help! sync problem - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I used to be able to sync my xda fine, now all of a sudden the sw tries to connect and does actually say "connected" for a few secs but then I get "synchronization error" and the sw says not connected.
Ive tried everything in the help sections with no luck.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I have had this error periodically with different ppc's
my usual fix is to NOT connect the ppc and open activesync delete the parnership then reboot pc and set up a new partnership.
failing that may i suggest a reinstall of activesync "which you prob have done so i will shut up now :wink: "

make sure it doesent have server ticked under sync options on your xda


XDA stopped Synchronizing

Dear All,
My XDA stoped synchronizing with my PC via the USB , I have tryed to change the computer, the cable, everything but no luck, it only works with Infrared , Any help please
Hi abuseif.
got the same problem. solved it by turning on the phone! you can only get a connection via activesync when the smartphone is tunred on.
hope this may help you
You may also want to check ActiveSync isn't disabled for USB - go to File, Connection Settings and have a look for a tick against the USB option.
I had the same problem - solved it by soft resetting the phone.

wow my G4 needs help...

so im having alot of problems with my G4 now.
I flashed to pdaviet3
my contact window doesnt pop up
It will not establish a connection to active sync (but it does detect it)
I get the cannot run timewizard.exe message
my g4 tries to use ",usb" to connect. could that be the problem?
bowlopho said:
so im having alot of problems with my G4 now.
I flashed to pdaviet3
my contact window doesnt pop up
It will not establish a connection to active sync (but it does detect it)
I get the cannot run timewizard.exe message
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I had exactly the same problem! "cannot run timewizard.exe" appeared every time i tried to get off stand-by. Most propably you followed directions in this topic
Try doing the same thing again(flashing pdaviet3). Start by rerunning enableRAPI(in short follow directions described in the flash tool contained in the above post). I did the same thing and everything went ok second time. Then, i did a hard reset(after i took a backup), by going "start->settings->clear storage".
Hope this helps
I can't reflash if i cant connect to active sync. unless you know a different way...
bowlopho said:
I can't reflash if i cant connect to active sync. unless you know a different way...
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Most propably, you need ActiveSync 4.5 Beta 2 (Download it easily from M$ site). WM6 doesn't wotk with ActiveSync 4.2. Try it and keep us posted
first time i tried to connect it told me I had to install activesynch 4.4+ or 4.5+ or something, so i dl'd it but i had to run out for a few hours.
So when i got home, still no luck. It starts to detect but then it just wont connect.
Well since i just "cleared storage" things have been working now
I got that timewizard error once but it closed itself real fast, also now get my contact list up
wont know if active sync works for another 8 hours =/ just got to work.
bowlopho said:
first time i tried to connect it told me I had to install activesynch 4.4+ or 4.5+ or something, so i dl'd it but i had to run out for a few hours.
So when i got home, still no luck. It starts to detect but then it just wont connect.
Well since i just "cleared storage" things have been working now
I got that timewizard error once but it closed itself real fast, also now get my contact list up
wont know if active sync works for another 8 hours =/ just got to work.
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At least things are working now. Activesync beta, becomes unstable sometimes and it fails to connect to the PPC(as you describe). The only solution for me, is to reinstall it(not a big problem for me), but anyway... it's still beta(as all M$ products )

[Q] ActiveSync doesn't work anymore

Sounds like USB port is broken.
Hi all,
I've read a couple of threads for several days now, but none of the answers worked for me.
Problem is: I can connect from my HD2 to my desktop PC (win 7) initially, but when I try to install a new ROM (3.14.407_2), my HD2 restarts, shows the four colour screen and nothing more happens. After some minutes, my PC tells me that my phone isn't connected anymore.
It worked two months ago for the last ROM flash, but now nothing helps.
- rebooting PPC and PC several times
- deleting partnership and setting up a new one
- disabling "faster connect" for usb to PC settings - afterwards, PC doesn't recognize any connection at all
- hard reset on PPC
I have no idea what to try next.. I wanted to install HSPL2 and flash the ROM from my SD card, but can't install HSPL2 ... same problem.
Any suggestions?
I also tried several USB ports on my PC
You think the HD2 USB port is broken? But I was able to transfer data when connected as normal device without active sync.
Do I have any chance to check, whether you are right, without having to send my phone to HTC?
maybe running the update in compatibility mode will help?
I thought the microsoft mobile device center (or however it is called) was made for win7, as the actual activeSync tool cannot be used?
So I can't see a benefit from this, but anyway.. I will try.
You could try using BlueTooth with ActiveSync, thats what I do. I have a "micro" bluetooth adaptor for my laptop and it all works fine... just a bit slower.
Infyrana said:
I thought the microsoft mobile device center (or however it is called) was made for win7, as the actual activeSync tool cannot be used?
So I can't see a benefit from this, but anyway.. I will try.
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the compatibility mode for the ROM update file could help becasuse it is a separate application (no guarantee though as I have no way to check it on my PC)
compatibility mode didn't help.
don't have a bluetooth stick ...
no further suggestions?
Just found out, that windows tries to install driver "Qualcomm CDMA Technologies MSM" when I connect my HD2 after starting bootloader.
But it just searches and doesn't find anything. I searched by myself, but didn't find the driver anywhere ...
if you are really determined to update ROM, find the thread on ROM 3.14 here on xda forum, I recall seeing guidelines on installing ROM from SD Card
of course it will not solve your sync problem, but still...
Yah ... I wanted to install HSPL2 to be able to do install the ROM from the SD card (at least that's what I understood - that I need that first), but I can't install it, as I already wrote.
Finally.. in a forum somewhere in a forgotten corner of the internet.. someone gave an advice to uninstall the windows mobile device center and reinstall it.
After uninstalling, I had some trouble to find it again, but finally got it.
And guess what: it works now.
Windows managed to install the quadcomm driver and I could update my ROM.
Never had such a hard challenge with my HD2.
Thanks everyone who tried to help!

