What have I done wrong? - Touch Pro, Fuze ROM Development

Hi I have a T-Mob Vario IV running WM65 build 21815.5.0.50
I tried a few newer Roms 23409 but the phone wouldnt boot - the T-Mob splash came up and that was it..
I wasnt able to downgrade back without doing a hard reset and leaving the phone in USB loader mode
I managed to unbrick my phone but arent sure why the upgraded roms didnt work (they were both for Touch Pro (not Fuse etc)
Any thoughts?

What ROMs were you using ? Ive been flashing NRG ROMS on a (UK) TMobile Vario IV for a while.
I assume you have HARDSPL'd ?

I tried two different ones
one was called Juicy_8_090830H and the other DomSim Black Dragon
They both seemed to install ok - the ROM load went to 100% and reported success
But neither booted past the t-Mobile splash screen

Those are Raphael CDMA Roms... That's another version of TP/MDA Vario IV...
You've got to flash Raphael GSM Roms...
Pick them in this forum... RAPHAEL ROM DEVELOPMENT...
Edited: And yeah... Read schnitzelbrain 's next post...

JonathanCassar said:
I tried two different ones
one was called Juicy_8_090830H and the other DomSim Black Dragon
They both seemed to install ok - the ROM load went to 100% and reported success
But neither booted past the t-Mobile splash screen
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READ THIS -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=448008
FIRST before u do anything further.
And go to the lotterie, because u where really lucky that ur phone is not for the waste bin now.
BTW Fuze or TouchPro is not the Problem GSM <-> CDMA this is what u have to worry about

Thats wired as they both said touch pro I stupidly assumed the CDMA ones would have the american fuse name - well that explains that!
thanks for your input!

luck is on your side it would seem
try the NRG ROMs. You wont be disappointed


ATT 8525 with a T-Mobile SIM - Sorry!

