Is my Jamin dead? Help pleeeeease! - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 ROM Development

Hi everyone.
I tried to upgrade my i-mate Jamin to WM 6.5 using this file.
I think I did everything right (I checked the G4 and HardSPL in the beginning of installation and I'm sure my MB is G4).
Everything was going perfect and the installation advanced without any problems, but at the end my Jamin was stuck in the three color screen, showing only the following words:
IPL: 2.13.001
SPL: 2.13.001
I tried to hold the Comm Manager and Soft Reset buttons as this topic recommends, but the phone gets back to the 3 color screen again, and no success...
I tried to pull out and reinsert the battery, also no success...
Please help me, this is my friend's phone! I AM SO NERVOUS and I may kill somebody!
Is there anything I can do to get rid of the 3 color screen?

mahi58 said:
Hi everyone.
I tried to upgrade my i-mate Jamin to WM 6.5 using this file.
I think I did everything right (I checked the G4 and HardSPL in the beginning of installation and I'm sure my MB is G4).
Everything was going perfect and the installation advanced without any problems, but at the end my Jamin was stuck in the three color screen, showing only the following words:
IPL: 2.13.001
SPL: 2.13.001
I tried to hold the Comm Manager and Soft Reset buttons as this topic recommends, but the phone gets back to the 3 color screen again, and no success...
I tried to pull out and reinsert the battery, also no success...
Please help me, this is my friend's phone! I AM SO NERVOUS and I may kill somebody!
Is there anything I can do to get rid of the 3 color screen?
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Please don't panic! If you see when connect the phone to the computer and USB message on the bottom of prophet screen update is posible. So try to put original WM5 on the phone. Read dioxda2 post for more. For sure you don't hardspl your phone before flashing....

bikertibi said:
Please don't panic! If you see when connect the phone to the computer and USB message on the bottom of prophet screen update is posible. So try to put original WM5 on the phone. Read dioxda2 post for more. For sure you don't hardspl your phone before flashing....
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Thank you very much, my problem solved using the WM5 flashing process.
I thought it's impossible to get the phone connected to PC because activesync wasn't establishing a connection to the phone, but obviously I was wrong.
After flashing WM5, I performed a HSPL on the phone, and then used the file again, and the phone was upgraded to WM 6.5 with no problem.
I previously had downloaded your 6.5 ROM from a crappy forum, which was only including a download link and some useless info, and since I was a newbie myself D), I didn't even know that I should have performed a HSPL before upgrading the OS.


HTC s200 always on bootloader

Hi there, i have a situation that happened to my s200/G4 when i've tryed to update:
First i've updated IPL to 2.20 and it went ok showing on the device IPL 2.20.0001. Then when i've tryed to update SPL to 2.20 also and here the problem acoured. in the end it showed ok but when it rebooted it showed IPL 2020.0001 and SPL 2.20 and nothing else...... after this the s200 always stops at the bootloader screen. I'v tryed the hard reset, soft reset, latest i'v tryed the ppc charge trick(cut wires, etc...) i can even put the s200 discovered in the pc as a usb htc device(bootloader) but when i try to update to a new rom or anything the update program (always used g4 software and confirmed that it is a g4 ppc before update) it says that it can not communicate with the device....?!?!?
well, the device is showing in the device manager as a usb ppc device.
i don't know what to do more.
since he is connecting to the pc, how can i force him to accept any firm?
really this is a complicated situation to me since i am a beginner.
If anyone can help me please do. I would apreciate it.
Hi nightRoller
I have the exact same problem, i've have started this thread looking for help and logging all the steps i've been doing with any success:
And like you, i also have my IPL 2.20.0001 and SLP 2.20 and i think that there's where the problem is
So lets see if any one can help us out, and keep me posted if you manage to do something, and i'll le you know if i succeed in the meantime.
Anyone would care to help uus out?
THank you very much in advance.
Try Soft SPL
Instead of hard SPL, why don't you try just Soft SPL?
Search the Soft SPL thread, copy the 3 files to your Prophet root (\) dir and execute the SPL link, answer YES to the Program Executing Firewall if it pop up.
You'll need some WM5/6 to be able to operate the Prophet in order to do this, I went from the BootLoader directly to PDAViet Step 1 Temp WM5, after it ask me to tap the sreen to begin to use the device, I follow all the steps in order to have a WM operative, then use ActiveSync to Explore and copy Soft SPL to root dir.
After this, execute Soft SPL from your pocket, a blank screen will came. Press the Camera Button (Just in case), the Execute "ROMUpdateUtility_NV_G3.exe" or G4 equivalent from your nk.nbf preferred WM6 ROM.
Some time you'll have to unlplug the PDA and plug it again so the update to WM5 PDAViet Temp to begin without the "PDA not connected error", please, be advice that Activisync will be disable during this Bootloader stage, I mean, It will not sincro nor anything, but you'll still be able to update to Step 1 WM5.
You haven't actually done HardSPL right. Not an expert so I can't help you do it, there are guides on this forum though. But your IPL wont show 2.20.0001 ... it will have something with G4 in the middle. Sorry I can't be more specific, I only fixed this on my phone last night.