[Q] Please, I need your help

Hi dear,
I have TG01 WM 6.5 and I'm trying to use headset WH-203 that came with the set. Once I connect it to TG01 the following massage appears:
(Unidentified USB Device
Enter the name of the device driver for this device. For information, see the device manufacturer's documentation.)
Note that this headset came with the set, so for sure it is compatible.
Do you have any idea to solve this problem?
try to hard reset the device
I did, but the poplem still exists.
any other idea.
Hi dear,
I have TG01 WM 6.5 and I'm trying to use headset WH-203 that came with the set. Once I connect it to TG01 the following massage appears:
(Unidentified USB Device
Enter the name of the device driver for this device. For information, see the device manufacturer's documentation.)
Note that this headset came with the set, so for sure it is compatible.
Do you have any idea to solve this problem?
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Go to Start > Settings > Connections > USB to PC. Check or uncheck Advanced network functionality. Now try to connect.
If this don't solve the issue, hard reset.
If that don't solve the issue, you have missing drivers which sounds very odd, as I use this USB cable all the time to connect my usb to it and never had any problems!
In fact, I tried hard reset, and I tried using the headset befor restoring my data from the backup, but the same massage appears.
I think there should be a driver associated with it which is not available.
Any one knows?
Thank you
In fact, I tried hard reset, and I tried using the headset befor restoring my data from the backup, but the same massage appears.
I think there should be a driver associated with it which is not available.
Any one knows?
Thank you
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When you connect to ActiveSync doesn't it automatically download drivers? :s Did you install Windows Device/Mobile Center using the CD that comes with the box? It generally downloads all your drivers on connection (or so I presume!)

Lumia 710: Question update/USB/demo

Hello all,
Lumia 710, Firmware - 1600.3007.7740.11465
Dev Info: RM809, PC: 059L3R1
EDIT: So first question I guess is if any of the above can be an issue?
So I got my hands on this demo unit, I was able to remove the demo firmware and load the full thing. Phone works well, though I have no microsim to fully test it out. I wanted to update the 710 but I'm having issues. I check via the Zune software but have several issues:
If 710 wifi is on and internet on comp is working:
1) Connect phone to zune,
2) Sync options load.
3) Manually check for update.
4) Wait about 2 minutes.
5) Phone is up to date, so no available updates.
This seems wrong as most if not all have the Tango update, so I search and find the update trick. I try to follow the guide but it goes as follows:
1) Lumia device has wifi turned off (no cell data as ni micro-sim) OR in airplane mode.
2) Load Zune software.
3) Connect device.
4) Receive error about "Can not make a connection from your phone to the internet". I initially assumed this was expected and just clicked ok.
5) Manually try for update in the settings
6) Wait 2 minutes.
7) Get another error; "Can not connect to update service at this time".
EDIT: As a note, the update check lasts about 2 minutes either way, and if I even leave the net connected, when I plug the device in in airplane mode it will still say it can't connect to the update service, thats why I'm asking about the initial error of "can't create an internet connection to your phone"...
I then searched for solutions to THAT error, and have since, enabled mobile services, removed and refreshed cirtificates, and restarted an event service. Then re-installed the Zune software, all to no avail. That is, on reconnection, I still get that Connection Error.
So main points have been made, next thing to note is I am not using the original USB as I don't have one. I have tried however several others. Standard USB, HTC (older), other data-capable USB. All same result. Is this possibly the only reason, or is it something from above?
Are there files or more information I can post to get some more help? I would really like to get this working. So any and all useful advice is welcome.
Also, didn't see a 710 specific forum, and many posts on it here, so I posted this question here. If it's the wrong place, mods please move or let me know.
Start Zune
Turn off Data connection and Wifi on the Phone
Connect the Phone with the PC (USB)
Start the update search in Zune
About 3 seconds later, disconnect your PC from the internet (Turn WLAN off).
Zune finds Mango-Update. Press OK.
Connect to the internet again and install the update.
There you have it, this quick and easy trick will work if (and only if ) your carrier has already began rolling out the update.
Ahoy, Thanks for the quick reply. However, this is not my major question, I've found the trick several times. What I want to know is if that weird error message I get has anything to do with the process. No matter what I always get the error, and subsequently I get the "cannot connect to update service" error. All is as I said in my first post....
The device has 809 written behind the battery. But I will try to load 803 firmware if that may be the issue, thoughts?
Edit: So I'm thinking the problem is with the Zune software. Despite a complete removal and reinstall I still get that connection error message. It seems if the device has no data connection, Zune wont connect (or can't) to the net to check for any kind of updat. The subsequent "we can't connect to the server" error message is consistant and happens with another wp I try while it's also has its data connections off. This is what I wanted to ask if its common, or if there is something seriously wrong with my install. It won't find updates at all if the phone's data connections are off. Any advice on this?