Appologize for posting the thread twice... I wasn't sure if this goes to the Hermes or the Herald forum...
Hello All,
I recently got an ATT 8525 and I'm trying to use it with my T-Mobile (US) SIM. I was able to successfully unlock the SIM and CID with an util/rom I found on this site (I think the post was from Pof). And I also re-flashed the phone with the latest ROM available.
But after about 5-10mins of usage the signal dies and when I reboot it says No GSM. Looks like the Radio ROM gets corrupted. I tried just re-flashing the Radio ROM and that doesn't help either. It works for short while and again the signal dies.
And also, I'm unable to install any of the generic ROMs (Fantastic Mobiz, PVET 40005) Although I'm connected to Active Sync when I run the Step 1 (ROMUpdateUtility_NV_G3.exe), I get a ERROR [222] : DEVICE NOT RESPONDING. And when I run the step 2 directly (update_rom.bat) I get an cannot update itsutils.dll maybe in use error.
As you can tell I've been messing with phone a lot for a couple of days with no luck and my frustration level is kinda high
As of now here’s where I stand. I re-flashed the phone (Image: 3.62, Radio 1.50) and it’s on the “Tap the screen to set up your windows based mobile device” screen. I plan on leaving it on this screen until I can a good solution.
I would like to get rid of the ATT ROM and install one of those hybrid generic ROM that is not Carrier specific. Any help will be much appreciated. Share your ideas, I’m very experimental 
Phone Details…
ATT 8525
IPL: 1.04
SPL: 1.40.0 lipro
ok ur going all over the map here.. did u hardspl first? also pvet 40005 isnt a hermes rom.. um try hardspl first THEN flash to a new rom maybe once you successfully do that then try a new 3.62 rom.. i run austinsync buts its naked..just like i like my women. ha. but if ur looking for a full blown try fun_key's rom or blinkys.. these arent carrier dependent
hey man jakeypoo, Thanks for your reply. I kinda figured that I was all over the map.
Okay first appologize my ignorance. What is a HardSPL? I did a search on this forum and I found Hard-SPL-V7.zip. Is this a good version to use? Also when I run the exe, All options are grayed out except for "Force Using SSPL" and "Is it Hard-SPL". What do I select.
Hardspl v7 is the latest version out there, its the one for you to use so that you're safe from future mishaps.
I also have an 8525 on T-mobile... so no worries.
Hope this helps.
still problems (no gsm)
Thanks whistler4ever. That link was really a great help.
Here's what I did...
1. Installed the Hard SPL version 6
2. Installed the latest ATT ROM (ver 3.62 radio: 1.54) I had to do this because the radio on the phone was corrupt (says "no GSM" on the start screen) and couldn't install just the radio rom. kept giving connection errors.
3. Installed Schap's WM6 Pro 3.57 hoping this would get ride of the ATT ROM and my intial problem (no GSM) will go away.
Everything was fine for like 15 mins, then my phone just froze. I reboot the phone and sure enough the radio ROM was gone (no gsm). ;(
Running out of ideas.
1. Could this problem be because I'm using a TMobile SIM on a ATT's radio ROM?
2. Is the radio ROM specific to the phone type and provider(ATT, TMO..)? Is there a generic WM 6 radio rom? If yes, where can I find the latest version?
3. Any bright ideas?
Thanks again!
Current phone details...
ATT 8525
IPL: 1.04
SPL: 2.10
ROM 3.62
Radio: no gsm
I was able to flash just the radio ROM - version 1.51. But again after a few hours the Radio got currupted. I also tried to follow the instruction ( http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Hermes_UpgradeProblems#problem5 ) to use the mtty.exe utility, but I don't get a USB prompt. I get Cmd prompt and if I still enter the password, it says invalid password. please help!!!
And how do I do the USB monitor capture? I could post more details that way. I'm using my girl friend's old razr now and it's painful!
I have used my t-mobile sim on AT&T rom's and other roms with no problem. I would try going back to a factory rom and then changing back to a cooked rom just to confirm its all a clean install. also, try downgrading your radio to a 1.47 or 1.48 (those have been proved pretty reliable across many cell providers).
Thanks Whistler. I'm going to start with the 1.48 version and if that doesn't work I'll try the 1.47 version. Not giving up on this.
I found 1.47 to work very well with t-mobile even when traveling...
Thanks Galaxys. I just installed the 1.47 radio. I have fully signal and the 'E', but I can't receive or make calls.
