O2 XDA in HK and GPRS problem - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I was recently in HK with my O2 XDA and couldn't get the GPRS to work, after spending an hour talking to the O2 support desk, I gave up.
Could someone who has their XDA working tell me what their 'connections' set up is?
I was told I had to dial into the O2 WAP GSM (CSD) line, but it never answers.

yarx said:
I was recently in HK with my O2 XDA and couldn't get the GPRS to work, after spending an hour talking to the O2 support desk, I gave up.
Could someone who has their XDA working tell me what their 'connections' set up is?
I was told I had to dial into the O2 WAP GSM (CSD) line, but it never answers.
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hmmm! well when u turn on your phone it should show the G logo near the signal bar for a while or rather click on the signal bar .there u will see the G for GPRS. If its now showing.....well i think theres no gprs.
Are u using the IE for your GPRS?

Which GSM Services Provider you are using? Go to check does your account including the GPRS service, if not, apply it. Then ask your GSM Services Provider to go thr. your GPRS setting with your xda.
I have use Smartone services for a long time in Hong Kong, so far so good.


Converting from T-Mobile to AT&T

I have a friend that has a T-Mobile XDA and wants to change to AT&T.
She took it to the local AT&T office and they said they cound convert the phone but they would not be able to give her the capability to brouse the internet.
Can the phone be changed over to AT&T without loosing any of the online capabilities?
Rick Opp
Rick Opp said:
I have a friend that has a T-Mobile XDA and wants to change to AT&T.
She took it to the local AT&T office and they said they cound convert the phone but they would not be able to give her the capability to brouse the internet.
Can the phone be changed over to AT&T without loosing any of the online capabilities?
Rick Opp
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I've never heard of either carrier being receptive to SIM unlocking, even when they're the "gaining" carrier, so I'm a little suspect of this. That being said, I moved from ATTWS to T-Mobile and had no trouble connecting to GPRS on the T-Mobile side, I suspect it will be the same for you. I would use the tools here to unlock the phone and just keep ATTWS's hands off my device.
Yup, unlock it with the tools here, find the AT&T GPRS settings, and go for it. I'm not sure if loading the AT&T Radio Stack would be good, maybe someone else knows? Mad Max, did you change to the T-Mobile radio?
Carlos said:
Mad Max, did you change to the T-Mobile radio?
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I have not. Am curious about other's observations. I'm running ATTWS's stack A.20.10 with no problems on T-Mobile, including full GPRS access. Only thing unusual seems to be that my signal meter always reads very low when I'm on T-Mobile, even in places where my other t-mobile phone is almost maxed out on signal strength. Others on the board have mentioned this, so I don't know if it's linked to my cross-carrier configuration or not.
All you have to do is get ahold of T Mobile USA's Customer Care Department and as long as you have had your account with them for at least 3 months and don't have any past due charges on it, they should be able to get you the SID unlock code. Just tell them you're going to be going overseas and one of the GSM carriers over there is giving you a prepaid SIM to use while in their country and they need you to have your Pocket PC Phone Edition unlocked. I had an unlocked one and used it just fine with the T Mobile OEM software in it. The only thing strange I guess is you'll be using ATTWS service with a T Mobile USA device. LOL! I won an SX56 from Siemens so now I'm using it. Bought my T Mobile one for $200 on eBay and resold it for $320. Talk about profit. I hope the IRS aren't reading these forums. LOL! 8)
So if I understand correctly, if I just unlock the SIM and take it into the local AT&T store they should be able to get it set up with both AT&T phone service and Internet, Right?
Thanks for the info
Rick Opp said:
So if I understand correctly, if I just unlock the SIM and take it into the local AT&T store they should be able to get it set up with both AT&T phone service and Internet, Right?
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You are correct sir. It will take a couple of minutes to set up the GPRS dial string and settings, but otherwise it will work perfectly.
Thanks for the help. I have already ordered the connector to make a serial cable.
One other thought before I do this...
Is there someone out there that has a Siemens with AT&T they want to trade for a T-Mobile ???
Rick :lol:
Rick Opp said:
Is there someone out there that has a Siemens with AT&T they want to trade for a T-Mobile ???