hardspl - white screen

i have a qtek s200, spl 2.20.0001.
i've been trying to hardspl/upgrading to wm6 for a couple of days now.
have tried every possible way i could find on this forum (and others).
tried the kaiser v1, jumpspl, update package, prophet tools, ...
nothing works for me.
i always get the white screen the second i press continue on my device or when i click ok on my pc.
i can hear the device rebooting, because my usb connection gets reactived when i wait, watching the white screen.
after a while i even get my activesync connection back. but always in white screen. when i softreset the s200 i still have the spl 2.20.0001.
i even tried upgrading it to another rom in the white screen and then i get stuck in the bootloader, which means i have to re-install an official qtek-rom.
help me!!! what should i do to be able to use wm6 on my device??
thanks a lot in advance. appreciate it it! a lot!
never mind ...
followed the instructions on the G4forum and it works (for) now.
sorry. thx for those who read my question anyway.

bootloader problem? i've read EVERY thread!

hi all, hope someone can help, been reading threads for days and this is about my fifth xda so i'm no newb.
it's an i-mate jamin i got for my father, ipl/spl 2.13.0001 (G4) bought second hand from ebay, seems to work fine running wm5 os 2.13 but won't send text messages, didn't think much of it since i was planning to upgrade to wm6.1, unfortunately NO KNOWN METHOD WORKS.
Here's what i've tried:
Two different windows xp computers, two different cables, re-install activesync, hard reset, multiple connection retries.
PDAViet temp step 1 from OS and Bootload, most common error is [264], tried NVID wm5, tried official IPL 2.20.0001 upgrade and official i-mate ROM, tried jump/soft/hard SPL, all go to white bootload screen but no further, sometimes the green LED will flash as a radio signal on this white screen but usually nothing.
It seems very much to me like the bootloader is not responding, can someone please tell me when you put the phone in the bootloader and plug the usb cable in, after it has said USB, if you then unplug the cable should the USB text dissapear? because on mine it remains..
when running hardspl.bat the only error on the script is;
cerun: program could not execute (0), after trying to run jumpspl, altho it DOES go into the white screen and just sit there, yes i've tried pressing the camera button.
I'm fresh out of ideas here! help please!
when i run Prophet_G4_IPL_v2.20.0001.exe after a hard reset (sticks on bootloader and give [264]) but before that it says upgrade from to 2.20.
That first number doesn't seem right? is it possible the previous owner flashed a G4 ipl onto a G3 device? and how would I tell?