It almost looks like my TMO SIM is not compatible with the 8525. It always works for the first few minutes after an install and then stops working.
I'm very certain the phone is in good condition.
Should I try an older radio version.. like a 1.24 or something ?
Can I install just the tmobile radio rom?
I'm also going to install TNT 2.0 pro so I have the exact same set up as you and see if that makes a difference.
no luck!!!
wow... after all this time and effort still no luck. There's got to be something very basic that I'm not doing right. Senior members any help???
I have spent a lot of time reading the wiki pages and dead hermes thread. Tried out a lot of suggestions listed.
try the way i posted in this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=337125
ajjus said:
wow... after all this time and effort still no luck. There's got to be something very basic that I'm not doing right. Senior members any help???
I have spent a lot of time reading the wiki pages and dead hermes thread. Tried out a lot of suggestions listed.
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Sounds like your doing everything right, because your flashed rom, radio, and Edge network are all functional. Since only the GSM calls don't work, I would go back to Tmobile and get a a new Sim card installed (they should do this for nothing & test it while at the store).
Also, if U got this device on ebay your IMEI could be blocked. see this thread:
Try to flash the entire UK T-Mobile ROM, then remove the internet settings and install the correct CAB for T-Mobile.
UK ROM here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=337163
PROVIDER SETTINGS CAB: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=311446
a-h-t1, Junner2003 and galaxys - I'll try all your suggestions.
a-h-t1 - The first 2 steps went through fine. While I install the radio ROM as part of step 3, the installation doesn't go past 0%
I'm going try Junner2003 idea now. I'll keep everyone posted on my progress.
install stops at 11%
Hi Junner2003,
I was trying to istall the UK Tmo ROM you suggested and it stops always at 11%. I've had this problem with other ROMs as well (12%) but after a few tries the installatons goes past it, but real slow. Any ideas?
Thanks for sending me the links... very helpful!
galaxys said:
Sounds like your doing everything right, because your flashed rom, radio, and Edge network are all functional. Since only the GSM calls don't work, I would go back to Tmobile and get a a new Sim card installed (they should do this for nothing & test it while at the store).
Also, if U got this device on ebay your IMEI could be blocked. see this thread:
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Hi Galaxys,
I don't think the IMEI is blocked. Or maybe it is, how do I find out? I don't have any of the symptons listed on the link you sent (don't hear the beeps or anything).
I originally had a T-Mobile wing. The LCD screen cracked (don't know how). And ofcourse TMo won't replace it.
I got 8525 from my company. It's almost new. Only used for a day on an AT&T SIM. This phone is free, and so I really don't have much to lose... so all out experimenting
Tried insalling from the micro card, even that stops while installing GSM. pissed!!! Why would the darn Radio not update???
this may sound stupid but if all else fails, why not...
my mda use to have signal then it would just disappear as well after 15 min or less..
turns out the sim card wasnt pressed in properly.. so i just put a piece of paper on top of the sim card to make it thicker and get the battery to press it down harder. and it solved all my problems...
just a suggestion..good luck
ajjus said:
Hi Junner2003,
I was trying to istall the UK Tmo ROM you suggested and it stops always at 11%. I've had this problem with other ROMs as well (12%) but after a few tries the installatons goes past it, but real slow. Any ideas?
Thanks for sending me the links... very helpful!
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See this post here for a possible reason (and technical explanation/theory) for your device stalling during radio update. The fix suggestions at the bottom of the page may help you - in particular :
Try cooling the device down a bit before flashing as the PIC chip (where your radio ROM is held) may flash more reliably/easier when cool. Don't ask why - that's from it's datasheet ;-)
The paper on the SIM card is a good idea too to rule out dodgy SIM connection - Great idea r0mmel