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It really is the exact same device inside: just burn a new ROM and you'll have the same device. That simple...
no prob
last weekend i went to t-mobile with my att xda and ordered service since att in so cal is beyond horrible. I signed up with a plan which gave me a free phone. He pulled the sim card that came with the phone out of the box and put it in my xda. in 1 minute i receved a sms that said "OTA OK" and my phone worked (with a full signal). I dont use internet but all you have to do is ask for the gprs connection string and type it in.
Apparently the phone was unlocked when they took it to the AT&T store. The tech said they could set up everything but the internet access.
Maybe the techs at that office don't know how to do it.
How do you go about finding out what the GPRS connection string is supposed to be? Is it device specific or location specific? Is it something I can get myself or does AT&T have to provide a unique string?
Is the internet access only offered in certain areas?
Or maybe someone can recommend a "qualified" AT&T office to take it to to get the service set up. I am in the Austin TX area.
I'm kinda new to this so bear with me.
Rick Opp :roll:
Rick Opp said:
How do you go about finding out what the GPRS connection string is supposed to be? Is it device specific or location specific? Is it something I can get myself or does AT&T have to provide a unique string?
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I think what they mean is that they don't know how to do it at the store, but you can get the info by calling into ATTWS customer care and asking for data tech support.
Like T-Mobile, the info is NOT device or location specific. Simply set the connection to be "Cellular Line (GPRS)" in the pull-down menu, and the access point name is "proxy". If you're asked specifically for a proxy server name ( I was in version 3, but not in ROM version 4) the ATTWS proxy server is "localhost".
In older ROM versions, there was more to do, but on 4.00.11, that's about all there is to it. If you need the other stuff like IP addresses for proxy servers and WAP gateways, let me know and I can post that two, but doesn't seem to be needed under ROM v4. I have the connection stuff for both ATTWS and Tmobile entered into two connections, because I sometimes flip SIMs between carriers, and it works great.
OK, Great
thanks for the info.
I'll let you know how it turns out.
rick Opp
Making progress but still not quite there
We got the phone working. That was the easy part.
A new AT&T SIM was installed.
We entered the GPRS setup parameters given to us by the AT&T tech.
I was told that when the inverted "G" showed up in the signal strength status window that GPRS would be available. When the G showed up I could connect but IE bombed out saying the page could not be located when attempting to browse.
An AT&T tech told me to do a hard boot. After the hard boot, the G no longer shows up. I can still log on to GPRS but IE still bombs out.
Any suggestions?
The settings provided by AT&T are listed below. Perhaps someone could compare it to their settings ans see if maybe AT&T gave me bad info.
Connection name:
GPRS Connection
Cellular Line (GPRS)
Baud rate = 19200
Use server assigned IP address
Under Modem Tab:
Name GPRS Connection
Number +0 ~GPRS!proxy
Under Proxy Settings:
Both connects to internet and uses proxy server boxes checked
Proxy Server localhost
Advanced Settings:
HTTP localhost : 9090
WAP : 9201
Socks localhost ; 1080
Type = Socks 4
Thanks again for your help.
Rick Opp said:
I have a friend that has a T-Mobile XDA and wants to change to AT&T.
She took it to the local AT&T office and they said they cound convert the phone but they would not be able to give her the capability to brouse the internet.
Can the phone be changed over to AT&T without loosing any of the online capabilities?
Rick Opp
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Since this is not your device I would suggest that you just install the latest official Pocket PC 2002 AT&T ROM and Radio stack which can be downloaded from the below link (she can always later upgrade it to WM2003 if she want to) :
How to convert:
After you have the above needed file run it!.
Once it has finished 'unpacking files', cancel out of it and use Windows Explorer to go to the
C:\Program Files\SX56 upgrade utility folder.
Now download adaptROM.exe from: http://xda-developers.com/adaptROM/
and place it in the C:\Program Files\SX56 upgrade utility folder
Then go to DOS and run adaptROM.exe from the C:\Program Files\SX56 upgrade utility folder.
After adaptROM has finished return to the C:\Program Files\SX56 upgrade utility folder and run upgrade.exe .
I'll give it a try tomorrow after work.
The saga continues......
After running adaptrom and installing the Siemens ROM update everything works perfectly.
Thanks for all the help.
These things are pretty cool. Maybe I'll get one for myself.
Glad to hear it worked out and yea they're pretty cool!

