all the time.)
So basically I need to at least find out how much it would cost. Preferably I'd like to find a local place too so I can just bring it in when I get up the money to actually do it. But I have no idea how even to find them. And they couldn't tell me anything (no officially licensed repair shops or anything like that.) The fact is, I don't even know what to look for to find someone at least semi-reputable. And once again, the last thing in the world I want is for my screen to start falling off the way all those Z3C backs did.
Also, by any chance would anyone have even just a rough idea how much it would cost? Obviously if it ends up being more than the cost of buying a new Z5C on eBay it would make more sense to do that (whenever I can afford it anyway, but geez.)

Nazo said:
So my Z5C slid off the table and barely struck something not even that hard but apparently at exactly the wrong angle and now the screen is broken. There is a huge broken part on the top going all the way across (and a few more spider veins outside the used area) and the bottom half of the touchscreen just plain does not work. I contacted SONY to ask what it would cost to repair and, while the response was a bit confusing (English as a second language I guess) they basically stated that they would not do even a paid repair of a broken screen on a Z5C apparently. I was told to find a third party to repair it. I have exactly zero confidence in doing a repair myself (for starters, I guess this means the digitizer is broken since the bottom half of the screen does not work and I've always heard those are a PITA to replace but also whenever I replaced the back on my Z3C it would inevitably come loose again and the last thing in the world I want is for the screen to be falling off all the time.)
So basically I need to at least find out how much it would cost. Preferably I'd like to find a local place too so I can just bring it in when I get up the money to actually do it. But I have no idea how even to find them. And they couldn't tell me anything (no officially licensed repair shops or anything like that.) The fact is, I don't even know what to look for to find someone at least semi-reputable. And once again, the last thing in the world I want is for my screen to start falling off the way all those Z3C backs did.
Also, by any chance would anyone have even just a rough idea how much it would cost? Obviously if it ends up being more than the cost of buying a new Z5C on eBay it would make more sense to do that (whenever I can afford it anyway, but geez.)
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I bought a complete screen including the frame for 29 euros. You can do it using the tutorials on youtube. Its easy.

That literally was not my question.
Anyway, probably it would end up costing so much as to not be worth it. For now I'll probably have to count on just buying a new one whenever I can (well, that will be a while.)
BTW, in retrospect I suspect mine was actually a refurb after one such repair incorrectly sold as "new." The screen was kind of loose when I got it and never sat completely flat. Honestly I should have sent it straight back. Looking over it I suspect now that this is the reason it broke so thoroughly so easily from a very light drop off of a table (not even human height.) Because the screen wasn't sitting right that part was especially vulnerable and weaker and I notice that the line that went across went to the point where it was sticking up the most excessively. Ironically the screen now sits completely flat where it would not before after this break (which it shouldn't do if it were simply loose.) So this is part of the reason I'm not exactly super excited about the idea of repairs. I know from first-hand experience just simply trying to make a back stay on that the end result rarely can match the proper quality level and the screen is even more important. It has become a bit of a point of obsession for me probably because I've replaced the back so many times on my Z3C I've lost count and every single time it came loose again before eventually breaking. (At this point my Z3C back is a bunch of tape. I can't protect the camera because it needs something super clear sticking out a bit to allow it to move outward, so eventually it will probably get enough dust inside to break or something.)
Anyway, I have no desire to discuss trying to repair it myself. I was thinking maybe a professional can do better, but honestly the more I think about it the more I think I'd rather just save up and buy a new one. (I can get one for around $150 on eBay if I don't mind waiting a full month for shipping. My suspicion is that's actually not that much more than the repair cost if you add labor anyway.)