Bell Mobility HTC6800 + DCD 3.0.0

Can anyone share their experience upgrading their Bell HTC6800 ROM (including radio, unlocking SPL, and upgrading PRL) with DCD 3.0.1? I have never done it before but curious to hear if anyone has had success or failure.
I noticed that DCD released a Bell ROM in his 2.3.2 kitchen but not in his 3.0.0 kitchen. Does anyone know how to port the correct Bell settings into the 3.0.0 release?
My main reason for upgrading is of course better performance but more importantly I am curious about aGPS and how I can use it instead of my Bluetooth GPS receiver. If anyone can share that would be much appreciated.
Check the last page of this thread
Thanks origins81. I noticed now that DCD added the Bell ROM to his 3.0.1. So can you share you experience with this ROM upgrade? Did you have any problems (I assume you've done this before)? Can you share your experience if you are a Bell HTC 6800 user?
1. If you have not already done so, run the 2.40-olipro unlocker. Your device will again be left in tri-color screen.
2. Flash the official sprint 3.35 update.
3. When the device boots for the first time, do not pass screen calibration. Flash a 3.x.x ROM. (that being the custom rom of your choice)
Think I only used the official Bell rom for about a day before i got sick and tired of it and flashed to one of DCD's clean roms, never looked back since then...
As much as I hate Bell, I purchased this phone, had it for about 7 months and got into flashing roms, well, this newest ROM from DCD was the trickiest. First I tried using the Kitchen (disaster), I finally got it to work, installed it, and I kinda forgot to read the instructions, you have to be SURE to install the Olipro 2.40 first, and flash to the new radio, or it will do one of two things. 1st it will either continuously restart or 2nd thing is it will get stuck on the infamous red, blue, and green screen. However if you do get stuck on this, you can flash the rom again, then install the newest radio and it *should work.
But after all that pain and misery, I got a little better signal (I'm not too sure if this is caused by the new rom or not), the GPS works great as always, and seeing as Bell charges 2 arms and your first child for data, I haven't tried the speeds for Rev. A.
P.S- If you ever need help with your Bell 6800, just ask, I've been troubleshooting the same phone for a couple months, and I know how to use a kitchen, just a PM away.
Thanks guys. You have instilled more confidence in me now. I am just going to make sure I have the original stock ROM from ustar as well as the Titan re-locker just in case (I want a backout plan). I will wait a little longer until everyone irons out the kinks of this new 3.35 radio and I will give the latest DCD ROM a try. Thanks again!
I've used the SPRINT update and it works fine. I've added the quick GPS program that comes with the DCD version and I am going to change the startup logos from Sprint to Bell...(As soon as I figure out how). I didn't need to reprogram anything!!
I just got my phone today, gonna give this a shot...
oh man... i ran the olipro 2.4 file and it took me to the tri color mode and then tried to flash it with the latest sprint update. it went up to 4-5% and then it showed an error of Update Utility. i tried to go bak to the Bell update and it did the samething but this time after 1%. can someone please help me out here? I'm with bell.
ok now i'm stuck at the bell screen and at the bottom it says "No Radio" cuz i tried flashing the dcd file.
Well, to begin with, here are the steps I took to accomplish what I have.
1. Flash Olipro 2.40
2. Flash Radio to 3.35 (For the newest version of DCD's rom)
3. Flash the ROM to DCD's rom.
Now, the first time I did this, I got stuck at the tri-color screen, such a pain. I then tried flashing the rom again, and it rebooted continuously and I had no idea why. This was because I didn't flash to the newest radio. So I did that, and it worked, so try those steps, and good luck.
On problem that I did notice is that my phone always has the roaming triangle on?? Hopefully it's not costing me roaming charges... I was going to try and use the DCD 3.0.1 rom but don't want to chance it. I'm going to try playing with it some more an see what happens.
I'm running DCD 3.0.1 on my Bell 6800 and it's working great so far (day 2)
Follow Origins81's install points above, and remain calm if it takes a try or two to get past the 2.40-olipro unlocker 3-color screen step.
I'm having some issues ActiveSync'ing to both work and home PCs, but I don't think it's related to this ROM.
GPS works great with Google Maps
The alarm clock bug is fixed (e.g. not working when plugged in)
Got it working and everyhthing is great except is doesnt play video in the media player...Working on it.
Well for some reason I can't seem to activate my phone. I hit Talk then I enter ##911224#. It tries to connect for 15 secs then hangs up.
I _thought_ I did everything properly.
1) Ran Olipro2.40 (actually it was the unlock from http://www.phonenews.com/how-to-add-gps-to-htc-mogul-xv6800-p4000-titan-2663/) it looks like it's got Olipro2.40 in it.
2) ran official upgrade from sprint (RUU_TITAN_SPRINT_WWE_3.35.651.2_RS_TITAN_3.35.04_4350H_SPCS_AM_Ship.exe)
3) Extracted DCD_3.0.1_Bell.exe and ran the RUU.
hope I didn't perma-brick it.
Ok fixed it. Browsed around the and found out in a Howard forum that you have to type ##111111# (doh!) before. Ok my heart can start beating again! Posted for posterity. The code that I used must have been for a different area. This phone is from the GTA.
can you give me a link to those howard forum posts because i ran into a problem ... after a last flash my phone works but its not activated... I tryied ##111111# but i get a code check error... ##911224# doesnt do anything... ##778# works but 000000 code doesnt so i cant get in... HELP
Roaming After Update
After suffering with the pesky Bluetooth issues with my HTC, I thought I'd do some searching on the Internet to see if others had the same issues. Lo and behold, it looks like a real bug with the HTC. After reading some forums, it looked like the latest Sprint release would cure the problem. I downloaded an unlock program ("Hard-SPL-MFG") and the Spring update (RUU_TITAN_SPRINT_WWE_3.35.651.2_RS_TITAN_3.35.04_4350H_SPCS_AM_Ship)
and proceeded to update my HTC.
After a few unsuccessful attempts (stuck at the three color bars a couple of times, restarting a few times on it's own) I managed to get the unlock code and Sprint update installed.
The problem I have now is that it appears that I am now roaming even though I'm in my calling area (I'm with Bell Canada)!
Help! What should I do??
Check the bottom link out, had similar issues when I first flashed. If you have any further questions let me know
i follow the step, but when the phone restart, i stuck a the bell screen...
i'm unable to connect with the usb.
Can you able to help me ? to complete the installation or trying to go back OEM
- i do the first step; see the red, green, blue screen (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=9093)
- flash the rom
- now stuck......
thx for your precious help
TwistedWaffle said:
As much as I hate Bell, I purchased this phone, had it for about 7 months and got into flashing roms, well, this newest ROM from DCD was the trickiest. First I tried using the Kitchen (disaster), I finally got it to work, installed it, and I kinda forgot to read the instructions, you have to be SURE to install the Olipro 2.40 first, and flash to the new radio, or it will do one of two things. 1st it will either continuously restart or 2nd thing is it will get stuck on the infamous red, blue, and green screen. However if you do get stuck on this, you can flash the rom again, then install the newest radio and it *should work.
But after all that pain and misery, I got a little better signal (I'm not too sure if this is caused by the new rom or not), the GPS works great as always, and seeing as Bell charges 2 arms and your first child for data, I haven't tried the speeds for Rev. A.
P.S- If you ever need help with your Bell 6800, just ask, I've been troubleshooting the same phone for a couple months, and I know how to use a kitchen, just a PM away.
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Hi TwistedWaffle, Are you from the montreal region? I am looking for somebody who would do this stuff for me... Can you help?