Problem with At&T 8525 mobile

Hello Everybody,
My mobile at&t 8525 alias HTC 8525 is stuck in windows operator logo.It would not boot further. It happened while I tried to upgrade it from Windows 5.0 to Windows 6.0.First I got a tri-colour screen,but in a hurry I tried to backgrade to windows 5.0 again.
Other problem the mobile cannot be synced. I have installed Microsoft Active sync 4.5. Even then it could not be synced.
I tried to read all the posts ,but could not understand anything.
So please help me in getting my mobile repaired
Don't worie.
I had somewhat the same issue with a bad ROM flash.
Just disconnect the USB and boot to the bootloader screen (the tricolour screen) and you should be able to reflash the phone again.
Problem in syncing the mobile
I am not able to sync the mobile to the laptop.I have installed Microsoft Active sync 4.5. Even then it is not syncing.So how could I run the hermes upgrade if the mobile is not helping.
Please help
In Activesync on PC - Untick "Allow USB Connections".
Put the Hermes into bootloader (tri-colour screen) and connect by usb. Run the RUU_Wrapper.exe file you want. Follow onscreen instructions.
You need to have installed Hard SPL V7 for this to work...
did not work
Hello Boss
I tried to follow the procedure you suggested me. but it did not work. I tried with Hard SPl 7.0.
Please give me some suggestion
you dont need an active sync connection to flash it. Enter bootloader(tri colour screen) as you were told in the previous posts and Just click on the boxes that you do have a connection(even though you dont) and then flash the rom.
@ultramag69 i hve never had to untick allow usb connections and i have cocked up loads of rom flashes, saying that i have never had a problem flashing in vista either so maybe i am lucky
If you still cant flash doing it this way, then maybe you should try flashing from sd card instead, just make sure the battery is fully charged. Full instructions of how to do this are found in the hermes wiki, which i advise you to read anyway.
Oh and good luck anyway, you should be able to recover the phone from this ,so i wouldnt fret too much
Guess he isnt hardspl'ed... then his batt is death... must to flash a shipped rom.
correct me if im wrong.
Problem with upgrade At&T 8525 mobile
I'm having problems with my Cingular 8525, after I made the upgrade to WM6.1 (FARIA-R32-XDA2_WM6.1.rar) for WM 6.5 (FCWs_stock_like_6.5_v3.rar), and slowed my device does not work anymore. He died.
I need help please. How resurrect it?
Excuse my English.
english is not the problem here cause we need more info... device info SPL IPL hardSPL? you go from 6.5 to 6.1?
Do you try to flash first the Stripped?
Does your batt has charge enough to boot?
There are many many things to say so... start to tell us all your history!
I tried to Hard spl with Hard Splv7. But I got a error. I even tried the Sd Card method.Its says loading and I get the tricolour mode. If I press the Power button its not showing the status of upgradation.
Where can I get a shipped rom. Actually my Spl is 1.11.
I tried to Hard spl with Hard Splv7. But I got a error. I even tried the Sd Card method.Its says loading and I get the tricolour mode. If I press the Power button its not showing the status of upgradation.
Where can I get a shipped rom. Actually my Spl is 1.11.
check the wiki pages for your device in the upper bar of this web forums
there are many official roms.
I also am currently using an 8525 (Herm100). It was received from an Ebay deal with WM5. I flashed it with the ATT OEM WM6pro (aka shipped wm6). Once it hit the three color boot screen, it sat on that for a couple of minutes then started cooking. Once it showed a progress bar, it took about 3 minutes to cook the WM6 over the WM5. It also showed a popup that stated going back to WM5 was not an option.
I would suggest running the installer again and going down to 7-11 for a refreshment. You may not have let it percolate long enough to set itself up for the actual ROM overwriting.
gorkalraghavendra said:
Hello Everybody,
My mobile at&t 8525 alias HTC 8525 is stuck in windows operator logo.It would not boot further. It happened while I tried to upgrade it from Windows 5.0 to Windows 6.0.First I got a tri-colour screen,but in a hurry I tried to backgrade to windows 5.0 again.
Other problem the mobile cannot be synced. I have installed Microsoft Active sync 4.5. Even then it could not be synced.
I tried to read all the posts ,but could not understand anything.
So please help me in getting my mobile repaired
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G4 Bricked? Tri-Color boot screen visible

Hi. I have searched the forums, but haven't found the answer I have been looking for, so sorry if this is a repeat.
I am working under Windows 7, installed VMWare and XP Pro on it, and easily installed Hard-SPL and Cracings 6.5. When I went to upgrade the Radio, I was sure to download one without SPL and IPL. I tried to upgrade, but it hung at 2% for at least 5 hours. (I knew it was bad in 2 minutes actually, but decided to wait). Now it will turn on, but to the tri-color boot screen. Tried hard reset (although I didn't really expect it to work). Is there anything that I can do? It shows when I connect it to usb, both on the phone and on the computer.
It is FAR out from under warranty, so thats out, but if there is anything I could try, I would be much obliged for pointers. Thanks a lot!
You need to make the update with RUU 2.5.2
( ).
Try it, if even that does not work (for me it works only with wizard_love ROM
( loca's post), but not with other cooked ROM's) then you can try WST wizard service tool
( ) to unpack the nbf and load only the OS ROM.
Thanks for the info.
I will try it later this weekend when i get time! (moving to new apt.... sigh... can't feed the addiction)
If Tri Colour Screen WST needs to boot into WM OS surely???
How can you use WST if only on bootloader. Please explain as I have similar issues...
I had exactly the same experience as you: Hard-SPL followed by Cracing and then the tri-color screen. This thread helped me revive my G4.
Hey I am having the same problem but with my G3 att 8125. I flashed to 2.26 which I always do before installing any rom then installed X2A Haseebs Iphone Killer and it stalled at 57% for over an hour so I unplugged it and hard-reset it. I have installed this rom about twice and it works fine. Now my phone starts up and goes straight to the Tri-colored bootscreen. When I plug the phone in it displays that it is connected via USB but the computer doesnt recognize it. IPL 2.26, SPL 2.26 as displayed on the screen. PLEASE HELP!
Hi all, I've got the exact same problem as Quadzilla has - any help would be much appreciated!