screen broke after fall

just as the thread says, my phone hit the ground and the inside part of the screen cracked (not the surface). What options do i have that wont rape my wallet?
Unless you have the ability to open it and fix it your self or a warranty still in place, I'll say just buy a new phone, though the vibrant is a sexy phone, I doubt you will find it.
This video explains and shows everything, how to do it...
If you visit the store from the people who made the video, you will also find replacement parts...but...from my experience with Iphone repairs, they are totally overpriced...try to google for other shops...or try ebay.
At least you see it is possible...
Ok forget it, obviously Samsung won't sell any AMOLED screens to third parties till 2012, means, the replacement screens you might be able to buy are not really OEM and be least thats what I all found out using google.
so my options are thin basically.. this sucks, i mean i could send it to samsung for $161 repair but **** man, i just can't afford the repair right now, been driving me nuts for the last two days
Did you have a case on it? If you're accident prone, an otterbox can save you from most falls as long as that fall isn't screen-first onto a big metal spike.
Yeah, not much you can do about the screen. However, used Vibrants are all over eBay ranging from $250 all the way down to a full working one for $160 from a 100% seller with many many sales (AKA reasonably reliable).
My condolences either way. Breaking the screen is one of my biggest fears.

[Q] Display defect or...not?

Hi guys,
New thing, i notice this on both i9100 phones (the one i sended back and the new one from today). There are like to almost same dimension parallel stains/distortions(?) on the bottom half of the screen and you can notice them only if is dark/semi-dark in the room and your phone is in front of a monitor/hdtv with a withe screen, in other conditions they can't be notice and from what i can tell they don't alter the image in any way. I will post a image from the first phone (the second one is almost the same) if you guys notice them or not, or you have a theory, please post.
Looks to me like a small manufacturing mark or defect in the polarising filter on the screen. I wouldn't be concerned with this, i doubt you'll ever get an LCD that doesn't have something like this.
the reason it is only showing up in front of a TV or screen is because the light coming off it is polarised. normally this shouldn't be visible, so the manufacturers aren't concerned
Somebody please correct me if i am wrong
No, i'm not concerned. I think is probably from the machine that holds the glass during production or assembly (because there are two i9100 with the same shape of the stains). I just wandered if other owners of i9100 notice the same thing with their phones, but from what i see nobody bothers...oh well, thanks anyway.
Well my phone doesn't have that. And phones I've had before haven't had that. If it doesn't bother you then that's fine...personally I'd be and would get a replacement.
These phones should be *perfect*
666fff said:
Well my phone doesn't have that. And phones I've had before haven't had that. If it doesn't bother you then that's fine...personally I'd be and would get a replacement.
These phones should be *perfect*
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Ok sir, i will play this game, lets talk facts:
- This is my second phone after returning the first phone with the same problem and some package issue.
- The two phones come from the same online retailer but diffident distributors, this means is bigger than a batch problem.
- The problem is almost identical (two stains same shape), but visible only in one condition (mentioned above) and only from a very wide angle (btw if you tilt the phone in that light and angle the stains change color from darker to lighter).
- It doesn't affect in any way, shape or form the generated image, it can only be seen with the lcd off and in a fluorescent light.
- If you return for the second time the device, you have to wait for betwin 2-10 days (again) for the service department to come with a resolve and you risk to get a money back resolve, witch mean from 4-14 days to transfer your money in your bank account and after you start from the beginning with another retailer (all retailers have the same distributors).
With all above taken into account, honestly, what would you do?
*Hellover, let's play a game*
I think you're very unlucky to get a replacement with the same problem. Like I said, mine has an absolutely perfect screen, and given the fact this is an expensive flagship handset, everybody should have a perfect screen. Even on cheap phones I've never seen the poor screen QC that I've seen on the GS2, it's a shame. But NEVER accept anything less than flawless. Imagine the blob gets bigger and distorts the image somehow? You will be angry!
Personally, it would be hassle waiting for a replacement or a refund etc, but I'd much rather have my money back or a flawless phone, than hold on to a clearly flawed one. It's bothered you enough to post up on XDA about it. Seriously man, just return it. Maybe get a cheap phone and wait til the Nexus Prime comes out...
666fff said:
*Hellover, let's play a game*
I think you're very unlucky to get a replacement with the same problem. Like I said, mine has an absolutely perfect screen, and given the fact this is an expensive flagship handset, everybody should have a perfect screen. Even on cheap phones I've never seen the poor screen QC that I've seen on the GS2, it's a shame. But NEVER accept anything less than flawless. Imagine the blob gets bigger and distorts the image somehow? You will be angry!
Personally, it would be hassle waiting for a replacement or a refund etc, but I'd much rather have my money back or a flawless phone, than hold on to a clearly flawed one. It's bothered you enough to post up on XDA about it. Seriously man, just return it. Maybe get a cheap phone and wait til the Nexus Prime comes out...
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GOD Damm! Now i have to w8 for the "money back guarantee!!!"... i send it back because of YOU! man, thanks, you are right, i will settle for one with flawless everything. I attached a picture with the old one and the ex new one side by side.
I will change the retailer. lets hope third is a charm...
Well, third device, second retailer, same defect. I'm done, i didn't try the withe version but then again i don't like withe, so i will keep this one.
That sucks man. You could upgrade to galaxy nexus soon though!