Help with a MDA Vario II

Hi everyone,my name's Larry and I just registered to the forums. Please forgive my newness but I am in a bit of a pickle here.
I have a MDA Vario II, aka Hermes 300, that I bought s/h off ebay. Works fine,no worries, but I upgraded to WM6 because i felt browsing was a little slow and the screen graphics werent as good as I expected. The upgrade was from the T-mobile site itself and all went fine. Only thing is I dont believe this phone can handle it(needs more RAM really) and after being online a while it gets really slow,like steerig a cow through treacle at times so I came to the conclusiong it was a bad move! Now I've noticed a link on here about downgrading to WM5 but is it that easy for one with no specialised tools or knowledge(tho i did build my own PC, or should I say ahem WE did)
Also a problem the phone has developed since the upgrade is it keep deleting my email settings, even tho on the 'desktop' screen it tells me i have so many unread emails in each account! So now i cant check emails from it either!
I do hope I can sort this out cos it is really frustrating having a PDA and not being able to browse properly!
Many thanks
Welcome to XDA-Developers larry. Well Firstly i would start with CID unlocking your device so that you can flash any rom you can do that by downloading hard spl from here
then once you have flashed that you can basically download and install any rom for the hermes. I have an mda vario ii and hate the t-mobile rom as it installs quite a bit of useless crap. I never use and it is also so damn ugly. if after installing a new rom you find you have internet connection problems and/or mms settings then download and run this http://rapidshare.com/files/92547562/UK_Setup.exe that will install the settings for internet and mms for all uk networks, the majority of the cooked roms on here though ,already have a network wizard to set it up for you, but better to be safe than sorry
P.S. I forgot to add if you are looking for speed and extra ram i would look for a vanilla(clean) rom, install that and then add the apps you want via cab files, you will find them scattered about all over this site
scousemartin said:
Welcome to XDA-Developers larry. Well Firstly i would start with CID unlocking your device so that you can flash any rom you can do that by downloading hard spl from here
then once you have flashed that you can basically download and install any rom for the hermes. I have an mda vario ii and hate the t-mobile rom as it installs quite a bit of useless crap. I never use and it is also so damn ugly. if after installing a new rom you find you have internet connection problems and/or mms settings then download and run this http://rapidshare.com/files/92547562/UK_Setup.exe that will install the settings for internet and mms for all uk networks, the majority of the cooked roms on here though ,already have a network wizard to set it up for you, but better to be safe than sorry
P.S. I forgot to add if you are looking for speed and extra ram i would look for a vanilla(clean) rom, install that and then add the apps you want via cab files, you will find them scattered about all over this site
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Ah thanks for that but I have no idea what CID unlocking is(do you mean like unlocking the phone to other networks?) Also what's hard spl?? Totally in the dark about this!
Hermes300 said:
Ah thanks for that but I have no idea what CID unlocking is(do you mean like unlocking the phone to other networks?) Also what's hard spl?? Totally in the dark about this!
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all your question answered here:
I have looked thru the wiki and cannot find the advice I need.
My device has the following on it and what I would like to know is if I can actually drowngrade the device back to WM5.
The rom version is (T-mobile UK)
The radio version is so I assume that it is boot 0108.
The IPL is 1.04 and the SPL 2.03.
The protocol reads as follows 32.83.7020.20H
I have come across a guide that states if the radio is above then downgrading may not be possible.
"(NOTE: If your radio version is currently HIGHER than then it is very likely the radio bootloader is version 0108, this WILL NOT allow the radio to be downgraded to a radio containing BL 0106 and will result in a "NO GSM" error.)" -http://www.mrvanx.org/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=41&Itemid=27
The other question I would like to ask is this - it is possible to put another verion of WM6 on with this radio version?