HTC Hero 3G question

I have a question about the 3g network. Well recently i tried connecting to vodafone and noticed that there is no 3g icon on the status bar unlike from the orange network. My question is that if there is no 3g icon, does this mean i do not have the 3 g coverage ? I tried connecting to the net, i put on the right settings APN, proxy.... but in vain. all i get is the message that i have to enable mobile connections which in fact is already enabled.
Can anyone here clear my mind please. thanks.
P.S I have no problems with the orange network. 3 g, Hspda everything works fine and fast.
You need to make sure you have a 3G SIM card for Vodafone. If you just pulled one out of an older phone (especially one that did not have 3G) then the SIM is probably only good for 2G (GSM/GPRS). The 2G and 3G SIM cards look identical, but they have different information on them.
clobber said:
You need to make sure you have a 3G SIM card for Vodafone. If you just pulled one out of an older phone (especially one that did not have 3G) then the SIM is probably only good for 2G (GSM/GPRS). The 2G and 3G SIM cards look identical, but they have different information on them.
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for sure it is a 3g simcard. on other phones, coverage and data connection works fine but on the hero....
But on the Orange network are you not using an Orange SIM? And on the Vodafone network using a Vodafone SIM?
Only other thing I can think of is Vodafone don't have 3G coverage at the exact location you are trying?
clobber said:
But on the Orange network are you not using an Orange SIM? And on the Vodafone network using a Vodafone SIM?
Only other thing I can think of is Vodafone don't have 3G coverage at the exact location you are trying?
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well yes. i actually have two sims and 2 phones but i would have prefered to have the vodafone one on the hero. Vodafone do have the coverage cause my other phone do have the 3 g coverage.Cannot figure out where is the problem. Called the guys at vodafone and all they could tell me was that they do not have any settings for the phone, that they cannot help me cause they do not provide the pphone here.
Hmm....the APN setting and everything should be the same regardless of 2G or 3G data connectivity. Actually, that is something to check if you have not already. With the Vodafone SIM in your Hero when you go to Settings->Wireless Controls -> Mobile Network settings you might want to make sure "use only 2G networks" is not checked. Also make sure the Access Point Names is configured correctly. I don't know what they are for Vodafone, but a quick Google should tell you. Other than that, hmmm.........
clobber said:
Hmm....the APN setting and everything should be the same regardless of 2G or 3G data connectivity. Actually, that is something to check if you have not already. With the Vodafone SIM in your Hero when you go to Settings->Wireless Controls -> Mobile Network settings you might want to make sure "use only 2G networks" is not checked. Also make sure the Access Point Names is configured correctly. I don't know what they are for Vodafone, but a quick Google should tell you. Other than that, hmmm.........
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Yep , i did everything right. still......
Try locking it in 3g mode. I have a rooted G1, you get to the menu by typing the following into the dialer:
after entering that sequence it should goto a menu, pick the first item and scroll down and see if you can change from "CDMA preferred" to "CDMA only" or whatever your 3G equivalent is.
This is based off a G1 with a Hero ROM, so results may vary. Let me know if this works =)
Also make sure that you are switching over to the Vodafone APN settings. You can have the settings in correctly, but if you don't switch to that profile, then it will try using the Orange. This is the most common reason I have people in my store with data connection issues, they have the right settings, but didn't select the right profile.(I sell cell phone and cell phone accessories on a GSM network in the US, so I get a lot of unlocked phones in need of setup.)
Problem solved. A moderator could kindly please close this thread. thanks to all who helped. Cheers!!!
deeren said:
Problem solved. A moderator could kindly please close this thread. thanks to all who helped. Cheers!!!
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Care to share what fixed it? For future reference if I do buy a Hero =)
southeastbeast said:
Care to share what fixed it? For future reference if I do buy a Hero =)
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hi friend,
well there was nothing to fix as such. it was a misunderstanding.
One thing i came to know is that 3g will appear only is there is a data connection ...and if your apn is set correctly.
and another thing that was resolved is that htc hero cannot connect to vodafone live here in romania because it is only possible through wap bla bla bla a lot of crap.
This was the answer of vodafone representant: For the moment, the service vodafone live we provide cannot be accessed through new handsets with new browsers such as n97,iphone htc magic...

T-Mobile US HTC HD2 not working in Germany

since my phone was stolen 1 day before my trip to the US, I had to buy another one in California. I asked at the T-Mobile Shop if I could use the HTC HD2 in Germany and they said yes - I just have to wait 6 Weeks and request a unlock code. Now that I am back in Germany, I can't get a Connection with my O2-SIM card. Even with the T-Mobile SIM-Card there is no reception. I tried everything, AutoData Config, Connection Config.
When I click on Set Networks I get a list of all the German Providers (o2, T-Mobile, E-Plus, Vodafone), so the phone actually has reception, but cannot connect. When I click on "Find Network" it says "Cannot register on selected network. Choose another network, or disconnect your data connection and try again".
Is there anything I can do?
Thank you so much for help!
I don't know what to do... it finds all the networks but I can't connect.
Maybe I should try to flash another Radio?
I have now:
D 2 Energy
Are your Network Type and Band Fequency set to Auto?
fred_up said:
Are your Network Type and Band Fequency set to Auto?
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Yes, did that! And tried to set the Europe- Types (GSM & 900-1800)
So, now I found something interesting. My original SIM Card from California T-Mobile can't connect to Networks, My ne O2-Sim-Card can't connect to any network either (but they can be found). But another FONIC SIM card (prepaid, germany) can connect to all networks!
I don't understand this...
Have you tried your O2 Sim Card in another working phone?
Ok, now that hurts. Found the solution for my problem: it says in the letter "Before you can use your new SIM card, you have to activate it!" Haha... I was searching the Web for 4 1/2 hours just to find out everything is right and I just have to read...
Thanks so much.
haha thats epic
*beer* for you good sir... everyone has one of those days.