Had a Faulty Device, my experience so far...

So first 2-3 days with the device I kept noticing more and more issues since its been out of the box. I'm really particular with anything I own and if I'm paying money for it then I expect nothing but the best, and I'll take care of my belongings the same.
As soon as I unboxed it I noticed that some of the edges of the metal finish were unevenly colored and scratched. The dark plastic fillers on the back had patches in them and were discolored also. I told myself I wouldn't be so nitpick-ey about those. Moving on...
Later once I setup the phone I realized the power button's right side was completely sunk in, while the volume rocker was also uneven, with the Volume up Side sticking out of the device, and the Volume down Side completely flush with the device.
Concerned I took it to the closest AT&T store where I've become quite friendly with some of the sales associates there. Just wanted to get an opinion as to whether I should live with these imperfections (it would have drove me crazy). I showed it to one of them and they urged me to call AT&T support and try to set up a buyers remorse period exchange straight away.
It took two hours to deal with AT&T customer service on the phone, but it was worth it. I'm shipping this one back and they're gonna priority ship out another one soon. The representative told me they've been getting a few calls regarding such hardware issues.
I'm interested to see if any of you have had any issues yet so far. And if this is a isolated situation with a few devices manufactured at different warehouses.
As with any new product launch, there are going to be some bad ones that slip through the cracks in the rush to get the product to consumers as quickly as possible. I'm glad you got your fixed rather easily, though!
Bammeh said:
As with any new product launch, there are going to be some bad ones that slip through the cracks in the rush to get the product to consumers as quickly as possible. I'm glad you got your fixed rather easily, though!
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Yes of course I completely agree with you. With a few product launches recently and the ones I've bought right when they were released have had issues out of the box or after major updates. The XboxOne, PS4, Retina iPad Mini, 5S etc have given me a little trouble out of the box or after their big updates, but they're still premium devices. Same with the HTC M8 that's why I didn't make too big a deal about it and seek to get my money back. I just asked for an exchange that's all. The rep that helped me, he urged me to ask for a replacement. This device is going to my daily driver for the next year and a half or so. Really happy with it minus the little issues thus far. Best mainstream android device I've ever used.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
My M8 was random rebooting every so often. It was enough to notice it as a problem. I did a factory reset, problem still persisted. AT&T gladly exchanged and now I'm good to go ???
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
SO far I have the power button stick on me a few times. Pressing it a few times seems to get it to go back to normal.
Also once while on a call, afterwards the phone would not sleep. Powered the phone off. Ever since phone has been running smooth.
Glad you were able to get it exchanged. I've had mine for a few days and while there are no critical flaws, I do see some scratches that I most definitely did not cause and were there out of the box. I also know what you mean by the uneven banding because I have that too, it's very minor though. There are 2 surface scratches on the back that aren't noticeable unless you have really good eyes (which I do) and a very small chip at the front around the bezel that is impossible to cause naturally. I'm trying to tell myself I shouldn't be so picky because I've already unlocked the bootloader and put a custom rom on it and I assume if I want to exchange it at Best Buy I'll have to put the stock rom back on and lock the bootloader. I'm on the fence. I don't exactly want the Best Buy employee to think I'm crazy if I take it back plus it all takes up my time so I'm trying to tell myself it doesn't matter. If I caused the scratches I'd just live with it but it annoys me that they were there out of the box. Please tell me I'm crazy or I might actually go for an exchange.
Just got mine the other day and found a couple issues with it.
The top panel just below the front camera is pushed out a bit so there's sharp edge and stuff is already getting caught under it. You can push it down and make it flush but it pops back up after a while. Also my touchscreen will just randomly stop responding to touch. Going to reset to back to stock and exchange it later this afternoon.