Thanks for any advice!
Can anyone help me here!
Do I need to SIM unlock my PDA to update the ROM to a custom ROM, for example Schaps_WM6Pro_Hermes_4.30 which I recently downloaded from here.
At the moment it is locked to T-mobile. I have also updated the SPL to 2.10 olipro and the radio is at and the HTC boot is 0108.
Thanks guys
Hermes300 said:
Can anyone help me here!
Do I need to SIM unlock my PDA to update the ROM to a custom ROM, for example Schaps_WM6Pro_Hermes_4.30 which I recently downloaded from here.
At the moment it is locked to T-mobile. I have also updated the SPL to 2.10 olipro and the radio is at and the HTC boot is 0108.
Thanks guys
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I think you might not have gotten help 'cause it doesn't look like you've read what people pointed for you to read. Hopefully this'll help you get over the jargon hump and make progress. Having upgraded from the Offical T-Moble rom and swapped ROMs, it's definitely worth taking the time to learn how to do.
SIM unlock & CID unlock aren't the same.
If you've had you phone with T-Mobile for at least 3 month they will let Unlock you SIM (at least they do in the US). Contact them directly, you'll need an active account & phone number with them. This is free.
CID unlocking allows flashing ROMs onto your PDA. For some reason the folks at T-mobile, etc want you to have to look at their stuff every time you use a machine you bought through them. Using a cooked rom is like reinstalling XP without having AOL on your computer, makes life much better.
(flashing = installing to a PDA's Read Only Memory)
(ROM = OS + Radio + other stuff = basically everything thats on the PDA after a hard reset)
Flashing can be a dangerous thing, you don't want to 'brick' your PDA so you install an escape hatch. Hard SPL is that escape hatch.
(Brick = peice of baked clay = your PDA if a ROM install fails and you didn't install Hard SPL first)
The Hard SPL protects you if the ROM you installs fails 'cause power went out, ROM was bad, you bumped the cable, etc
Read & Follow the directions.
Select a ROM from here
I have the same model & just installed Custel V2.5, seems to work well so far (day 2).
Good Luck
Thanks gt, and we have read advice on here but a lot of seems to be conflicting plus we seem to be just going round and round. Yep, ben there, yep read that etc.
I know the diff. between SIM and CID unlock but all I want to know is is it necessary to SIM unlock the phone to update a ROM?
I wont be using another network but will be staying with T-mobile W n W.
I did it!
Well I did it. flashed the phone with Schaps WM6 4.30 WWE.
Have noticed it runs faster than the previous T-Mobile WM6 and has some really neat features-you can adjust a lot more settings on the phone than before,quite impresed! Thanks for everyones help!

Hero - DEAD!

Guys, I have an Orange UK branded Hero.
I modded it to remove the Orange branding with:-
and then I used a custom rom 2.9-update-hero-modacocustomrom-core-signed.zip
Great!! I removed the branding and had a great working phone... I unlocked the network via Orange UK key.
But then, as i was using a 3 contract sim in the phone, i thought it better to try and flash a genuine 3 rom onto it. It failed..
Following a posting of my issue, i was advised to update my radio ?? I did with Radio_Signed_HERO_63.18.55.06PU_6.35.15.14.zip - all worked well.
I was then asked to flash with splhard1_update_signed.zip which would prepare my handset to accept the official 3 rom. I did this - but now my phone wont boot up at all??
It has a fully charged battery but pressing no amount of buttons brings life to my handset... I am so worried that I have f**ked it beyond any worth...
Can anyone save my bacon (i was trying to make the phone work on the official 3 rom for my girlfriend - she doesnt even know )
Can you tell us where you got the SPL update?
...aside from Modaco's unlocked SPL, I can't say that I've seen any any updates/instructions regarding the SPL.
I don't think your phone will ever accept any official 3 rom as its still a orange serial number even though you've removed the orange software, try adding a 3 based rom instead.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
That SPL isn't for Hero afaik I think it's for magic.
I think you've bricked it now. Maybe you could try sending it back to HTC, but they might spot what you did.
Note for future reference: don't flash SPLs unless you understand what you are doing, and if it is the right SPL or not.