[Q] x10i cant connect to 3G network

i bought my x10 on taiwan and i even manage to connect to internet there and in singapore via 3G.. now when im here in the philippines, i cant even connect..
i ask for the hlp of cutomer care of one giant network here but then they told me that i really cant connect to 3G here in the philippines if your phone was bought outside.. is there any solution to this? i can only have internet thru wifi..
Obtain your providers APN service settings and import them into your phone
settings --> Wireless and networksettings --> Mobile networks --> Access point names (or something like that.. it's dutch here ) --> 'Menu button' --> New APN
well tnx you sir for the advice.. will be talking to customer servie tomorrow morning.. hope this one will fix the issue.. but again i think same problem will arise if ever i will be going outside the philippines.. sigh...
xriel said:
well tnx you sir for the advice.. will be talking to customer servie tomorrow morning.. hope this one will fix the issue.. but again i think same problem will arise if ever i will be going outside the philippines.. sigh...
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im pretty sure you can google the apn settings of your provider.. no need to bother the customer service

T-mobile / Orange Roaming

Hi all,
I'm on t-mobile in the uk and on my previous phone (htc hero) I was able to flick automatically to Orange's signal when I had poor t-mobile signal. When this would happen the phone would let me know I was roaming.
However, on my new Galaxy S2 it never seems to change to Orange's signal and my phone is never roaming. This has resulted in me having worse reception on my new phone over my old hero.
Has anyone else experienced this and if so is their something I can do to fix it?
I'm using the standard unrooted rom.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Mine would never do this either.
Go to the mobile network settings and MANUALLY connect to Orange.
Then wait for it to connect and then go back in and choose Automatic.
This fixed it for me my phone now roams.
Did you take out a new contract for your phone? Maybe you need to activate the network sharing again from the tmobile website.
IakobosJ said:
Mine would never do this either.
Go to the mobile network settings and MANUALLY connect to Orange.
Then wait for it to connect and then go back in and choose Automatic.
This fixed it for me my phone now roams.
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Thanks, just tried this but still no joy. Interestingly when I manually connect to "T-Mobile Orange" instead of just "T-Mobile" and then check the roaming status, it still says "Not roaming" - shouldn't it say "Roaming" when I'm on Orange?
Joey2o11 said:
Did you take out a new contract for your phone? Maybe you need to activate the network sharing again from the tmobile website.
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Thanks, I called T-Mobile a couple of weeks ago to check to see if anything needed setup on my account and she said that it was all good to go. I think T-Mobile have removed the ability to opt-in to network sharing as I can't find it anywhere, I think it's automatically enabled for all new accounts.
It's driving me mad as I feel like I'm missing out on something and I can't see any way to fix it :-(
ok i just manually switched to orange and it says i'm not roaming. That's what i'd expect to see as both networks are considered 'home' networks. Maybe you just haven't been in an area with no tmobile coverage??
I had to send a text to T-Mobile (1221 I think) to use the Orange network when I had the HTC HD2. It switched seamlessly when I went out of a T-Mobile signal area.
When I upgraded my phone to the SGSII, there was still no problem switching networks. Admittedly I used the same SIM card, so that might be the switch-over went so smooth.
fred_up said:
I had to send a text to T-Mobile (1221 I think) to use the Orange network when I had the HTC HD2. It switched seamlessly when I went out of a T-Mobile signal area.
When I upgraded my phone to the SGSII, there was still no problem switching networks. Admittedly I used the same SIM card, so that might be the switch-over went so smooth.
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Yeah i remember having to send a text to opt in to the network sharing, though as the OP has pointed out i believe it's automatic now for new contracts.
Thanks all. I've realised that it's simply that my old Hero used to show a roaming icon but the gs2 doesn't. It still flicks automatically from tmobile to orange.
I wish I spotted that before using up your valuable time!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App