pingy1030 said:
Glad you were able to get it exchanged. I've had mine for a few days and while there are no critical flaws, I do see some scratches that I most definitely did not cause and were there out of the box. I also know what you mean by the uneven banding because I have that too, it's very minor though. There are 2 surface scratches on the back that aren't noticeable unless you have really good eyes (which I do) and a very small chip at the front around the bezel that is impossible to cause naturally. I'm trying to tell myself I shouldn't be so picky because I've already unlocked the bootloader and put a custom rom on it and I assume if I want to exchange it at Best Buy I'll have to put the stock rom back on and lock the bootloader. I'm on the fence. I don't exactly want the Best Buy employee to think I'm crazy if I take it back plus it all takes up my time so I'm trying to tell myself it doesn't matter. If I caused the scratches I'd just live with it but it annoys me that they were there out of the box. Please tell me I'm crazy or I might actually go for an exchange.
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Honestly you're lucky it's Best Buy. I've done multiple exchanges there before for each: MacBook, Xbox One and iPhones. They did it easy no questions asked. At least in my case. If I were you I'd exchange it. No excuses for the device to be that scratched up and imperfect out of the box. Also remember to check for Dead Pixels, Volume Rocker, and Power Button issues.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
rahtrip said:
Honestly you're lucky it's Best Buy. I've done multiple exchanges there before for each: MacBook, Xbox One and iPhones. They did it easy no questions asked. At least in my case. If I were you I'd exchange it. No excuses for the device to be that scratched up and imperfect out of the box. Also remember to check for Dead Pixels, Volume Rocker, and Power Button issues.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
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Thanks for the advice. For a little bit today I was determined to go get an exchange but I kind of buffed out the worst scratch (which was only like 3mm) with a nail buffer so I think I'll just save myself the trouble of putting the phone back to stock, having to take it to best buy, and re-flashing the new phone. Plus I did not take a backup of the stock AT&T rom. I don't know if someone has posted it in the forums, I'm going to look, but it's just such a drag to go through with putting it back to stock then an exchange.
The volume rocker doesn't sit 100% parallel but it's very close, the power button has no issues, and the bezel is pretty well flushed with the speaker grills. I think I'll just keep this one, I am also afraid that the new one might even have worse problems. HTC needs to get their quality control tighter because I have had tons of devices but never a problem out of the box.
Next time I buy a phone I am going to make sure I check the condition thoroughly. Or at least check it before I root and flash a rom. When I got the M8 I just grabbed it and went...
So I said I wasn't going to exchange it but I was still annoyed by the flaws and I was approaching my 14 days.. took it to Best Buy today without putting it back to stock and was able to exchange it. They just switched out the SIM card and gave me a new one, but they did reiterate that they don't normally do it for scratches and they were making an exception. I could totally tell they didn't believe it was the manufacturer's fault, but they didn't give me attitude and were nice. They didn't look at the software or boot screen in the old phone so they didn't even see that it was unlocked and rooted. They mentioned it was getting sent back so HTC is going to have to deal with it, which they should have to because the one I exchanged for is totally perfect. I didn't realize the other one was even more problematic than I thought until I saw how well constructed this one is. The volume rocker doesn't fumble around, the screen is set perfectly leveled with the speaker grills, no scratches on bezel or back. This is how they SHOULD come, every single one of them. In the future when I get HTC phones I am going to examine it right then and there so I don't have to go through the trouble of sounding asinine while trying to explain what the store employees surely think are non-problems.
I don't think I would've made the exchange without this thread though so thanks. I'm now free to enjoy the awesomeness of this phone without being held back by structural annoyances.
The top panel just below the front camera is pushed out a bit so there's sharp edge and stuff is already getting caught under it. You can push it down and make it flush but it pops back up after a while.