Stock rom not working

Dear XDA Developers community,
my father recently gave me his old HTC HD2. It had its factory default stuff. I wanted to download some apps and play around with it, so I downloaded some apps from the marketplace. As soon as I downloaded a free Sudoku game, and ran it, the phone stopped responding. I tried to do a soft reset, but the phone did not respond either (it was stuck at the menu).
Now, I may have done an error: I removed the battery, instead of performing a Hard Reset. When I turned it on, it started rebooting in a loop, being stuck always at the HTC white welcome screen.
I decided for a Hard Reset. Well, it always gets stuck at the bootloader screen (the screen with the 4 colors).
So, I researched a bit, and found out, you can return to its stock ROM, eve with a stuck bootloader.
Well, I downloaded many old ROMS (the Rom before the problems was a 1.66 one), and ran the RUU through USB. But it always gave me a Incorrect vendor ID error (I think it was 194), so the update would always stop at 1%.
I even tried a 1.43 ROM.
I tried many WWE version Roms, but they don't seem to work. My father bought the phone on Amazon US, with no special contract or phone lock, so I guess it has to be a WWE, so I don't know why the RUU says it's incorrect.
I have seen other threads that have some similarities, but my exact same problem has not been addressed.
I would be very happy if you could help me, since I do not want to spend any money on repairs which I could probably perform with help of the community
I would be most glad to give more information if needed.
Many thanks in advance.
The issue was resolved by installing HSPL4 on it, and then using a WWE 1.66 ROM on it! Silly me for not trying that earlier!
glad you sorted it, , to explain why it wouldnt work, you were not using the correct rom for that phone.
Your first clue would be the 'invalid vendor id'. An 02 phone (for example) will only take o2 roms, a tmo phone tmo roms, a voda phone, voda roms. Only unbranded phones take pure wwe roms, so for example
ruu leo htc wwe 1.66.405.2
see it says HTC in the filename? its for unbranded (not sold by a network) hd2s only.
I guess you have a branded one. (even if its been unlocked, the rom lock always remains, which is why we have hspl)
Incidentally, you only had trouble because you initially flashed from sd card, and step 1 in teh sd card flash is hspl gets removed, the phone restarts to continue flashing but because hspl is now gone, it fails. Had you flashed from usb teh first time, it would have worked.
samsamuel said:
glad you sorted it, , to explain why it wouldnt work, you were not using the correct rom for that phone.
Your first clue would be the 'invalid vendor id'. An 02 phone (for example) will only take o2 roms, a tmo phone tmo roms, a voda phone, voda roms. Only unbranded phones take pure wwe roms, so for example
ruu leo htc wwe 1.66.405.2
see it says HTC in the filename? its for unbranded (not sold by a network) hd2s only.
I guess you have a branded one. (even if its been unlocked, the rom lock always remains, which is why we have hspl)
Incidentally, you only had trouble because you initially flashed from sd card, and step 1 in teh sd card flash is hspl gets removed, the phone restarts to continue flashing but because hspl is now gone, it fails. Had you flashed from usb teh first time, it would have worked.
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Thanks for the answer Samuel. I got the phone to work again, and I even loaded NAND Android from the DFTeam.
Although the ROM runs just perfect and I love it, now my Volume Up key has stopped working.
I could not post on the Development section, so I guess I won't bother anyone, and will just post it in this thread.
It is a minor issue, but it's still is annoying. I found on the forums problems with the key with other models, but not with the HTC Leo.
Maybe someone has heard of this. Again, thanks in advance!