In need of Original LCD

Skip the sob story if you don't care.
So, I finally got everything situated with my phone in terms of restoring it's original quality. Yay, until i decided to test out the waterproofing on the new adhesive I got. To skip to the point, I did a stoopid and had to order a replacement LCD on Ebay.
As some of you may know, (I barely found out the hard way) Ebay doesn't exactly have the most reputable sellers when to comes to our phone and displays. (watch out, they'll get yah. I simply don;t trust ebay anymore) So, for 50 bucks I got a horrendous display which pixels bleed whenever a photo pops up. Being a stoopid monkey that I am, I decided it was bearable. Until i got worse and the display is unusable.
(end sob story)
In conclusion, I need an LCD yo!!! I was considering getting a Z5, but it be so expensive. I'm willing shell out a hundred or so for a LEGIT screen replacement. (maybe one of those who have moved on to another phone is willing to sell) (I hope asking for this doesn't go against any rules) Or even better, direct me to a legitimate site that does provide original Z3v displays. Because for the life of me, my Googling has turned up nothing. Appreciate the help.
Yeah. I need new LCD to, but dont know which should i buy.
I broke my screen second time in one year, this time i want to replace it by myself...
you can try to use l50u screen

Defective screen any idea the cost to repair?

No damage, stopped turning on, they already want me to pay shipping costs to and from them. So I fully expect their ****ty customer support to try and charge me since they already have tried to screw me once before by charging me four times for the initial purchase price upon ordering the phone.
Does anyone know what their service charge is to replace a screen? Has anyone gone through their BS circus acts?
darkphoenix2012 said:
No damage, stopped turning on, they already want me to pay shipping costs to and from them. So I fully expect their ****ty customer support to try and charge me since they already have tried to screw me once before by charging me four times for the initial purchase price upon ordering the phone.
Does anyone know what their service charge is to replace a screen? Has anyone gone through their BS circus acts?
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Where did you buy the phone from? Did they really try to charge you nearly $5000 for the phone?
I've gone through Asus RMA over the years, maybe the particular repair centre closest to me happens to be great but I've never had major issues with them. A laptop repaired in under 2 weeks, handful of motherboards, most of the time free or reasonably priced. If the device was under warranty they just accepted it. Never had to pay shipping though since its not too far from me.
If the screen is just defective then it should be covered by warranty as that would be a manufacturer caused issue. Your total cost should be whatever it costs to ship to the repair centre, and thats it.
let us know how the saga plays out! Good luck!
Yes they did try to charge me 5k for it, and I ended up paying around 600 dollars in overdrafts and returned payment fees for all of my bills. My bank said it's Asus's fault, and guess what Asus said? "Our system doesn't make mistakes, it's a problem with your bank."
I've had absolutely dreadful results in the past with their turnaround time, and they've sent back a GPU and motherboard that were "fixed" but not really. I'm predicting to be told I have to pay around 500 to have it replaced somehow. And to be honest I may be done with them as a company for life, I've had about all I can stand at this point.
Which country are you in? They should fix it for free under warranty.
Just a quick update, it took them this long to get back to me. I received two extremely low resolution pictures showing very tiny surface scratches to the frame and the glass on the top left corner which would be from car keys.
Apparently that voids warranty and they want a suspicious $500 even to replace the entire OLED and glass assembly. As I expected a crock of BS from this company I'm not entirely surprised. What a joke though, $500 for an undamaged screen? Who's their drug dealer?
darkphoenix2012 said:
Just a quick update, it took them this long to get back to me. I received two extremely low resolution pictures showing very tiny surface scratches to the frame and the glass on the top left corner which would be from car keys.
Apparently that voids warranty and they want a suspicious $500 even to replace the entire OLED and glass assembly. As I expected a crock of BS from this company I'm not entirely surprised. What a joke though, $500 for an undamaged screen? Who's their drug dealer?
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Unfortunately I had to deal with a similar issue with HTC for a defective camera module. Factory defect. If it comes broken from the factory its on them to replace of fix it. Legally. The warranty is an agreement IE a contract. Even the 90 day warranties.
I had to threaten and start the process of a lawsuit, and of company no company like that would want to lawyer up for such a small sum. The next day I got a reply from them saying they would cover everything, and I eventually got my phone fixed.
Ive had a similar issues like that with Corsair and Gigabyte. It happens all the time. No one wants to take responsibility for anything, and sometimes you gotta force em haha.
After previous experiences, they're not going to budge. They don't even have this phone in their system to FILE for an RMA, that took an hour phone call to begin with. I'm just never going to buy from them again, they're ****ing garbage when it comes to treating their customers right. I never got the $600 plus dollars in overdrafts out of them for their system charging me repeatedly for the order either, even after my bank concluded it WAS their fault.
I will however be throwing my story up on every social media post of their for the rest of 2019.
darkphoenix2012 said:
After previous experiences, they're not going to budge. They don't even have this phone in their system to FILE for an RMA, that took an hour phone call to begin with. I'm just never going to buy from them again, they're ****ing garbage when it comes to treating their customers right. I never got the $600 plus dollars in overdrafts out of them for their system charging me repeatedly for the order either, even after my bank concluded it WAS their fault.
I will however be throwing my story up on every social media post of their for the rest of 2019.
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If someone is proven to owe you money you have legal precedent to collect it. They know this. They also know a lot of people wont go through the hassle of trying to collect their money. So does LG, HTC, Samsung, OnePlus, etc and they will all try to hold on to that money if possible. Usually thats as simple as not responding to the customer. Its easy when you dont have a storefront. Only really Apple does (AFAIK), which makes it easier to argue with them and get what you should be getting.
Feel free to **** talk them for the year, but personally I feel like one post in an easy to see place is good enough. May as well put that extra effort tightening the vice on them. its not impossible. And its yours.
I hope everything works out for you bro, best of luck!
darkphoenix2012 said:
No damage, stopped turning on, they already want me to pay shipping costs to and from them. So I fully expect their ****ty customer support to try and charge me since they already have tried to screw me once before by charging me four times for the initial purchase price upon ordering the phone.
Does anyone know what their service charge is to replace a screen? Has anyone gone through their BS circus acts?
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Hi there, got the same. Pulled out of pocket - black screen (later started to blink and bootloop)
so, as i recall i've seen a "scratch" nearby the left airtrigger area. later on i couldn't find it so i just forgot about it (thought when i'm going to put on some glass protection i wount be able to see it at all)
but, it appears that "scratch" was an amoled matrix crack... because when it all went black and then white - i can clearly see that crack is in this area. the phone itself is undamaged, not a single scratch, and there is NO WAY i could apply such a pressure to pass through glass and damage te amoled (seen JerryRig bend test?)
so far waiting for the shop to answer about would they exchange phone or not -_-
idk, at last - when a phone is designed to have a pressure applied (airtriggers) how come it cracks?....

